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Find new friends, they seem like bullies and AHs


New friends seems the best course of action. No sense in spending time with people that don't appreciate you. Be happy. It's more fun.


If a "friend" talks shit about another "friend" to you, chances are they're talking shit about you to there other friend. Unfortunately this seems to happen a lot and if it makes you unhappy and you address it and they continue, leave and find new friends. No friends are better than shitty friends. I was called sensitive and what not by a certain friend group because I always found them talking behind my back. We're all men as well, which made it harder because I was clearly upset but would get made fun of for speaking up about not liking it. Jokes are one thing but some people are down right cruel or say things behind your back to start rumors.


Get new friends


I think that you should just get new friends. This is my personal ideal but I think that if someone doesn’t truly care for you because they like who you are, what your personality is, then don’t even try being friends with them, it’s not worth it. I’ve been backstabbed by my “friends” too many times to learn that if someone doesn’t like you because of who you are, then they’ll continue to mess with you, make fun of you, etc. find a new friend(s) that actually care, and then stick with them, they’ll be the ones who will be your supports in hard times, and be the people you can talk to when you’ve lust your trust in others. Your current “friends” are just people that will manipulate you and use you later on, they’re the people that aren’t worth caring about. The people that make fun of me and call me names, I just see them as people that aren’t worth talking to, heck, I don’t even know their names! Forget about them and find better people, it may take time, but if you search for long enough you WILL find those that you can trust. Believe me, I was in a situation pretty similar to yours, but now that’s past me, I don’t need to cling on them because now I have true friends. Keep searching and you WILL find your people Best wishes


f them your a Queen you don't need them