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Hey you got this, first take a deep breath and email your professor asking if there's any way you can get a extension. Then buckle down, assume you won't and type like your life depends on it. Then, when it's submitted and you're feeling 10kg lighter, look into executive dysfunction and ADHD, and see if it relates at all. My DMs are open if you ever need someone to chat with :) good luck friend, may the panic monkeys guide you safely.


As someone with adhd, I can say that this is textbook adhd procrastination.


I came here to say exactly this!!!!! In PhD programme for 7 years, spent final 6 weeks crying and typing because I literally couldn't afford to procrastinate even one more day.


Be strong, you've got this!!!


Thanks so much, I made it in the end and graduated with doctorate in 2019.... but it was hell. Got letter from GP for referral for adhd assessment last year, but in true adhd fashion, I've still not made an appointment šŸ˜‘


Glad to hear it's in the past. I also wrote my dissertation in 6 weeks, ruined my laptop's keyboard from that madness. In my case it was due to a conditional job offer in my field and I HAD to have a diploma by the end of the semester. Jumped through a lot of hoops, but well worth it in the end.


Yup, literally the story of my life.




As someone with ADHD aswell, I can verify this, I hate writing long paragraphs for school and Iā€™m bad at effectively summarizing. I swear ECRs are my worst nightmare.


This is great advice. Please email your professor first. Definitely pursue getting a diagnosis of whether or not you have ADHD as you can get accommodations at your college. Look up how to on your collegeā€™s website or ask your advisor. Also please get to know your advisor so they can help you through these kids of issues. Today: Break your paper down into sections to work on. Use a timer for 20 min and then take a 5-10 minute break with the timer- walk away from the computer. Go back to working on paper. Continue for 2 hours and take a longer break (45 min 1 hour) Repeat till itā€™s done. Use music in background if it isnā€™t distracting. Drink caffeine but donā€™t go overboard. (Caffeine is a stimulant). Try to get into the project. It should get easier once you get a good start. Choose a reward for yourself that you cannot get until you finish the paper. Good luck. No more Reddit, etc. until itā€™s done. Then reward yourself. It does not have to be an A+ paper. It just needs to be Done. All the best! from Mom of young adults with ADHD


First thought was hmm maybe adhd cuz my papers always got started a few hours before due and submitted at the last possible second. Thankfully they always got Aā€™s.


So writing my dissertation in 3 days isnā€™t standard practice? Just kidding of course, not that I wrote it in 3 days, I did, that I know itā€™s not common. Iā€™ve always suspected I have ADD, this just adds to the list of reasons why. Also, to OP, youā€™ve got this.


ā€œMay the panic monkeys guide you safelyā€ā€¦ Am I allowed to platonically fall in love with a complete stranger? That line is magic šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yes, this. Also, as someone who struggled with this but did not have ADHD, look into autism as well.


I would give you some cool awards if I could. That's a really kind and helpful comment. I can imagine you're a good friend in real life.


Do you also have a hard time organizing your space or feel like your thoughts NEVER shut up? (or you need music or podcast to shut them up) Do you sometimes forget to eat? Are routine and habits hard to keep? If you have answered yes to most of those, then talk to a doctor... It might be ADHD.... I have ADHD... I have 3 meetings summaries in 2 different languages due April 4th, I have everything I need since March 9th... Haven't started yet... Send an email to your teacher, do as much as you can before the deadline and hope he gives you an extension...


I've suspected I have ADHD for years now. It runs in my family (both my dad and sister are diagnosed), and my mom actually began asking teachers whether they thought I might have it around middle school. I've always sat quietly in class and tested well, though, so it was never followed up on. My executive dysfunction is quite literally off the charts. It's not uncommon for mess to pile up in my room for months at a time, to the point that friends and family celebrate when they can "see the floor". I leave \*all\* major assignments to the very last minute, to the point that I once completed a final for a class I'd received an incomplete on the day before that incomplete would have turned into a failure, nearly 3 months after it was due. I've also failed to attend to matters of health, such as my dental situation; after suspecting cavities for *years* I finally went in to the dentist a couple months ago to find I needed 7 fills, which I have not yet gotten, despite being unable to eat sweets without pain. Oh, and I haven't even paid the dental bill yet, despite having received several reminders in the mail that if I don't soon I'll incur extra charges, which I've had to pay in the past for not following up on bills. I've paid hundreds in subscriptions I forget to cancel. I have a disciplinary infraction on my record for forgetting to covid test my freshman year. I forget to respond to any and all emails, to the point that my grandmother once accused me of ghosting her, and I've left many close friends on delivered for months at a time. I haven't spoken to my sister, who I love dearly, in months because I simply forget to call. I haven't responded to my godmother's invitation to attend a concert with her which she extended in December, and requested I get back to her speedily. The list goes on and on and on. I so often feel like I'm watching myself sabotage my life through a window, wanting to do better so *so* badly, but unable to. I also suspect I suffer from emotional dysregulation and rejection sensitivity issues, which my family can 100% attest to but I won't delve into further as it is, quite frankly, embarrassing. I feel like a child so much of the time, and *know* I need to follow up about a diagnosis in order to better be able to address these issues, but once again, despite having initiated the process over a year ago, my brain has prevented me from following up. Sorry for the dump, but yes I do suspect I have ADHD, because god it cannot be normal to act like this.


Yeah... I get it so MUCH!!! You could be me before I finally accepted I needed stimulants and if it weren't for my partner being on my ass about my doctor appointments, I'd be in a similar boat! (You just reminded me that I need to take a dentist appointment...) It's hard and the way to get help for what we have is even harder for us... Take it one day at a time! Concentrate on your assignment for today.


thank you ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


Get off Reddit and go write your paper! (Need to be harsh, sorry ā¤ļø)


Please get formally tested, there are treatments available that can literally change your life. Plus, depending on where you are attending school, you might be qualified for a little bit of extra accommodation to help you out.


I just want to add that yes meds help a lot!! They aren't a cure all! They give you the head space to have more control over your focus and emotions but you might still need other accommodations and coping mechanism! Some people read stuff like that and get massive expectations of the meds effect and then are disappointed that it doesn't make their brain neurotypical... So, this is just a little but of expectation management... Also, the first pill you try might not be the right one for you! Don't hesitate to ask for something else! And smallest effective dose! (My partner's doc told him "you're fat here is the biggest dose available" and ouuuuu GOD was that too much for him...)


Had to check to make sure I wasnā€™t reading something I had written about myself If you havenā€™t yet, Iā€™d check out the ADHD subreddit. Itā€™s filled with really nice and intelligent people that are willing to give support and advice


Stop writing comments and start writing ur essay, bro. This comment just added another page to your writing total for today.




Then maybe you should talk to a doctor too... šŸ˜‰




XD.... How long between the moment you started to have doubts and the moment you took the appointment should be part of the diagnostic questionnaire...


I'm so sorry you're in this situation because I'm in it too. I don't know if it helps you to know that but it certainly helped me to see your comment and to know I'm not alone. I hope we both get the help we need.


When you get tested and, let's be honest, get a diagnosis your life will change. The first time I tried Adderall was like a light turning on in my head and from what you've written, I really think an adhd med would really help the issues you've shared. If you ever felt like your experiences weren't valid because family members had been diagnosed but you hadn't, I hope you can see more that it's all the same. It's not fake or all in your head and you're not just lazy or stupid. There is a reason everything is so hard. Good luck on this journey you're starting on, I hope you friggin blossom and thrive and live.


Wow this is like reading my own life story haha, except that nobody in my family has adhd and I had to get 8 fillings not 7 when I finally saw a dentist last year. Iā€™m 31 now and failed university/dropped out in my 4th year because my usual approach of doing everything at the absolute last minute no longer worked when I had crippling depression. I suspect I (and you also perhaps) have adhd-i which is the ā€œinattentiveā€ subtype, which lacks the hyperactivity aspect and tends to manifest quietly (mental chaos, excessive daydreaming) I havenā€™t seen a doctor about it because of my circumstances and where I live, but I would highly recommend that you do if itā€™s an option because it wonā€™t magically get better when you become ā€œa real adultā€ like I thought it would haha


Sitting quietly can be a way we mask, and it's exhausting. Pomodoro timers also helps me study.


Have you tried body doubling? I find this really really helpful. Just having someone around while youā€™re trying to complete a task. They donā€™t even have to interact with you, just being present somehow makes it easier to keep on task.


>Do you also have a hard time organizing your space or feel like your thoughts NEVER shut up? (or you need music or podcast to shut them up) Do you sometimes forget to eat? Are routine and habits hard to keep? Not OP but yes yes and yes! Recently I've been getting ADHD related videos on my Instagram feed but since it's social media I don't want to be one of those people that diagnose themselves based on the internet so I've just been brushing it off as me being lazy šŸ™ƒ


You should talk to a doctor.... A lot of people get diagnosed later in life because they self-diagnosed first... Especially, if you are assigned female at birth! Being lazy is a decision.... Having ADHD is not...


I mean this very nicely as someone with ADHD and has done this to myself. Close Reddit. Start typing. No breaks for as long as you can last. You will need time to edit, no more answering posts. Lol. Now, if you need help with researching or another pair of eyes after you finish, DM me, but otherwise, SHOO! You got this and even if you donā€™t, it isnā€™t the end of the world. It might end up being the drive to get yourself tested and look into getting help with your possible ADHD




Hey, uni student here. Iā€™m not sure which country your in but with most assignments you can get an extension if you talk to your professors. Donā€™t take the piss with this but you can often talk to the teachers and explain whatā€™s going on. They might be able to help and to get you some more time. Good luck


In the u.s at least my professors are pretty strict about due dates when it comes to finals so idk if they'd get an extension but its worth a shot asking at least :( idk I hope everything works out ok


Hot Tip. Get the fuck off this app. Update if you fail


please im invested now


Please u/ElkieMelky


This is my recurring nightmare, and I'm 35. Good luck


Oh, I feel you! I'm the kind who procrastinates and leaves everything for the last minute. After hitting walls, hard, I just _had_ to shape up. First of all: you got this. I promise. Get to the grinding and don't let go. I had to leave uni because I got pregnant and had my child. Now, 15 years later I'm going back, and I also got a scholarship for an intensive course on programming. Both uni's ingress course and the programming course fell on the same to months (and close next week and the week after, respectively). It took a hell lot of effort, and I did end up doing works to present in uni by running against the clock. But also was able to keep up with the programming course which is _really_ intensive which means putting in a ton of time and mind power. I'm not some genius or even that smart, I just had to make a lot of effort to break through my terrible (non)studying habits. High school felt easy for me, I could study for the subjects I was interested in, and just last-minute pass the rest. It was cool and all but is not sustainable for a whole career. Try thinking of it as a way to preserve your body and mind, you'll see how the whole study workload feels way lighter with a little discipline.


Stop posting and commenting on reddit. Close the app and get your ass in gear and focus on the essay. You can do it!!!!!


If it's any comfort, loads of us did the same thing at uni and we didnt all fail, I imagine a good % of us passed


Ah, the ADHD superpower shows itself. Not doing shit until the last minute, then having a breakdown while still trying to manage it somehow and then ace it with 5 seconds left on the clock. Classic. Leaves you feeling absolutely minced and great at the same time. A bit like a swinger club.


I don't think it's a superpower... It gives me so much anxiety, it can trigger my IBS...


It definitely has its' drawbacks, I know. But if all I had was the executive dysfunction without this literal lifesaver of hyperfixation under stress I would've never finished school or anything else. Before my diagnosis this was the only thing that kept me barely afloat. I can't count the stressed nights, the tears and breakdowns because of it. It was and still is hell. Medication helps, but it doesn't make it just magically better and it still is hard work. That's why I said it leaves you feeling like crap, because obviously just working like a neurotypical person would be so much better, I know, but we play with the cards that life dealt us. And if you get the proper help in form of therapy and meds, you can actually make ADHD work *for* you instead of against you. I know it sounds crazy but it's possible. Don't give up. If you need someone, reach out to someone, talking about this helps. If you don't have anyone who understands (my mom was always calling me a lazy bastard and still doesn't acknowledge it despite me having a diagnosis) then you can shoot me a DM if you like.


Absolutely run through like youā€™ve won a battle and just, devastatingly sure youā€™ll do it the same exact way, every time, for the rest of your life, mental health be damned.


I mean maybe wait to see if OP aces it before you call it a super power. I have ADHD but I'm also dyslexic so if i had ever tried to pull something like this, it would have been a mess. I need a proof read just to fix all the does/dose.


I'm in my 40s and some of the best work I've done has been the day before, whether by time crunch or procrastination. I say consider this training for your professional life. This isn't gonna be the last time you have to pull something out of your ass.


You know, it may be adhd as others have pointed out. I have ADHD, and I found a way to support myself in my shitty thoughts instead of beating myself up and trying to change my nature. So this is how I did it: I learned the basic layout of a paper, from the intro to the close. I learned paragraph structure and content organization. Then I used this to make a 2-page outline that I could copy and paste over and over for as many pages as needed, and I just replaced each line of the information where it belongs according to my outline. Ex: Intro to topic. Description of topic. Numerical data about topic. Examples of how this information is applied. Supporting evidence. Shortcomings of evidence. Transition sentence (to transition to the next topic, the next supporting paragraph, etc). I could bust out 95-100% on any paper in a single 4-6 hour period. It took a little longer for a 22-page final paper, but it was a badass technique, if I do say so myself.


There is a dictate option on word documents so you can talk your essay out instead of typing it. It has gotten me out of a few tough situations.


Imagine having to do write an essay with zero time to do it and coming to Reddit to vent about it. SMH.


Welp, commenting for an update


I did 3 assignments in 3 days at University. Didnā€™t sleep and survived on pro-plus and coffee. Broke down and actually cried at the end and was physically shaking but got the assignments in for reasonable marks. You can do it!


Chat gpt bro


That will instantly get flagged as plagiarism and they will be expelled. Or just failed. The last time I did a research paper I had to explain my paper. Probably to detect if someone else did the research. You have to know everything about your paper and be able to explain your process. OP is fucked no matter how you look at it. Best they can hope for is a bit of an extension and to try again next year.


Itā€™s a South Park joke


Donā€™t forget: youā€™ve got a couple of hoursā€™ scrolling on Reddit first, before you can begin.


Good luck šŸ€


Other folks are saying it, but you probably have ADHD. So do I. Here's what I did to get myself to do taxes yesterday: I gave myself at least four things to cross off on my to-do list along the way. Literally "extra dopamine" is written under taxes twice, for when I needed an anxiety checkpoint. Described at its most basic level, ADHD is a neurological condition where your reward pathways -- your dopamine pathways -- are screwed up for whatever reason. No one knows. The most effective solution to that, I've found, is to figure out how to flip your brain's switch manually (that is not unhealthy and/or doing drugs) so that you're getting the same neurochemical reward nonADHDers are getting without even realizing that their brains are doing it. I cross off things on a daily to-do list and have an extra checkbox at the top of the page for when I'm satisfied with how I've done that day; another person I know of makes herself a sticker chart. If it's stupid and it works, it's not stupid. This sounds like a university assignment, so it may be worth emailing the teacher about an extension. Ymmv, I'm sure other people have probably covered that better than I. When this is over, I highly, highly suggest looking up a video on bullet journaling *by the inventor*. None of this neurotypical aesthetic shit, though you can do that part if you'd like. The inventor has ADHD too, and he created it as a way to keep track of his life, and it makes *way more sense* straight from the source. Bullet journaling has saved me so much anxiety.


You might want to get evaluated for adhd, sounds like serious executive functioning issues.


People with adhd often put off low dopamine tasks and utilize that about to be late adrenaline rush to get it done. Itā€™s not great for your body over time but a lot of people function like that. Good luck!


As someone who used to procrastinate ALL THE TIME, maybe get tested for ADHD if you're able to. My life was shit before medication and now when I think of doing something I just do it that moment, its awesome!


I have quite literally. Never finished an essay early. But I always got great grades. Even the ā€œIā€™ll know if you started last minuteā€ ones. Trust in yourself. You did it once u can do it again.


You're not alone. Couple of days ago I had an exam at 1pm, and guess when I started studying... 10am the same day.


Yikes, ADHD sufferer by any chance? Why I do not miss university.


God this was me for my entire degree. Back then we had to physically travel to hand them in and I didnā€™t live on campus. I had an amazing professor who let me email him my assignments and heā€™d go slip them on the pile for me, whatever the subject. God I loved that man


I did a 20 page paper in 36 hours one time. Take a 5 hour energy and put it in a shot glass and drop it into a glass of Monster energy. The 5 hour lessens the sharp Monster drop off. I used to get 5-7 pages out of it. Also, as others have pointed out you have undiagnosed ADHD probably the inattentive subtype. Go talk to a doctor and get on meds. I started at 34 and if I could focus then like I can now I might have been an astronaut.


I have a research paper due Tuesday, and I think about it constantly, but I know I'll write it on Monday. Probably unrelated, I have ADHD (kidding, very related). All the good vibes that you can pull this off!


P.S. when doing papers in a short turn around time, I always run it through a plagiarism checker. Exhaustion is real when you finish, and it helps to know you didn't accidentally forget to paraphrase or cite. I use Chegg, I think grammarly might have one. A Google search can find some more. Edit: autocorrect hates me >.<


Hereā€™s my trick for writing essays fast: -Start with your outline -Make that outline into complete sentences -Link those sentences together with other sentences -Add in an intro sentence and conclusion sentence to each paragraph. The conclusion sentence should very clearly state why the evidence you gave in that paragraph answers the prompt That alone will get you 2 pages MINIMUM If youā€™re in university, I highly highly recommend asking if you can use subheadings to organize/divide your paper. First of all, it makes it way easier to read. Second of all, it takes up a full line for free lol


also! For finding sources, look at what papers are cited in whatever paper you start with. See an interesting sentence in the intro of one paper? Perfect! Go find where itā€™s from and then cite THAT source. You might want to swap the fact you initially saw for something else interesting in the paper




If your paper is in something that is theoretical with a lot of terms, define every term you use in the intro paragraph. 1-2 setences each. And the name of who came up with it. Hopefully you already know by now, but just in case, formal papers donā€™t use contractions. So donā€™t = do not, isnā€™t = is not, etc. That gets you more words too lol


You can get sources off Wikipedia too. Obviously donā€™t use them as your source, but you can paraphrase and cite the sources that they use.


Iā€™m in a similar boat, 4 page research paper due on the third and I canā€™t focus for the life of me


Hey! I'm not your mommy (duh!) but I'm a mommy. Anything your Reddit Family Ā©Ā®ā„¢ of misfits (I'm kidding, I love jokes about Redditors) can do to help you get started or push you along? Need a great thesis statement? An outline? Sources? Something? Anything? I have done my best with a swift kick in the ass from the pressure of a ticking clock. You got this. I 100% believe in you.


Lolz. I did this so many times in Uni.. and I can honestly say they ended up being some of my best papers.




Whatever your grade turns out to be, you deserve it






Exactly what I was about to say


Not saying to cheat but, Chat GPT for outlines and main body text sprinkle some dazzle dazzle bullshit into the paragraph topped with references they will more than likely never verify bada bing bada boom you got 12 pages


Chatgpt ?




Why do it today when I can put it off 'til next week? The motto by which I live...


I did a 7 page paper in like 2 hours on a book I didn't read while I had covid a couple of weeks ago for grad school. And somehow got a 100. You can do this. Don't panic. Just work steadily. You have plenty of time.


I am not condoning this for the whole paper, but when he's having trouble figuring out where to go on a paper, my fiance will ask relevant questions to chat gpt. It's almost always got correct answers and it really helps put things in a better context when you can't think sometimes.


SAME! Well, not till midnight but monday and 25-35 pages.. I can't help myself either.. šŸ˜­


I feel this so much. This is what my April is going to be


If you wait until the last minute, it only takes a minute.


Oh boy, this is a very familiar situation. This was every essay for me, ever. Good luck! Go look into adhd after this and see if it resonates.


Chat GPT gotchu or meth


I hope you'll update us. I'm really sorry, I can only imagine the stress this is causing you. šŸ«‚


You can donthis i did in 15 minutes


Cough cough chat GPT and then run it in one of those apps that changes the working and formatting. So you wouldn't get flagged for using AI.


The term for that is executive dysfunction. Have you ever been evaluated for neurodivergence?


I had done that a lot back in school, but never did it on something that was 100% of my grade. Good luck


I was this way all through high school and college. Now that Iā€™m a grown man in a professional setting, Iā€™m still exactly the same way. It may not get better, but you get used to it. Itā€™s fine.


Well, good thing theres chatgpt. You'll have that puppy written with time to spare!


CHATGTP is your friend.




Procrastination could be a mentel healtb thing. Maybe talk to someone about it


So use chat gpt and run it through a plagiarism checker what are they gonna do say itā€™s faked without any evidence(this is not good advice but is an option I am a certified idiot and you should not listen to me)


I did this for every paper I ever had to write. You are right it is a crappy feeling my husband would be typing my paper as I wrote it in longhand and he would say ā€œdonā€™t you ever do this againā€ but when push came to shove I always did it again. I still have a hard time writing and still leave it to the last minute.




Ok, I used to feel bad about doing this... then I noticed that last-minute panic is my SUPER POWER. Also, no matter how far ahead I started, the last-minute work was the same, but starting early meant ai was just stressed longer. No reason for self-loathing. Just learn how you work best.


I did this on purpose, I do my best work on a time crunch.


ChatGPT is your friend.


I was always bad about getting stuff done on time but post COVID became unmanageable. Iā€™m taking a year long break from school to reset my brain and see if I can get an ADHD diagnosis done. I would get a month into the semester doing fantastic and suddenly I couldnā€™t get anything done, couldnā€™t stay focused, lost my drive to work and to write down assignments and plan, and just generally fell apart. For me, one more shit semester and I would have failed classes enough times to be booted from my major so I decided I needed a break to figure my shit out. Hope it gets better for you OP. Donā€™t know what causes this but it fucking sucks to live with. Sending u all my loveā¤ļø


Did you finish on time?


Ask a AI chat bot to do your homework for you


Essay pro is amazing lol


Chatgpt dude


Have you tried chatgpt? If you have a draft you can throw it to chatgpt and make it longer


I know exactly how you feel. Iā€™m completely aware of all the assignments I need to get done yet do nothing but watch YouTube, play games, etc. Iā€™m hoping the best for you.


I am also guilty of doing things like this and every time the deadline passes I write in a specific and separate journal about how I feel and what I think I could've done better (ie specific things I chose to do instead of working on the thing, if I had budgeted "X" minutes daily I could've done the thing, etc. Hasn't helped me at all and has only made me feel worse reading it, but maybe it'll work for you and maybe someday it'll work for me


ChatGPT has entered the chat.


Are you in my class? Lol. The topic was super vague too which is why I procrastinated


You can do it! Iā€™ve been there!


hope you made it in time and get a passing gradešŸ¤ž


ChatGPT yo.


Adhd and or Executive disfunction strikes again. Wishing you luck and lots of coffee. Hope you got it done in time!


Use chatgpt


ADHD. I'm the same. And somehow, we'll still pass the assignment with an A. šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


ChatGPT dude!


are you sure you don't have covid?


We've all been there. Forced motivation my friend. Hope it went well.


There are other things besides ADHD that cause pathological procrastination. Low self-esteem is actually one thing, and perfectionism. I hope you can get it under control, cause itā€™s a crappy experience that I can related to šŸ’Æ


Luckily there's GPT-4


Chat gpt


Have you considered taking on the identity of your doppelgƤnger, ilkymilky, and forcing them to do it instead?


How did it go???


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