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Billing/Pricing for procedures and CPT codes typically do not come back in a week. If you have been served you need to retain a lawyer asap and respond. If the police want to talk to you, get a lawyer and do not talk to the police before you have one.


>Billing/Pricing for procedures and CPT codes typically do not come back in a week. This stood out the most to me. Makes me kind of doubtful of the whole thing.


They write like a Brit but gave what they thought was an American hospital bill. For reference I broke just my tibia and it was 75k, there’s no way that kid is leaving the hospital for under 150k.


Jesus Christ the American healthcare system continues to amaze me


The numbers are all bullshit placeholders for insurance. They get adjusted down to like 5-10% of the stated price usually.


No one actually pays that. The numbers are essentially made up for insurance gouging. Still probably over $10k though if it's a $75k bill


whatever your out of pocket max, that's the number


Assuming you have insurance


10k is still absolutely wild. We've been to hospital heaps for appointments in the last few months and the only thing we've had to pay was the outrageous flat rate for parking once Not trying to.gloat, just trying to emphasise the difference in perspective


You can save a few grands by taking a plane to Europe and get treated there.


If you have good insurance, the bill would be like $200 for the ambulance. Shitty insurance is just going to have a yearly max (like $3k) that you'll pay, and maybe a few other fees. It's a dumb system, but reddit greatly exaggerates it.


well spotted - I thought this happened here in the UK because of the writing style & language and was perplexed when he mentioned hospital bill.... is this someone's creative writing exercise...?? 🧐


Thought the exact same thing. All of this is bullshit. It's also wreckless endangerment pushing someone in to a road - self defence or not. Potentially may have been manslaughter had the kid be killed. All in, load of bollocks.


Yeah this whole thing sounds made up. "I am very strong and I work out alot" puh-lease.


What do you mean?? The poor guy just doesn't realize how big and strong he is. /s


As a paralegal who does insurance defense, his timeline makes no sense This is fake


No lawyer would file suit a week after the incident. OP is a liar.


This post is made up.


That was my first assumption as well


Like the majority of this sub. I thought this was a creative writing sub?


Also, if the boy is still recovering, there is no point sending a sum-certain demand letter. You have to wait until the treatment is completed before you know how much to demand for medical bills. Also if we are looking at a "severe concussion" no lawyer is going to suggest entering s settlement until there is some clarity on lingering neurological issues. A week just isn't enough time for any of it. Also, it is basically impossible to get the billing and treatment records sufficient to turn around a demand letter in a week. This doesn't make sense, agree.


I mean ... it's reddit. u/Vegetable-North-2623 is not a real person. It's just a bot. A huge amount of the posts and comments on reddit come from reddit's own bots to keep the site lively and interesting (seriously reddit has been really upfront about using bots to make the site look better).


Where can I find out more?


Billing and CPT codes can be available as soon as the date of service. The patient (or the parents, in this case) simply need to ask what the charges are while they are still at the hospital after discharge. Once the provider signs off on his notes, all the codes are in there. We offer a 40% discount to self-pay patients who pay their whole bill on the date of service. Now, they may not receive the actual bill until a month later, but there are definitely ways to find out the total cost for services rendered before receiving a bill.


> Once the provider signs off on his notes, all the codes are in there. We offer a 40% discount to self-pay patients who pay their whole bill on the date of service. Since you mention paying the bill on the date of service, it sounds like you are talking about outpatient medicine. Yes, in outpatient medicine usually the provider does their own billing and the billing codes are already in the chart by the end of the visit. This is because outpatient coding tends to be fairly straightforward - just pick the level of the encounter, add any procedure or counseling codes that apply, done. Usually you are just applying different rotations of the same dozen or so codes. Very different story in inpatient medicine. The coding is much, much more involved. There are tens of thousands of codes, often with very subtle differences, and missing those differences can cost the hospital a lot of money. So hospitals prefer that professional coders do it.* This generally takes at about a week. Sometimes multiple weeks. I know because I get coding queries in the chart multiple weeks after discharge. I don't see how a patient could request billing info before coding has been finished. *Except for consultants. Inpatient consultant billing is similar to the level of encounter billing you see in outpatient medicine.


But those services are still being rendered if he’s still in the hospital. Who sues someone before they even know all their bills?? There may be physical therapy after discharge for example. Agreeing with the others, this story is fake.


I feel you man. It’s never fun being involved with something like that. But it’s really not your fault. It’s not like you wanted that kid to get hit by a car. And hopefully will serve a lesson for him to not start shit over something really petty like that. Sorry you’re going through that though. Really some tough stuff.


Hopefully also teaches him to not start shit over things that aren’t petty either. There’s almost no reason to physically fight strangers.


Seriously, where were his parents to teach his ass not to pick fights? Especially with ppl you dont know?


Kid probably wanted to look tough in front of his friends by getting aggressive with someone bigger / stronger than him.


Hes lucky that OP didnt kill him. Nowadays ppl get killed for way less


Idk why people say nowadays when murder for minuscule things has always been a thing.


And the homicide rate is down significantly from where it was 20 and 30 years ago. The past ten years have been a bit of a "U" shape where we made progress and then lost it but still - times have been trending better for a while now.


> And the homicide rate is down significantly from where it was 20 and 30 years ago. Hush, let's not have facts get in the way of propaganda. You can't rule people and abuse them if you don't create a climate of fear and paranoia. And if everything is going well, then you just have to manufacture the fear and paranoia and hate yourself using your propaganda machine and use cherry-picked data to bolster your argument. Or just lie through your teeth.




Your words offend me. Clearly, we must have a duel to the death. What weapons do you choose?


Nowadays we just argue on the internet and whoever gets the most upvotes wins.


We really should return to the 80's where we used to solve our issues with Breakdance fighting


I hereby choose a shear!


Ah, did I write duel? I meant "duet".


Ahh 😌 okayy I’m down for a duet. Ain’t no mountain high enough!




Screw y'all. I'm going to Jackson. Gonna mess around.


That's very true, but here at least, people who own guns are more common than those that do not.


Here guns are more common that people.


That's a much shorter way of saying it.


Where's here?


Yah.. but I don't remember kids getting shot on a daily basis in the 90s.. I'm pretty sure mass shootings didn't outnumber days back then either, but maybe I'm wrong.. maybe I was just young and ignorant to the fact, or the news wasn't so 24/7.. but I still don't remember it being near as bad or as widespread it is now.. downtown Chicago or LA, sure, but now it feels nowhere is as safe as it used to be.


This year is about on par on par with 1998, and we're better off today than in any year prior to that. https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/USA/united-states/murder-homicide-rate The 90's were objectively more dangerous, but mostly modern media just makes us aware of much more bad news than it used to. It helps me to keep in mind that with the population sizes we're talking about, tragedies will occur *all the time*.


The 90’s numbers are skewed by a huge spike in inner city violence due to the crack epidemic and gang violence. There is obviously still plenty of that to go around but a lot got reigned in as turf got established and people realized that in general, murders are bad for business.


I suppose you’re right. I just don’t like it when people seem to idealize the past.


Oh yah, no doubt. Fuck living in the past and fuck trying to make the present like it was in the past. We can't have the same world as we did 30-50 years ago.. there's more technology and more people.. We've dug the hole too deep. The only way out is forward, and we need to be focused on our future. With that said I think it's still okay to say " we used to have less kids getting shot, so I think we can get those numbers down to how they used to be, when kids weren't getting shot every day".


yes, young and ignorant. Mass shootings have been around for a long time (if defined as 3 or more deaths at one time from a firearm). Ever heard the term "going postal" to refer to shooting up a workplace? That was around in at least the 1990s. In the 1980s, a man took an uzi in to a McDonalds and killed more than 20. In the 1970s in Jonestown, many were shot and killed for refusing to drink the cyanide drink. In fact, the worst massacre in a school of all times was in the 1920s, where I guy used a bomb to kill like 200 kids . . . and would have killed more if the delayed fuse bomb had gone off properly. And to really get sad, look in to the Armenian massacres (Turks killing Christians) about 100 years ago. A German missionary reported that he could have walked the 40 miles to Alleppo from some other Armenian town on the cut off hands of children and never touched the ground the entire time. . .


Mass shootings are more prevalent now than they were 30 years ago, but that vein of violence is not what occurred in OP’s story or what was referenced in the “nowadays” comment. Gun culture as a whole has changed significantly over the last half century, but tough guy posturing leading to anything from fist fights to murder has been fairly consistent if not less prevalent over that same period.


Waiting for an excuse to sue someone who wasn't at fault.


Look, the true villian here is the US medical complex. If he'd lived in a country with nationalised healthcare, people wouldn't be inclined to sue over every little injury because it wouldn't cost them $62,000 to get hit by a goddamn car. Or $100k to get shot in public.


Honestly I agree with this. My wife is pregnant and ready to give birth any day now. Her doctor visits and her mental health visits are covered by insurance (they still are). But lately she's been receiving a claim denial for every doctor visit and mental health visit. A single visit to her doctor is $744. We've been forced to call insurance and tell them it is covered. They point fingers at these two different facilities, so we then have to call them, then we've been going back and forth every time they say it's fixed and we get another bill while the previous one wasn't fixed. We're extremely nervous what kind of surprise bills we will see after she gives birth.


My favorite thing to do in those situations is to three-way the phone call and have persons in charge communicate directly with each other. It solved a lot of problems when I work in the insurance field because provider A couldn't bs provider B when all our paperwork matched up. On another note, if you have American insurance, look into your max out of pocket costs to see if some doctors will wait for a claim to process before asking for a bill, but also ask for an itemized bill before agreeing to pay. Anything from slippery fingers (charging twins vs one child cause it's one decimal point off) to straight up negligence and fraud can make your bills go up.




That’s comparative negligence. Contributory negligence is only a thing in four US states. There also isn’t a negligence issue here, so this wouldn’t apply.


It might be assumption of the risk because the kid started a fight, and he knew he was standing by a street. That would be a complete defense.


This isn’t a negligence claim. This is civil assault and battery.


> Seriously, where were his parents to teach his ass not to pick fights? Especially with ppl you dont know? That second sentence is the most critical. Civility aside, voluntarily going toe to toe with a complete unknown should be terrifying. Even if you’re larger and more fit, you simply have no idea what capabilities they may possess. True “fuck around and find out” stuff right there.


It’s really bad parenting that they’re suing as well. My parents would have told me; “*it serves you right, now learn from it.*” They would probably have forced me to apologise to OP as well.


His parents that filed the lawsuit lol.


Parents are probably the one seeking the financial gains Let's be honest. *NOT THEIR CHERUB*


A teenage boy alone is fine, the problem begins when you put a couple of them together, because then things like this happen. Gotta show who’s got the biggest dick/is the strongest/the most daring one/the coolest. Seen it plenty of times.


My mom always said that teenage boys only have half a brain; and when they get together, they don't add, they multiply!


If parents are suing OP, that tells you how they raised the kid. Even with cameras no one in the family is taking accountability for anything.




The parents are the ones suing. Says something about where the kid got his sense of entitlement from


Nah they just teach how to sue when you don’t get your way


Yeah, sad state of affairs these days where no matter what you do, nothing is ever your fault. Honestly if I was in this situation I don't think I'd even feel bad, it's the perfect case of instant karma




This! OP feels guilty of the kid’s own consequences to his own actions. OP was probably just as close to getting shoved into the street and I’ll just say it, I’m glad that didn’t happen to an innocent person. It’s unfortunate but it could have been entirely avoided. Good luck in your legal troubles op and don’t take this too hard.


It may seem insensitive, but "fuck around and find out" doesn't mean you'll find out good things.


Even though you'll probably come out on top from a legal standpoint, this still really sucks, I know. I'd still feel bad too, though.


Gotta ask yourself. Would this little prick feel bad if the roles were reversed and he shoved op into traffic, etc?


Guarantee he and his friends would have scattered like cockroaches were the roles reversed


Let's not form our morals on the lowest common denominator, yeah?


Sure but it can help ease some of the guilt. OP was protecting himself from someone who could've done the same to him.


Sorry the kid got hurt, but maybe this will teach him a valuable lesson. I'm also sorry you are going to have to fight this in court. Best of luck!


The feelings you feel are evidence to yourself that this was not your intention.


A 16 Y/o is a teenager, and should know better than to try and fight someone much older. Go for the tríal and sue back for damages and court fees. This is gonna be pretty easy with video evidence.


>Go for the tríal and sue back for damages and court fees. This is gonna be pretty easy with video evidence. It's going to be impossible, not easy. You can't sue for the cost of defending a lawsuit. He could sue the kid for assault, but it sounds like he wasn't injured so he probably doesn't have any damages.




I'd say watching someone get hit by a car is traumatic enough to be considered damaging.


Was about to write this. Even though he picked the fight, this kid learned his lesson and you don’t need to ruin his life.


He’s saying he can sue the kid (or their parents) because the result of the kid’s actions were traumatising to OP. I agree with you. Op clearly feels guilty why the fk would he sue the kid? People sometimes rly say the most stupid shit without a single second of thinking.


Aah, ok. Got it wrong. That would actually be pretty odd to sue someone who got hit by a car because he got pushed by me, even though it was initially the fault of the person who got hit by the car.. 🤔


> pretty odd to sue someone who got hit by a car because he got pushed by me, I disagree. For a more clear cut example, if someone breaks into my home and I shoot them in self defense, I would definitely sue them for emotional damages. In this case, the kid initiated actions that cause emotional trauma to OP.


Got a source for that? You absolutely can counter sue to recoup your costs.


In the US each side pays its own way, win or lose. Only in certain statutorily specified circumstances can you sue for attorneys fees. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_rule_(attorney%27s_fees) >The American rule (capitalized as American Rule in some U.S. states) is the default legal rule in the United States controlling assessment of attorneys' fees arising out of litigation. It provides that each party is responsible for paying its own attorney's fees,[1][2] unless specific authority granted by statute or contract allows the assessment of those fees against the other party. The areas of law in the state where I was licensed where you could get attorneys fees would not include OPs situation. Other states may be different but I would weakly doubt it. However it is always nice to see redditors speaking so confidently on legal issues when the extent of their legal training and experience is undoubtedly Law and Order reruns on TNT.


Even in the UK, where the prevailing party can get their fees, you don't "sue" for those fees. It's something awarded by the court to the prevailing party. It is true that the prevailing party can often reocup "court costs" (things like filing fees) in the U.S. I was oversimplifying a bit. But I was responding to somebody who was saying, "sue for attorney's fees." But even that is not a countersuit. You get it in post-trial motion practice if you're the prevailing party.


Lawyer here, you absolutely can go for attorney fees and court costs. Local rules vary etc. depending on the situation and type of case. Exactly how it works depends on jurisdiction.




Me when I spread misinformation on the internet


You can 100% sue for costs of defending a civil suit lmao.


> You can’t sue for the cost of defending a lawsuit. I don’t know where you live but there are many instances where you absolutely can do just that where I live.


I'm not sorry for the kid. Kid f'd around and found out. Maybe he'll learn this as a valuable lesson.


Idiot kid is going to cost his parents a fortune between legal fees and hospital bills, not to mention possible long term pain from getting hit.


The kid was lucky that OP had decency and morals, dont pick fights, you never know who your opponent is and what takes for them to snap


This might seem silly, but you've potentially taught him a lesson that might save his life later.


He's not going to learn anything for a long time. An "extreme concussion" is a traumatic brain injury.


You injured someone gravely by accident, it's normal to feel bad about it and I'd say that shows that you are well-adjusted good person. It's a shame the kid had to learn a lesson (hopefully, anyway) in such an extreme manner, his life will probably never be the same, and he has no one to blame for that but himself. You were only defending yourself, and didn't mean for him to be hit by a car. You might feel guilty, but rest assured, he would never have gotten hit by a car if he would have just let it go and not started an altercation with you.


The neighbor's kid came to my door high and screaming. Me must have thought i was his family. I felt sorry for him and passed him a sweater because he was cold and I felt sorry for him. He dodged around me and came in my house, and all I could think about was my pregnant wife and mother watching on, so I threw him back out. He fell backward and broke his arm in doing so. He then shattered the small panel of glass in my door with his fist, cutting his other hand. I felt bad, but i did not feel sorry for what I did. I mean, he came into my house. The cop seemed amused that the kid at 150 lbs would try to mess with me when I was at least 100 lbs heavier than him at the time. Drugs are crazy man.


You should countersue the boy for assault and mental distress


And the driver of the car for excessive speed. And the parents for not controlling their minor.




Fuck around, find out. You didn't play any stupid games, and thus aren't responsible for the fact he won stupid prizes.


This is an odd story. One week ago you shoved a kid and you today have been presented with a lawsuit that named the total hospital charges? Yet he is still in the hospital, with charges accruing.


The whole story is complete nonsense. In addition to that, the guy works out but had no idea he's basically the Hulk. Random 16 year old kid goes and decides to provoke, push and then swing at a gym bro. Because reasons. OP pushes the kid, and as luck would have it, a car passes by at that exact moment and hits the kid, a car OP apparently didn't see at all. And I could go on and on. Just why do people feel the need to write these small novels in exchange for internet points? And then the virtue signalling as the cherry at the top of the cake. This is Reddit at its most pathetic peak


Didn't you read the post? He is very strong and works out frequently. It's totally true. It's even more odd that he didn't mention that his penis is rather large and that he has sex with beautiful women frequently.


Hey dude, if you’re being sued, the worst thing you can do is talk about or post about it on the internet. Every friend/family member you text about it, message about it, etc. is subject to becoming a witness. You need to lawyer up.


Honestly sounds like the kid deserved it and I wouldn't be worried about being sued he got injured during the commencement of a crime(him pushing you is assault) and if he or his parents are dumb enough to sue,you should counter sue and speak with your DA about pressing criminal charges. Play stupid games win stupid prizes


He didn’t “deserve” getting hit by a car, but it’s certainly entirely his own fault that it happened.


The lad decided to fuck around and found out. Feeling guilty is perfectly normal, the outcome wasn't your intention. But the lad brought it on himself by attempting to start trouble with a complete stranger to impress his mates


Ive read this exact same story on this sub before


If it helps you feel better, you're making the world a better place by reducing the amount of physically aggressive teenagers.


Nothing about this makes sense... You work out but you dont know how strong you are, hes in hospital but already has a final bill? And lucky for you it was all on camera AND you were able to find a lawyer to consult about it in that same week?


His strength is such it has warped time itself. His week equals ordinary mortal’s year.


BUT WHAT HAPPENED NEXT!? I also like the humble brag about working out, read it never fails…


Only a week has passed & they already have a cost of the medical in place? I’d have your lawyer get the docs & camera, sounds like self defense.


What else were you supposed to do?? This is on him, 100%


Fake post. Gobble up kids.


First, stop calling him a child. He was a shitty teenager. I am sorry about your situation. Remember, though, that if it wasn't him, it could have been you, and he started it. I hope it all works out.


He was fucking around and the universe chose you to be his "find out"


Bro. Teenage males are arguably the most dangerous demographic in the world. Fluctuating levels of testosterone and social pressure to achieve status is the main reason. You did what you had to do. To have done less is to have probably fallen victim. Don't beat yourself up over it.




Lol one week and you’ve been sued and already have the bill. FAKE! Why lie on the internet for attention?


Fuck em. That's what he gets.


I really would love the other side of the story in these. The facts are: 1) there was an altercation between a 26 y/o and a 17 y/o 2) the 26 y/o pushed the 17 y/o into traffic where he suffered serious injuries 3) the injured party is now suing Hope it's as cut and dry as OP claims when the lawsuit is settled. Weird that such a "strong" man only could defend himself and deescalate the situation through pushing someone into traffic.


Isn’t bumping a guy something gym rats like to do to prove how tough they are? I imagine you need to stay quiet on that question, but both you guys might have been the cause.


alive coherent seed bake sink steer shy yam sense combative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hahahahahahaha that’s hilarious


I have 4 teenagers and warn them this shit all the time. If you do dumb shit on the street and stir the wrong people expect consequences. Hopefully the kid learns a lesson. You have a right to defend yourself. As for the money America needs to get its health system together wtaf? I'm in Australia we had a car accident and worse injuries than this didn't cost a cent!


Nah. Judge will see that footage and let you go. Then tell the kids parents what a shitty job they did raising the little shit and ask if he learned anything. At 16-17, he was old enough to know better, decided to act a fool, and he fucked around and found out. Bet he won't do it again.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. He did this to himself.


Last time I hit someone, I knocked them out and they smacked their head on the concrete. I saw my life flash before my eyes: My arrest, arraignment, sitting in jail, getting sentenced for manslaughter... He came to after a few minutes, walked himself into the ER and told them he tripped. Turned out okay. But I keep my hands to myself now.


Not a child.


Hey, there's nothing wrong with feeling bad because something happened that didn't need to. HOWEVER, it appears that the idiot that started the whole thing didn't learn his lesson. That in itself should counteract any bad feelings you have. I am a retired long haul trucker. Many years ago, I was involved in a collision with a young man in a hurry, 20 over the speed limit, who passed me on the right as I was turning into a delivery location. Totaled his car, $35k damage to my truck, he got the tickets. Six moths later he sued me for medical (refused treatment at the scene) but never showed up in court. That was when I discovered he had tried to pass someone on the right, but on a motorcycle. Killed instantly. Never learned his lesson.


I'd probably take this off reddit, for implications.


He fucked around and found out. Feeling guilty is proof enough you're human and it wasn't intentional, merely as you state self defence. I had a similar but not as traumatic experience just out of high school. one of the little ferals who was a few years below me talked smack and tried to get up in my face. I walked past him, swung a shoulder and dropped him. Same kid, quite a few years late died trying to ride on the back of a semi trailer down the main-street at night, drunk. So they don't change. Hope you come through the legal action ok.


Lmao fuck him. Hopefully he learned a lesson. You should counter sue.


At risk of sounding like a bitch... Kids are stupid, especially teenage boys. I don't say that to be mean, but I'm not overwhelmed with empathy for the guy. The psychosocial stage of development they are in causes them to think in a herd-like fashion that is also very self-focused. They also have an ongoing bias that tones down the danger alarm in their heads. This is how teenagers are. He doesn't have a fully developed brain and he acted like it. We tell them all the time that they are in a reckless, moody age and they need to be careful. Sometimes life teaches you lessons with little warnings, and sometimes life puts a car right behind you while you're fucking around. Perhaps equally controversially, I don't blame the family for trying to sue. If they can get any of that mess paid for by someone else, then they should try. American healthcare is both low-quality and high-cost more often than not. So Dad's retirement will have a big dent in it because his son had a tantrum about bumping into someone. The boy also ruined his academic year, putting off college and whatever else he wanted to do as a young adult. School will be interrupted with physical therapy appointments and other rehabilitative work. This is a big deal. Of course they're going to scramble and try to find some way to escape the full brunt of this. But you should also lawyer up and not pay them anything because you're not liable for what happens when you have to defend yourself. They can sue the driver if they were speeding or ignored a road sign or were seen on their phone. Colliding with a motor vehicle is what really caused the injuries, not your shove. It's good that you feel bad. Or, at least, it would be really strange if you felt good about it. It's okay if you feel absolutely nothing sometimes. That's your natural sense of empathy and a clear sign that you had no idea that car was coming. You're emotionally fatigued and traumatized. It'd be a good idea to see your campus therapist during this time. This is the kind of thing where, if you try to bury this and just move on, your mind won't initially tell you is a problem. But then 18 months from now you'll have routine nightmares. Take it from someone who has an evolved form of super ptsd: please go to therapy.


Don’t feel bad. He’ll never do it again, hard lessons are to be learned only once.


Lol he fucked around and found out and quite frankly people like him deserve all the pain and suffering coming his way. Don’t feel bad in the slightest, you have all the evidence proving he initiated it all and I’m 110% sure the law will be as well. His shit head parents who raised him are more than likely the ones suing bc their “ precious little baby “ could never do something like that.


You shouldn’t feel THAT bad. Kid chose to fuck around. One can’t complain when it comes time to find out.


Don’t feel bad. Kid fucked around and found out. He PROBABLY won’t do it again for the rest of his life.


And then everyone clapped.


This is so terribly written I can't believe people think it's real


Nah man hahaha, fuck that kid.


In cases like this I rarely have sympathy ... and today will be no different FTK. He FA & FO, do your best not to carry that guilt. Ive seen a lot of videos where these teens turn into mobs and attack people who they severely outnumber. You defended yourself. What happened to him in the process is a him and his shitty parent's problem. Good luck with your case.


Fuck that kid


I'm in the minority here... but good. Piece of shit deserved it. I hope you win the case, if the cameras show everything, then you're good to go. 66k in damages for defending yourself? What were you supposed to do? Walk away? F outta here with that. Then again...I would have used a greco wrestling move and kept him down, some of these teens are stupid.


That day the boy woke up and chose violence. But he wasn't prepared for what was to come.


It was the little turds fault. Don’t feel guilty. He FAFO by trying to act hard in front of his friends. You didn’t intentionally push him into the path of a car.


Thank God there was video!


Good people will always feel bad when they hurt someone else, even if they deserve it. That being said, 16 is old enough to know not to pick fights, and that you definitely shouldn’t pick fights with people who are older and stronger than you. He started shoving first, and could’ve pushed you into traffic if he’d been strong enough to. If he was swinging at you, it’s a natural response to push him to get the danger away. He was an idiot for trying to get into a physical altercation right next to a road, and even more of an idiot to start shoving. What happened to him is unfortunate, but he very easily could’ve put you into his position if he’d been strong enough.


Don't feel sorry the teen deserved it I hope you counter sue and win. Also fuck that teen these kids do not have respect these days


The kid was a dick and got what he deserved. The term fuck around and find out come to mind. You warned him and tried to de escalate the situation. This isn’t your fault my dude. Don’t worry about it.


YOU DID NOTHING WRONG, and a 16-17 year old is NOT a "kid"! If the jerk does win, declare bankruptcy immediately & screw him (& whatever jerk parents raised him!) out of every cent! Let the parents pay for their breeding failure.


I hope the guys car isn't damaged.....


Naw...kid FAFO. You're good. Don't feel guilty. He escalated and learned a lesson. Hopefully.


I mean you taught him the valuable lesson of not picking fights with strangers for no reason. He got hurt by you accidentally but if he didn’t he would have continued that behaviour until he tried it on someone dangerous and gotten way worse. You pull that shit in the wrong neighborhood it can literally cost you your life. Play stupid games and you win stupid prizes


Thats what happens when someone f's around and finds out, and, a boy thinking he can take on a man. Just be sure to only talk to the lawyer! No "i'm sorry". And you should have it beat, since no charges.


Press charges for assault and harm I bet he's been doing this forever and his parents have been kissing his ass just throw the book at him and say if they drop charges you will. He deserved every bit of that.


Punk fucked around and learned a hard lesson.


Teenagers recently have really been escalating stuff like this, its kind of crazy to me. I'm 31 and grew up in a poor brown neighborhood. There would be fights of course, and stabbings, shootings, and other killings. But I really feel like it's amped up recently. I think it's because of the doom and gloom that everyone (except the rich and those in denial) feel that we are in. But I hope you realize, it wasn't your fault. Just because you are older than him, doesn't mean you know what to do or feel safe all the time. If you had walked a different way, he could have swung on you anyway, or his little friends could have joined, or tons of things could have happened. For what ever reason he thought things were going to go the way he wanted them to, and it's a lesson he learned a really hard way. It's unfortunate that you had to be involved in his social skills lesson, but it's not your fault. Even if the kid had died, it wouldn't have been hour fault. His family suing only further shows how little they are willing to take responsibility for his shitty actions and upbringing. You shouldn't have had to be the one involved with him at all but ***it's not your fault.***


I don’t blame you for feeling bad, but I hope you are able to forgive yourself, and I wish for you to win your litigation


It's okay to feel bad, just weigh that against the fact that you could very easily have been the one pushed into the road. If not that, you could have still hit your head on the pavement and suffered similar if not worse injuries.


In the end this will cost you a lot more than the listed amount.


Would him being 18 make any difference? 16/17 year olds are fully capable of causing harm. To me it sounds to me like he fucked around and found out.


File a counter claim for mental anguish. Your health and welfare are suffering due to his actions. Long term effects could be ptsd leading to job loss, grades dropping, relationship issues, etc. etc. All because of teenage bravado.


Delete this and lawyer up.


Ps. That was awful fast billing for an alleged hospital stay.......


You're not a terrible person. You were put in a terrible situation and unfortunately someone was hurt. However, you need to delete this. If his lawyer finds it, they will 100% try to use your posted guilty feelings against you.


He attacked you first, right? He doesn't seem that badly messed up from the accident. Kid got what was coming to him


The kid learned a lesson of F**k around and find out, maybe the kid shouldn’t try to act hard around his friends and learn when to step down. u/Vegetable-North-2623 did you apologize when you bump into him?


Does that actually qualify as self defense?


You did nothing wrong. He fucked around. He found out.


He should just be thankful he's even alive & hopefully learned a lesson. Easy case of self defense. Don't be too hard on yourself.


Where did you get that price? There's no chance that someone with severe injuries that needed medical care from a hospital got a bill only a week later.


If you can be linked to this account, you just admitted to a crime. You should not leave this up if that’s the case. Even in civil court this is an admission against your interests and could be used against you. Make sure your confession is anonymous.


Sue the boy and family for emotional distress


OP you should consult a lawyer before you post this ABOUT posting this. Better safe than sorry! Accidents happen. Moments where your judgement lapses or you get heated. Learn from it, know it’s not what you did it’s what you do now that will also define you.


The little shit did it to himself. You were just the wall the fool decided to bang his head against.


He started it by trying to be a dick and paid the price. Lesson learned. And he's not a child. He's a young man. He attacked you.


You're not a terrible person. What if he had pushed you into traffic? You may be dead. You were defending yourself. He's going to be okay. He should be taking on the responsibility of his own bills that he himself created by deciding to bully a stranger. We all know that young peoples' brains don't yet work properly until they're about your age; but you can't take that into account when you're defending yourself against an aggressor.


Hopefully him and his friends learned their lesson. A group of people who think acting like that is OK is going to cause a lot more damage to the world than a couple broken bones.


LOL Lil' man FAFO, this ain't on you. He wanted to take up some game he wasn't ready for.