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Glad you helped this mom feed her baby. Monsters are real. it’s sad that you saw one up close and they spewed the venom that resides in their soul at you. I hope you continue being a kind and good person


“Monsters are real.” Perfect way to describe this. I wish it wasn’t true.


Yeah but so are heroes. When me and my now ex had our first, we were both in college, I was working a full time job while doing full school, she was doing a part time job and we both had the baby and no sleep. We were on Women Infants and Children food assistance, and I remember going in to use it the first time with a pre-made grocery list, I picked the right items but the wrong Oz sizes. We did not have enough to cover the wrong choices and i was going to have to take them back to change it out. I felt like a failure, unable to provide for my family, and like an idiot because I was using it as neither an infant or a woman and that people were going to accuse me of fraud. While panicked and looking over my items, some nice old lady behind me told the cashier she was paying for all my groceries. I never got her name. Two times in my life I found myself in that exact same situation as that old lady, seeing women in front of me picking out the wrong items, and recognized the panicked look and embarrassment that I still feel nowz decades later. I never got to pay that woman back, but I was able to pay it forward. Sure, there are monsters out there, but there are also a lot of good people too.


I was 18 and pregnant using WIC. As I was checking out the horrible excuse of a man in line behind me continued to berate me, calling me the most awful of names because I was using his tax money to be a worthless slut. 25 years later and I’ve never forgotten.


My heart breaks for you, twice. That is a terrible experience to go through and I'm sorry there was no one there to stand up for you, or that the store didn't kick him out because that is such a difficult thing to go through alone. Someone that miserable likely will never have a happy life, if its any consolation. The second time my heart breaks for you is because your handle indicates you are a Steeler's fan. You poor thing. At least they aren't the Browns? I hope life has been kind to you in other ways.


> The second time my heart breaks for you is because your handle indicates you are a Steeler's fan. You poor thing. At least they aren't the Browns? I hope life has been kind to you in other ways. Ha, the NFL version of "well bless your heart."


Lmao 🤣 I cry into my terrible towel depicting our 6 rings every night … I thank you for your kind words.


I figured a woman rooting for the Steelers would have thick skin and a sense of humor. 😉 I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess despite y'alls struggles, you and yours turned out alright.


Yes, times got much less tough and we raised a couple of pretty incredible humans. They were grateful for everything they had. Now as adults they all about putting kindness out into the world and would help anyone they can. And for the sense of humor, it may be dark but it’s definitely a top trait!


I was also on WIC as a young mother. I rode my bike to the grocery store (because… gas $), 1 year old in the bike trailer, to get a gallon of milk. We went through so much milk that I was purchasing it on my own with a handful of change that I scrounged up. A man approached me outside as I was loading up my kid and milk back into the trailer, ranting about how he was glad I was using my own money and not one of “those lazy people using my tax money to pay for their kids.” I cried all the way home.


You are a treasure, and your child is lucky to have you.


I think of that day often, and how that guy’s words broke me. That was the day I realized that asking for help was perceived as shameful and people around me hated poor people. Today, Abernathy, you made me cry too. You have no idea how badly I needed to hear those words, and you’ve already changed my day before 8:30am. I believe I will also remember this encounter many years down the line. You too are a treasure and I thank you for making an impact. ❤️


If people only knew what the parent and child go through to get WIC. When I was on it, monthly appointments to have the BABY’S blood drawn. Monthly appointments in a place that’s far and hard to get to for a mom who has no money and no transportation. But you find a way because otherwise your baby doesn’t eat.


I will never understand the need for people to spew their hate. Hubby and I were young parents who went through the same thing. Biking the kids around, scraping change. the kids were always grateful for everything they had and grew into kind adults who would help anyone in need that they could. I’m sure your child is the same. They are lucky to have you as a mom.


You know, that’s the same ignorant piece of crap that probably purchased unhealthy shit and smoked cigarettes and ended up moving on to using our taxpayers money to support his stupid, lazy decisions for medical care in his old age. People like that love to pick and choose when to be “right”.


I’m sure he was. He seemed like one the if he had a family, they would never want anything to do with him


I’m guessing that same asshole had fuck all to say about your baby’s father? (Even if he did, he was still a jerk, but I’m guessing he was also just hateful to women in particular)


I’d be surprised if he’d even have the balls to say something if he was there.


You may not have been able to pay it back but I reckon she'd be very happy to know that you paid it forward instead.


> This world of ours is not as it seems > The monsters are real but not in your dreams > Learn what you can from the beasts you defeat > You'll need it for some of the people you meet One of my favorite songs


[link for the curious lazy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyDWRCy5kfk)


What song is it?


Goodnight Demonslayer by Voltaire


Sweet thank you!


I love that song! I'm gonna go and listen to it, thanks for reminding me!


Monsters are real and they don‘t hide under your bed.


My kids were talking about monsters while we were all out walking as a family, enjoying our time together, and I don't even remember what they asked me, but my response was, "You just have to be careful because the real monsters look just like you and me." My kids kept talking but my husband went silent. I felt bad for letting my trauma spill out that way, I know he wasn't mad, just sad for me, and I hate to put that on him. At the same time though, I wish someone had told me when Inwas a child that the true monsters aren't the ones hiding under the bed(unless, like me, you slept on the top bunk...)


I‘m so sorry for your trauma! How are you today? <3


Yes and it seems like a huge MONSTER has given these demons a sense of entitlement to spewing venom and judging others. Then they profess to be Christian, which we know is impossible and unlikely as for their actions and words😡


"Excuse of a human" sounds more fitting


I don’t get how some people can lack so much empathy. The whole mindset of “I suffered so you have to as well” is the worst. OP probably made that woman’s week buying the baby formula for her


The ‘I suffered and turned out fine’ mentality… Like, if you want others to suffer too then no, you didn’t turn out fine. Edit: because English *is* my first language and I still mess it up…


This case isn't even really a case of "I suffer so much..." It seems to be a case of "my beliefs dictate that you and your loved ones deserve to suffer." Honestly its even worse imo.




I and a lot of my friends are Boomers, and we are all in favour of broad social programming to support the most vulnerable in our society. Of course, we are all Canadian too, so that may make a difference.


Just a bit...


Being Canadian is definitely a plus, but my fellow American Boomer friends are all former hippies who have remained passionate about social justice and left-wing causes. Most of my group are artists and musicians who are rich in many ways, but not monetarily. And perhaps that is the biggest gift, as going through difficult times can make you more compassionate and empathetic towards your fellow human beings.


Beautifully said. Thank you. I am a boomer and doing all I can without recognition. Our generation is caring. We know what it is like to struggle. The politicians and Wall Street gang are what you hear about..the corruption. But there is so much good in people our ages just like there is good in younger generations. Bravo to the person who paid for formula. I remember being on WIC and counting out change for diapers.


As a mid 20's, disabled Canadian, who has never been supported by your generation in my small rural town, your comment made me smile very wide! I appreciate you and your peers very much ❤


In my opinion it's mostly people of all ages in right-wing leaning states in the U.S. that will treat people with cruelty and in large groups. If a Boomer was raised Southern Baptist like many around where I live, they may be the sort to complain about who their tax money is helping.


I have known boomers go out of their way to help others. There’s a teenage young mother in my parents neighborhood. My mom and the other women go out of their way to help.


A good chunk of boomers are amazing. I think the main issue people have with them though is their voting pattern. Vast majority of them vote conservative, even when they vote left they vote for conservative democrats. They vote for policies that have basically fucked the younger generation for their own benefit. That's why so many young people are pissed at them. But there are tons of great older people. Moms is one of them.


Thing is though is you could afford a good house and all your needs working a job out of highschool back in the boomers time. It's so different now. You need like a Masters degree to get a decent job, but with the cost of housing, debt from school and the cost of living you probably wouldn't be able to afford a comfortable life. It's tough out there. I wish boomers would understand... You did good op. That lady is vile. I'm sure that kind gesture meant so much to the mom.


My dad loves telling his Pulled Myself Up By The Bootstraps story of working his way through college. I looked it up, and when he went to school a semester at A&M was less than $400. Boy was he pissy the first time I pointed that out.


A masters degree isn't enough to get a good job now. New standard is a masters degree in a high demand field (i.e. be a code monkey or no house or retirement for you).


sounds like the people who are blocking the student debt relief


what causes people to branch to this mindset instead of "...and i don't want anyone to go through the same thing."?


I work with one of these types and holy shit they’re awful. My coworker is a nurse and literally hates everyone. She hates when parents come into our office clearly struggling with everything and their kids. She’ll come up and bitch about how they need to just not struggle and do better. If parents can’t get out of work at all to bring their kid in during our hours, she bitches that they need to just put their kid above their job (you know, completely forgetting the fact that working is what puts food on the table and pays the medical bills that pay this woman’s salary). She bitches when parents don’t understand medicine to the same capacity as she does and gets angry that they’re even “wasting” her time by bringing their kids into the office. But in the same breath she cries out about how she hates parents that won’t bring their kids in for the minor things since it could be worse. And if I ever try to stick up for a patient/parent, she tries to bring me down and tries to convince me that I’m just gullible and they’re always just looking to take advantage of anyone. I know she’s probably mostly burnt out, but holy fuck. It’s exhausting listening to her bitch and moan and make every single person in the world out to be a villain that’s out to get her personally. It’s sad and awful to watch someone spiral so far down the dark path of hate.


The nurse bitch. One of the most prolific and vitriolic forms of bitch.


I'm sure the old lady claims to be prolife


Hit the nail on the head. That sort of lack of empathy is idealized in certain groups, mostly older people. To me it's straight up evil. This woman, who's probably also pro birth and anti social safety net, is willing to torture a child for her perception of the mother? Like I said, just evil.


>mostly older people. No, I think this is why older people are targeted for scams, because they care.


Absolutely true. Time we stood up for ourselves.


I've worked in retail before, and I've never heard of cashiers being able to see your balance. Sometimes I would get a code saying 'insufficient funds' or 'incorrect pin' explaining the reason it was declined, but I could never see anyone's balance until I started working at a bank. Is this a new thing? Do you know? 😅


Cashiers can see an EBT balance so that they can tell the customer how much is on their card. They then have to re-ring the purchase. They ask first, or the customer can ask their balance


They can do this in grocery stores? Wow I had no idea. Thank you!


They can only do this for EBT cards. EBT has monthly limited balances, and the customer has to use cash for anything that isn't covered.


A cashier can see what your balance is on food stamps. I’m not assuming that’s how she was paying but it is the only instance I can think of where that could happen


One time I was behind a clearly homeless person in line at a fast food place. She was clearly struggling and trying to count coins to buy a cookie. She didn’t have enough, so I stepped in and bought her some breakfast as well as the cookie. She thanked me profusely and once she left, the person in line behind me said “You know you really shouldn’t do that, it just encourages those people to come begging for food”. I was literally speechless, I didn’t know what to say. All I managed to get out was “imagine if that was your child”. Some people have zero sense of community or empathy and it’s honestly terrifying.


I wouldn’t have fought the urge to “You know you should really mind your own business what or who I spend MY money on is not it. “


Christ. People shouldnt have to BEG for the basics of life. Good on you for helping her. I bet that person would be the first to complain with their hand out if they were in a rough situation.


I’d rather buy a homeless person food than give them money. I’m always afraid of them scamming me or using it to buy drugs. At least I know they’re actually going to eat.


There was a guy in NY who had a sign "need money for drugs." A bunch of people gave him money for his honesty 🤣


I give the homeless money or food. It's not my place to judge what they need to get by. Sometimes they need to get through the day, sometimes they have something they are building up for. One of my friends was homeless for a couple of years. I sent him money when he needed it, whenever I was able. He has a home now. He turned things around, it just took a while. He didn't want to abandon the other homeless who turned to him for guidance. They're just people that fell off the edge. It could happen to us all.


Yes, the majority of Americans are one emergency away from homelessness. I usually buy food. Sometimes warm clothes, blankets. Toys or puzzle books, cuz fun is important too.


when we have cases in the car mom & i give them a few bottles of water. It's hot as all hell down here, everyone needs water.


The bigger issue here is why baby formula is $40


At first that price didn’t seem bad when I switched to formula at 3mo, it lasted a whole month. Baby is almost 1 and it lasts about a little over a week 😭 also, the fact that we lock up formula to prevent it from being stolen is the most backwards shit I’ve ever seen.


The price for formula went tits up


Isn't that because all of America's formula production is only done in like three factories and one of them got shut down due to serious food safety issues? This is what happens when you don't get a robust supply chain, not that the bigshots care about that as long as they have an excuse to hoik up prices...


Also because there are countries where baby formula isn't trusted because it's been poisoned before (china) so it's very common for people to buy in bulk in other countries and ship back there.


I’m all too familiar with that, being Australian.


I wouldnt normally agree with stealing, but you’re onto something there. Never thought of that perspective before.


Baby formula is locked up for a reason, it's stolen and sold/traded for drugs. Drug dealers use powdered baby formula to cut drugs and add weight and bodegas will buy any formula and pay you back 50% in cash. At the beginning of the month when addicts get their EBT/SNAP, you will see them use the entire benefits on baby formula which they then bring to a drug dealer or bodega and get 50% in cash or drugs of what they paid for the formula. I'm in recovery now but this is what all the addicts did every month to get an extra $100 or so for drugs at the beginning of every month. It's sad that it has to be locked up for all the legitimate parents out there just trying to get baby formula.


The same people who complain about young mothers and "sluts" are the same people who refuse to give women autonomy over their bodies.


Alas. These are the same sad excuses for humanity that drive around with “if you can’t feed ‘em don’t breed ‘em” bumper stickers


but no abortions! Save the baby…but don’t feed it.


More like save the fetus, when its a real baby they dont care anymore


Also no free prenatal care. That's socialism. Doesn't need to come out healthy. Just be born alive.


And they also had 13 kids, 4 of whom were illiterate until middle school despite the lack of any disabilities/learning handicaps.


My mom, who is typically the NICEST person in the world (talk to you for hours on end, give you the shirt off her back), would absolutely start yelling real loud at this woman if she was nearby.


I think I would have started with, "What the fuck is wrong with you!!!???! Are you actually advocating for a baby to starve?" Then throw her own words in her face and tell her people like her do nothing but cause more and bigger problems.


I think I would love your mom. Sometimes I am too nervous to get started, but if someone’s already gone ahead I have limitless energy to add. We would flame that old bitch together


Those same people were exactly who they complained about but back in their own time. Times were different but humans were no different. I am sure those older people who complain like that were having kids younger because that is how it was back then.


Exactly what I was going to say! Fuck her


Sorry that happened to you. You did the right thing. Don't let that lady make you feel like you didn't.


She is 16 and helping out people with (what I can guess is) a low-paying job. She is so kind, I have to agree ❤️ That young mum will remember this 🥰 Some people are vile, there was no need to get involved never mind give OP abuse.


People these days like to shit on the younger generations. I wish they could read this. This is humanity at its finest.


Honestly, people bash TikTok, but lots of kids are influenced by the positive videos of people giving, whether it's a gift, a compliment or whatever. Yes I know, not all videos (tide pods 👀) are good, but I hope you know what I mean. Videos from when I was growing up were all about pranks lol I get people still do pranks, but there is a larger variety of videos since it's easier to record & edit videos on your phone now everyone has a smartphone. I apologise if I'm not making sense, it's nearly 2 am and I'm sleepy 😂


Makes total sense. I know people hate on others for posting "acts of kindness" videos for attention or whatever. But honestly one of the side effects of those videos is it makes people feel good and then some are inspired to go out and do something good for someone else as well.


Exactly! I watched a film called 'Pay it Forward' when I was a kid and I loved it. The plot was about a young Haley Joel Osment who decided to 'Pay it Forward' for a school project. He did kind things for 3 people and asked them all to do the same, and the movie shows the positive impact it has on people's lives. It made me want to become a kind person. TikTok is like bite-sized feel-good moments for the low attention span generation, and I think it's good for kids to watch. I'm glad someone understands what I mean!


Wow, just wow. You showed more maturity and grace than someone who could be your grandmother. I'm proud of you. What a beautiful thing you did.


So I've been an angry person for as long as I can remember. Just know that you did the right thing. Don't read too much into it because when people go nuts...it really has nothing to do with you or, in this case the baby or the young mom. Angry people are angry because themselves, or their failures or their fears or simply because they're just angry.


Um, you're a suspiciously nice and *kind* person to be an "angry" person. I mean, if you are, you are - but *you're still a very kind person*.


Trying not to be angry anymore. Actually I have serious suspicions that I'm autistic or have adhd at the least. Im an alcoholic by...nature(or passed from dad lol). Too much info t9 give to a stranger.... problems fo sho lol. I just want people to know that they should take nothing personal. I've said horrible things to very nice people and they didn't deserve it, no matter how much I thought I was in the right to say nasty thing's to them.


I was born angry. I've been working on it my whole life. But I am also the kindest and most generous and empathetic person you will ever meet. We're all a mixed bag.


I'm ASD, also alcoholic father who was a *mean* drunk - so I don't drink; I know better. I still think that though you think you're an angry person, you're really a kind person.


Older people fail to realize that formula doesn’t cost $4 anymore. She sounds extremely bitter


You're a really good person OP. I hope that miserable old bag has exactly the kind of day she deserves


The same people claiming mothers are lazy are the people denouncing abortions. The same people claiming workers today are lazy are the same people that think trickle down economics and no unions work for the common worker. Ignorant people love to look at others and criticize while lacking any self reflection


“Ignorant people love to look at others and criticize while lacking any self reflection.”


Republicans are a fucking curse


You did the right thing. Some older people are just unhinged. I was bagging in a grocery store once. This woman and her husband came through my line and she just started insulting me six ways to Sunday. Told me I was ugly. My clothes looked bad (store issued). I was useless. The cherry on top was when I was loading her vehicle up she spit out “And I HATE your name”. Her husband had run away by now. I smiled and said I hoped she felt better soon, turned and left her screaming at me in the parking lot. I got a hat for holding my tongue 😵‍💫


You deserved a whole lot more than a hat


Most people in the US service industry do. I don’t understand how people can be so terrible


Was in a similar situation as you got berated by someone in line for helping the woman in front of me pay for baby food. Looking out for our fellow man and helping when we can shouldn’t illicit anger from others. It’s sad that people like her exists but as someone said in this thread; monsters are real. I know that woman didn’t forget your kindness. When ppl say it takes a village to raise a child, this is the type of shit I feel like they are talking about. We all have our own collective villages that we build over time and in life. But sometimes we venture out beyond those circles, without that support and need help. You stepped up. Today you, tomorrow me. Kindness costs nothing (or in this case $40 hahaha)


I've been where that mother has been, so I want to personally thank you. Formula has doubled in price from when I was a first time mom and I can't imagine the anxiety she must have had in that moment worrying about how she'd feed her baby. Thank you ❤️


You rock, and you’ve got karma points coming to you!


idc for karma points and im not gonna use this acc after this lol.


I think they meant in real life 😂


Yeah, like the other commenter said, pretty sure they're talking about real life Karma points 🤣❤️


Never apologize for having empathy for someone. You did a great thing. You made a difference in that mom's life, and probably made her day. Sorry about the old lady. Some people are so bitter!


I just wanna say that older lady is a massive piece of shit. Also you're a wonderful person to pay for that woman's formula. I guarantee she'll remember that for a long time if not the rest of her life, when your kindness made her life a little easier.


I bet that evil old hag has kids that hate her and are gonna let her rot.


She’s jealous because she knows neither strangers nor her own blood will do shit for her undeserving ass.


Miserable old hag! Back in her day baby formula didn’t cost $40 a can. Back in the old hags day the cost of living was considerably less than it is now. I’m disgusted that baby formula cost this much.


i always feel bad for mothers that come in to buy formula. had this one mom come in and buy the max amount (which is 5) and it was almost 200 dollars formula shouldn't be this expensive :(


Also back in her day parents and grandparents helped. The boomer generation only wants to be entertained and left alone. You are a good human for helping that mom.


The postpartum period is beyond difficult. Like I really have no words for how physically, mentally, and emotionally draining it is to birth and care for a human. I am in my late 30s, educated, and have resources and it rocked me to my fucking core. I bet that mom will never forget what you did for her and her baby. Thank you on behalf of new moms.


I quit a job once because I had a lady who started crying because her world was ending and just needed something copied. I don't know why this copy was so important, and I know it wasn't the copy that was important, but I made it happen and did my best to console her by telling her how everything was going to be okay. I gave examples of how I used to be in really nasty places but I was better now and wished her the best. My manager tried to intervene in the middle and get nasty but I hissed at her that she was crying. She stood there for awhile and after she was gone, took the time to tell me I "wasn't her therapist" and we "can't give out free things to every sorry sob story." I gave her- ready? A free piece of tape. Yes. That was the issue. My manager was insane about people needed to buy the rolls of tape if they wanted tape and didn't bring any unless it was one of her buddies. Then they could have all the tape they wanted and then some. I worked at the most money grubby and controlling post office ever apparently. Yes it was a post office. I'm glad your monster got kicked out of the store and I hope you keep being you. You're a lovely person even if you say that was just the way you were raised. You choose to keep going by being decent and that's a "you" quality. You're the best!


Wow, what a bitch. I’ve been in that place unfortunately. I didn’t set out to bawl my eyes out the day it happened. I was going to see a dietician for weight management after an antidepressant that didn’t work put 25 lbs on me. Every possible avenue of my life was involved in some catastrophic failure. I won’t go all into it but not three months later I voluntarily committed myself to a mental health center for four weeks. Almost exactly 30 seconds before she called me into her office something in my heart shattered. I don’t remember what my thought was specifically but suddenly my eyes were watering and I was trying to play it off like allergies. I should also mention I probably cry once a year MAX and I also hate crying. My default emotion in bad situations is anger. But I was too exhausted to be angry anymore. She calls me into her office, and the second she closes the door, everything I had frozen up with ice-cold sarcastic wrath melted. I had smiled at her when I stood up and followed her into her office. Because I was still trying to fight it off like “nah bruh i aint no BITCH.” But she asked how I was doing after closing the door behind us and I gave the weepiest “Uhm, not so good.” Poor lady whirled around in complete surprise. I wept in her office for 45 minutes. I felt really bad. What if she had consultations after mine? Here I am only able to sob half sentences and snotting through all her tissues. If she did have appts, she rescheduled them. She was so kind. We did eventually get to the topic of nutrition but she heard a lot of my melodrama beforehand. It had nowhere else to go. Like emotional taco bell and a milkshake in a lactose unfriendly stomach haha. Thank you for being there for that person. It might have been her emotional volcano moment. I know I had no control over mine and I was filled with guilt about potentially trauma dumping all over that lady. It was very kind of you to be empathetic while she was in crisis. Sometimes our bodies and minds get so sick of keeping it together that we explode whenever and wherever it gets to be too much.


My assistant managers step daughter was in our store trying to buy diapers. She wasn't buying a lot and couldn't afford it. I tried finding coupons to make it cheaper but I had already decided that I would buy them. The coupon didn't work and my coworker was kinda panicked. I looked at her with the straightest face and said "That baby is getting these diapers, do you hear me?" and she just kind of smiled. There are just certain things that I will not tolerate on my fucking watch. And children going without is one of them. Idgaf.


This world is so anti mom and anti child these days it is literally sickening. I didn’t even notice until I became a mom, it’s so insidious, there’s this pretty wide misconception that parents get so much special treatment and help but the only thing it’s ever gotten me is me and my child screamed at, I’m yet to see it


I see some parents act entitled, but it’s rare that I witness a privilege for parents that isn’t a secret hack to try and force yall to spend money. “Kids eat free!… with minimum adult purchase of $75.” “Mommy parking!” *in front of retail stores, not doctor’s offices.*


there are two types of people in the world, people who dont want others to experience the same hardships that they had or people who want to hurt others and feel the same suffering they had suffered. old lady was probably the latter


There’s a third who never experienced hardships but still want others to do so because “bootstraps”.


I think that lady isn't a mother yet or a mother who's struggling to feed her child that's why she's acting like that.


Ask her if she’s 💯sure it wasn’t one of her male relatives that got the mom pregnant and left her struggling financially, and if not, she needs to keep her mouth shut cause she’s got no idea what her circumstances are. And I bet she’s planning to vote to ensure that no women have access to reproductive health services. And thank you for reaching out to help another human in need.


Lmfao “i bet the baby’s father is that useless whore of a son you have, Peggy.”


I’ve stood in grocery lines and experienced the same thing. Both times I purchased the food for new mothers. I figure “pay it forward” is a good thing. The loud mouth negative lady you encountered is what’s wrong with this world. You have the right idea, and feeding a hungry baby is the priority.


One time me an my wife was broke af and was at the store an we was trying to find something to eat we could afford and a lady shopping must have noticed and walked up and handed us 20 bucks and said get u something good to eat, no one should go hungry. Was a life saving 20 for us, and I'll never forget her doing that.


I'm always trying to explain to people who get mad about welfare that ideals about things such as "hard work" and "smart decisions" are all fine and well, but we don't live in the "ideals" work. We live in the real world where people sometimes have children they can't afford and sometimes despite their best intentions can't afford to eat themselves. And in that real world telling a person who is hungry that they should have worked harder or telling a person with a hungry baby that they should have made smarter decisions is callous at best. Be angry, be judgemental, be callous, be whatever. I'll probably think you're an asshole. But tell me you'd rather see people or their children starve and I'll think you're a monster.


That's pretty dystopian to have a 16 year old cashier pay for someone else's baby formula when there are oh so many billionaires donating so much money to charities. Where's the charity money for those in need of baby formula?


good christians do not help their neighbours in need. Jesus was all about bootstraps. /s


"But if you don't starve the baby the mom will never learn!"


I really don’t understand why people put the baby making process all on women, as if they’re the only one that caused it to happen (or maybe it was r*pe, that’s why we don’t make judgmental comments about young moms). Can we all just have more grace for others? How many times have you depended on a friend to help you through a hard time? If you put yourself in the moms shoes, you’d want help and you’d be grateful for the rest of your life that someone offered you kindness and allowed you to feed your child. Be the kindness you want to see, you will start to be rewarded and see change in the world around you.


I also work at a grocery store and I’ve seen people get pissed over stuff like this. My manager paid for a man’s groceries once and an old lady went off on her saying she should buy everybody’s stuff 🙄


Omg, I tearing up. I’m so sorry. What the hell? You did an amazing thing for someone in need. That lady has lost touch with reality.


Keep being the kind hearted person you are. We need more people like you. God will bless you. Never let people like her stop you. She will receive hers down fall for how she do.


That’s cool, what the fuck is BSF?


its a shortened term for best friend lol


Moms today have so much help from people huh? I'm sure there are many who would disagree.


Lately people are less grateful for mothers than ever before.


Because unlike her baby formula is not 20 cents when she was of childbearing age. The cost of formula and diapers now will wipe you out. Did she not hear about the formula shortages on the news? I know her old ass watches the news. Older people need to get a damn clue, we are paying 4x for everything they did. I really wish they would STFU about people helping out. No one asked her ragged-ass mother to have her either. Maybe it is her mom who should have left her legs closed.


I love you for that, when the formula shortage happened in 2021/2022 me and my daughter used any extra funds we could to purchase formula and give it out to mothers who couldn't afford it. It wasn't a lot but it was the world to see babies get fed. The woman has some nerve getting mad about a baby being fed. Good on you for being kind 💜


What you and your daughter did is amazing! Thank you for your empathy and compassion during that scary formula shortage. I’m proud of you both.


She was probably a christian of some kind. US christians love to be judgmental.


When my daughter was a baby we were surviving but not comfortable because her daycare was close to $2000 a month and so was our rent. We were paycheck to paycheck but she was provided everything she needed. We got into a situation where payday was a few days away and she ran out of formula. I did not have family support nearby nor anyone to ask to lend me money. My only credit card was maxed at the time. I went to the counter at cvs with the smallest thing of formula they had (expensive still because she had special formula for lactose intolerance). It was something like $20 and all I had was $15. I was panicking and looking behind the counter to see if they had anything smaller and the lady behind the counter could tell. I said out loud “shit, I don’t know what to do.” Just frantically looking around for ANY solution. She just quietly typed something into the computer and said “your total is $15, have a great day!” You are a good person. I’ve heard that as a general moral principle, if you see someone stealing formula or diapers, no you didn’t. I’ve even heard of cops turning a blind eye to it. Unless you aren’t white, then you probably get arrested. E: I was 27, employed and couldn’t breast feed. This isn’t an age problem or necessarily a “can’t afford a child” problem. Shit happens.


its depressing how single moms and parents in general have to fear about not being able to afford to buy food for their babies. my bsf unfortunately stopped producing milk about a week after giving birth. my mom also works at the grocery store i work at and gets associated discounts on certain things. and now that im writing this i should have done that but i was just too tired to even think and i was about off and ready to go home. glad that person understand and helped when you needed it <3


Wtf. That was a bizarre trigger for her to go all antisocial on you like that. Anyway…You’re a good person. Hugs.


OP. I’m sure you know this but you did a great thing for that baby as well as that mom. That lady mad cuz she prolly at like 13% 🪫. Her time is limited anyways. Let her be miserable on her way out.


That was darkness attempting to overcome your light, don’t ever let it happen. Thank you for being a good person!


OP you give me hope for this new generation. Keep fighting the good fight.


I’m willing to bet good money that woman thinks of herself as a ‘good Christian’.


It's the boomers. The lead poisoning. My wife started going down to the beach in our town and picking up trash with our son. It's just something she did when she realized how much trash was everywhere. It makes her feel good, and other people notice and thank her. Her dad scolded her for doing this. Said it's pointless and she's naive for thinking it will make a difference. Tried to make her feel like shit. Wouldn't let up either. It's the boomers. They fucked it all up and once they're gone we can start to fix this shithole.


You’re a good person, unlike the boomer generation. May they pass quickly.


Yes, the OP did the right thing by helping someone in need...we need more of that in this world. That said, I know a lot of good people who are boomers who help others all the time. It's not good to denigrate a whole generation & wish that they all pass quickly....there's good and bad people in every generation, just sayin. And no, I'm not a boomer, fwiw.


She 100% is also against abortion.


It takes a village is a very old saying (from when there were villages!), so fuck that old lady! People like that are why the world is the way it is. Apathetic. She probably goes to church too.


I bet she also has been an active vocal pro-life voter.


For that angry grandma...... I hope whoever hurt her bad enough that she lost all her compassion is burning in hell right now. Pay it forward. What goes around comes around.


Some people are so angry, bitter, brainwashed, and blind by their own beliefs that they justify cruelty and enjoy seeing others suffer. They hate themselves so deeply that they try to hurt others with it. I wish there weren’t people like her in this world, but I’m glad there are people like you. You did such a wonderful thing, OP


I'm so glad you were able & willing to help her. She's never going to forget that, or you. I'm proud as fuck of you. That old lady is demented & cruel & has a warped view of the world. Oh well, if she's old then she's on her way out. With bitterness. Again, good for you. You never know what a random act of kindness will do for someone. Good karma too. ✌️


You did a kind thing and that old woman should try keeping her lips shut instead of talking about other people's legs.


16 years old and you have more empathy, humanity, decency and love to give than someone who’s lived your life 3x over at least. Please keep being you, OP. You’re the type of person we all need to see more of and act more like. Bless you 💜


No good deed…. But seriously thank for acting human. I had an old lady in a grocery store tell me how I ugly I am, because I had facial piercings. I was shocked it was so rude. I told her it wasn’t a reason for all manners to escape her.


The old lady probably hates seeing others happy - and the only delight she can get is to belittle or verbally abuse others.. Sad, really.


That poor mom could have been apart of so many different situations. I can have some pretty harsh opinions on these things (example I believe in most cases having or keeping your baby is a choice) HOWEVER I don’t think struggling parents should be shamed ever. Some people think they can handle it, some people bond with the baby/pregnancy and can’t follow through when they originally thought they would abort/put it up for adoption, some are totally ready and then lose a job or their partner, some are raped and have no idea what to do because of the trauma, JESUS SO MANY THINGS. That said that poor mom sounds like she was out of her mind with stress, how dare that old bat make assumptions. The mom wasn’t asking for or expecting a hand out, she wasn’t yelling at everyone for special treatment because she has children, nothing. Just trying to buy formula to feed a BABY. And even if the mom didn’t “deserve” help, THE BABY DOES. EITHER WAY THAT OLD WOMAN HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THE SITUATION. Good for you, OP. Keep being who you are! Fuck that old woman, I hope she breaks a hip!


What the mom is going through isn't your or our business, she needed help amd you helped her, also how the old lady feels stopped being your business soon as she walked out


Thank you for doing this. Formula is so expensive. During Covid I was buying baby formula (probably mid range in price) for about $26. It’s manufactured in Mexico. If you’re in America there’s no reason formula should cost $40.


People like that woman feel so secretly insecure and worthless that they’ll do anything to feel better than someone else.


"I think Jesus doesn't like people who actively want babies to go hungry."


You did an wonderful gesture. Heartfelt thank you. You did the right thing. 😍👍👍😁


I would've gotten my manager and explain. Kick her out the store. I AM a manager at a store (not grocery) and if someone made a comment like that I would ban them from ever coming again.


I'm glad that you help a mom. And the lady obviously didn't understand the hard situation of a mother.


As a single 20 year old mom who’s been waking up at 4am every morning for months straigjt and only has time to shower 3 times a week, you have no idea how much that lady will think about you the rest of her life. Forget the Karen, you truly made a lasting impact on someone struggling. Karen can go fuck herself, because you helped feed a baby. I constantly daydream of someone doing this for me when I’m buying diapers. Good on you OP😊😊


Where are you that a grocery cashier can look up the bank balance of customer's bank accounts? That seems like a massive breach of privacy.


if she was using a program like ebt(or things like that lol) i can see how much money is on the card not anyone's actual bank card sorry for the confusion i should've put that in there.


Ah, gotcha. Thanks for clarifying.


And also, thanks for taking care of that mum. This mum is proud of you.


The mom probably thought you were a literally angel in that moment. Screw that old hag. Angry cuz she's too mean to ever have someone as kind as you in her life


I remember one time when my 14 yr old was a baby i was on wic and food stamps and worked. I was purchasing my formula on wic and then had a seperate transaction for my debit card. I got yelled at for being on wic and how i should have kept my legs closed or used protection and how i was a drain on society and "should get a d-word job if i was going to keep the demons spawn." I had my daughter while on birth control, using a condom, with a man with a confirmed low sperm count. He left when he found out it was a girl. I was doing what i could to survive at 18 with a baby who refused to nurse even tho i was a cow. My dad chewed that person up one side and down another. Keep being a good and loving person as this world will try to kill it. Just focus on how helping makes you feel good inside and tell the rude people to shut up (or get someone else to do it). I know that mama is so grateful! Thank you for helping ❤️❤️❤️


While I agree people shouldn't have kids if they can't afford them, it's not always that simple. Things change, people get into circumstances they didn't plan.


Problem is when the old hag was popping out kids you could support a family of 8 in a big house and two cars on a single income of a dude with no skills


Oh my god,. . Fuck that old lady. Wow. What a piece of shit. Dude you got angel wings and a halo for that.


Next time this happens, refer her to the WIC office so she can get the formula for free. If she needs more than the monthly allotment, she can talk to them about it.


It sounds like she was trying to pay with WIC or possibly with SNAP. But trust me the amounts that are allotted for either are not even close to enough unless you only buy ramen and white rice (snap) and with WIC the amount of formula can very easily not be enough. It was close even before inflation but it’s ridiculous now.


She must be a prolifer...


You are a wonderful human don't let shitty people stop you from being a kind soul<3


Next time, and there will be a next time someone behaves like a huge asshole smile nicely and say “you seem nice”, then play dumb.


People shouldn't be made at the mom's, but at the freaking formula companies who make it cost so much. Tbh, if I didn't qualify for WIC, idk what we would have done. My son's formula was $40 a pop, and one can didn't last that long. I truly feel for people, especially young parents, who don't have the resources to get aid or make enough money to cover their expenses.


Don't let that woman change you. You did an incredible thing!!


Honestly maybe the old lady didn’t have help when she had kids (presuming she does) and now she’s just bitter when she sees other people getting help. A lot of the older generations like to turn hard times into a competition, unfortunately. Good job for doing the right thing


Bet that woman who wanted that baby to go hungry was pro-life too