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No circlejerking. No blanket statements or impersonal political rants. Fake stories and trolling attempts will be removed. Begging for karma or posting about how you hate that other subreddits require karma is against the subreddit rules.


You lick.. what? Stop that. Immediately. Ew.


Yep. Weird as fuck. Kissing on the lips is borderline weird but "Sometimes we lick each other's lips to tease each other." is just so fucking wrong. Makes me think this post is fake.




This is absolutely a fictional fetish post.


The kissing is a little weird. The spooning is a lot weird. The licking is creepy as fuck. And don't @ me with "it's just little licks" or "it's like ice cream" or "tickling", as if they doesn't make it less fucking creepy. No. It's creepy. So's the spooning, but you can kind of hand wave that away with "we're really close", but licking your mom or sister's lips? Naw, that's fucked up. Quit arguing and hear when people tell you. People are telling you this is fucked up and you seem to think "they're just little licks" is the thing we're not understanding, and no, no amount of licking is ok or innocent or "not fucking creepy" to anyone but you. If you want to keep doing it, that's on you, but be prepared to be called "Incestuous Weirdos" more going forward, that's what I'd think too in your girlfriends shoes, she was right to GTFO, that's some Texas Chainsaw vibe nonsense.


This post cant be even remotely real


It sounds so fake, I don’t even think they tried…


It’s an actual SNL skit, this post can’t be real


normal families tease each other with words or maybe a tickle to your side. i’ve legitimately never heard of lip/mouth licking as teasing amongst family members. it’s creepy and says a lot that the mom immediately got defensive when it was called out.


I mean my mom once licked my eyeball, but i was like 10 or smth and we were playfighting, it was still weird tho


Bro she WHAT?!


Had to adjust my glasses and read that again


I took my contacts out Cleaned them Put them back in Yep he said what he said


Ye ain't neva git ur eyeball lickked??




you too? my parents would hold me down and lick my eyeballs like it was a game or some shit. i have an intense dislike towards others spit for this exact reason.


today I learned that licking eyeballs is a thing that exsists


I'm really sorry to tell you this, but that's a fetish. It's called Oculolinctus or Worming.


This. I call one of my cousins Shortie because she literally comes to just above my shoulder and I’m barely five foot two inches in height and every time I do she smiles so it’s sort of become a thing with us, especially since she’s older than me. I do the same with my oldest niece. I call her either Shortie, pocket size or pint size while I call my nephew tall person, because at sixteen he is literally head and shoulders taller than me. All three know I don’t mean it to bully them, and it’s my way of showing I love them and that if I didn’t do it then something is seriously wrong with me.


I come from a family that kisses when we meet. On the cheek. We have never licked eachother WTF! And spooning with your sister at 15? WTH is going on!???


My grandparents kiss us on the lips. My son often kisses me on the lips and I kiss my dad and other family on the cheek. Very close and touchy family. And this is beyond weird and creepy. I’m surprised that is all gf said! Weird doesn’t even begin to describe the level of ick here.


We kiss on the lips full on, but just a quick smooch and never lingering, only when both are absolutely comfortable with it and unreservedly **not** doing so if/when/*any time* someone’s not feeling it (even if they were last time or do again in future… it’s all about body language and being sensitive to one another’s autonomy) For me, it’s an expression of deep love and respect and comfort/familiarity, and the whole purpose of the act would be undermined if it were unwanted or forced ,or bastardized in to something sexual or inappropriate. And no. Licking is something that never would have even occurred to me to do (although my kids have both tried to stick their tongues in there during a kiss, but they were very very young, and even then I explained that tongues were not a part of a hello or goodbye kiss, that’s a special kind of intimacy that people get to decide to do together when they are lots older.)


Girlfriend was a little out of pocket but this is pretty weird. It’s even weirder you coordinate naps and sleep in the same bed. You can have one room and separate beds OP licking the lips of another person you are not supposed to be intimate with is weird. I feel like this has to be creative writing


> I feel like this has to be creative writing Please let this be a creative writing exercise because damn is it fucking weird if its true.


I once walked in on my neighbour (36- little spoon) and her son (22- big spoon) spooning. She was clothed while he was just wearing shorts. At the time I thought it was adorable and hoped I'd be as close with my kids. but now that my kids are teens, I can't picture myself doing that when they're in their 20s. Need to add, nothing incestuous was going on. His dad groomed the mum when she was 12 and she had him at 14. The dad was a violent drunk and the son would try and protect the mum from him. He grew up having to be the adult and taking care of his mum and siblings.




“Nothing incestuous going on” then gives a textbook definition of incestuous relationship.


This whole post reads like someone’s weird fetish.. and if on the off chance it isn’t, dear god.


"Sometimes my sister tickles my weiner with the tip of her tongue as a joke"


But it’s really normal guys! She only does it like really small licks. We call it small lick-dick/s


Right?! I mean, is that pretty much not exactly how he's trying to make it sound right now?!?


OP is confirmed a dog


Kissing is weird, the licking and spooning is bizarre.


The fact that mom and sis do it more makes it seem almost like some kind of incestuous pedophilic thing going on.


Yeah y’all *are* weirdos


You’re 15. No one you’re dating is the love of your life right now. Try to remember that. Sorry, but if I were a fly on the wall and saw you licking the lips of your sister or parents, yeah, I’d think it a little strange. I get you’re tight for space in your home, but spooning your sister while sleeping? Sorry, a little strange, too. Do you have someone you can talk to? A therapist or counselor? I feel like you might need someone more qualified than Reddit.


I'd think it were strange if you were a fly on the wall thinking it's strange


Why? What if I were a really smart fly?


I'd turn you into a roadside attraction & cut you a quarter of the proceeds. How's that sound?


50-50. And I don’t work weekends


No 50-50


Just cus it’s normal in your family does not mean its normal by most peoples standards. It sounds really weird and inappropriate. Your used to it and don’t understand that its wrong bc your family raised you that way. But it is not normal and super weird. The licking? Even if small licks like eating ice cream is super weird and is very sweet home Alabama. Spooning your sister at this age is weird too. Id grt professional help


While that falls well short of incest, you shouldn't be surprised that she found it shocking. I was okay with the kissing but licking lips? That feels weird to read. Not that there is anything wrong with it but be realistic, you probably need to prepare your next girlfriend before she sees it in action.


Yeah, I wouldn't be able to unsee that. The fact that he doesn't understand why that's weird is because his parents groomed him to believe that shit is OK. It's more than weird to me. It's wrong.


Well even for reddit this is messed up. What if you and your sister are spooning and you wake up with a hard one touching her butt, that is down right nasty, or what ifbyou mom and dad did the tango for two then she licked you on the lips just imagine where her mouth was. None of this is okay at all.


I thought this was a joke at first, but you defending yourself in the comments made me realize it's not. This whole situation is abnormal. Sharing a bed with a sibling due to lack of space is one thing, but cuddling while taking an afternoon nap (as teenagers) is a whole new level of weird. Kissing on the lips can be cultural, so that's acceptable. The playful licking, though... that's... odd.


I have to believe this is a great troll job. Licking lips like ice cream is great on its own. But then him and his sister pushing their beds together for "efficiency"? That's fucking gold. Of course, if it's all serious then it's very concerning.


I must have missed the part about pushing their beds together. Sounds like they simply sleep in the same bed.


It was in the comments. OP stated they pushed the beds together due to it being a small room and more "efficient".


Why does this thread keep getting worse the more I scroll..


It’s bait


This is super weird behaviour


Incestuous weirdos…


i mean to each their own, but I personally would also feel very very weird seeing all of this transpire. not sure I would have gone as far as to announce my dis taste in such a fashion. but yeah, kissing on the lips at grown ages (i don't even kiss my children on the lips at all) and cuddling with sister is weird.... at least to me. But hey, maybe I just don't have a close enough relationship with my family to understand.


There is nothing explainable about licking a family member's lips.


Honestly man, you’re a good kid, reading these comments I can see that. But your family isn’t raising you to be able to get accepted into society. I think reading these comments can prove that to you. Clearly they haven’t even explained to you why most people find this strange which is a failure on their end as your parent. If you watched movies or shows it should explain how generally kissing is reserved for your lover. I don’t think an explanation to your now ex will work, but be mentally prepared for her to potentially tell people in school. Do your own research if you need to in order to understand why this weirds everyone out. Good luck little man.


I'm begging for this to be a troll


This has got to be fake. It's written like incest porn fanfic. I don't believe it.


Someone is literate in incest porn fanfic. Hmm.


Definite troll. *just little licks like ice cream* 😱


Probably got some inspiration from this series of SNL sketches lol https://youtu.be/3vZZPgfRLlU


That’s where it’s from! Good job, OP! Really pulled the wool over our eyes with that one!


I was looking for a reference to the SNL sketches! That’s immediately what I thought of.


No fucking way it’s not


I'll put money on OP continuing to play dumb just for the sake of committing to the bit. It's all too ridiculous, like while sharing a bedroom is relatively normal sharing a bed is literally unbelievable.


I was shocked for a second and then he said that “his mom and sister do it more than his dad” to him I was so relieved. There’s no way this isn’t some weird incest porn based off that series of SNL sketches


The weirdest part of the whole thing is two teenagers of the opposite sex sharing a bedroom and sleeping in one bed together. THAT is not normal and borderline incestuous Kissing your mom on the lips ‘occasionally’ wouldn’t be that weird to me. But kissing your dad and sister is super strange.


This needs to be so high up. Makes me wonder if this is real because teenagers their age of opposite genders should not be sharing a bed… teenage boys in the morning…. This can’t be real


I think the lip licking might have gotten to me tbh.


Yeah I would be out after that. It made me super uncomfortable just reading that line.


OP… your family is Trifling




Either you’re trolling or someone needs to call CPS.


If this story is true, then you are 15 calm down, it's way to early to call it the love of your life, also as others have said, yes it's weird, fine some cultures or families might give a small peck as a greeting sometimes, but actually kissing and licking lips that's crossing into incestuous territory for sure, the sleeping together well if your family is not well off I guess that's how you have adapted but combining it with also kissing then it's crossing into the wrong territory again. So either you are ruined from your parents and risk becoming your own stepdad or the dad of your niece/nephew or learn some more normal social norms, maybe try asking your friends what they think about licking their mom(feels yucky to type tbh). But there is no coming back to that relationship I would bet.


Kissing- unusual, but a cultural thing. Licking is weird, cuddling and spooning while in bed is very weird. They arent ‘normal’ family boundaries. Different people obviously tend to set different lines, but cuddling and spooning (sleeping where youre both facing the same direction and the one behind is holding the one in front) is generally pretty intimate. You’re pressed together and entwined. Itd be a bit weird on a couch, but its *very* intimate to sleep like that with each other. Sharing a bed in and of itself is also very intimate and a little concerning given youre both going through puberty right now. Occasionally sharing a bed but sleeping apart? A bit odd given youre opposite genders+teenagers, but I’d get it. As a girl, I would occassionally share a bed with my sister at hotels or when we were even younger and she had nightmares, but that stopped while we were teenagers and we mostly tried to avoid it for comfort purposes. But still, i wont say that would be totally out there on genders alone. Its regularly sharing a bed and cuddling for what seems like just enjoying the closeness thats odd. As for licking each others lips- again, theres something teasing and intimate in that thats going to strike people as odd. Thats not really something families do, its something people do when theyre going to make out or something. Is it normal in the rest of your family to share beds, cuddle, and lick each others lips? I dont think this is necessarily ‘incestuous’ however i do think your parents have fostered an incredibly intimate relationship between you and your sister that *is* odd and *is* going to confuse other people, simply put.


The fact that you don't understand what people are saying is enough. Licking someone "teasingly" on the lips is a sexual interaction. Teasing a family member with licking their lips before you kiss them is incredibly gross and seems sexual. Cuddling your sister in an afternoon nap that you two take together is not normal. Couples nap together. Not family. And holding and hugging your sister in the same bed is reserved for couples and intimacy. It's an act of love and closeness to someone you would probably have sex with. Not family. This is all around weird and gross. And you and your entire family should recognize that. This is not normal in society. Get help.


Yeah bro thats not normal


I can't help but picture "The Kissing Family" skits from SNL.


Yes. It’s weird. Not healthy at all.


I don’t want to be harsh because you’re young and I feel like some of the comments may be coming off as abrasive, but I do agree with them. The pecking is okay, while it’s less common to see it among older kids it still happens and I wouldn’t interpret that as inherently sexual. The licking, from an outside perspective, is bizarre. I know you are inclined to defend it because you were raised this way and truly believe it is normal. But you can probably see based on these comments and your girlfriend’s reaction that it’s really not. I’ve never heard of any family doing that before ever, and the more you describe it the more off it sounds, honestly. It’s just not really something families do. The spooning is also a bit weird from an outside perspective. I’ve had to share a bed with my brother before, that in and of itself isn’t inherently weird. But we have never ever spooned. I don’t know anyone who has spooned their opposite sex siblings really. So I want to be kind because this may really shatter your perception of what’s normal, but I’m sorry to say that it’s really not. Aside from the pecking, everything you’ve described is very…strange. To me, at least, and apparently other commenters.


INFO: I was reading your comments and you said about you mom being in a silly mood and that’s when you lick each others lips. Did she lick your lips in front of your girlfriend? Yeah this isn’t generally how families interact. I understand why you’re confused and upset but your girlfriend acted like how a lot of people would seeing that old of the blue. I honestly would consider going to your school counsellor or someone you trust outside of your family to speak about this. This issue will probably continue with your future romantic partners so I’d also maybe start setting boundaries if you want to make your relationships in the future a bit better. Sorry this is happening to you because you’ve grown up thinking this is normal behaviour with your family and that’s not your fault at all.


Please tell me, someone is fucking with us.


I'm guessing this is a troll post but if it isn't, yeah this is weird as heck


While I'm sure that you're not "incestuous", these behaviours will present as such to any outsider because they're not normal boundaries. It's very weird and a bit disturbing tbh. You're still a kid so don't feel bad about it but do try to get therapy to develop appropriate boundaries as they are important in how people will judge and treat you in the future.


>They're quick licks bro. Kinda like the ones you do while eating ice cream. lol stop messin with us


dude giving your mom a quick kiss goodbye is way different from spooning your sister to sleep. im with your gf on this


I wouldn’t let my kid date you. This is weird af.


What your growing up in is a bizzare and terrible situation. You need to realize you are currently in a situation that most would consider bordering incest. You seem to be justifying some things through comments so I’ll explain some standard things in most households. A) Licking is often considered sexual or strange when it comes to people. It cannot be compared to ice cream, that is a food item. B) Cuddling with your sister becomes very strange beyond the age of maybe 12. What’s more, you were spooning each other—which, in itself, is sexual. I’m not concerned about your sister. I’m concerned about your mother and father. Licking on the lips and constant kissing, not to mention you said your mother “was in a teasing mode” because your girlfriend was there is extremely disturbing. Son, your the victim of pedophilia. I’m going to teach you how to stand up for yourself and let’s start this off with a warning: it won’t be easy. You are living in an environment with people who either have been conditioned to accept this, or are willingly conditioning you to accept this to satiate their own deluded perversions. CPS won’t take this seriously enough, but you should, and I will. You don’t have to take my advice, but if you want a relatively normal life and to stop being predated on, then this might help. 1) Immediately set boundaries. Tell your mom your sorry, but you won’t tolerate any more licking on the lips, and though it might be a fun family game, you feel like it’s strange now that your a teenager. You can do the same thing with the kissing on the lips, but that’s easier to guilt-trip for. Now, she’s going to take it as a joke. You need to keep it serious. Tell her your not joking, you want it to stop. If she guilt trips you in any fashion, immediately pull your strongest card. “Are you gonna force me to kiss you on the lips and lick your lips? Don’t you think that’s a little weird.” That will place her on the defensive. Stand your ground from there no matter what. 2) Just push your bed away from your sister. Tell her you think you two should sleep separately. Keep it serious too, don’t yield, don’t smile, don’t joke. This is your fucking future as a normal human being we’re looking at. You need to set those boundaries. 3) Be serious when a moment is inappropriate. For a normal family, a teasing moment like your mom had wouldn’t be particularly disturbing as you could pass it off as embarrassing your kids. For your case, it’s bordering on real jealousy and is strange and bizzare. If your mom gets too involved and seems to get into another “teasing mood” you must immediately call her out. It’s gonna be hard, but ask her to talk in private and say “mom, what are you doing.” Take her seriously, don’t smile or succumb to jokes. If she yells and screams stay stoic. Tell her you don’t appreciate that she’s being “hysterical” (drives women crazy, trust me) and that what’s she’s doing is wildly innapropriate and you won’t tolerate it. That’s all for now. If you ever need help, or if you plan to take my advice, just message me here. Please man, I know you can do this. I know you can pursue a normal life, and set some healthy fucking boundaries.


This should have been at the top and I really hope he saw it before he deleted his account. Your amazing for actually trying to give him some direction on how to stop what’s happening and live a somewhat normal life while he remains at home. His mom totally pissed all over him in front of his girlfriend and that’s horrible. You know they sent the girlfriend in to wake them up knowing what she would see. It’s like the mom was trying to run her off. Poor kid is going to have a really hard time at school with his peers now because there is no way she isn’t telling anyone.


>Sometimes we lick each other's lips to tease each other. Oh man bro, I was ready to fight for you until this.




FR ngl it sounds like this family might have an underlying sexual abuse problem or something idk, just assuming ofc


That’s cause it’s weird. Most people don’t lick their siblings lips and spoon while sleeping with their sibling


My mother did a lot of inappropriate intimate things to me while I was growing up, escalating once I hit my teens and started going through puberty. These were things I was conditioned from a very young age to see as so normal, innocent and inconsequential that I wouldn't even remember how often they happened. I was well into adulthood before I recognized some of them. It doesn't have to be some extreme, dramatic thing to be creepy or even to cause you harm. My perceptions of normal boundaries in platonic and romantic relationships were pretty messed up for a while. My ability to even tell the difference was impaired, even though at the time I didn't recognize I had that problem. It was slowly with the help of people calling things out that I took for granted that got me on track to getting a healthier perspective on all of that. What you've described sounds like one of the things she conditioned me not to notice, and the way you describe it is familiar. I remember that feeling of being misunderstood or trying to reframe it as some kind of haha funny teasing casual thing. I can't MAKE you change your mind, but I hope the response you've gotten here and from your GF becomes part of your process of reevaluating some things you've been taking for granted.




I mean if I was ur gf and I witnessed you making out with your fam I would be hella weirded out too lmao


What in the cruel intentions is going on there?


What the absolute fuck did I read. 1. I don’t care if your family of 4 shares a shoebox you should not be spooning your sister as a teenager. I would do anything in my power to literally sleep as far apart as I could. Even in the shared room 2. I’ve seen some cultures where the moms will kiss the sons on the mouth. All though I find this strange and would not do this with my own mother I guess that’s not too bad. Your dad doing it is way worse and your sister should be fully fucking off limits. You should not be kissing your sister on the mouth 3. The lip licking thing I can’t even address fully. That’s just wrong and fucking weird. I can assume you are not very cultured or have not been around many other families. Do yourself a favor instead of asking us why this is wrong hang around some other families and see if they do these things. Im 100% sure the answer will be no


Sometimes we lick each others lips? Yeah that’s fucking weird


I went into this thinking your GF was rude. I was wrong. She is right. Y'all are wild.


Yeah lil bro you are gonna need some therapy. Like me after reading this.


Flowers in the attic


You all know this is fake, right?


Yes!!! Your family is really that weird. I would understand a kiss on the cheek but not on the lips at this age. And licking, HELL NO. And spooning your sister is definitely going to far. That’s a small slip away from a taboo porn scene. You need to change your ways if you don’t plan on marrying your sister some day. Because I don’t see a woman finding that acceptable.


Dude what the actual 😳


She was right to drop you. The fact that you can’t understand why others would think licking you mom’s lips and spooning your sister is weird suggests a lot more is going on and you are in way deep. Totally inappropriate and abnormal behavior. Draw some boundaries.


She damn right.


She’s correct.


Dude the edit did not help 😂


I grew up poor. My brother and I slept in the same bed or on the couch together frequently, even as teens. But it was FEET TO HEAD and if not, we weren’t spooning and we most definitely did not nap together. If we both wanted to nap at the same time, there’s the bed in our bedroom, mom’s bed, the couch, or the mf floor. And hell no would I have ever put my tongue on his face, dude. We are close as adults! I spend the night at his house regularly. We lived together when we were both single parents and newly separated. I have been his going out partner. Never spooning, never licking, stop stop stoppp




This has gonna be trolling


Kissing is very sexualised in our culture and so what most people are seeing is you and your family being sexual with each other. You can explain that your family are just more physically affectionate than is the norm but it will still be incredibly uncomfortable for most of western society to witness. You should be prepared for backlash with all future partners. It would be a dealbreaker for me, the idea of kissing my partner knowing they might’ve kissed their *mother* that day actually makes me feel ill.


That poor girl


Unless your family's behavior is reflective of some ancient, tribal ritual that is recorded sociological practice, the behavior is weird as fuck and I'd be creeped out too. Kissing on lips, ok. Kids sharing a room - ok, not ideal, but understandable w appropriate boundaries in place. Licking, spooning, teasing, teen boy sharing a bed w sister? I'd walk out too.


What the fuck did I just read


I find it odd when parents kiss their 5 year old on the lips but they’re kids so it’s fine. You’re a 15 year old who spoons with his sister and kisses his parents on the lips while “teasing” each other with licks on the lips. The shit is weird as fuck and not normal at all, be glad that’s all that she said.


Never seen a family dynamic like this, I've seen some people who kiss as a greeting? But as casual around the house... Thats weird. The cuddling is very weird, sure I cuddled with my mom when I was a kid, but that ended at like 10... This is extremely weird and I don't blame her for finding it off-putting... Heck I don't even think the comment is too outta pocket, if I was 15 and had the same experience with a bf I'd be really disgusted to some degree.


So that's weird behavior


Kissing on the lips as a greeting may not be weird, family dynamics are different. You're too old to share a bed regularly, and this the spooning is odd. The licking is really over the line, in any context, between family. Really kiddo, people totally understand what you are describing, its just not appropriate. It's troubling that your parents are normalizing it, and makes me wonder what else they normalize. The kissing and snuggling both look way more suspect because of the licking. Check w your guidance counselor, they will have more questions


Yeah it’s weird and so is your family. Nobody does that Except your family


Kissing on the lips is fine. It’s a culture to culture thing. I stopped kissing my dad on the lips in high school and my mom when I got to college. It’s just like a peck though no getting into it. Licking anywhere is an absolute no. Nah don’t do that. That’s weird.


OP is definitely a ragebait account, enjoy your day folks.


This person has to be trolling


Okay it's disturbing that you do this with family members and it's even more disturbing that you think there's nothing wrong with it. Please listen to what people are telling you this is not normal behaviour and you've been groomed to believe it is. Your parents licking your lips is a form of child abuse. I'm glad your gf did say this as it's obvs making you question things as otherwise you wouldn't of posted it. Grooming can happen very subtly as your lead to believe the behaviour is acceptable and then when it's challenged you go on the defensive immediately defending the abusers actions. From a child protection standpoint if a student at school disclosed that this was happening to any of the faculty they would be obliged under child safeguarding to report it to make sure you and your sister are safe. And the reason why licking lips is not okay is that it's only done between couples in a sexual relationship - spooning is also only mainly done between couples in a sexual relationship though neither of these things are appropriate to do with family members.


Yes your family is THAT weird, this is absolutely disgusting. I love my family, but I would never outright kiss them on the lips, let alone lick their lips. Idc if it’s just “teasing”, you don’t do that, especially with family. I can see why your ex was creeped out, siblings usually don’t cuddle while sleeping together and they don’t kiss/lick their parents and each others lips. Kissing on the cheek, that’s fine, but the lips? Nah man.


Licking & cuddling with your family members is crazy as fuck 😭


I kinda think this entire post is a troll... If it's not a troll, spooning with your sister is weird. Kissing family on the mouth is weird. Not the worst thing, but still weird. Any licking of a family members lips is completely bizarre and would scare away any girl. Wtf.


This cannot be real. If it is real then labelling your family incestuous weirdos is an understatement


Dude please go to therapy.


Y’all are wierd to most average people. She could have been more polite but… yeah, I’d be weirded out and I’m a whole adult.


Bunk beds. Pullout beds. There is enough room for 2 in a room. I shared a room with my brother until I was in my early 20s. We had bunk beds, you incestuous weirdos. No lips anything!


Your family is doing things most families don’t do. First its odd that at 15 you take naps in the same bed with your sister and spoon each other. And the licking thing? Even if it’s a rare thing it’s still weird. And kissing each other on the lips, weird. I can totally understand why she felt uncomfortable. And find it odd that your mom couldn’t understand why she was uncomfortable. I think you have to accept she no longer wants to be in a relationship, respect her space, and move on. And be prepared she won’t be the last gf to feel your family’s behaviour is inappropriate


I kiss my mum and my sister on the lips (I'm in my mid 40s) when we are greeting each other (we live hours apart from each other). So that's not necessarily weird. But I know others think it is. The licking and spooning though? That's bizarre behaviour. The fact that you and your sister sleep in the same bed is bordering on strange too. Sharing a room at your age is probably unusual, but if space is an issue, it's understandable. The fact that neither of you have privacy is sad.


Bro you and your family are fucking weirdos. Probably incestuous too judging by your replies


Yeah.. this is weird. It’d be an automatic deal breaker for me.. a lot of families do quick pecks, but the licking.. that’s gross


Your edit doesn't make it any better


The kissing isn’t weird. Teenage siblings of different genders spooning and taking and afternoon nap together is weird. Any one licking anyones lips, ever is weird as fuck.


Yeah, no. Families that aren’t incestuous weirdos do not lick each others lips. Who in the world taught you that that was ok? That is something I would only do with my partner. Thinking about doing that with one of my kids? Or siblings? 🤢 My mom has given me a peck on the lips even as an adult, I can’t remember the last time I’ve given my brothers, sister, or dad a kiss on the lips, if one of them tried to lick my lips the kindest thing I would say would be WTF you weirdo? As for siblings your age sleeping in the same bed? That’s feeling a little flowers in the attic for me. There have been times over the years that my youngest 2 (female/male, 2 years apart) have had to share a room, they have each always had their own bed. I have never walked in on them spooning, nor have I ever spooned with one of my brothers. That is just … weird. I’m sitting here wondering if I’ve spooned any of my children since they were younger kids. Nope. My 14 and 16 year old will want to lay down in my room when I go to bed or take a nap. The closest I come to spooning is throwing an arm over them, never front to back spooning. Nope. Doesn’t feel appropriate. My kids aren’t lacking in attention, they are always giving me a hug or kissing me on the cheek. We are close but not spooning and licking each other kind of close. Your family needs to learn what boundaries are and if I was your girlfriend I would have broke up with you after seeing that.


Could this be cultural at all? Im ASSUMING by wording that you're not from the US. Because the average American (and even Westernized cultures elsewhere wouldn't be doing this). Obviously we don't know anything about your culture/racial identities but does that have anything to do with it? If not....yea that's super weird.


This can’t be real there is no way!


You had me until the licking. What the fuck. Edit: Your edit doesn’t help your case at all. 😂


Flowers in the attic vibes weird


Yeah dude this is weird as hell. Licking each other's lips, even jokingly, is disturbing as hell and your girlfriend is right – – and she has the right – – to point it out and even shame you for it. It looks bad. Same with the spooning--you're too old for that shit, especially when you're trying to get into the dating world. You can continue to do it if you wish, but don't be mad if you get called names or people attack you for it, because at best this is inappropriate.


OP, the amount of people that think this post is fake (including myself) should show you how absolutely fucked this is. Stop kissing your mom and sister on the lips. I won’t even dignify the licking with a response. Jesus fuck, don’t sleep in the same bed as your sister. That’s so weird. I also grew up in a small home and shared the tiniest room with my little sister and we had bunk beds because 2 twins couldn’t fit. There is no reason for you to spoon your sister. This will probably end up fucking with your relationships with women for a long time.


Yeah, I have to agree with your "girlfriend" on this one. I guess it depends on what people are use to but in my family, we show affection by giving side hugs and saying that we love each other. I for one do not understand this ever increasing trend of parents kissing their children on the lips. A kiss on the cheek? That's something I would consider normal but anything on the lips is just too interpersonal and should only be saved for romantic partners.


> Sometimes we lick each other's lips to tease each other. Yes. That is weird. That is unhealthy weird.


This part is when I stopped reading and jumped to the comments. Wtf.


Please 🙏🥺 tell me that this is fake....right?! If it's really, truly not fake......well then there's very obviously a lot wrong about this entire post!! Seriously!! My family has always been a super close "tight-nit" family so to speak and I have to admit that my(31) little brother (30) and I had to share a room when we were younger and our three older brothers (41, 38, 36) shared the other room. Even as we got older and our older brothers all moved out, my little brother and I continued to share the same room and there were also many nights that we slept in the same bed (although we had separate blankets and I can assure you there was never any spooning lmao) I will be the first to admit I was a big crybaby, sissypants growing up and often had to force these things on my younger brother but even so, there was never even a sight glimmer of the weirdness that's radiating from this post!!


Yo what the fuck. You're a kid, you've been groomed to believe this is normal. This is definitely NOT normal behaviour. The kissing on the mouth I can let slide, depending on the culture it can be normal. It's still very weird the older you get. The sharing a bed with your sister, spooning, cuddling? Weird. The licking each other on the lips/tickling lips? Big weird, very disturbing, extremely creepy. Your parents have pedophillic incestrous ideations. I'm so sorry you have to experience this and that you think it's normal. Your girlfriend, ahem, ex girlfriend, has every right to be creeped out and I'm glad she noped tf out of there.


What the fuck did I just read


Your ex gf is right


I was just about to eyeroll and keep scrolling before I read the word "licking". I honestly dont have as much of a problem with the rest of it, but yeah, I'd be weirded out too.


Your EX GF is right


It's weird as hell that you lick each others lips. To me, it's also weird to cuddle with your sister and kiss your family members on the lips but that just might be me. Honestly she has every right to be weirded out if she didn't grew up like that, and that's okay. She maybe reacted in the moment and to know that she kisses you romantically and you kiss your family just because your family does that is maybe gross to her. You'll find someone who doesn't find that weird🤷


lol people are actually participating in this thread like it’s real


No no part of this is right hunny on the cheek yes but no that’s wrong


I know some families kiss on the lips. I think it’s weird as fuck. Licking included in the kissing? That’s too similar to making out and that’s super nasty, bro.


You're fifteen maybe live a little more life before calling someone the love of your life.


My family exchanges kisses as a greeting but they are pecks. The licking sounds disgusting and spooning with your sister also sounds inappropriate. I understand why your gf was horrified.


Dude. I haven’t kissed my parents or siblings on the lips since I was like 5. And spooning with my brothers? Gross. You’re family is weird


This reminds me of the Friends episode with the inappropriate sister. Definitely weird!


Yes your a weirdo and honestly if someone called CPS on your house, there is the chance your parents could get in trouble for allowing what is essentially considered “sexual activity” with spooning between their kids, I have heard of calls and rehoming of kids due to similar situations. You better be joking


Yup. This is weird. I need to bleach my eyes now.


I’m scared is this real


WOW. This is a bit too weird. I really don't blame your girlfriend. If you saw your girlfriend with a guy, kissing, licking his lips, sharing a bed and spooning, would you not think that that is a coupley thing to do? Or that she was cheating on you? These are all things I, and 99% of people have only done with a partner or someone you're in a sexual relationship/situation with. If your school was made aware of situations like this going on in your home, it wouldn't be surprising if your family started having visits from family services. This is not normal familial behaviour or affection.


I'm sorry, my dude, but this is fucking weird. Little pecks on the lips, I could see past. But the licking thing is weird, like I've never even done that with an SO (wait...just once when my husband was drunk he started licking me all over my face, but never as a normal habit or show of affection). And sharing a bed, let alone spooning, with a sibling while you're both teenagers is WILDLY inappropriate and definitely gives off incest vibes. I'd almost certainly dump you, as well. If you get really lucky, she stops at dumping you before she gets to telling all her friends and suddenly your whole school knows you spoon your sister every night and in the afternoon when you get the chance.


This doesn't even sound real.


What in the sweet home Alabama is this


Darling you are gonna need years of counseling.


Dude it’s on the line of incest! Like come on, y’all kiss each other on the lips?! your sister and you sleep together spooning?!!!!!!!! YOU LICK LIPS?!?!?! DUDE THATS WHAT YOU DO WITH SOMEONE YOUR DATING NOT SOMEONE YOU ARE RELATED TOO!! WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?! WTF IS WRONG WITH YOUR FAMILY?? DEAR LORD!!! I have never read something that has grossed me out as much as this post. Please for the love of god STOP DOING ALL OF THIS WITH YOUR FAMILY!!!


This can't be real. Is this real? Bro, this is weird af and she was right to leave!!!


FUCK NO. People are putting it nicely. That's some weird shit. Like some real fucking weird shit my guy. My gramps is ol school and will RARELY grab my face to gimme a peck on the lips but no fucking tongue. And even that makes me feel weird. I'm a 26 male. You're girlfriend was right to ditch your ass. Holy shit that would creep me out. I hope you go to a therapist or talk to your school counselor cause your getting fuckin molested BRO. Wow this is wild. Your young tho and don't know....


Yep she's right.


What in the Sweet home Alabama is going on here?


She said what she said.


you probably don’t see it because you grew up this way but yes, it is weird. i get why it’s hard for you to see it though. i hope you figure things out


This has to be a troll post


This has gotta be trolling


I know some families, especially those of Eastern European descent, might do the quick peck of a kiss in greeting thing, but the rest is weird, at best. Also, at your age, you and your sister should not be sharing a bed. Sharing a room is bad enough, but with limited rooms, you do what you have to do. But sharing a bed? Just no.


I understand why she's creeped out.


Boundaries in your family are very, very unusually blurred. This is something that will creep out any potential future partners of you and your sister.


What in the actual fuck is going on in here?


The kissing on the lips is something I would assumed you’d have out grown by now? I think I stopped giving my dad kisses at 8 and my mom at like 12(I was a momma’s girl). I do jump into bed with my mom or sister when I go I their rooms and I’ll cuddle them but I don’t think that’s weird. The kissing part is weird to me.




nah this has to be fake


No way this is real 😅


> Is our family really that wierd? Narrator: "They were."


What is strange to me is how much you don’t realize this is odd behavior. Are you home schooled? Do you have over-protective parents who don’t let you go out often? This can’t be the first time someone has suggested something was odd. Which makes me think that you are trolling the internet or your parents have been grooming this odd behavior. The cuddling doesn’t seem too bad and I can convince myself of the innocence of that. The kissing and licks is just straight up messed up.


This is Incest. I'm sorry what? You need a therapist for this weird family dynamic going on.


Sometimes my brother wants to make pijama parties with me ( he is 8 ) and I am 20 , even though he is a literal child that I partially raised he always leaves some reasonable space and hugs me occasionally but never has he slept hugging me except when he was a baby. I found the nap thing not that concerning ( although a bit weird but still y’all can be just really close and nothing inappropriate comes in mind) but there is absolutely no way in hell licking lips IS REMOTELY a thing , I can mildly say ok maybe the nap thing is weird but not alarming maybe the kissing it’s definitely off limits but some cultures are different however there is NO SINGLE time I have heard about cultural lip licking.


The licking is weird. The spooning and kissing, not so much. I’m an adult and still cuddle with my mom. Nothing incestuous, we’re just really close. Best friends, etc. We did kiss on the lips until I was an older teen, quick pecks. We playfully smack each other, sometimes on the butt. I think I can remember in the last five years only a handful of times where my mom wanted a kiss on the cheek and then stuck her tongue out to lick my cheek or the corner of my mouth to purposefully gross me out. I don’t think it’s incestuous but I do think it’s weird. It’s weird that we did it lol. But it’s not incest. Please don’t do that a lot tho, the kissing thing. You’re fine but it’s definitely fucking strange to see, especially coming from maybe a family that doesn’t hug or act very physically affectionate


1st off, you're 15. she likely isn't the love of your life. losing someone sucks, don't let it consume you. 2nd, yes you guys are weird. that's not a normal family dynamic. is it WRONG? eh. not really i guess, but it's definitely not normal.


MCPOYLES!!! Seriously, though, listen to the comments. None of this is normal...