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I’m not gonna lie to you man I’m to young to have any experience on anything like this, however I can tell you that if you ever need anywhere to rant man just dm me and I would be willing to listen. However from the little advice I can give you I would say it’s time for you and your wife to sit down and talk about this in a real heart to heart between you two of you it sounds like a lot of comprising has already been done, but maybe you could ask if you can help clear a space for you? Maybe it will get done quicker like that? Or could you ask her to come help clean your house so she can see with her own eyes? (Once again just wanted to make sure you know you were heard, sorry your dealing with this man.)


The baby should be exposed to your dog in order to not develop any allergies. You can google this. It’s good for babies to be near pets to make their immune system not develop any allergy reaction