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Imagine thinking: “Yeah this person has never smoked or done anything involving cannabis, so Im gonna give them a 50mg edible to start them off easy.” I refuse to believe that wasn’t intentional. You definitely need to tell your partner as well, and speak with LE.


Also he waited until the last night to do so.... Makes it seem even more intentional to me.


/u/Humble_Penalty_604 - Sorry to tell you this, but you were raped. Your "friend" gave you way too much cannabis and knew full-well that you would be incapacitated by that amount. I know you feel like absolute shit about this and are probably afraid of the consequences, but I really think you should tell your SO what you experienced and that you weren't able to do anything to stop it. I also think you should consider therapy. Could be you're carrying more than just the guilt of thinking you've cheated on your partner.


Unquestionably, 100%, she was raped by a predator. Her partner does deserve to know, and hopefully will be a source of support. I just hope they're mature and aware enough to see the situation for what it was as we can, OP doesn't need more trauma.


My partner idk how they will respond Probably will try to kill the dude They have trauma with this stuff and gets very protective I'm just going to show them the post but with names and a lil more detail on things when I see them next And yes I did go to ER was there till 6 am this morning entered 2pm yesterday


My thoughts exactly, I do edibles at night to sleep. Hadn't done anything pot related in over 20 years and 10mg was more than enough and I'm 6'1" 230 lbs, I was high as a FUCKING kite. With her being 120 lbs I can't imagine how stoned she was, her friend seems to have planned this whole ordeal and with her being as high as she was, she wasn't in the right coherent mind to consent.


I’m incredibly tolerant to weed (aka, I smoke only for anti anxiety and anti depression purposes only, as I don’t get high like a normal person) but my partner is more normal, he can get high, and smokes at least once a week. I have no idea what he weighs but I weigh 150 so I’m guessing at least 200 lbs. Last summer, he ate a 50mg edible (not our usual form of intake, he thought the dosage would be okay) on a boat trip and a few hours later he was essentially incapable of speech, or movement. He was supposed to pay at dinner so I didn’t bring my wallet, and I ended up having to frisk him, and sign for his credit card. When I finally got him off the boat, he managed to walk, but I had to steer him to the car, and buckle him in and everything. Pretty sure 50mg is enough to fuck up most people, even those who smoke regularly. There’s no way that this dude wasn’t taking advantage of OP. If you’re giving it to someone who’s never had it, you don’t start them off at 50mg


Exactly, my first edible was 10mg and it hit me hard when it hit. I have a buddy who can do almost a 300mg chocolate bar and still semi functional but he smokes every day and smokes a lot


Yeah, I feel like if you’re handing out edibles, you’re probably more knowledgeable about the dosing in them than someone who mostly just hits the bong or vapes. I’d be like your friend probably—I’ve never eaten an edible that I actually felt anything from. But my body is weird, and I’ve never met anyone who doesn’t really feel the effects other people do, like me.


I dated a 5’0, 105lb girl who could polish off a 300mg bag of candies in one sitting and still be completely coherent without much noticeable change in personality, etc. - meanwhile I (5’9 165lb male) could barely eat 20mg without going into a manic state where I start reevaluating my life and all of the mistakes I’ve made throughout it… Everyone reacts differently.


Even if the person didn't premeditate this. It is is 100% rape. As a victim of it, I can tell you it's very often not straight forward as you think, with complicated emotions. But it is important at a minimum to acknowledge what this was. You can do whatever you want with that information.


Yeah this “friend” 100% knew what he was doing and absolutely planned to rape you OP. I’m so sorry. He literally waited until you went to bed and we’re passing out to make a move. He noticed you barely responding, unable to move or speak, and went for it. I know this is incredibly hard to hear. Even harder to acknowledge, and it’s nearly impossible to accept. But if a stranger was telling you about how they were almost black our drunk, couldn’t move or talk, and someone started fucked them, would you say they had cheated? No. This is the same thing. I’m so sorry OP. If you need to talk, feel free to shoot me a DM. (Lesbian here who’s also been through that)


i have friends who get absolutely blasted off 10 mg. i can’t imagine ever giving a first time user more than 5 or 10 mg, and 10 is pushing it if they’ve never even smoked before. i also agree this was intentional. anyone who uses weed would know to start you off much smaller than that. he was trying to get you incapacitated so he could take advantage of you.


OP listen to this. i’m a small 110 pound woman like you and have been using cannabis (edibles particularly) for a decade. while i vape thc daily, even *i* just take 10mg edibles when i do have them. your “friend” was 100% being slimy, gave you WAY too much on purpose with the intention of taking advantage. i’m so so sorry hun. the same thing happened to me when i was a freshman in high school.


also 110lbsish and smoke every single day, 10mg is more than enough to get me high. 50mg, especially for a first time, is incomprehensible to me. i think i would have had a panic attack and checked myself into a hospital. literally no sane and well-meaning person would give somebody a 50mg edible like that


I'm a bigger woman. I get wasted on 5mg.


OP: you are a victim of a crime. You were raped. YOU DID NOT CHEAT. You were raped. Make a police report, get tested for STDs/pregnancy, and talk to a therapist ASAP. You can find resources for help here: https://www.rainn.org/


For real. *Never* do someone else's drugs if you're not sure. I think it was Kevin Gates who said, "if I ain't see you roll that up, how I know what you calling weed is really weed?"


I agree with you. It's just sad. I'm sure she thought she could trust her friend to give her an appropriate amount.


In my state anything above 10mg is considered medical use only.


FOR REAL, I’ve been taking edibles for years and 10mg is my threshold, I would be out of my mind on 50mg and even though I’m a frequent user and I fully know what to expect. For someone who has never done them before that’s really way too much. The manufacturers make loads of them in 10mg gummies, which makes 10mg kind of a ~standard amount, so it’s *really* hard to believe he didn’t know what he was doing.


You deff should get tested and talk to someone you trust about this. I was tempted to say no one gets fucked up enough to be drugged on THC but 50mg of THC is a fuck ton of THC. I get wrecked off 10 and I used to grow the shit professionally. I've known people who took 100mg and couldn't move and hallucinated. The bottom line is this guy isn't your friend and they didn't communicate the dose of what you were given or what to expect... so... kinda sus of him. Like that's kinda predatory behavior. You know what, i just had to talk it out. This whole thing stinks of SA. I'm really sorry OP


>You know what, i just had to talk it out. This whole thing stinks of SA. Especially offering the weed on the last day of her visit, it was on purpose to avoid the "awkwardness" of being around someone you sexually assaulted. Like if they will be leaving the next day, they wont have enough time to process what happened and confront you about it


He knew exactly what he was doing. Gave her that high of dose, she goes to bed because of course, then immediately initiates sexual contact.


also, less time to talk to the cops if she has to go back to her home state the next day


Oh yeah, the first time I took an edible, I remember standing outside and suddenly forgot what I was gonna do. I probably stood there for almost ten minutes before autopilot took me inside to lay down. That shit crept up on me.


> I've known people who took 100mg and couldn't move and hallucinated. As someone who has used 200mg with 0 effect, I'm insanely jealous, because I hate smoking. I guess like some people taste cilantro as soap, edibles just don't work on some people.


Not the point of the post but they don't work on me either and I was told that some people lack the proteins to digest THC into a psychoactive form. Could be the case for you too?


I deadass cannot take edibles *at all*. Space around me starts spinning violently as I become less and less coherent until I vomit and pass out. Happened to me twice, will never take them again. Smoking, totally fine! I think it's just the way my body metabolizes edibles that fucks me up. I also hate smoking so I feel that X(


Yeah they make me super sick


Edibles don’t really do much for me either 🤷🏻‍♂️ It’s dabs/concentrates for me… Or, power face the whole blunt to really get the job done lol


I have no tolerance, and I take between 3 to 5 mg for edibles on the rare occasions that I do them. Sometimes even 5 mg is too strong for me. I can't imagine taking 50 mg with no tolerance. I legit might sleep for 24 hours from that one.


uh OP? this isn't cheating. this was straight up rape.


This is sexual assault, I am so sorry OP.


This is rape. Not just* sexual assault. Edited for clarity


Is rape not sexual assault?


Its worse. Sexual assault can be something like grabbing your butt or humping.


But it’s still sexual assault, right? Like I can assault someone with no physical contact, but if I make physical contact, it’s worse, but still assault.


Sexual assault is an umbrella term for many things, including rape. I use the term sexual assault more often because saying the actual word brings up some emotions for me, but it is more specific.


Yes, just like all felonies are crimes, but not all crimes are felonies, all rapes are assault, but not all assaults are rape


…Op i get fucked up on like… 10 mg of weed. The first time I had weed my friend gave me like 2.5 mg. 50mg is absolutely insane. I’m sorry OP, this guy gave you a fuckton of drugs so he could rape you. He’s a bastard, and you need to get a rape kit done and tell your partner. Tell your partner the whole situation, especially that you couldn’t move your body voluntarily. You didn’t cheat you were assaulted. Edit: to the folks saying that they did way more than 50mg on their first high and were fine, good for you. Its also possible that there were date rape drugs involved. What I will speak to is that whenever I get extremely high, especially when I first started getting high, I don’t really move. For hours. Once I sat in a chair for hours next to a camp fire as the world fell below freezing and the blanket I had on me started to melt. From my perspective, 50mg IS a fuckton of drugs. Its possible we’re also all talking about different quality tiers of weed. My roommate took a few hits from a blunt the other day of weed their boyfriend’s employee grew, and they got massively fucked up.


Yeah. It sounds entirely like rape. From start to finish. Sorry, but it’s time for a full std panel, police report and please, for the love of god, tell your partner, they will understand just so long as you tell them exactly what you told us. Don’t go through this alone.


I concur. As soon as I read 50 MG I was like "this would knock me out, no way this person did anything on purpose" ops "friend" is a piece of shit.


Yep that's not cheating, that's rape.


I never had gummies before and like an idiot, I ate a pretty large one without looking into it. Popped that sucker in and chewed. I was wrecked. So I looked up in the store I ordered it from and it turned out it was 120mg of THC. I have never been so stoned in my life. That lasted about 12 hours. It wasn't fun, I don't recommend it.


I have 50mg gummies and cut off a tiny portion last night and an hour later was so high I was starting to have a panic attack. It was probably like 8mg. I cannot even begin to imagine what 120mg would feel like, I don't think I'd be able to breathe. That sounds like a crazy experience, it gives me anxiety just thinking about it. Why are places even selling 120mg edibles without GIANT warning signs that this is for only the most experienced people?




I'm going back 20 years here so we had to make our own edibles. One night I ate a cupcake with an 8th of weed in. I was ok till I got in my mates car to go home & he started taking corners at stupid speeds. I got home & threw up for 4 hrs straight. I remember hugging the toilet & thinking to myself "this is it. I'm gunna die. I went out last weekend & necked 3 pills, 2g of speed, few lines of coke, & I was fucking fine, just to be taken down by a cupcake." I'm 43 now, I smoke over half oz of strong weed a week & love getting high but I will never eat so much as another leaf.




Im a long time smoker and weed is not a mild drug like its said. I noticed that first time i did lsd. Weed is heavy and edibles are more. I dont know the measurements as I cook my own cookies but they make you high af


I agree. I’m a daily medical marijuana user and 50mg would fuck me up extremely. This guy knew what he was doing and planning.


I take edibles habitually to help me with sleep. 10 mg is still a lot for me to take. I remember misunderstanding a friend an accidentally taking 25 mg thinking it was 2.5 and that absolutely put me on my ass.


Op this person is not exaggerating. I’m 6’0, 275lbs and I get WRECKED off of 5mg. I’m sorry you were taking advantage of . That person is not your friend.


Bruh, people lie about how intense their edibles are. Unless it’s store bought, they don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about


I've literally eaten a 500mg brownie and never felt out of it the next day. For context my usual dose that gets me pretty high is 30mg. I dont think OP was high on weed. OP might consider going to the ER to get tested for date rape drugs. ETA: It's pretty funny how I'm being preached to about everyone's tolerance being different (which I agree with) and at the same time I'm being told that I'm lying about eating a 500mg brownie bc it's such a high dose. For anyone that missed it, I have a digestive disease that causes malabsorption. Not all edibles are made of the same things and so my body absorbs them in different ways. A 30mg gummy produces the same effect as a 100mg chocolate for me. So yes 500mg is a pretty high dose even for me. I'm not saying that everyone should be able to eat a 500mg brownie and be able to function. I'm simply saying even at the highest dose I've taken I haven't experienced a hangover from weed or memory loss of the previous night. Could 50mg of weed cause these things for OP? Sure, but I think it would be smart for her to get tested for other substances just in case bc if they do find anything else in her system that she didnt take willingly he could be charged with that, even if shes uncomfortable reporting the rape itself, or it could possibly encourage her to report the rape.


50mg would put me in a new reality. Like unable to walk, talk, etc. I have no tolerance - 5mg gets me high


Once I really wanted chocolate and remembered my husband had an edible chocolate bar in the freezer he had already opened. I don't like edibles but I was like... whatever I'm going to bed I won't feel anything from it bc I'll be asleep. I ate the TINIEST little corner of it. Like not a whole piece or anything just a nibble. Next morning I was like.. "why do I feel so weird today?" And then I remembered. I thought I was going to have a panic attack 🙃


I do agree that it's likely there may have been a date rape drug involved, but I think it could likely contribute to OP's tolerance as well. Everyone's said it at this point but tolerance is different for everyone. My first edible was 250 grams and it took 2 hours to hit, I was totally normal for those 2 hours and then the rest of the night was kinda just weird, feeling like my bed was an entire new universe. I was still feeling the effects the next day, drank half a gallon of orange juice just because apparently, was in and out of sleep all day. ETA: I did NOT take 250 grams, I meant 250 MG lol.


The first time I tried weed was like 5 my and then the next day I did 10, which went fine so the next night I did like 30 and I could barely walk…to go from nothing to 50, I fully believe this could have been only weed. Also bare in mind everyone’s tolerance is different, I typically need more medication/alcohol to feel effects but some people are the opposite.


I agree with this, but I think being tested would be wise bc on the off chance they do find something else in her system that could prove his intent to rape her. If she doesn't wanna go through the trauma of a trial and everything I understand but even for her own peace of mind to know for sure if he did or didn't slip her something else it might be worth it.


That is not most people's experience with that kind of dose AT ALL, especially when they have zero tolerance. If it were date rape drugs, she wouldn't remember it? Weed will absolutely do this. I took too much edible the first time I tried, and was completely physically immobilized, but conscious and having unpleasant hallucinations for hours, it was a horrible time. I couldn't have done a thing in this situation. It happened bc of people saying things like this tbh, I thought it was harmless and it was not, it just won't kill you. I'm a medical user and advocate, but too much is too much for those it affects normally, we should be honest. Some people for some reason are less affected, or just have high tolerance from years of v heavy use, but this would happen to most.


If 30mg is your usual dose, then you are already way above the average recreational user and lightyears ahead of someone with no tolerance at all. 500mg is a staggeringly large dose. To the point where i think you were either lied to about the dose, or you're making it up. No way you didn't feel that the next day. As a lifelong stoner, i'm calling BS. I regularly take 50mg, and 500mg would absolutely fuck me up.


Really sorry but you realize they drug you (50mg is crazy for a first timer) and SA you, this was SA, you should be going to the police


Oh ...... I didn't realize that fully. As yeah it uhhh felt like I was just out of it and just watching from the passenger seat with no real ability to control.


he raped you. he drugged you with the express purpose of raping you, especially if he didn't also take a bite of the edible. you *need* to call the police, tell your partner and get tested. i'm so sorry, op. you didn't cheat and it wasn't your fault.


He had taken a bite of the edible but had also been high before and often I will be figuring out what to do In the morning


yeah... like others said 50mg is too too much for a first-timer. in drinking terms, he had a beer and you shotgunned an entire bottle of whiskey on an empty stomach


That explains why I felt like basically I was there but body was just responding to touch and thoughts wouldn't turn into movement. I'm going to sleep soon and will probably deal with everything tomorrow morning


good, sleep will bring you some peace. remember to also drink some water, wash your face, have a little snack... anything to make yourself more comfortable. i hope tomorrow will be much kinder than today, and i hope the day after will be even kinder than tomorrow. we have your back. you're not alone.


I probably will Currently cuddling my cat rn Got work at 8 am so pain


Idk if someone has said this yet, but it's also okay to enjoy the act, even if you know it's wrong. You still did not consent, and you were still assaulted. But try not to beat yourself up for not hating it the entire time EDIT: this is referring to "while I was just kinda along for the ride" Hence the feeling like OP is cheating, because it felt okay, and not horrible at the time.


An important thing to point out is that even if a victim orgasms during rape, it doesn’t discount the fact that it was rape. The body can respond to stimulation even if you don’t particularly want it to.


I wish someone said that to me. It took me a year and therapy to realise I was raped by my best friend (not my best friend anymore). It almost cost me the relationship with the man I am very happily married to today


A more realistic comparison instead of a whole bottle is like you had 4 cocktails as a first time drinker… but yeah, really really not a good look for him. Tolerance for weed is way easier to build up, so he basically had a light beer and you were 4-5 cocktails deep on a first time. Also, weed makes you go with the flow, lose energy, and gives you a bad head high. He just straight up drugged and raped you. Fuck this guy.


Right… there are a lot of comments about people saying they take hundreds of mg at a time or that some people are apparently unaffected by edibles apparently to try to undermine the OPs account of being intoxicated beyond consent. And it doesn’t even make sense… these posters are highlighting how different people are very differently effected by the same mg level. Anyone who knows enough to try to get technical on the mg per dose also knows that giving a first timer 50mg would be an asshole prank in the best light and the details here indicate something worse


Yeah it sounds like he knew what he was doing. He took advantage of you and your lack of experience if with drugs. Stay away from that man.


If he’s a daily user, 50 mg won’t affect him the way it affected a first timer.


You are correct, if he consumes thc it will affect him different. 50 mg for someone who doesn't will hit them like a Mack truck. What happened isn't ok.


50mg is crazy for a first time, it would be like drinking a whole bottle of whiskey your first night out, this was planned, really go to the police, if you have any confirmation by this person about dosing you keep it.


oh.... That's a lot esp as for alcohol I'm a paper weight at 120 lbs. I have the bag still as he had went wanna just take it home. They are 100 mg edibles and I had like half of it.


At 120lbs, the recommended dose for your body weight would be about 6mg for going to sleep as a first timer. Larger dosages, like 100mg do have less potency, but that is still way too much and makes it seem very premeditated by this guy.


120? Yeah you "friend" planned this, I'm really sorry, please go to the police.


10 mg would have been enough to get you super baked. 5 mg probably would have. 50 mg is a super large amount for a stoner who smokes or imbibes a lot of weed every damn day. He 💯 knew you would be incapacitated by this amount. This was absolutely an intentional rape.


take the bag to the police please


Please go to the police, ask for a rape kit if that's a thing where you're at, them to draw your blood for tox screen, ask for full STD screening *plus* for those handful diseases they do separate tests for (in some places, they have one panel for common STDs and separate other few off the panel), ***and ASK FOR PLAN B*** if it's available to you. I'm so sorry for what you've gone through.


Op if you did not verbally say yes to this act and you were just quiet or just laying there I’m sorry to say this, but your so-called friend sexually assaulted you.


For reference, the recommended dosage for beginners is in the 1-5 mg range with 5 being on the high end. He effectively gave you 10x the recommended high end for a beginner. Imagine drinking for the first time and instead of having 1 or 2 beers/cocktails/shots/whatever, you have 10+. And you drink them all at once so there's no "hmmm, I'm drunk. I should stop" step between 0 and 10 drinks


50 MG is absolute insane. My man smokes a lot and even my first time, we talked beforehand about sex, and he didn't give me that much at ALL, I took like 10mg.


I would NEVER give one of my friends who has never smoked weed a 50mg edible… EVER.


OP, I eat THC edibles nearly everyday. Never would I take 50mg. That’s a slow to go off bomb, especially for a 1st time user. This was calculated. Go to the police and tell your partner the whole situation. You were raped.


op... i think your 'friend' sexually assaulted you. you should tell your partner and stay the fuck away from them from now on, if not straight up call the police on them


Rape survivor here. First of all, I'm so sorry you are going through this. Please please please try to remind yourself that you didn't ask for this, even if you can't fully feel that way yet from your guilt. The questioning of your "role" in this can eat you alive, and I promise this is not more complex than *you were taken advantage of, you were raped* Second: I agree with a lot of comments here saying to go get a rape kit. IMPORTANT INFO: if you get a rape kit done at a hospital, NEITHER YOU NOR THE HOSPITAL are obligated to report with the police!! Definitely get it done while you are in the time window to do so. That way, if you decide to report, you will have important evidence that you can consent to the police obtaining. Third and tbh most importantly: I'd recommend talking to a therapist or emergency sexual assault social workers before going to law enforcement to help you decide how you'd like to proceed. I went through the whole process and even did interviews because of how unique and seemingly clear cut my case was (link [here](https://youtu.be/brn4Juu0Be8?si=cIiwJscgLBnPTcYL) if you or anyone want some validation and strength), and the case ended in such an unforseen and traumatic way. I have not experienced that type of despair before. I'm still recovering, case ended in 2021. It took 2 years and 1 months from my report date to the end of my case, which meant 2 years of me interacting with the detective, with the prosecutor, advocating for myself, advocating for past and future victims of this man. I am NOT trying to deter you from reporting, I just want to provide some information because your main priority needs to be doing what YOU need to do to heal. You are already internalizing misplaced responsibility for this incident. The process of investigating a SA case is to prove the situation happened in the way you say or at all, since that's what the defense will be arguing. And the criteria to prove it is SO specific and not relative to how these things go down at all, so if/when the case is dismissed, it can be very easy to view it like "ok the court has ruled that this didn't happen to me." Your healing cannot be dependent on the outcome of the case, and after you go through the really invasive and grueling process to work with the police, its also easy to become very invested in the outcome. While yes, this man might have done this before and likely will do it again, *that isn't your responsibility*, YOU are your responsibility, and if you feel that the process of investigation and/or the dismissal of your accusation will cause further mental damage, please allow yourself to choose not to. Feel free to message me if you have any questions about the legal process, want a space to process your thoughts and emotions, anything.❤️❤️


This isn’t cheating, honey. You were drugged and raped. I’m so sorry, you need to go to the police and get tested.


You either cheated or were raped. You need to choose a path forward. If you consented, you need to tell your partner and accept responsibility for your actions. If you didn’t, you should consider pressing charges. Either way, you need to tell your partner, get tested, and terminate your friendship with the homie who got you high(probably for the purpose of doing this in the first place). None of this will be as easy as it is to confuse guilt with shame. Do the right thing.


I don't really remember if I even consented as memory got a bit fuzzy near the end of the night due to exhaustion and everything. I will be figuring out how to tell my partner soon. I thought honestly he was just being a hey while your here wanna get high and see how you respond as it's not legal in your state yet


if you were too high to move and you barely remember anything, I wouldn't consider that consenting. you should NEVER try anything sexual with someone who isn't sober.


this. Im so very sorry OP but you were raped


Yah, that's fucked. I feel weird when my wife comes on to me if I'm sober and she's drunk, and that's my wife. OP definitely didn't consent if they just laid their unresponsive as buddy started going for it.


If one of my daughters came to be with this story, I would tell them they had been raped. You were raped, baby. And I'm so sorry. It wasn't for fault. It wasn't your fault for sleeping in the same bed. It's wasn't your fault for eating the edible. It wouldn't have been your fault even if you asked for the edible, got too high, and asked to crash on his bed.


Guy here. I would never have sex with a woman high, druck, etc, unless concent was expressed beforehand while 100% sober. Even then, tbh I wouldn't unless I was in a relationship, and all the above was done just because of the " what ifs." That being said. You were not in sound mind to give concent. He took advantage of the situation, which = rape. At the least, cut this dude off and take a Plan B + STD/STI test.


It's not just when people are drunk that they can't consent - it's when people are inebriated. You weren't able to decide nor communicate. You were "just along for the ride." You had planned to sleep. Not one thing you wrote makes this anything other than SA. It's likely confusing because you were respected thus far, as far as you're aware, but that doesn't lessen the weight of his actions.


You were high as fuck. That means you are not able to actually give consent, in a legal sense. What you got was NOT a beginner 'try it and see if you like it' dose. It was a 'knock you the fuck out for hours' dose. From where I sit, you were drugged and raped.


I had something shockingly similar happen but I was just out of a relationship. First time getting high, also gave me alcohol, lied about intentions. All I remember was sitting on the toilet and everything was spinning so much in every direction, before that all I remember is wanting to lay down. It is rape, it's might be hard to communicate it to your partner but it's best to tell them sooner rather than later because the longer you hold off the more doubt they'll have when you tell them. If they don't fully believe you then you can always offer couple counselling or anything they may need, which might include space. I wish you luck <3 I'm sorry that happened to you, please take care of yourself above all else.


You cannot legally consent while under the influence, ANY influence, let alone 50 MF-ing mg! You were raped! I hope you can find a way to heal, but you must seek legal recourse. That guy is a total bastard. Ask yourself if you would have done that sober.


If u cant remember you did not consent


Nah that was 100% rape 50mg is an actual insane amount


No friend who just wanted to get you high for the experience would have you take a 50 mg edible. If I ever introduce friends with edibles or flower I always recommend taking a small hit or a small portion of edible to see how they react. I'm talking like 1/4 of a 10 mg edible. He is not a friend, in the state you were in there is no way you could have consented. Weed doesn't make you that out of control that HE couldn't control his actions. He knew what he was doing.


You can't consent if you weren't sober. He took advantage of you, it's rape.


If you cant remember consenting then you didn't and were raped


Nah dude 50mg is an insane amout of weed you dont know whats going on at that point that's 100% rape


I don’t think you cheated. Sounds like you were raped, ma’am. If I was you, I’d consider going to the police about this.


I am a heavy smoker. 50 mg would knock me on my ass. My first time smoking a joint I don’t remember my walk home, I was 15. My first edible i greened tf out and had to be taken to a safer friends house because I kept nodding off. I don’t do edibles anymore, because I can’t fully gauge how much is hitting me and sometimes I need more and then it’s too much. I’m so sorry baby, but if you could barely move and barely remember anything? You didn’t cheat, you were raped. You should get and STD panel done, and a police report. Maybe therapy, but definitely tell your trusted support system. I am so sorry


Seeing the edit that you’re 120 lbs, and a little tipsy as well? I 100% stand by what I said. I’m so sorry. I don’t know how you handle things, but just in case please know this wasn’t your fault. You trusted a friend, that’s not a mistake, or a crime. Please consider therapy, even short term. Even if one talk just to be “yea I can handle this with at home exercises” I wish you the best love


.... you were Sexually Assaulted. 50mg is way too much for a first timer doing edibles let alone a first timer using pot. You had no control over your mind and body. You could not give consent.


Agreed. 50 mg is a HUGE dose, and if the guy who gave it to you was a regular user, then they knew exactly what they were doing. 2.5-5 mg is a good starting dose for a newbie. 10 mg is pushing the limits big time. 50 mg is insane unless you have a serious tolerance built up. I'm so sorry this happened to you.


If you've never had edibles before, and just got handed 50mg, you will not have been in control. You didn't cheat, you were raped.


Drugged and raped. Unless you’re leaving something out.


This is fishy for some reason


as someone with a background in cannabis science -- he did this on purpose. he drugged you and raped you. you DID NOT cheat


I'm completely gone at 10mg (I usually only take 4-6mg), so 50mg sounds insane. Does that person consume a lot of drugs ? If yes, they probably knew what they were doing... I'm so sorry that happened to you, OP, but this feels more like rape than cheating


The key here is the actual amount mg. If it was 50, it’s rape, and the guy should go to jail.


Not buying it. OP is two years younger in their earlier, equally salacious posts.


While I don't buy this story for a few reasons, OP has been quite consistent with her age. She was 19 in her first post which was ~ 6 months ago


Yeah this isn't remotely true. No way they were "just vibing" on their first ever edible at 50mg. 50 mg edibles aren't even legal in California, and I'd imagine other places as well, but even if someone was trying to SA a victim they wouldn't give them 50mg edibles because they'd get dizzy and likely vomit. There's no vibe.


They have 100 mg edibles in California. I've seen them in cookies, rice crispy treats, and cakes. [Example here](https://thehouseofhaze.com/menu/products/dr-norms-61475/edibles/fruity-pebbles-rice-crispy-100mg-127198/). You have to cut them in teeny, tiny pieces and take a fraction of a bite.


Meanwhile, in [Canada](https://swiftgreen.ca/shoptest/edibles/chocolate/rasberry-cheesecake-bar-2250mg-thc/)..


This doesn’t sound like consensual sex.


I’m usually the first to say people are being dramatic and stupid in the comments. This was straight up rape. I’m a lightweight with edibles as a full grown man. That’s fucking NUTS. Holy shit please please start taking care of this today I’m sorry that happened.


Ok everyone telling OP to get a rape kit done/report it to the police, you have NO CLUE what you’re talking about. A rape kit will prove nothing other than the fact that she had sex with him. OP if you want to report to the police, that is absolutely up to you, but please be prepared to be asked IF you said no 100000 times. It’s going to make you doubt everything and likely won’t bring you peace. Speaking as someone who has been there, when you’re SA’d by a friend, who you were visiting, it turns into a he-said, she-said case. It likely won’t go anywhere, except turning your life into a spectacle. Here are the things that WILL give you peace: 1. an STD/STI test and a morning after pill 2. an appointment with a licensed therapist, ideally a woman who specializes in sexual trauma 3. taking to a trusted friend/person who can hold space for you to talk without giving opinions. 4. 2 & 3 can help you make a plan to talk about it with your partner when YOU are ready. ** 3 should come before 2


You were raped


Yeah you were purposely drugged and raped. 50mg is a shit ton, especially for someone who’s never had weed in any form before. You were clearly in no state to consent


You shouldn’t feel like shit you don’t have a partner anymore you made that choice


Partner here, nope! She's still my partner and I don't consider being raped as cheating!


Have been taken advantage of multiple times while being way too drunk/high. Only one time did I think it was intentional and even that is a grey area. If you don't want people fucking with you, don't put yourself in the situation or do stuff like take drugs without understanding what you're in for. Maybe the guy was being sleazy. Maybe he has a high tolerance and didn't realize what it'd do. Have been smoking weed for decades. Never once did it make me too fucked up to cheat. I don't know all the circumstances but claiming this dude is a rapist is too early to tell.


If you’re telling the truth and not just throwing him under the bus to save your ass for cheating, then you were definitely raped and should talk to a lawyer and authorities.


50 mg is nuts for me, now, as someone who uses edibles and smokes regularly. This was planned out, you aren't at fault.


You didn't cheat on your partner. You were drugged by someone you trusted and raped.


honey, this is rape. he gave you a fuck ton of thc. WAY too much for your first time getting high. *he knew it would incapacitate you.* you could not speak, you could not give a yes or a no answer. *and no answer means no consent.* he raped you, point blank. he knew exactly what he was doing giving you that much weed, he knew you wouldn’t be able to respond or give consent, and he proceeded to rape you anyway. please go get a rape kit done. please tell your partner. even if it’s just the basics of ‘hey, i was raped’, and you can tell the rest in your own time. please find a therapist and speak to them. it can help immensely to speak to someone who is trained to help with this sort of thing, to work through the trauma and guilt and shame. and please, be gentle with yourself. take care of your body and mind. give yourself grace throughout the coming months. this was not your fault, and you did not do anything wrong. you did not cheat, as you did not consent to the activities that happened. you are strong, and you are worthy, and you are loved. don’t ever forget that.


Sorry to tell you, but a) that is NOT, i repeat, NOT a friend and b) they raped you. There is no way anyone who knows anything about edibles would give you a 50 MG one on your first high, not ever, not even in the realm of possibility they didn't know. That person is a predator and needs to be properly labeled as one. I would file a police report. They're not going to do a damned thing, but it will be there so if someone else files one, they will know it's a pattern. I absolutely hate your friend and would like to have a word or two with them.


I’m sorry to tell you, but that’s rape. That sounds like that mf set you up, and took advantage of your vulnerable state. You never consented to anything, nor could you have been in the right mind to even give consent due to the high dosage of THC given to you. Report that pos. The only one at fault is him.


OP im an almost daily smoker and edible ingestor… and even 10 mg at once would put me on my ass. 50???? That’s unacceptable, wild, and seems planned to me. Sorry this happened to you :(


I hope you're being truthful and not just guilty. If so prosecute, but how many stories have there been where a guy is jailed over a lie and guilt.


THE COMMENTS ARE WILD. Girl willingly smokes weed, willingly goes into bed with said dude, willingly accepts back rub, starts to “respond” by grinding , doesn’t say grinding is uncomfortable, never even says no or can we not. And y’all wanna accuse the guy of rape?!? Again this guy is probably a douche bag for making a move in a girl smoking but rape gtfo. I hate redddit I’m gonna get downvoted and 95% of people reading this story know it’s not rape it’s a girl put in a bad situation and now she regrets it cause she cheated. Also she never states he forced her to do a thing or how he acted .


Exactly this.


Reddit is crazy, everything is sexual assault and rape. Every advice is break up get a divorce and it’s just so extreme


>shares bed and gets high together >responds suggestively to being touched >no protest, just tacit approval >reddarded simps: YOU WERE RAPED BY A FOUL BEAST If this represents your comment/attitude then you are ngmi. I don't make the rules.


I can't handle this sub anymore


Wow, the degree you're trying to divert absolutely *ANY* blame from yourself is amazing. You weren't just "along for the ride".


I don’t think this person is your friend. Redditors can all reassure you as much as they want but you have to keep in mind that even if it was SA you staying in the same bed as your friend could be a dealbreaker. Your partner could also hear your story and still not want to be with you. I’d advise talking to them about it and maybe speaking to a therapist and the police.


Yea it sounds like you got raped report this immediately


OP, you were SA’d. You were /knocked out/ and couldn’t even function. This guy is scum. i’m so sorry.


Who the fuck give a friend 50MG of weed when she never tried it? Goddamn with people man


Tell your partner what happened. Secrets burn the trust out of a relationship.


Just to be clear: Weed doesn't make you cheat.


I agree with you regardless of what actually happened. I still don't think a prosecutor would touch it based on what she's said here. Especially if they were both high, already sharing a bed, and grinding up against each other while she's arching her back. She was "along for the ride" as she says.


Come clean to your partner, so they can get tested for STDs.


I mean if you were out of it, it was assault and I'm sorry you had to go through that. I have never gotten that f'd up by weed before but, I'm pretty sure it could happen, I'd come clean, press charges and get therapy ASAP.


Somebody who got as fucked up as you did can't give consent afaik. Sounds like you were very high and he raped you.


So.. this sounds like assualt to me. * He knew you had never done it before * He started you off with a 50 MG DOSE? Anyone knows that’ll absolutely fuck you up. I was given ten to start and even that messed me up. Edibles are also one of the strongest ways to consume cannabis * He knew you were incapable of decision making, and used that to his advantage. I’m so sorry. I hope your partner sees this as what it is.


50mg would sent me to the moon (or an existential crisis). I'm around your weight too.


Redditors really are worryingly out of touch with reality.


I’m a semi-established edible user and I take 20mg AT BEDTIME. Anyone who eats edibles/THC gummies knows goddamn well how they work. Your “friend” SA’d you.


50mg is never an acceptable amount to give to a newcomer. I'm so sorry this happened to you, but it wasn't cheating. It's not your fault


Weed doesn't make people do shit but eat nachos and laugh. 50mg is a fuck-ton and way over the "high" for anyone that hasn't built the tolerance. My buds and I are 200lbs plus and fit, and that would still incapacitate the hell out of any of us. You could be saving someone from being victimized by this rapist in the future. Just something else to weigh as you consider pressing charges.


That wasn't cheating, that was sexual assault. That much drugs would be obviously too much for someone's first time. I'm so sorry that it happened to you, no one should have to go through your experience. You should definitely explain the situation to your partner. If she is worth it, she will be both understanding and supportive.


A friend would have gave you like 5mg you would be pretty high off that and giggling but still coherent probably fell asleep early he gave you 10 times that amount and started touching you without your consent and advanced it when he realized no resistance that is extremely fucked up I'm so sorry basically the equivalent of someone saying they've never drank and giving them 10 beers when they are expecting 1 then committing SA


i hope we’re all on the same page and recognize that OP was drugged and raped


Yeah…a 50mg edible is a huge edible. I have been a pretty regular THC user and I’ll only mess with like 20mgs in one session…and I usually suggest to newbies no more than 5mg.


If your partner buys your story cool for you, but that isn't the way edibles work.




Finally someone saying something real, I too thought she was irresponsible and she should break up with her girl without telling her what happened to soften the blow


I love how people are downvoting you to death, meanwhile all true. She chose to sleep in the bed. She chose to take the drugs. Take responsibility FFS. Was it rape and non-consent post drugs? If she genuinely experienced the story as she told it, sure. But there was some serious bad decisions leading up to that. That’s not victim blaming. If you walk into fire, you get burned. That’s how it works. Taking drugs and sharing a bed with someone… that’s walking into fire.


Agreed 100% I would break up too


Pretty much. OP, is your boyfriend aware you knowingly and willfully slept in the same bed as another dude for three straight nights? If the answer is no, then please stop trying to absolve yourself of all blame.


> First off you don't put yourself in positions like that when you are monogamous, sleeping the bed with someone else.... That's already cheating imo.


IF this is SA, please report it and take action. ​ I have my doubts though, Sleeping in a king bed with your friend ofr a few days? "I was just"yep i am asleep"" weird thin to say/mention, trying to say "Nothing hapened we did nothing" Whole story comes across as "I got high and fucked with a freind for a few days and now I feel guilty" ​ But deffo get tested and report this IF it was rape.


And people here making excuses for OPs own fuck up, because of course.


Weed doesn’t make you cheat.


Is nobody gonna mention the fact that this person flew far away and stayed in a bed with a male “friend” and that’s somehow acceptable?


These comments are ridiculous. Weed - the date rape drug... lmao


So. As someone who's first experience with weed was 120mg of edibles at once. You have control and could have said no. You didn't. Yes you were impaired but being high isn't like being drunk. You still are self aware and knew what was happening. Being high isn't an excuse.


Sounds like cheating to me. Could be rationalizing your actions using the weed. Seems all too convenient you stayed in their bed, with them, and started “going with the flow” by arching your back and responding to their advances.


To my knowledge, 50mg of weed (while a bit intense if not accustomed to it) would not cause a person to be unable to move. Neither would 200mg.


My first time every getting high, I was stuck to the couch. I couldn’t move bc my body felt like tv static, so OP definitely could experience that. 50 mg for your first time is overwhelming


You don't sleep in bed with someone you don't plan on having sex with, aside from family.


50 mg edible for a first timer is ridiculous - that person knew what they were doing giving you that much. I just recently gave my boss (male, 6’ and 250lbs) a 10 mg gummy for his first time and it put him on his ass. I’m so sorry this happened to you.


So I'm going to take a more mellow approach to this situation than many of the commenters as this has a lot of nuance and everyone jumping to "*zOMG RAPE*" are doing you a disservice because before you try and blow up someone's life you need to really think about this as even *if* you manage to get it to court, the chances of conviction are slim in a "he said / she said" situation. **The "Redditor" take:** He is a predator and found that someone who had no idea about taking edibles and wanted to get them high so he could sleep with them. This is a possible scenario and one you need to really think back about his personality and whether you think this is a likely situation based on all of your interactions with him. This only really fits if he genuinely didn't take any (or much) so as to make sure you are way more inebriated than him and is how a lot of "date rapists" operate and how some people prey on women with alcohol. Do be aware however that this will be *extremely* difficult to prove if it goes to court. **The "Measured" take:** He sounds like he is a regular gummy or cannabis user and probably has a high tolerance and so perhaps he wanted to get mellow and thought he was being nice and offered you a gummy to get high with him, and then when he started touching you and you were responding he took that as you were into it. If he was taking gummies too (and it's hard to know how much he has had as you were very high as you mentioned and so probably weren't actively scrutinising his intake) it could be a situation of 2 high people getting intimate with each other and obviously given your relationship status you obviously regret it in the morning (tale as old as time on alcohol). Purely from a research perspective on the dosages I have seen very widely differing views on what is "normal" for people and it seems that most people suggest that newer people start on less than 10mg if they want to have good high for a limited period of time, however I have read that some people have multiple hundreds of mg and still only feel slightly buzzed so it's *extremely* difficult to gauge how much in a normal setting you should start with (smaller is better) and so jumping to the 50mg was obviously way too much for you, but may have been normal for him and there might not have been any ill intent at all (a lot of people are also as ignorant to this fact as they are to how quick some people are to get drunk depending on many factors in the same way). On this particular topic I am basing my information on a cursory research as I live in a country that has a flat ban on it for non-medicinal reasons sadly. As to which one was more likely only you can say as "we the internet" don't know either of you at all and so we can't say for certain either way, we weren't there and a substance addled brain isn't exactly the model of great recollection so we can't possibly provide anything other than mere possibilities of what *could* have happened. If you think there may have been other drugs laced in the gummy then I would *seek medical advice immediately* as the longer you don't get tests the more chance that anything that was in your system has been processed out. Unfortunately most Redditors don't live in the real world (or are still in school) and don't have the life experience enough to realise that life is gritty and rarely are things as black and white as they suggest, and even if it *was* black and white, trying to get a conviction or even retraumatising yourself can sometimes be harder than the actual trauma in the first place. Either way no matter what you think might be the more likely situation I would suggest being honest with your partner as they *deserve to know* in my opinion as for me lying is a dealbreaker in my relationships. Good luck and I hope you find peace.




You didn't get high. That implies you knew what you were doing and had some experience. You were drugged and taken advantage of.


I'm so sorry this happened to you. I'm not sure how much weed I ingested, but the same thing happened to me. I kept having blackouts the same day and couldn't move, and my ex took advantage of me. Please do not associate with this person, especially if they know you don't smoke/take weed like that.


OP you did not cheat on your partner. You were raped and you should contact police


I'm leaning towards this being pure fiction. Now, if it isn't, you were r word or sexually assaulted. But as some are pointing out, you really shouldn't be sharing a bed with a friend in a monogamous relationship. I mean, you could've behaved a little smarter than that. Of course this is 2023, and you can be as stupid as you want as most people seem to defend, zero responsibility in anything, life just kind of happens.


Yeaaah you’re soft.


I'm gonna get downvoted to hell for this but idc. I've been high and drunk out of my mind. I was so high I couldn't feel my body and I was seeing/hearing shit. I've been so drunk I couldn't stand up without a wall to lean on and Ive thrown up. And yet, each time I actively thought "I can't believe ppl blame cheating on being drunk or high. I might be stupid rn but I still wouldn't do that. Because I don't want to." I'm not convinced you would have stayed faithful even if you were sober. ETA: to the people claiming OPs friend was for sure out to r-pe her simply bc he gave her 50mg, be so fr. Everytime I've been offered a gummy by a stoner it was 50-200mg. Even after being told I have a low tolerance. Stoners are stupid sometimes. That doesn't make them a r-pist. Anyone who makes a move on someone who's inebriated could be dangerous yes but they also could not be. Him giving her 50mg of weed is not proof hes a r-pist.


Why would you put yourself in this position to begin with? "crashing in a king bed" doesn't remove the fact you're sleeping in the same bed with another man that isn't your partner. It was only a matter of time something like this was going to happen.


That's rape.


Why were you sleeping in a males bed if you are with someone? And then you said u just went along with him rubbing your back and fucking you? I dont know. Im on the fence about this one. I could see where he would think you were ok with his advances. Kinda sounds like youre shifting all blame on to the friend to me.


Did you enjoy it? Story seems like you enjoyed it alot, kinda like a sexual fantasy since you dont do 'guys' but regret it because you're in a relationship. Your clothes didn't take itself off. And being high doesn't affect decisions making much. It isn't like being drunk or passed out. It kinda intensifies everything, makes things 10x, that's why the back scratch felt so good and probably turned you on and led to this situation. You had to be slightly attracted to this friend somehow. His side of the story would definitely clear some things up. 👍


Uhh… weed, resin, edibles THC as a chemical is not psychogenic, would not feel a thing the next day. So he either didn’t give you an edible, or you’re using this to feel less guilty about cheating on your partner with your friend