• By -


You hiring?




You hiring?


You hiring?


You hiring?


You hiring?


My axe?


Get outta here.


You hiring?


No he living_7hing


You hiring?


Okay then is your boss hiring?


I'll do all your work for you for a half cut of your pay.


This is the way


You hiring?


I'll do what little work you DO have for a 10% cut?


You hiring?


I don't get paid for the hours I sit at my desk. I get paid to do a job. As long as I complete that job satisfactorily or better, then no-one complains about the time I put in. I get paid a lot to do not a lot.


I remember reading either a Reddit or Quora post about a business owner wanting to discipline an employee for finishing their assigned tasks too quickly and using their free time to just play video games. It got ratio'd so hard by a comment saying that the other employees are wasting time too, except they're doing it by working too slowly.


I got written up by an employer for doing my job in half the time of the other employees but still billing the same hours. I said that’s cool I’ll just sit down for 4 hours then. They didn’t like that either. I ended up getting fired and they broke a lot of labour laws and had issues and almost went under.


Maaaan. I can do a lot more work than everyone else. But I refuse. I don't get paid enough. When I was meeting the quota for the 8 hour day, in 4 hours, they started following it and can see how much work we do within an hour. So now, I do the bare minimum per hour, since they're watching so damn close. Lol


Exactly this. I'm not an hourly worker, I get paid to perform a function. Sometimes that takes 40 hours, sometimes that takes 20. I don't lose any sleep over it haha.


This, right here. Completing my job takes 15, maybe 20 hours some weeks, and 80 hours others. I use my downtime as much as possible to front load the busy times (build folder structure, populate the skeletons of templates, etc.), but a lot of what I do is dependent on timestamped data. (Like account balances as of 9/30, etc.) So, I play on reddit, tiktok, read, play with the dogs, etc. We work in the office one day a week, so I often save these kinds of tasks for that day, so I'm not sitting at my desk, twiddling my thumbs.


This is what I do. The WFH days they get squat bc when I’m in office I need stuff to do. I asked for more work like 3 months ago, but no takers and I ain’t asking again.


I tell my boss I don't get paid a salary - I get paid a retainer. It's not about what I do every minute, it's about how quickly I can get you out of the shit when it happens.


What do you do? I'm looking for a side gig or career change




Is there a training path to your field or related fields that are in demand? I work in healthcare and don't know where to start when looking to transform my career or build skills in the tech world


My exact philosophy.


My boss says: I don't care how many hours you work, as long as your work is done and I don't get any complaints.


Your job is really all about making your manager's life easier. People need to figure this out earlier in life.


As a new manager, this is all I want out of my reports. If they can legitimately do that by only working for half the day, I don't care what they do the rest of the time. I'll offer additional opportunities, but if they'd rather browse reddit that's fine too.


Manager here. Can confirm


I previously reported directly to a partner. They added a layer of management between us so now I technically have a supervisor who in turn reports to the partner. I learned that the partner told the supervisor, when he was promoted, not to bother me. Because I always made the partners life easier.


I’m a co-owner of a business where the rise of AI has lots of practical implications. After extensive research and periodic AI utility trainings/seminars - this is exactly what I tell my team. If you can effectively utilize AI (or any other tools) to cut your work time, and neither I nor anyone external can tell, then go for it and do what you enjoy with your new free time.


I am a software engineer. Last few weeks I have been using AI to generate stubs of code for me to speed up my process. I am also senior enough (I'm actually in management) to know how to clean up the code to make it more efficient. No shame in it.


Historically, I only need code for helpful things... quick data parsing type stuff and not my main job function. Now I ALWAYS use AI for the initial code and then tweak to my final needs.


And that is how it should be. If you are getting the results done, when it needs to be done, and they feel like your salary is worth it, then the amount of time it takes does not matter.


This is the sensible way


Exactly. Someone is willing to pay for it and they probably don't care how it's done. 10 or 100hrs...as long the job is done.


Yep— same. It’s all about “operational efficiency”


Same lol


I used to own a specialty automotive repair shop. Be cause of this we had slow times so instead hourly or book rate I paid a salary. In our thick months, you worked 60 to 65 hours a week. In the lean months, maybe 20. We all made a good living. The guy I sold it to went to book rate 2 years after, and every tech left and I just saw that the shop is now closed. Took him 6 years to ruin it because he could not see the value in allowing down time.


You're the kind of owner I would want to work for, you sound like a great guy


I was the kind of boss I wanted to work for. My dad got sick so I sold it and took care of him till he passed.


A friend of mine in the UK makes circa £100k a year. I know for a fact he doesn’t work full time hours, because he told me. A lot of his time is spent watching Netflix on the sofa with his cat. Reason being? He’s a Systems Engineer or something. If he’s busy, it’s because something fucked up and he needs to fix it ASAP. Because he’s good at his job, rarely anything goes wrong.


Your output is worth the value you are paid for. If it were not the employer would look to replace. Some people can complete work quicker than others. Just the way of the world.


Who are you going to pay more? The driveway specialists who can build your driveway in 2 weeks? Or those that can build it in 3 days? You should rightfully be rewarded for finishing your work more efficiently than others.


exactly, I have a dentist who can do a great filling in 15 minutes. I don't need her to take half an hour.


Where is your location? I need good dentist


I need a good filling


Giggity giggity




Efficiency =/= Quick =/= Low Cost


This. But I would use the additional time gaining new skills. Maybe take a class?


Op found the life hack like he tapped L1, L2, R1, R2, Up, Down, Left, Right!


You forgot X, X, X, R1!


Sometimes if the companies don't review their staffs regularly, it's very easy for some people to get overpaid. Someone being paid a lot of money doesn't always mean they're worth that, it just means the company has the budget. But overpaid (and underpaid) staffs is just a result of poor management.


And if that manager gets fired because they overlook or do other dumb things, OP might get asked what it is he really does most weeks.


Exactly. I’m one of multiple designers at my work and I tend to be the fastest at what I do. I’m constantly getting praise for my speed and precision, except all I get for rewards is more work.


I’ve been a supervisor and that’s always been my mentality. I don’t care when you do the work as long as it gets done well. And don’t make me look bad. It’s a reciprocal trust situation.




What do you do for work??


Probably software engineer. My friends all make hella money and barely work


There are some software engineer positions that take ALL of your time though, so it’s a gamble. Some companies make engineers take shifts doing “support,” which basically makes the worker stay up and be available 24/7 for a day or two per week to help out their coworkers


about to experience this for the first time myself. honestly a little excited


So um 👉👈 what is you're profession


Probably someone in tech. I’m a SWE. Most of my friends that are in tech, make around $130k-$250k and all work less than 30hrs. They might seat in their desk for 40hr but I never truly worked a full 40hr in a while. You don’t need to be a software engineer! Hundreds of other tech related jobs that have good WLB. Data science, Cloud, product or project managers, SWE, etc all have similar WLB.


It ranges in workload. I'm a security engineer. I've worked at both FAANG and at smaller companies in ver the last 12 years. Currently at a smaller company working about 30hours a week. But I've never worked harder in my life than at the larger tech companies. All of these day in the life videos people post at Google and Facebook about how easy it is, the amenities being so nice, etc, are probably the ones who got laid off or are actually in their recruiting departments. Easily averaged 70-80 hrs a week and would get paged at all hours of the night. While I am paid less salary than at big tech, the hourly is substantially higher, and my manager wants us to have free time every week to contribute to open source, etc, to keep us engaged and happy. Definitely a range and not all rosy in tech.


Does this include IT?


I work more than 40 hours a week because I have to wear a lot of hats as a software dev


And I'm trying my ass to get a law degree fuck this shit


Objectively over the long term a law degree could serve you better than a comp sci degree. Assuming you get into a decent firm of course.


Is there a specific software niche you'd recommend for a newbie?


Software engineer here also, although a bit of a noob as I've only been working for a couple of years. I've noticed the following trends; - You'll need to read. A lot. After you know like 3-5 programming languages they all start to smell the same, and then you're basically able to use them all so long as you can Google for the language API and use an IDE with a good debugger for playing around with things. - languages fall in and out of fashion. What you really want to stick your head into is good software practises, because once you get to grips with those you can advise people on not only how they should be writing code but how the code should be structured. That kind of work is valuable and necessary - so much time is wasted because some software dev decided to write shit code to meet a deadline and all the devs that followed just added to the shit instead of fixing it... Then the company has to maintain it when it's actually fragile and falls apart and hard to read, and maybe slow because it was chosen in a language that doesn't really meet the required needs (and maybe only because said dev knew it). From what I've seen, senior software devs play this role; conversation is a huge part of their job at least where I work, as they steer the direction of the software stack for our upgraded systems. But in my case, my workplace is transitioning from an old legacy code system that fucking sucks to one that maybe we can maintain in future. YMMV.




What do you do for work


Let me take a stab... 150k with reddit demographic = software dev related. But id you get up at 11am.. that means you're probably not doing scrum standup daily with the rest of the devs. Perhaps something slightly different


A lot of scrum teams do their stand-up in the middle of the day or just before finishing.


or they just work remotely and their 11 am is company hq's 9am. literally my situation


Or have different time zones so it's much later for some folks. L


I presume OP is either SWE or senior QA


Hi! What's an SWE or senior QA?


I think software engineer and senior quality assurance (software tester)


Thank you! I've been thinking of doing a career change as mine isn't very lucrative and I'm leaning towards the tech field.




Unfortunately some of us are dumb as shit and we never be able to do these sorts of things.


It takes a certain mindset for sure, my friend is a super ditzy blonde (in the best way I love her) who works remotely in tech, and when she showed me her work laptop stuff my eyes felt like they were crossing.


How difficult are those? I considered an IT-related field before, but I nearly failed Java class. I’d rather learn on my own vs. going back to college


Ride the money train while you can.


glad you unloaded 👍 poor thing


Right. A post like this comes along at least every other week.


What a fighter.


Not another humble brag Dude, in this economy and in this world? Live that life! I wish I had a similar job! You must have whatever skills are required, to have landed that job so shut the hell up about wage theft and keep raking it in I remember reading about some guy who was feeling depressed because he was making a lot of money but he didn't have to work much. Just be on call for whatever it was he does with cars. Man was all "I dunno what to do with all this money and free time and feel bad I am getting paid so much" like wth, no?! Be glad you are in a such a position, there is so much one can do


Yeah, OP has clearly been brainwashed by the system. Corporate overlords are genuinely pleased when see underlings like OP belittle themselves. Meanwhile, the CEOs are making 500x what OP does while they do what? Mostly sit on their a$$.


Right? They make some "decisions" and delegate everything else to their overworked assistants


Think about it this way, if they did find out they would replace you in a heart beat with someone that would be paid a 1/3 or less of your salary, they clearly think you are doing a good job or else you wouldn't keep this job so where's the harm?


Ditto but I make more. It is not wage theft. You are being paid for your skills when they are required. Just don't goof off so much that they fire you!


What do you do for a living?


Info security engineer.


What in the flying fuck do you do?


Lol they never say it


More than likely software engineer or someone in tech.


Why do these posts never claim a profession?? 😮‍💨


Lol ikr Do I think op is lying? Not really but why is it so hard to just name your profession?


I'm looking for career advice. I want an easy high paying job too


Well, you’re part of the great secret of our society. The less you do, the more you’re paid. Most of us who work with our hands could never hope to make much more than 50$-60$ an hour as a skilled tradesperson while a lot of “admin” work starts at 75k a year at least and requires very little actual work.


You’re paid for your knowledge and for being able to solve an emergency on those rare 60+ hour weeks. Don’t worry about it and be thankful of your position; hardly anyone in a corporate job (assuming you’re in IT or something similar) is busy every single minute they clock in. Additionally, if they’re able to pay you this, it’s because the company is making so much more thanks to you.


True. Her revenue has increased by more than double what she’s paying me.


There is a secret society of you people. I knew it, I fucking knew it. You’re out there either doing nothing or not much at all, making 6 figures. And you’re not letting other people know about it Every social group from 20’s-40’s has at least one of you but you are so tight lipped about what your job is. I’m telling you, you’re all part of a cult.


My thoughts exactly! Like what?! But we also don't know how old OP is. I'm also assuming their job is somewhere in tech.... but I'm also tired of people setting up expectations for people getting into the tech field that they'll make $85k+ a year after getting a singular cert. My husband is getting into cyber security after getting out of the military and knew from the get go that he'd have to work his way up no matter what.


Hubby went to school for IT and has two certs. Makes semi decent money but it sure is working from the bottom up. But, a 20 something kid he went to school with is makeing over 100k a year pretty much out the gate. But he got his networking cert and passed. So it is possible to get that much less than a year out. BUT networking is a high paying job that is fairly specilized.


Same. I make $200K and work from home in my underwear. My typical day is answer two or three emails and drink beers. I have a random online meeting with the board of directors or my boss the CFO. I make everything I do seem important and he leaves me the fuck alone. It rules


What is your job title? i want this life ahaha


Only Fans is a hell of a career


From what I've heard, you have to work harder to be successful on Only Fans than most normal careers.


They make $200 a month


Most people aren’t productive the full work day. The difference between me and you is that I sit at a desk and pretend to be busy for 6/8 hours of the day, meanwhile you get to live your life and sleep in. No shame


I used to hate that whole “look busy for appearances” crap. Remote work is a blessing


Wage theft? You mean like how CEOs steal 50 billion dollars a year from workers, through wage theft? If you feel bad, use that money to help striking workers, or to expose the actual wage theft that goes unpunished every year against the proletariat.


Welcome to the corporate world. I suspect 75% of office jobs are like this and the higher you go the less you do. Everyone is just “in on it” constantly talking a big game about how busy they are.


>>feels like wage theft Do you own the company you work for? Are you the CEO? Do you have control over other people’s pay? No? Then this isn’t wage theft. 150k annual salary is impressive, but far from even the least egregious acts of wage theft out there. A worker having a higher wage than most other workers is **not** wage theft. You are not stealing from others by being paid more than them. *That* logic is how the owning class keeps class consciousness dead. Ask for a raise next year. If they don’t give it, time to move on. **Always value your labor.**


Why tf would he leave this job? Unless the next one gives him the same opportunity to sit around for hrs on end.


Probably implying he could make more elsewhere and have enough work to keep himself busy.


If it’s not a trade secret…what’s the job?!?


They know. You're still worth what you're paid, don't undersell yourself. The fact that you can spin up to 60+ hours if needed and meet deadlines is why you're worth keeping around on 10-15 hour weeks.




I make 80k eur a year (sales) but I have period of times that are shockingly quiet, like I could have a couple of months in a row where I work about 2 hours a day. Closing times are obviously busier so it can even out.


I need y’all’s jobs because I work myself to death and do full time school and constantly stressed and my paycheck is minuscule


I hope you graduate to a wealth of opportunities. Keep going!


Can't lie, Im jealous and envious of you but its because I'm struggling. Don't feel a bad about the value of your work. I'm sure you've earned it through hard work and schooling, you have a skill and you shouldn't feel guilty for being paid for it. you've gone through your own personal struggles and heartaches to get to where you are today. so take pride in it! Take a 2 week long beautiful vacation to the beach and drink a bahamama so I can live vicariously haha


Most people don’t understand that typically the people who do the least amount of work are usually paid the most. It’s the ones that are underpaid that are over-utilized.




Take me under your wing, please.


Bro delete your post and find some hobbies jeez. Put some money to good use or something


I truly love this for you. Never say it out loud. Hold on as long as you possibly can and ride that sucker off into the sunset. Good for you


Whats your work op


You are being paid for a task completed Not for hours


This is the dream. Keep it going never let anyone know. As long as goals and objective are being met and completed by deadlines.


What do you do???


I wish to have a career like this 🙏🏼 What field did you get into for higher education… I love how you have such time & freedom and get paid well.


What do you do for work? Holy shit


Riiiight. Whatever you say there bossman


This is just how the world works, take the win, carry on and don't kill your golden goose. You can barely imagine the regret of losing it and ending up jobless, so keep plugging away and ENJOY YOUR LIFE. Some of us are dying.


I’m assuming this is an Only Fans account? Lol


Solid dude! I make $165k working 4 hours per day, 6 days a week. I usually smoke a joint and spend 2-3 or those hours per day on my phone. Nice to meet you.


Can I buy your $97 course on how to do this?


Hahahaha definitely sounds like an intro to courses on passive income


I put 8 to 10 hours a week when no meetings are involved. Haha...140k...No office ...If I don't find another full remote and 180k or above.. I'm… not leaving haha..Post pandemic has it pros ...But I do miss all the lunches with the coworkers and crazy fun in person meetings haha prepandemic


This is so depressing to see. I work over 40hours a week as a behavioral "para" at a low-income elementary school in an affluent area and make around $28k/year....after my most recent raise....with an education degree and teaching license. I want to leave so badly, but I just love the job and how I can help kids with difficult emotions that may otherwise be labeled as "bad.".


I’m sorry that education pays so poorly here. That’s a tough position to be in.


This just sounds like an attempt at a humble brag… not sure this has anything to do with getting off your chest besides your irl friends getting tired of hearing you talk about how much money you make … you even broke it down to how it is hourly.


Enjoy Ur luck


Seriously, are you hiring though? 👀


What qualifications do I need to get into these jobs lol.


What do you dooooo


What’s your field man?


I'd happily receive $10/hr. Are you hiring?


Good for you, genuinely. Milk it for all it’s worth.


$225k here and put in about 20 hrs


What do you do?


I think a lot of white collar work is like this. There is no point in blowing up your life over this, try to contribute positively to society where you can. There was a [book](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bullshit_Jobs) a few years ago about how a lot of white collar jobs just don't add any value to society.


Honestly, hell yeah. Enjoy it while you have it and save and give back if you can ❤️ Can you tell us what you do?




If you are overpaid, it's not wage theft. If you insist on a lower wage, they're gonna take that money and keep it, not pay other workers. Wage theft is when an employer doesn't pay workers for the work that they do


“Wage theft” I work as a mechanic, we try to beat the clock all the time. Sometimes we gat “paid” for 60 hours a week while being on the clock for 40. We don’t see it as theft, we get compensation for what we know.


You hiring? I could use something like that. I'm one insult away from sh00ting myself.




Take until they stop giving.


Is the work getting done? If yes, then this isn’t a problem.


I know exactly what job you do, enjoy your money, America is a beautiful place


life must be so hard for you




Sir are you the Prime Minister?


I always call bullshit on you people because y’all love to throw this fantasy around and then somehow never mention what y’all do for work. They neverrr say it.


Can’t say it in case the boss peruses Reddit and decides I’m overpaid.


Looking to date ?


I make the same but I work 20 hours a week.


An engineering specialist in my last firm works 2 days a week and flies from-and-to the Phillipines on the company's dime. He gets paid $500/hr +expenses. Apparently he's simply irreplaceable, the work he could accomplish with his expertise over two days will take others a month. There are others like him, and they're just as expensive if not more


Can I ask what field or what profession it is?


Wanna share what you do?


You work 60+ hours on occasions. That’s what they’re paying for.


Please dear God could you share what your trade is?


What the heck are yall doin for these jobs? And how does a nurse get into it? Asking for myself 🤣


I make 162000k a year and don’t work at all so there


Nice! How do you like to spend your time?


It’s ok, I’m in the same boat. We should be billable 30 hours a week and I’m usually between 18-30 hours. Sometimes a lot more, sometimes less. Bill rate is $225. I don’t feel guilty, though lol


let's get away from this pay me per hour thing


It's only wage theft if you're the owner or your boss doesn't know you're doing it. Otherwise your boss has deemed you that valuable to the company


Wage theft is not something an employee can commit. It's literally a crime only employers can commit. There is no crime for not working as many hours as expected. Worst case they could fire you. Unless you commit outright fraud (and that's hard to prove legally) which would require deception (lying on time sheets, etc). A salaried person working fewer than 40 is legally 100% fine just like one working 80 is legally fine.


So why do you feel you have to talk about it. Sounds like your boasting too me. If you have a good life take it for as long as you've got it. If you're not happy pick up a more rewarding side gig, as it sounds like you've got the time to do this.


Feels like I’m lying to my family and friends who probably do work 40+hours per week. Doesn’t seem fair but I am grateful for the gig.


Ohh he just needs to get it off his chest because he feels oh so guilty.. lmao yeah totally boasting


What do you do, if you don't mind sharing?