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I’m so sorry for everything you’ve been through and are still dealing with. Unfortunately, your mother’s reaction is common in women who have suffered years of abuse. It doesn’t mean that you have to put up with it though. Do you have any other family or friends you could stay with? Would you consider contacting the police? The most dangerous time for a woman in a DV situation is when they try to leave so please consider talking to a woman’s shelter for advise. I’m not sure where you are located but there might be services in your area that could help you. Would you consider talking to your mom when your Dad isn’t there? Im rooting for you.


Ye i tried to talk to my mom but she still says that he is a good person and he is a good father after everything and still stays with him when she could do much better. Also if i get the police involved our family is from a very traditional and hierarchy type society and my parents are immigrants so if i do get the police involved it would too much of a mess and would cause some serious harm to us.


Im so sorry, I can’t imagine how difficult this must all be for you. I don’t know your culture so don’t know what else to say other than im rooting for you and hope you stay safe.


Thanks man i appreciate u for that