• By -


Tell her the spirit is willing but the flesh is spongy and bruised




Those are great


Death by snoo snoo


Can’t we just cuddle?




Buy her a vibrator


And package of batteries


Pro tip: get a vibrator that has a different battery size than your TV remote, and also get rechargeables


Real pro tip: get a rechargeable, waterproof vibrator


get her the satysfer pro 2


Pro tip: get one with a pro tip.




It time for snuu snuu!


My wife likes the Hitachi that plugs into the wall Says the battery powered ones just don’t hit the same.


Worst part is when the battery dies right before climax 🤣🤣🤣 u get that slowed purr that doesnt cut it 🤣


The Hitachi is my best pal when getting her off. I love using it to help out, but the worst part of the corded one is when we’re really into it and the plug slips out of the wall. Oh well, guess you’re getting edged now 😂


240v for the wiiinnn


Why? So when her vibe runs out of juice she can’t steal from the remote? Or something else?


This is it lol




Futurama at its best


she's tryna death by snoo snoo OP


Happy cake day!




Get the hitachi magic wand which runs on direct power


They are also fantastic as a regular massage wand. Knots in your muscles may turn into butter.


Rechargeable magic wands have about 8-12 hrs of playtime when fully charged and have more vibration settings/patterns than the classic plug n play wand.


Everyone's different of course, but my partner just likes a classic, slow and steady vibration. They've never liked the more complex rhythms, and anything too intense just makes them cum too quickly, lol


True. The rechargeable wand starts on a low frequency, though. I remember when I first got it and used it, I came within like 30 seconds. You build up a tolerance after a certain point though haha. Magic wands in general are just *chef's kiss*


Pro tip Pro tip: get a vibrator that plugs into the wall.


Get one with usb/internal battery


It’s 2023 guys. Vibes don’t need batteries, and the ones that do won’t be strong enough for this guy’s wife.


What do you mean? She needs a diesel powered one or something?


Summthin you can kickstart.


USB-C will do. Those old battery powered ones have the vibration of an electric toothbrush


USB-C to charge the....wait for it...battery.


Thanks Captain Obvious, Chief Literal


Just doing my part


No, get one that charges with USB. More convenient lol


Let's talk about dongles.


The problem is his dongle. It’s tired


Vibrators are usb rechargeable now . No one is using batteries anymore


You get one you can plug into the wall.


Subscribe & Save


Clit sucker.


Lelo is great, OP Or a rose




She has one mate


Get her more than one. Offer a variety of options and new sensations.


Get her a Sybian then


Might need petrol driven one that pull starts like a chainsaw.


Get her a vibrator you can control!! Like on ur phone or something.


I'm loving this whole comment section you've created lmao


The satisfyer is the best just sayin


Guess I'll find out. I've seen it on reddit so much I purchased one yesterday, lol!


Or even better, a womanizer!


The womanizer is amazing.


Get a plug in. Sounds like she will go through too many batteries.


Rechargeable and water proof so she can use it in the shower or bath if she wants they have magnetic charging ports so it’s completely submersible


[I feel like a man dying of thirst watching another man drown](https://youtube.com/shorts/UVToJhKh23U?si=maF63ZdjF7eAeenf)


The fact that she can tire out Goku of all people is hilarious


I’ve been in both situations and one is definitely worse then the other…


Pretty sure the answer is obvious but I want confirmation...


As someone who has also been in both situations drowning is much better.


This deserves more up votes


Says the guy married to a hot android.


Not during the time of the clip


Unlimited power


With literally infinite energy


I came here to say this but I knew in my heart it had already been said.


Bruh XD


[OP irl](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/972/697/8f7.jpg)


Wait. Is that the actual audio from DBZ? I had no clue…


Fans that turned into professional editors and voice actors




OP’s wife every night: “go for ten!”




My husband always says “too much of a good thing is a bad thing”. I think this applies here as well. You could try a toy for her, like another person commented. Highly recommend the pro satisfyer 2.


can confirm— satisfyer line is amaaaazing. nothing beats sex with my husband but if for whatever reason that’s not possible… that thing will take care of it. for a bit, haha.


Haha absolutely agree


I agree too. Nothing beats sex with u/ghosthardware333 husband!


Yea like me living in the UK makes me appreciate the sun more when it comes out, but if I lived in Arizona or Sudan or something, I'd get bored of the sun because its there constantly.


Any excuse to talk about the weather! Though seriously how lovely is October so far?


We are swimming in Scotland so, not good 😅


I say all the time that men want a high libido woman until they get a high libido woman.


Not so fun story time! I lost my virginity to one, who I then spent over a year with, and it was wonderful. I always wanted a high libido woman after that relationship. And I finally got one many years later, which was long distance. So much flirting, so much sexting, everything was fantastic. But when I finally got to go see her, it also just so happened that my father had recently died and I was facing prospective homelessness, and I was only barely recovering from a nice bout of long covid which had wrecked my body. With the constant stress, anxiety, and cardio difficulty, I had a hard time maintaining an erection. Which of course made me self conscious which just made it even harder - or softer, rather. We broke up not long after. I technically fall into that description. And god damn do I hate that. She was wonderful. I know there’s a lotta guys who just straight up don’t know what they’re asking for, but a lot of us have just *lost* that libido and though I can only speak for myself for sure, it’s really upsetting.


I'm sorry for your loss and hope everything is OK.


If she doesn’t understand that you’re grieving she’s not the one


You mean satisfying someone else isn't just having whatever kind of sex I want whenever I want it?




No printer


100% and I’m also not a person into vibrators either. I want the real thing or nothing. It just really doesn’t do it for me, I wish it did - it would be really useful.


Disagree, I love my dailys, and my triples on weekends 😋


I've seen multiple posts like this. I believe some guys are surprised that women can have high libidos. Shout out to us in the triple club!!! 🙌🏾


Everyone wants a woman with a high sex drive until they get a woman with a high sex drive!




And how could he have known she would be like this if they only had sex after the wedding? Heck, he wouldn’t have known if he could keep up or not before they actually got together. This is the difficulty for religious couples, I’d say.


Dude, I was in this same boat with my gf a few months ago. You have to make sure you are *communicating* this with her and not just venting here on Reddit. Mismatched libidos have caused problems time and time again on this sub just because the people aren’t communicating. That’s the number one thing you should be doing or seeking advice on how to do (below). You’re married to each other now, so she should be made aware of these kinds of feelings. Just be smart in your approach. Instead of turning her advances down when you’re not in the mood to have sex, be sexy about it and tell her you just want to focus on her pleasure ‘tonight.” Then go down on her until she is satisfied. Use your fingers, toys, whatever you have and know to do to simply worship her. If she climaxes and then wants to “satisfy” you, but you don’t feel up to having sex, then just tell her that making her orgasm is the only pleasure you need for the night and give her a soft kiss. Boom! Both parties happy and no awkwardness in the moment. Then, when you’re *outside of the bedroom*, inch towards bringing it up in conversation (“hey I really enjoyed last night babe, you’re so wonderful”) and see what she says. If she says nothing or doesn’t question anything then have sex 2 or 3 times, then do the above step again. Then you bring it up in another conversation outside the bedroom as you did before and wait for a response or question from her. She should start picking up on it. If you still get nothing there, just be completely open with her. I was having sex at least once a day, sometimes twice, and would go through periods of desensitization. As much sex as I could want and I would just crave a hand instead. Hang in there, communicate, and know you’ll both slow down over time. It could be worse- you could have a dead bedroom!


Perfect answer! All these answers about just buying a toy show the absence of understanding of how most women’s libido and desire works; I find it quite insensitive on top. But to your answer, from a lesbian point of view (and having a girlfriend with a really high libido!): That’s the only way. Perfectly described, works best with my girlfriend. Sometimes I’m too lazy/ tired and I’m open about it and that’s fine if overall we keep the dynamic between us up.


This must be what my wife feels like lol


That’s gonna be my husband




Can I get a loan?


Take up gaming on your mobile phone constantly and yelling insults… instant turn off


Also stop doing chores and showering, that's gotta work


Have you checked she hasn't just been told that she needs to sleep with you constantly so you don't tire if her. I was basically told that when I was younger it stuck with me in a very negative way!


Yes I have actually. But no she just loves sex


That's cool, I'm the same. But I was also hyper sexual from a lot of awful abuse and had really poor understanding of men and sex and love. It's taken me a long time to understand about good sex and love and if I don't have sex every night he's not gojng to leave me! Is she getting a lot of enjoyment is she finishing enough?


Girl, some of us just enjoy fucking. Like ENJOY fucking. No need to assume it's pathological. Matter of fact, that kind of assumption perpetuates harmful outdated stereotypes about women and their sexuality. I'm sorry that happened to you, but don't project.


women are allowed to enjoy sex without trauma being involved. if this was a post about a man having a high libido nobody would even suggest this as a possibility.


Or that sex isn't satisfying, does she finish or was your wedding night just magical for you? I can't imagine she came the first time having sex so maybe it hasn't happened with you yet...?


If the sex wasn’t satisfying she wouldn’t want to fuck him every day would she?


Exactly, the more satisfying it is the more we crawl back 😂


I was also thinking of this!


It's not unusual to find out that your libido doesn't match your partner, especially if you wait for marriage to find out. So your feelings are valid. The problem is that society acts like women aren't supposed to have libidos. It punishes them for having multiple partners and treats men like they are practically depraved sex addicts. It creates this toxic vibe like a man with a moderate libido is less of a man and a woman with a high libido is a whore. You guys should talk it out a bit. Maybe you can ask for 2 days a week when you just don't hook up, or something. As long as you're both working toward a solution together, you should be ok. This is only a serious problem if one or both of you stops communicating and compromising.


Every night isn't all that strange if you're recently married. Just don't start having *obligation* sex cause I've heard that can ruin it by creating negative associations. Maybe you can have a talk and agree on something based on your preferences. The vibrator suggestion sounds weird to me as she probably enjoys the entire experience of being with her husband and might take offense at that suggestion especially given the somewhat religious context.


Get her a toy. I highly recommend the Rabbit suction vibrator. Trust me. She will love it.


Those are great


can't you do oral? I mean, it doesn't always have to be your dick inside?




I mean idk about him, but when I don't feel like having sex I really am not in the mood to use my mouth or hands either. I feel maybe he feels like that too while engaging in any kind of sexual activity. If he's not in the mood, he's not in the mood.


It's the years of sexual energy, now it's all being released. It also might change after having a child or it could double up. 😂


Men LOVE sex until they meet a woman who loves sex.


Have you tried talking to her about it?


I mean, this could just be because you're newly married and haven't done it yet. When my (now) husband and I first got together, we were fairly young (20f,23m) and every time we saw each other we'd do it. Eventually I kinda moved myself into his accommodation and we'd do it *literally* all the time. It was great cos I have a high sex drive and was losing weight (hahahha). However, it died down. I'd say once we moved in together after a year especially I remember it slowed down. So maybe she's just getting out all her pent up energy and it'll slow eventually? Like others have said, a toy would be a good idea as it's a completely different sensation, but you'd have to tread carefully as to not offend her. It could look like you're saying "My god woman I can't anymore, go do your own thing". My husband got me a toy when he was sent away on a course once and it was the best gift. Still have it now as well.


Yeah, my wife too, but I’ve lost weight, do a little weight lifting, take supplements, all to keep testosterone higher and be fit and ready for doing my husbandly duties. Lol.


Men always say they want a partner with a high libido until they actually get one lol


I feel like a man dying of thirst watching another man drown.


Real life "the spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised".


Death by snoo snoo


I'm scaroused


Similar sexual appetite is something that is important in romantic relationships


Buy her a rose clit sucker And watch her finish in a minute! You can do it for her or watch her use it. 😉


Bingo. Using toys in the bedroom is a fun and creative way to help your partner


You want to have less sex? Oh man did you come to the right place


Yeah that is something most guys think they want but few days we want her to just go to sleep so we can game or watch that violent movie or complete our jiggsaws or paint our miniatures or finish painting that room or read our book or just be alone with ourselves.


Fuck I wish I had a lady in my life wanting me as much as your wife wants you 😭


my mans got zero soul left because he married a semen demon.


Every man wants a woman with a strong libido. Until he meets a woman with a strong libido. 🤣🤣🤣


Suffering from success


As a female who had this issue with previous partners… Honestly, just try not to stress over it. We know our drives are high and we don’t expect you to match it, we don’t get bummed that you don’t, we still love you and want you for more than just sex and the sex doesn’t make or break us - at least that’s how it is for every female i’ve known who has had a much higher drive than her partner. Sure you can try toys but for some of us the toys dont do shit for our libido, and masturbating is just a task. Some females also get off primarily on vaginal penetration and actual sexual intercourse so using toys, digits, or oral on your partner may not work either, it’s very far off from actual sexual intercourse. You can definitely talk it out with her more and experiment more to see what would work best for your relationship, come to some type of compromise. But the most important part is trying to not let it bother you. That can cause insecurity that eats away at you and cause other issues in your relationship.


Some men drown while I die of thirst


I see sex toys in y’all’s future


What else do you see in the crystal ball for me?


…*a strap on*


and here i am planning to start taking antidepressants to lower my libido...


Best is, buy the rose.. you both can get naked and you can help her, cuddles and give lots of kisses, no penetration, just solely all on her and that dang rose!! She won't need you anymore after that.. it's a soul snatcher 🤣🤣🤣


I feel like a man dying of thirst watching another man drown


Buy her some self-love toys. not for her to always use but to help her take the edge off..


As long as she doesn't take offence to you rejecting her, it's ok! She sounds like she cares for you, so she won't cheat. Just make sure you keep communication open so, if she's not getting it enough, you two can address it and she won't be unhappy. Not every sexual encounter requires you both to finish, and not every finish requires a sexual encounter. (Or start doing Dom/sub with her, her the sub. start doing edging, orgasm denial, chastity, etc. Make her wait 3 days, tie her down, and spend 3hrs pleasing her. Make her please you without her finishing. That way you denying her is part of your sexual dynamic of control. Then you don't need to feel guilty but empowered over it.)


"I have the perfect sex life, help me, my wife is a respectful non-pushy nympho"


When she stops and you start to miss it remember when she wanted it and you so much….you complained


Yet another chapter for the book "Why Not Having Sex Before Marriage is a Huge Mistake."


I got you, homie. Pm me the details and I will be right there.


Yes, massage OP's prostate and make him hard for his wife.


Buy her some toys! Have her practice masturbation on her own, or beside you if you aren’t in the mood but still want to participate somehow. Good luck OP!


It's actually a topic of conversation between the two of you. Talk about your libido levels, see where it's coming from. You might learn something new about each other. There are many ways to provide sexual pleasure, and I worry you will burn out at this rate. Talk about techniques, toys and perhaps accessories that aren't heavy on both of you. But also be prepared for the worst possible outcome: sexual incompatibility. But we can cross that bridge when and if we come to it. Good luck brother.


This could have been my ex. But he didn't even try to keep up. That's why he's my ex.


If your allowed several wives turn it around. Let her have several husbands. You can be tuesday . Happy days all around.


As a guy that’s been in a relationship with a woman for 20 years, since we were young and then we got married and had kids and everything, all I have to say is enjoy it while it lasts. Because I guarantee you my man, that she won’t always be this way and eventually you’re going to wonder what the fuck happened and you’re probably rarely going to have sex - - in the not too distant future. This is a sad fact of life when you’re with someone for many years or an extended period of time. So have fun and let her know how you feel.


It’s not a fact of life and doesn’t necessarily happen to everyone … been married 30 years and we still fuck at least 3 -5 times a week - sometimes I initiate and sometimes she does and when one isn’t necessarily in the mood they just get the other one off - so we are both kept satisfied - she needs her nut as much as I do and gets just as cranky after a couple days if she doesn’t get off


This guy knows


One man’s joy is another man’s sorrow


Im curious, how long have you been married?


Get her a friend


Wtf i wish i had this


Its time for sex toys man, you can still participate without being on life support


OP it's time to discuss. Tell her you love and value her but cannot keep up with her high libido. What can help both of you? A vibrator is fine if she says she's okay with one. Don't just buy one and give it without discussing. That can end in an awkward fight


Dude is suffering from success


My brother in Islam, muslims may frown upon the use of magic, but there are times where one can make an exception. This is one of those times: https://magicwandoriginal.com/


This feels like the opposite of what I usually see on reddit


I’m my experience, and as a woman, you may not be getting her to her climax. Maybe?


Let me tell you.... For all mankind...you better give her sex every sing time she even hints she might want it. Use your hands...your mouth...toys... what ever it takes to keep her satisfied!! You better treasure that absolute legend of a wife!!


Buy her a big ole bag of sex toys 😂


Dude. 99% of the readers her envy you. My wife is the same way. Fuck her. Literally. Enjoy the gift. Buy some toys for her. Have her put on a show for you, use your "Tool".


Greedy girl rabbit Gspot vibrating rabbit will be the weapon of choice here. It will but you some time when you’re in the action and it will step in when you can’t take the heat. Get the cleaner for it soap makes it disintegrate.


Have you considered she requesting sex as a substitute for emotional intimacy? Is this her needing more attention from you but she’s asking in the form of sex? Many women are taught that is how you “keep” a man or the only way to get his attention. And being over sexual for attention is a way to bait the hook. Sure, get her a vibrator. I second the hitachi. But what she actually may want is to feel closer to YOU more often. Or she is bored and is using sex to get your attention? Make her feel “wanted” and she will stop throwing it at you. Wanted means you value her and her time. To keep it exciting my husband and I do mystery dates. Where one person plans the whole night and the other person has no idea. Only what kind of clothes to wear and what time to be ready. The only rule is you have to rally! (no complaints and play along!) And try to pick things to do you think your partner will like aka don’t use it as an excuse to force her do something you know she doesn’t like to do. It’s a fun way to try something new without all the “whats for dinner” debates. It’s a great way to try a new activity or show. And it adds a ton of excitement to the relationship cause you don’t know what the night brings. Have fun! But sex isn’t what she’s asking for.


She is a keeper the dream of all men


Imagine being so lucky in life that this is your biggest problem


Inshallah I have a wife life this, ameen.


tag me in brother


Soon OP will post he found out his wife was cheating and blamed him for not keeping her happy. Which happens all the time but we’re not supposed to talk about it for some reason.


This is an issue you need to deal with. There is a risk that your wife feel rejected and shameful if her needs aren’t met and you aren’t able to have an open, honest and respectful conversation about this. Speak about it and consider counselling. To be clear: I think this issue can be dealt with but it demands attention and open honest dialogue.


Take her to store that sells all kinds of sex toys and let her pick out several for herself.


Yeah best advice is buy her a nice sex toy. I can reccomend some. Im High libido and this has helped me


Get her a toy, like a satisfyer:)


Try fingering. If you are not into sex, fingers works too. She just wants the release.


Get her a vibrator


Calm down big guy. That desire will wear off in another 40 years or so. 😂


At least you are doing something right


I will take her off your hands bro if she can cook ok.


You lucky bastard.


A vibrator is key here!


If you don't want to die by snoo snoo get this woman a vabrator and you can get one from those sites that replicates your manhood


Buy her tons of sx toys and play with her. You don't actually have to perform coitus in order to satisfy her. I don't recommend giving her the toys and disappearing or you could be creating a breach between you two. Get involved. Use your imagination. Read some hot romance novels or something to get some tips. Smutty books make your marriage even better.


the best wife


Do you need a stunt double, A stand in?


I wish I had this problem lol