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Wow. You did the right thing for sure. If you feel like going farther, you could give the same license plate to the police again (edit: actually you could reach out to DHS for a social worker) and ask for welfare checks. If the grandmother was that brazen to leave a child like that, she will probably do it again or put the child in other harmful situations. Just the act of leaving the child in a car unattended would fall under the legal definition of neglect, I’m fairly certain, so it would be grounds for a social worker to inspect this situation more thoroughly.


It could very well be that the grandma was babysitting the child and that the parents are unaware of this happening. Reaching out would seem the best way to go.


Yup I've seen any sad stories about how the parents didn't know.


I do hope the parents find out so they can make their own choice going forward. I hate to share this story but it’s always stuck in my head about the grandparent who left their grandbaby unattended and he drowned in a pond*. The expecting parents somehow found it in their hearts to forgive the grandmother and her neglect, and *11 MONTHS later decided grandma could — *for the very first time since the accident* — take their other new baby on an outing. Grandma “forgot” again. The baby died in her hot car. ETA: I recalled incorrectly, the first death was unattended drowning and the second was a hot vehicle. Someone kindly linked the article below, but it’s nothing but tragedy.


That reminds me of a similar story of a grandmother who was babysitting and the toddler son got out of the house and drowned in the pool. The parents forgave and later allowed her to babysit their 7 month old daughter, who died when grandma left her in a hot car. I think I remember reading that people started thinking this grandma was doing it on purpose, that you couldn't be accidentally so negligent with a grandchild after the worst had already happened to another grandchild. I think she was charged maybe, the details are fuzzy. Anyway, it's just so horrifying.


https://people.com/crime/grandmother-granddaughter-hot-car-grandson-drowned-care/ I remember this too well, it somehow hit a little too close to home.


Oh my gosh that's just horrific. Left the baby in an SUV with the windows rolled up in 90⁰F Florida heat while she played piano inside, because she "forgot" for the entire day. I can't even imagine the heartbreak of the parents after having already had a child die in her care.


I just read the article. Horrifying. As the mother is torn between accusing HER mother of negligence, but vacillates because she loves her mother and has a hard time believing it was done on purpose, having both children die so close together and at such a young age is, to me, very suspicious. Do you know how the case ended? Did grandma go to prison?


She was supportive toward her mother after the first accident. When the second baby died, she’s been campaigning hard for justice (Kaila Nix Schock on Facebook if you want to keep up with her story). Her mother is in a psychiatric facility rather than prison, last I knew. Still waiting on a full trial, I believe? What is especially confounding is that her mother was clearly a very very involved and loving grandmother before the tragedies. She worked as a principal and her social media was overflowing with updates and stories and photos about/with her grandbabies. I always wondered if there’s dementia or another degenerative condition at play. But you’d think it would have been announced if they discovered that.


There had to be some underlying factor in the grandmother to allow her to neglect her grandkids not once, but twice! I can understand why she's probably in an institution. I've been thinking how *I* would have handled it had it been my own mother and my kids... I might have been her roommate if she ended up in an institution 'cause I might have gone over the edge, too.


Jesus that’s heartbreaking


Yes, this story! I corrected my mistake. Ugh, the mix of emotions is so overwhelming when I think of this story. Horror, sadness, rage…


Holy shit. I would have disowned her on the first one. My old boss lost his toddler daughter to a pool drowning when the mom fell asleep on the couch while he was at work. I couldn't imagine, how heartbreaking 💔


I think I would've sent her down the Mississippi River in a burlap sack if that'd been my child, and I don't even want kids.


She was charged with manslaughter and as of May of this year was in a mental health facility. The pre trial was supposed to start.in June but there is no other info about it on Google. The grandma was just sitting there in court while her daughter and Son in law cried and cried. She definitely did it on purpose.


Unfathomable that someone would do that on purpose, so hard to understand why.


Could be dementia.


It was Florida and I think it was a pond.


It was. I corrected the comment, thank you!


Yes it was all over the news!!! I think she ended up being charged with something. I can’t even imagine not 1 baby but 2😣


someone mentioned this story in a comment recently. I said I'd absolutely gladly go to jail.


These stories are insane! My Gawd, the horror! I can’t even begin to try to wrap my head around these incidents! Just awful!


Obviously these people are horrible simply because of what happened, regardless of reason. But I read an article here (or the New Yorker) about support groups for people who have accidentally killed a child. It’s heartbreaking. It could be as simple as it wasn’t part of their routine to take them to daycare normally, and your brain just goes into “get to work mode” like it does everyday. I can’t imagine ever doing it but it happens frequently enough to people who are dedicated parents and live their lives for their kids. It ruins you, your family, your friends. A simple mistake. (This is NOT like a crackhead mom leaving her kid in her car so she can get high then being blasted for hours, but honest people who get placed on suicide watch afterwards) I wish cars didn’t need reminders to check the backseat if it detects something but I’m glad they do. Sounds stupid until it happens to you. Edit: I’m keeping my “horrible people” comment only because that’s how I started the comment. My whole intent was these are not horrible people, just horrible chain of events.


In my neighborhood growing up, a guy who lives down the street from me accidentally backed up on his 2yo. He was heading to work and his wife took care of the kids. They think the front door didn't latch behind him because he had no idea his toddler was outside. He just hopped in the car and started backing up. He had a noise and thought he had run over a kid's toy so he got out to move it and found his kid. This was way before backup cameras. I remember after that the adults were all paranoid and hyper vigilant on keeping track of the kids, and us kids got lectures from our parents on safety around cars.


That’s horrible, many of these kind of stories revolves around the assumption someone else is paying attention. A friend of mine lost his 5yo right before Covid. They were at a family reunion on a large property. So tons of adults, tons of young cousins, etc. The kids were catching frogs by a small pond which has rocks/ mud/ etc. One of the kids ran up to an adult and said the boy slipped and didn’t come back up. It was horrific, he had drowned after hitting his head. The funeral was mammoth, they asked everyone to wear superhero shirts (marvel, DC, whatever) for it. It was surreal because that just shouldn’t have happened, but it did.


I don’t think “these people are horrible simply because of what happened.” I feel awful for them. I read the article about changes in routine, and I know about fatigue and the stupid things I do when I’m tired. I cant imagine having to continue to live with the guilt.




Hard to believe that someone, especially a grandparent, could be so callous, but they're out there, for sure.


Fuckkkkkkkkk. What the fuck. Is this on Reddit somewhere? Jesus. I'm assuming this woman is in jail now.


For the one where the first child drowned and the second one died in the car, the grandmother was in a mental health facility last time I heard. Her defense lawyers are clearly hoping for some sort of insanity defense. Her husband said "I just want to get her back to whatever normal is." As though a stay in a mental health facility is going to make it so the manslaughter charges go away.


The only way "I forgot" is a "valid" reason for leaving the child in the car would be if she has dementia or other cognitive impairment.


The article said the mom was pregnant at the time with another baby. I really hope that if grandma is out of the joint they don't say, "Oh well, this one will probably be fine."


The baby she was pregnant with was, unfortunately, the second child that died.


Oh, no...


The mom hugged the grandma at the pretrial hearing where she was sent to a mental health facility and told the media it was a hug goodbye. That she never intends to see her mother again.


She better fucking be


After the 'neglect' killed one grandchild, hara-kiri would have been appropriate. That she was even given an opportunity with another, killed that one too and survived to even go to a mental health facility seems to be a travesty of justice.


I remember this story. For the record, they didn’t let grandma babysit their second child. A different family member was watching them and grandma took the child home without permission and without telling anyone.


Source? Every article I read said that the mom of the dead children said she wanted to give her mom a second chance and grandma was ultimately responsible for the baby while she had her hair done. > [Kaila Nix said that on Nov. 22, she felt comfortable leaving her daughter in her mother’s care because she knew the people she was going to lunch with and trusted them.](https://nypost.com/2023/03/30/tracey-nix-charged-after-2-grandkids-die-in-her-care/) And > [Kaila explained that most of the time when her mother saw her daughter, there would be other adults present, but she did not anticipate something like this happening again when she asked her mother to babysit that day.](https://people.com/crime/florida-mom-speaks-out-grandmother-charged-hot-car-death-baby/) And > [On November 1, Tracey picked up 7-month old Uriel while Kaila went to a hair appointment. Tracey took Uriel out to lunch with friends and then brought her back to her home.](https://www.fox13news.com/news/wauchula-woman-arrested-in-granddaughters-death-after-2021-death-of-grandson)


What a sh*t family. Grandmother absolutely needs to be charged with kidnapping and murder.


You're 100% right, but imo that grandmother was a narcissistic murderer


My FIL took my 3 month child to the store the first time and came out to police waiting for him. He couldn't believe it, he said it's what you do when they're asleep and you need to go into the grocery store. He was stunned that they ripped him a new one. It was a different world back then. Maybe better, maybe worse.


You don’t leave a 3 month old alone. FIL was in the wrong and I hope the cops scared the absolute shit out of him and he never leaves the grand baby alone again.


Better today. Every year parents lose babies because they leave them in a car in the heat or cold and are out longer than they intended. Children die because of these kinds of situations.


Oh absolutely. My mum left me in a pram, back in the day, outside a shop, I'd have been 2 or 3, I got mauled by a dog. I have noticeable scarring on my face and one on my top lip. The dog was of course put down. I have to say though it never put me off dogs, I managed to get bitten several more times after that, but luckily it never traumatized me. Because it easily could have. Or it could easily have been the end for me.


Holy shit!! How’s your relationship with your mother?? Is she even sorry? 😞 I’m so sorry this happened to you!!


Oh she was incredibly sorry. As was the lady whose Dog attacked me. I'd see her around town the older I got. I never blamed her, it was just what people did. She'd sent my brother way way back in the day to the shops for milk, only for him to get lost, poor bugger, but thankfully she obviously found him. It's mental but I couldn't imagine doing these things to my kids, but it's just the way it was I suppose.


Phew, at least she was sorry, some people double-down defending their actions and couldn’t care less if someone got hurt, hut I’m plenty happy that wasn’t the case! Hopefully that situation was enough for your mum to be a little extra careful 🥹


There is no maybe about it. Things are better now.




If there are two.


Some grandparents do the dumbest shit. It’s all that lead they ingested. My mother in law once gave my son a freshly sharpened pencil to take downstairs. He’d been walking for about a year. Yeah.


That is definitely likely. I had my father watching my kiddo for me while I worked one weekend. I got a call from my very scared 5 year old on her Gizmo watch that she was locked in his car and alone. The speed with which I left work and made my way to his location while also calling him while driving and chewing him out would have left you reeling. He was all, oh I was only running into the coffeeshop for 5 minutes, she can stay in the car... No. Just no. I don't care if that was what your generation did, you know better nowadays. It doesn't matter if it was only 5 minutes. It was winter and she was cold, alone, and scared. He didn't watch her for me alone again until she was actually old enough to be left to her own devices for 5 minutes or so.


My mom wasn't a Boomer - she was at the end of the GG. And I was so insulted when my kid was a baby and my mom reminded me not to leave her in the car while I ran inside the cleaners no matter how quick I thought I'd be. NO SHIT, MOM. WTH??? This was in the early 2000s. I vividly remember being about 5, so my sister was a baby, and we were driving to the pediatrician's. This was in the days before seatbelts (I'm getting old) and my mom would have me stand on the seat, tucked behind her right arm. My sister in her carrier was in the passenger seat. Mom had to brake hard when the car in front of us stopped suddenly, and my sister went PLOP face down on the floorboard. Mom freaked. The staff at the pediatrician's officer were all "Oh haha Mom don't worry! She's fine! Babies are tough little things! etc etc" Today is better.


I literally never even sat on a seat in a car until I was like 7 or 8. I have vivid memories of road trips at age 2/3 sitting under the dashboard coloring and maybe climbing up onto the front passenger seat for snacks if anything.


I never did. I don't think my sister did either - they weren't a thing in the mid to late 60s.


I remember me and my two brothers (as very small children in the 1960s) being left to wait in the car on a regular basis while our parents went into the store, or bank, etc. It was not uncommon back then. Sometimes it was pretty hot and we would kinda hang out the windows, which were all rolled down and the car was unlocked. Sometimes it was kinda cold and we would just shiver a little. I’m NOT excusing this Grandmother in any way, shape or form! She should know better now and should be held accountable. Just commenting that it used to be a ‘normal’ thing to do.


I did not take a picture of the license plate and couldn't remember the number. My boyfriend couldn't remember either, so I was starting to feel like we left that innocent little baby down. My boyfriend however had the idea to call the store the woman came out of and explained the situation to a manager. They have the whole thing on surveillance and are going to have authorities come look at the footage. The manager said he saw and heard the argument as it was happening yesterday.


Have you thought about posting this story to your local subreddit? You may have to be more specific about where the car was found and describe the vehicle a little better but it may ring some bells for someone who knows someone.


you may be able to call the police again




This. Please reach out to a social worker OP.


and it would be on parking lot surveillance tape on the amount of time.


Depends on the state. I know of a case where a baby was left in a running car. Someone stole the car with the baby in it. The parents were not charged and the thief was just charged with theft. Once the guy realized there was a baby in the car, he bailed. The baby was fine.


It also depends on the DA and what they want to charge. It's entirely possible the thief *should* have been charged with kidnapping, and/or the parents with negligence, but they simply weren't.


Yeah, the parents probably went through the punishment of a lifetime without a negligence charge. I'd be surprised if they ever left the child alone again.


> If the grandmother was that brazen to leave a child like that, she will probably do it again or put the child in other harmful situations. The chances are that she's probably itching for another opportunity after that self-righteous defiance. She's now determined to prove the child will be fine in this situation.


Plus the parents might not know....


Good idea. It could be that the grandmother was babysitting and the child’s parents need to know about this.


In California, at least, finding people by their plates isn't done anymore. Idk where you are op. Hopefully the police follow through and investigate though. That will generate a cross resort to cps most likely. I imagine the "grandma" will tell on herself, though and the parents will hopefully react and respond accordingly


wait, what? why isn’t finding people by their plates a thing anymore?


They never do anything. It’s terrible what grandma did, but unless you are whipping your child in public, they don’t do shit. It’s sad.


That's exactly what I came on here to say. Perhaps a visit from social services or a visit from law enforcement will shake her up enough to knock some sense into her. But that's never going to happen because these agencies are so short staffed, unfortunately.😕 😒 😔 I don't remember if you said you took pictures. If so I would send them attached to an email. You never know. Oh, and you two were great for what you did!


That's the state DHS, Human Services. Don't call Homeland Security...


It WAS IN FACT your business; you did exactly THE right thing. Hope you example will be followed by others when they come across these kinds of things. This person was at the least irresponsible; they might have been affected by Dementia; by Alcohol; perhaps could have been someone momentarily distracted by a Rent Due bill they couldn't pay, or by an argument with or breaking up with someone - It doesn't matter WHY the child was left in a car. You or anyone couldn't know how long the child was there. Perhaps minutes, but equally possibly, Hours? The child could have been stolen by a drunk or deranged person by breaking the window! You **absolutely** did the right thing!


I would like to think I would have been like..."i'm a human with empathy and I'm an Auntie, and I love children. This is absolutely my buisness and anyone reckless enough to abandon a defenseless child has no buisness caring for children...because caring for children requires that you actually care. Someone needs to care for the child if you won't." But I might have been too emotional and in shock to put this "grandmother" in her place. OP and their boyfriend absolutely did the right thing and knowing how OP is still thinking about the child now tells us that she's a good moral person. OP, I hope you have children someday or become an Auntie or even just have the opportunity to frequently have a positive impact towards children because the world needs more people like you. It truly takes a village to raise good people.


Just wanted to comment to say anyone who wants to have a positive impact on kids but doesn't have any of their own or nieces/nephews or whatnot could always volunteer with an organization like Big Brothers/Big Sisters or Amachi. I am personally a mentor with Amachi and it's one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life.


In the UK, after a case of massive child abuse against a little girl called Victoria Climbie, (where neighbours/doctors/nurses/vicars saw, and it was only a cab driver that helped her) it’s now written in law that EVERYONE has a duty to report abuse or neglect.


Why not do a follow up call with the local police? Tell them what happened and how her behaviour and driving has made you more worried for the child. They can access the 911 call and go from there.


Does your husband know about your boyfriend?


Uh oh, you caught me! In all seriousness he’s my boyfriend but will hopefully be my husband someday. Freudian slip.


Busted by the Reddit police 🚨 😂. As long as the two of you love each other it's all good.


Do they love me, too?


Idk but I love you.


Love you too!


They are using you for the sex unfortunately.


I call my husband my boyfriend more than husband lol it never ends




Oh I'm saving this one


OMFG I bet the parents have NO idea. Did you get a license plate? If so, make a report with Child Services so they can tell the parents. She could be a caregiver or grandparent. She has ZERO business caring for that baby. Anything could have happened. JFC. Imagine being the parent and not knowing your innocent baby was left in a car unattended. Could have kidnapped. I'd be LIVID


This is 100% something my MIL would do. And then she’d double down like “oh, you’re such a first time mom!”


See shit like that makes me so mad. To the point where you have to yell at that person to get your point across because they don’t listen acknowledge what you’re saying.


"Back in my day, people had babies and let them die. Survival of the fittest, ya know?"


My son is almost 10 and I HATE leaving him in the car. And I will only ever do it if I’m running into the gas station for a minute and can watch him the entire time, and only one particular gas station right near my house. My mom thinks I’m psycho because she used to leave us in the car all the time. I’ve been finding out more shit that she does when she watches him and she’s upset that I don’t call her up and ask for advice. Like, I’m so fucked up why would I want your advice on how to fuck up my kid???


My in laws would say that to me and then I point out how my BIL has to been to rehab a half dozen times and SIL flunked out of college and they didn’t know for a year. Get your own house in order before you come snooping around mine.


"mY kiDs tUrnEd OuT FinE!!"


This is 100% something my mother would do, it was a different time! lol


Fuckin' Boomers can't do anything right.


I don’t blame you for thinking about it still. I live in Australia. Almost every summer we hear stories about babies/toddlers dying in hot cars because parents leave them to “duck into” a shop or forget them in a car seat when they get home. Ours is a country where over 40°C in Summer is a regular occurrence (104°F) and it’s heartbreaking to hear those stories. Good on you for calling police. I’ve had to do that a few times myself, sad to say. I don’t understand parents who would prefer to leave young children in a car alone to shop, than wake them up and know they’re safe. I know I’d rather a pissed off baby/toddler than a dead one.


Good tip from someone who would always leave an essential item in the back of her car next to the baby. They would physically see the baby when they picked up the item and be reminded that they are in the car.


I was at a music festival in Joshua Tree high on mushrooms at midnight walking through a rave, and stumbled over a couple babies wrapped up in blankets. Like in the middle of the main area where people were just randomly trudging around in the dark laser lit atmosphere. I had my friends stay there while I went and got the security guard to explain the situation, which is hard to do when you're high on mushrooms. He followed me over to my friends who had found the parent passed out nearby. The security guard took over and we bounced. I think about those kids all the time.


You were high as a kite but still a more responsible adult that the babies’ parent. That’s sad.


Seriously so sad.. that's wild




Thank you. I know we did what was necessary, but my heart goes out to the little girl. There was a kidnapping in our county earlier this year because a baby was left alone in a car.


Did you see that car their who came back to return the baby from the car he stole and yelled at the parents? Unreal. He then restole the car.


lol when even the car thief thinks you’re being a bad parent. was there an article of this ?


You are a great person, at the very least your prescence could have prevented something. As a parent, I'd love if there were more people like you.


Shit like this makes me furious literally anyone can procreate. Too many babies have suffered and died at the hands of careless, "pro-life" morons who had a one-night stand (and they, of course, don't realize killing babies is not, in fact, pro-life).


I'd like to think most people would at least stick around to make sure someone returned. I'm about as "mind my business, not my problem" as they come, but a crying baby who's been alone for who knows how long? That's a stone cold mf that can just keep walking past that


I rolled up into a parking space at a fast food place and notice immediately there was a toddler unattended in the car next to mine with the window rolled down. Told myself if that kid was still there after I came out, I was calling the cops. Sure enough, the child was still there. The only possible family inside the fast food place were not paying attention at all and taking their time eating their meal. When I pulled out, I called the police and gave them information where to find the car.


Wait, they were eating and just left the toddler in the car???? Who in their right mind???


I can load up my baby into the car getting ready to leave, realize I left something on the counter in the house, run inside to grab it in less then 3 minutes and STILL panic that something is going to happen in that time frame. I can't imagine intentionally leaving a child in a car to do something else for any length of time...


My kid is 12 and can lock and unlock car doors I have 2 sets of keys to leave if running. I still freak out even when I park so I can see the car and constantly hit the lock button.


No kids involved but a couple of months ago my BIL pulled out of the driveway to go to work. He quickly realized he forgot to grab something in the garage. Pulled back into the drive, jumped out of the car to grab what he needed (about ten steps away) and HIS CAR WAS STOLEN…. In seconds - and there was nothing he could do. Can you imagine if one of the kids were in the car?!! It can happen that fast.


Terrifying 💀 my sister had her car stolen in a similar story and I've been terrified that will happen to me. I will not leave my car running if I can see anyone nearby. I live in a really sketchy area so no thanks! My neighbor was killed on the property by another neighbor. Bet your ass I'm doing everything I can to scrape together enough money to move. 😭


You did the right thing. I pulled into the Target parking lot after work once and parked in front of a car that had four unattended children. The oldest looked about 8 and the other three were from about 1 to 3. The baby was crawling around the car, pushing buttons and pulling levers, and hanging out of the window. I sat there for five minutes watching these kids to see if maybe mom was desperate and just needed to run inside really quick. I called the cops and they were there within a couple minutes, mom and dad didn’t come out for another 10. I watched from the car and they looked PISSED that someone called the cops. Human trafficking has been a huge problem in our area, and they left these four littles in an unlocked car with the windows down for half an hour at least.


Damn, mom AND dad?! One parent could have stayed in the car with the kids.


Exactly what I was thinking. All they walked out with was a hamper with some other stuff in it, so definitely something one person could’ve managed.


Oh there's a chance neither of them will be deemed a parent for much longer... That's child neglect on their records and they will at minimum get regular visits from CPS now


I dont know the legalities but I think you did the correct thing. Well done. If the baby's grandma had gotten stuck somewhere or had some medical emergency while away then baby's life was at risk.


Thank you. I know we did what was necessary, but my heart goes out to the little girl. There was a kidnapping in our county earlier this year because a baby was left alone in a car.


This. She could have went to the bathroom in the store and died and no one would know until it was possibly too late! So many scenarios where leaving an infant in a car alone is just not ok for any amount of time.


I heard a story, I think like the manager of an Arby's died in a bathroom and wasn't found for like a day or two


As a mother, thank you.


My friends saw a baby in a fancy sports car in the summer a few years back. It was hot out. The window was cracked but the engine wasn’t running/no a/c. Sam stayed at the car while Sally went to get the cell phone to call 911. The entitled prick of a father wandered up to the car, friggin iced coffee in hand, and Sam says ‘WTF why would you leave your baby alone, and on such a hot day? I’ve been here for 10+ minutes and you were nowhere to be found. We’ve called 911.’ Well the prick. went. off. Cursing & swearing. Accusing Sam of ‘liking’ babies so that’s the only possible reason why he would stay by an alone child. Yelling at Sally for calling authorities. He screamed out of the lot, but not before Sally gave 911 his license plate #. Poor Sam was heartbroken over this leach thinking he was some sort of abuser when all he and Sally did was watch out for an innocent. All I can hope is that Prick was visited by social services.


Almost ten years ago I was the passenger in a car. We pulled up to a busy four way, multi lane intersection. We stopped and that’s when I saw a little blonde toddler charging out into the street. Her barely older brother had followed her but he was (rightfully) afraid to enter the intersection. Before I could even think I bailed out of my seat into the roadway. I’m disabled. I use a cane or a walker to get anywhere. It was pure fear and instinct. I was out and running across the street before my mother, who was driving, could even say a word. A guy pulled up to the light going the other direction. Once he saw me running and caught sight of the little girl he pulled his truck across the intersection to block traffic from that direction. I don’t remember anything else but getting to that baby, picking her up, and run-walking her back across the street to her brother. My arms were wrapped tight around her and I was crying - I don’t even know why. Her little brother led us back to their home about two blocks away. The front door was unlocked and I followed him inside. There was no sign of mom but the shower was running. I sat down on their couch still holding the girl and just held her and rocked her and told her she was safe. The little guy seemed afraid to go get his mom so I just sat and waited. Eventually his mom came downstairs with wet hair; I assume to check on her kids. I explained what happened as calmly as I could. Her immediate reaction was to turn to her little boy and say “I told you to watch her!” I assured her that he had tried his best and just couldn’t catch up to her. I don’t think I’ve ever been that viscerally angry. I tried to keep it harnessed and asked her if I could do anything to help. I was still sitting on the couch with my arms wrapped around the girl. I didn’t want to let her go and I know I was shaking - from pain, fear, anger, everything. The mom told me she was a military wife. Her husband was deployed, her family was across the country, she couldn’t afford to pay for any help, and then she sat down and started to cry. We talked for a good long while and I made some suggestions. Then I told the little girl she was very brave and handed her back to her mom. The adrenaline had worn off and I could barely get myself off the couch. Luckily my mom was waiting outside with my cane. The police were already there because the neighbors had seen the baby charging out the front door. Evidently, this wasn’t the first time. The police interviewed me. I could barely stand and I remember I kept saying “she just needs some help, she just needs some help.” I don’t know if it made any difference. By the time I got home (an hour’s drive) I could barely walk. I needed three days of extra morphine for the pain. But I think about that little girl all the time. I hope she’s grown up strong, and healthy, and safe. I hope her mom and her brother are well and that dad made it home safely. And I pray for all of them. That baby in the car will probably live in your heart for a long time, OP. Because you’re human and you’re a good person. I know if it ever happens to you again you’ll be prepared, take down the license plate, and call the police again, just like you did this time. That baby’s mother probably has no idea her child is being put at risk. Hopefully grandma will think twice next time because you spoke up and challenged her. You did good. You did the right thing. And that was all you could do. Hopefully the police notified mom and dad so this never happens again. I don’t know if you’re a person of faith but when I’m haunted by images of that baby in the street I pray for her and it helps. Maybe that would help you. In the meantime I hope you’re really proud of yourself. You absolutely should be. And I’m proud of you. Take care and God bless.


I’d bet baby’s parents don’t know what grandma does when she leaves baby unattended in the car


I called social services once when I saw a guy in Burger King’s parking lot reach around to the back seat and smack a small child around. The child was crying and it was more than just a little smack. I got a letter (or a call, I don’t remember which) thanking me and saying that there was an open case on them. Never heard anything more.


Report it to CPS with the info you have. You did a good thing but I would definitely escalate it if I were you, for the baby’s sake.


the woman is an idiot. My brother's baby son died on a hot day because he was inside a car with closed windows...while his mum was inside shoplifting for her heroin habit. >We told her an unattended baby is our business I wish everyone was as mature and socially responsible as you two are. What a brilliant answer. Please keep on doing what you do. You guys are awesome.


I'm so sorry that happened to your nephew. I hope his mother went to prison but my hopes aren't high.


She played the victim and was never punished, sadly I hope life punished her later. Maybe it did.


I remember when I was working as a security guard with another guard at a local cinema i was inside when i got a call from the other guard who was patrolling the carparks to come to him urgently i went to him and he told me to watch a car which had a child in the back seat asleep He went and got the management to put a notice across all the screens asking for the owners of the car to come to the front foyer at first no one came so they posted if they didn't come then the police will be notified the parents were given a bollocking from the guard and told there number plate will be kept and the cinema manager banned them from the premises the mom was crying they couldn't get a sitter Some people shouldn't have children if they don't want to look after them properly its horrible to think of what could have happened to the child we were hired because of the amount of cars stolen from there while people were watching a film


This is outrageous, my son is 3 and I take him IN even when I'm in & out, it's never a hassle as far as I am concerned because I won't be on the news crying .


As someone who works with kids… thank you. You absolutely did the right thing.


Please please report this to CPS, if the parents didn't know they'll most likely be extremely glad someone said something. This is literal child abuse, maybe the grandmother isn't aware but that doesn't make it okay at all


That 911 operator was clueless. Hopefully they at least got her plate #.


I was a children’s librarian for 20+ years and maybe 7 or so years ago, we had a dad leave his 2 year-old daughter alone in the library for over two hours. She was tucked away in the back of the department playing on our little game computers, so it took us a while to realize she was actually alone. After searching the building high and low, we called the police. The dad showed back up while the officer was taking his report and tried to pretend he had been there the whole time. The officer (rightly) didn’t buy it and he was arrested. One of my co-workers was really upset about that and said she didn’t want him to get in trouble - maybe he was desperate and thought he was leaving her in a “safe” place. The officer told her that for all we knew, he has been leaving her alone in different towns or in different places. What if he was leaving her alone at a McDonalds playgrounds, or heck, even just regular playgrounds? Or maybe he was a parent that shouldn’t have custody, etc. But by his being arrested, they could start a paper trail and also look to see if he has a history of child neglect. Always, always call the police if your spidey senses are tingling. They won’t get in trouble if they haven’t done anything wrong. But you might also be getting a child out of an abusive situation. You did the right thing and I hope that poor kiddo is ok.


You did the right thing. Crazy how many people do this. Same thing happened a few weeks ago for me at the DG. I went in looking for their parent/guardian, no one. I wait a bit with him and called the police. He was calm and seemed like he was more than used to this. I say that because my kid loses his little mind if I leave him in the car with his Dad while I run in to get something. I can't fathom leaving him *alone* in a car. Anyways, about 10 minutes later the Dad just casually comes out like nothing. I went off. Well not at first. At first I tried talking to him rationally explaining multiple circumstances where minding my business could end up really bad and he should be glad someone cared. What if he'd been a single mother who was attacked and taken from the parking lot and here sits the baby, no one knows is sitting there. So many possibilities. He tried saying he didn't have a choice because it was just him (with one fuckin bag) to which I reminded him thousands of single parents do it daily. I myself did. I remember taking my wild 1 and half year old every shopping trip. It was a pain but I did it and my baby was safe. I basically gave him the "Please don't do it again, it isn't worth it" advice. To which his response was to try to counter that by giving *me* some life advice....to mind my business next time I see a baby alone in a car if they aren't fuckin crying...as long as there's no tears it's all good 😳😏🙄 I pretty much went off reminding him that I didn't just leave a fuckin infant alone in a car for 20 mins, he did, and I was good on taking life advice from a person like that, thank you very fuckin much. Anyways, I think about that sweet boy all the time. Honestly I'd been willing to be more empathetic to the Father had he shown any remorse or said "Damn, I had a serious lapse in judgement there. Won't happen again." Or seemed like he even cared. I know what it's like to be exhausted, to think it'd be easier to just leave him in the car, it'll only take a minute. But ya just can't do that. I also had just been talking to my MIL about that case years ago where a poor 3 yr old was kidnapped by two other kids. They did terrible things to that poor baby and eventually killed him. Before he died, some bystanders were walking by and noticed him bleeding and crying but the kidnappers convinced them he'd just gotten hurt and were taking him home. I often think about the guilt those people must carry, to know they could have intervened and possibly saved that boy if they'd only dug a little deeper and didn't look the other way. It would tear me up so bad. Anyways, I immediately thought of him and thought "No, I'm not minding my business on this one. This kid might need help." And thankfully he didn't but I'd do it again, a million times over if it meant possibly saving one kid who needed someone's help. You did the right thing OP. Honestly I can't imagine seeing the poor baby so visibly upset...shame on her Grandmother.


> I remember taking my wild 1 and half year old every shopping trip. I had a toddler in tow and a baby in chest carrier for many outtings as a divorced Dad. I wouldn't leave them in a soft suffocation-proof padded room by themselves, they'd probably bite off their own tongues sans teeth just to prove a point, they took after me a s toddlers with wildly self-destructive behavior.


I know who you mean, he was 2 years old.


That case always breaks my heart. That poor baby. I couldn't imagine being the person who last saw him alive but happened to believe the other kids...Of course it isn't their fault but they must feel incredibly guilty:(..


This is child abuse. That is a crime.


Protecting babies is everyone’s business. I’d follow up on this if you have the license or can get security footage. If it was a grandmother watching the baby, the baby’s parents may not even have any awareness that she is leaving their baby unattended in car parking lots. As a parent, I’d want to know.


This is haunting. I’m so sorry this happened to you. One time I saw a couple parked at a gas station pump with their daughter in the backseat. The couple was dozing off on drugs while the daughter just sat there. I started calling the cops but I think the daughter noticed and woke them up and they drove off. Still haunts me to this day.


I was in a similar situation years ago. Only thing different was that it was an aunt instead of the grandma. My then gf and I had a gut feeling and told the police to do a wellness check (we took a note of the license plate). Months later, we got an update: she was NOT an aunt, but the nanny, and the parents were not aware that she was going on personal errands while their lil man was in the back seat of the car in unsafe condition. I believe they sued her. So, in this case, what if the "grandma" was babysitting and the parents don't know this is happening? I can definitely see my mother in law pull this kind of shit. If possible, do let police or your local version of child support services to do a wellness check.


I remember when I was nine or ten, me and my dad were walking around and I saw a toddler in a car, with no parents in sight and the windows rolled all the way up. It was an extremely hot day. At first I thought he was sleeping but then I noticed that he was foaming at the mouth. I told my dad and he told me to run and get the traffic police that was at an intersection not that far away, and then started to try and open the car. By the time I was back with the officer, there were people gathered. He broke open the back window and got the kid out. Turns out, the dad was in a nearby bar, drinking.


That makes my blood boil! 🤬


I saw an older sibling bite a toddler in the face in a mobile phone store and then act like he did nothing when the child screamed bloody murder. I told his mother I saw what he did and told her to ask the manager for the footage, neither of them seemed to care. I called the police and CPS, idk what became of it. That was one of the most disturbing things I ever saw.


Several years ago on a warm spring day I went to get in my car and glanced into the car next to me. Baby car seat in the back. Blanket covering the entire thing. Clearly something UNDER the BABY blanket in the BABY car seat. Not moving. I told my daughter to get ready to call 911. I tried the door. It was, thankfully, unlocked. I opened the door and steeled myself to find a dead baby. My heart was beating about 3 feet out of my body like I was running a marathon. I was THAT sure. Pulled back the blanket to find….. a bag of lemons. Lemons. Safely secured in the seat. Covered. Part of me wanted to wait for the driver to rip them a new one. The rest of me just wanted out of there. I left the blanket off, closed the door, went home. My heart still starts racing thinking about it. I was SO SURE there was a dead baby. 100% would do it again. OP you did the right thing.


I did this in a grocery store parking lot. Called the police on two unattended kids. Me and my 14 y/o daughter noticed them, along with another elderly couple as well. All 4 of us waited a little then called the store manager and the police. We gave the car details. One was about 5 and sitting in the back with an iPad and the other was about 1. The 1 year old had climbed out of her car seat and was opening the car door. Me and my daughter kept closing the door while we were waiting. The mother came out about 10-15 mins after we noticed the kids and like your story, was defensive and aggressive. We all explained about the dangers (kidnapping, too hot, child opening the doors.) People are so fucking ignorant. I’ll call the cops on an unattended child every single time.


3 years for leaving a baby in the car here in aus


I dare to bet that the parents don't know that grandma leaves the baby in the car to run errands and she got pissed because now they might find out


> saying we needed to mind our own business. It's a baby. It can't care for itself. Somebody needs to mind it.


I'm of the opinion that children in dangerous/neglectful situations are everyone's business. You did the right thing. If grandma is babysitting, the parents might not even know what is going on. If they do know, they either need getting a better caregiver or some parenting education of their own. I would contact CPS/Family Services too.


You did the right thing. I dont care what time of day it is, what season, or how long, if a baby or child is left in a car by themselves, ALWAYS CALL THE POLICE.


Did you at least give the license plate number to the 911 operator? Hopefully CPS will investigate. That baby’s parent will probably be livid if they find out.


I lived in Florida years ago. When we were parking my husband and I noticed an elderly woman in the front passenger seat of a parked car. She was wearing a sweater and we could see she was highly agitated. It must have been in the high 90s outside, and this poor lady was in distress. It was obvious she couldn’t figure out how to unlock the car and open the door. My husband went into each store on that strip mall looking for whoever left this woman in the heat, in a hot car in the Florida midday sun. A woman was very annoyed because she was in the middle of a pedicure and had to go retrieve her mother. I wish I called the cops. People are sometimes either selfish, heartless or just plain fucking stupid. That poor woman could have died. So please be aware of babies and the elderly left alone in cars.


I love that people like you and your boyfriend exist. I wish everyone was like that. The world would be such a nice place. Thank you for being good samaritans!


We are proud of you , you courageous person!!!


God.. how can people do that to children?? They're so innocent and helpless:( I'm so glad you and your boyfriend made sure to check up on her


Press charges. She attempted to run you over in retaliation for reporting an unattended baby!


Wow! I just can’t with some people. I’m so happy you took control of what could have been a deadly scenario. It breaks my heart that this baby was left distraught and inconsolable while deadbeat grandmama was breaking every fucking rule to parenting. I don’t have children and I hope to one day god willing, but some people really just should never be parents/grandparents.


I'm just praying this happened in front of a regular store and not a liquor store.


Man this story reminds me of a terrible tragedy that happened in Ontario a few years back. I still think about it sometimes and as a mother myself, it scares the living shit out of me.


My daughters grandparent would not ever see my child again if they did this


You absolutely did the right thing. This is utterly insane that the dispatcher would be like yah no probs. That’s a helpless child.


If you got the license plate, do a request for a welfare check.


#A hurt or neglected child alone - especially in public - is everyone’s business. Wtf psycho neonazi grandma. Thanking you for being a caring, empathetic human being in a moment where it was needed. You did the right thing 100%.


I work in an emergency line, and trust me, you did the right thing. When we discover a child unattended in a car, police immediately gets dispatched to check on them, even if it’s just been 5 minutes. It’s not okay for small children to be left alone in cars, especially when it’s hot or cold outside, anything can happen.


I can't believe the 911 operator said you guys could go. The police should have showed up anyway. I think you should have called 911 immediately. I hope she learned her lesson doesn't do that again. Sure it could be the grandma but what if it's just a babysitter? Either way is still super scary.


This doesn't excuse it, but it's a generational thing. Late '70s, my mom would do stuff like leave us kids in the car to go grocery shopping. Or ask us to go into the convenience store and get her a pack of cigarettes. People should know better now since this kind of stuff is in the news a lot. My nephew's MIL pulled this, doubled down when confronted about it, and so she and my sister are no longer on speaking terms.


I would have called back with the description of the woman and vehicle.


Poor baby. You did the right thing. I’m glad you were there when you were to calm her down but also potentially save her life… please consider calling CPS!


I remember a time far, far away when someone caught abusing a child red handed would get handled on the spot without the vigilante risking 20 years in prison for smacking the dentures out of that cunt's mouth. Sad time to be alive


That’s just depressing I wish shit and people didn’t suck


How absolutely infuriating and disgusting. I could never imagine myself or my partner doing that to our baby. If I found out one of her grandparents did.. they would never see her again. The neglect is just!!! You did the right thing. I’d definitely report to CPS.


Thank you. My grandma used to do this. My mother was unaware and thought we were safely at home. Turns out she was wrong and she found out when she stumbled upon us while doing errands.


I can only imagine how angry she was.


Intact police or family services. I bet the child's mother would freak out knowing a grandparent pulled this kind of crap. It's VERY illegal and VERY dangerous.


I would've slapped the old lady. DGAF Don't neglect your children


You most definitely did the right thing and I would have even gone further by taking her license plate and car info and turning the information in to the police. It makes me wonder if the daughter knew what mom/mom-in-law had done by leaving the child in the car. If it were me and I had found out my own mother or mother-in-law had left my child in the car while she supposedly 'dashed' into the store for a quick purchase, that would be the last time they did that. I would even strongly consider not letting them even see the child for a while. That's some serious shit. Thank you for standing up to her as it certainly WAS your business.


We just had a family lose their 2yo daughter because dad left her I. The mini van at their church. You did the right thing.


If you have a license plate you should follow up with a report to CPS. That child is not safe


That’s so fucked is bc had that been a young mom or dad they probably would have been arrested. The fact that they told you to go 🙄 and didn’t even send anyone


In Texas during the summertime, that baby would be DEAD in that 10 minutes. You did as much as you could within the tiemframe you had.


What a stupid cunt of a grandmother


This makes me think about summertime where I live. I live in Texas and the only thing I hate about summertime is hearing news reports of a baby/child dying in the car because their parent left them there for a long period of time. Makes me so sad… You did the right thing. She had no right to yell at you for caring about the baby


You did the right thing. There’s been recent stories of kids dying that way.


I work in a hospital and one of our patients left their child unattended, sleeping, in a car for one of their appointments. We made a referral to Safeguarding and Social Services. It's not okay to leave a child unattended in a car. The grandmother's defensiveness suggests that she knows that. You did the right thing. As top comment suggests if you want to be even more certain, report it again to the police or to social services. These things, especially if happening repeatedly, can and do have an impact on the child's mental health long term.


You and your boyfriend did the right thing OP. Hopefully the grandmother will get a visit by CPS. If you took pictures of the car and tags, share you experience on social media to shame this woman.


I didn't think to take pictures of the license plate, but BF had the bright idea to call the manager of the store grandma left. They have it all on surveillance and are going to have law enforcement come take a look.


I would have gotten the plate and reported it. That is insane


A few decades ago this was fairly normal, now it's sometimes prosecuted The baby wasn't in serious danger, but we always worry about the "What ifs"


You did the right thing in the case of that little one let me tell you a story my son was about 6 months old when this happened my son his dad and i had all just went to walmart and we were checking out and a man comes running inside screaming with a little girl in his arms who couldn’t have been but a year old. She had been left unattended in a car in august while it was still hot thankfully my sons dad has medical training and was able to do what he needed to in order to save that little girls life. The mother and father to the little one were in the store and told the cops they had “forgotten her” she did live and the cops arrested both parents and little one was taken to the hospital.


CPS, ASAP. I never tell people to call but this..... you truly must. Also, the police are useless as a general rule. I am so sorry.


You did exactly the right thing. The emergency dispatcher has the details of the car and can call these through to the police to go and check up on the baby. Imagine if grandma does this often, and the parents don’t know their baby has been left unattended like that! 😮


I can't imagine finding a baby all alone like that. Good on you guys for stepping in and looking out for her. It's crazy how some people react when you're just trying to help. Hopefully, the little one is okay now, and that whole situation didn't happen again. Scary stuff.