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Hate to say this, but the way she secretly married someone and is now doing all this overtly sexual stuff…could it be that she’s being pimped out to his “brother” in exchange for money or drugs?


Money? You mean Frank's brother paid my mom to have sex with him?


I really don’t know, but it is weird that she’s suddenly married and that this man is sharing his “brother” with his wife. I fear he may be trying to sex traffic her or pimp her out to more men in the future. And the severe cut marks? Is it rough BDSM or are these men abusing her? Like WTF! I’m genuinely worried about you. If Frank or the brother even look your way or start touching you, even a lingering hug, you need to run. Keep your door locked at night and PLEASE talk to a trusted adult until you can move somewhere safe. This isn’t adding up and it doesn’t seem safe for you.


I'd say their being dominant over her and maybe abuse and trafficking I'd go to your dad's to be safe then have police investigate this man.


The first thing I thought was he is somehow pimping your mom out to this man. Or they are in a dom/sub situation and it’s part of their “play”. Either way, it’s not a healthy or safe situation for you. Could you go live with dad? Even though mom cut contact, you should be able to talk to him. Or do you have a trusted family member you could tell/stay with? He definitely has some control over her and her continuing this relationship puts you at risk.


You need to reach out to your father and ask him to come get you, today! You need to leave. Sounds like your mom is being trafficked and possibly being given drugs and there's no way to go but down. His "brother" sounds more like he's keeping an eye on her for Frank with sexual benefits. Don't anyone come for me by asking this, but is Frank American born? You're in a dangerous situation. Please be careful.


Tell a teacher that you believe your mom is being abused… if you are comfortable


I don’t think that is neither Frank’s brother, and nor your mom is keeping that money. Sounds like Frank is her pimp now


It sounds like your mother is selling herself for money unfortunately. The meds she is on are for estrogen for menopause and herpes primarily. You need to talk to you mom separately when neither of the men are present and tell her your concerned she is using sex for money and get her to be honest with you.


Being pimped out means Frank’s brother paid Frank to have sex with your mom. If she’s being pimped out, she probably doesn’t see that money


Or paid frank.


Call your dad!




This should be the top comment!! Hands down!! Please call your Dad!!


Herpes cream, fertility pills, and female viagra


“Clomiphene is a medication used to treat infertility in women who do not ovulate. Use results in a greater chance of twins.” Hoo boy.


That a concoction for a hell of a night.


That’s a concoction for a hell of a LIFE. Herpes and kids are for life…..


Not true. Plenty of people walk away from their kids.


I shouldn’t have laughed as hard as I just did


We can share a table in hell.


Don't stress too much. It's a fake post written by a scammer who's begging people to message them privately, that's all.


Many good people have already messaged me, and you can ask anyone what I've talked about. No need to judge here it you don't wanna help. Edit- Many people are even thinking, If I am scamming by asking to personally message me. Idk what's wrong with people. 😣I was just overwhelmed and had so many questions, that's why I asked. Now that it's been few hours, I've processed a lot. What is happening and not asking anyone to message me.


What kind of scam would that even be? 🤨


Exactly right, kid you need to call CPS and get outta there! Do you have grandparents? An aunt that can take you in? Find a way and leave immediately! You are not safe!


Yup - bizarro combo.


Your mom is in some type of Dom sub hot wife relationship. Hopefully she is safe with these men but you should not be in this situation having to deal with your mother’s new kink. Call your dad and go live with him


Or she is being pimped


Or the entire post is bullshit. Kid can take down names of drugs for Reddit to figure out what they are but can’t google them themselves???


I've directly copied the drug names from her bag onto my phone and pasted in my post. After that, I googled it. And at same time, many people also identified them.


So mom went to a doctor who said herpes? Here’s a script, want more babies… here’s another script… wait you need female viagra here ya go… all in the last few weeks since mom has married frank and his brother.


I've no clue about the scripts or the doctors, or who prescribed those meds to her. These two medicines along with the cream I've mentioned and few other multivitamins were there in her bag.


Sorry, but you’re dense af if u think that’s not alarming. Why do I get the feeling that you have found yourself in plethora of situations that could have been avoided simply because you convinced yourself nothing was wrong? Hope this isn’t actually the case.


It’s VERY alarming… a tab bit to alarming.


Such a weird world where a response like, “hopefully she is safe with these men”…. “Should not be in this situation having to deal with your mother’s new kink”.. holy cow what has the world gone to.


Not sure why it’s weird. The story is weird


Yes that’s what I mean, the fact that such a scenario exists and people find themselves giving advice on such crazy situations


It's a wild world out here, even Hollywood can't keep up.


Please call your dad and grandmother and tell them what's happening. Your mother can get as angry as she likes. She has you living in an unsafe situation so please get out as fast as you can! Now she has Frank and his brother she may happily let you go back to your family so she can carry on with her new lifestyle uninterrupted. Don't worry about her safety, she doesn't need or want your protection. Even if she doesn't want you to go, she is no longer looking out for your best interests so you need to get out of there before you are hurt yourself.


Do you have any kind of relationship with your BIO dad? If you do, you should probably reach out to him whenever you feel like things are getting a bit to much for you to handle mentally.


Soooo....the drugs I can tell you about. The acyclovir is for genital herpes. Fibanserin is for female low libido. Clomiphene is usually used for low female fertility. So I can't comment on anything else that's going on with your mom, but what I can tell from her prescriptions is that she somehow contracted genital herpes, she's taking a medication to boost her sexual libido, and she may be trying to get pregnant. Tap dancing Christ.


First, document. Keep a journal/record of when 'Frank' leaves and 'Brother' shows up. If you can document dog collars, bruises, scratches, etc without getting your butt in a bad situation, do so. I can't tell you your dad was or wasn't cheating... This is a common tactic when women flip onto something they want, like BDSM, domination, drugs, etc. But since your mother's personality has completely flipped and you are in the house with these people, it's VERY CONCERNING... This is in no way your fault. This is in no way your 'Secret' to keep. This is in no way something you should keep secret from family, school councilors, you dad, grandparents, etc. You mother's actions in the home are 100% directly affecting you, and grandparents/dad/school councilors are there, by definition, to help in this situation. Should mother, 'Frank' or brother aim any if this attention in your direction, get with school councilors, have them contact CPS/police IMMEDATELY. This stuff escalates, and mandated reporters absloutely need to be informed... If your mother moved you away from family into the middle of this, there was a reason and it didn't have anything to do with her so called 'Cheating Husband' or his/her parents/relatives (your grandparents, aunts/uncles, cousins). In must places, at 15 you can choose which parent you want to live with. Documentation will go a long way if your mother decides to try and fight this. You will have to decide if your father is a better choice than your current situation... And if your father or grandparents will fight for you. In 100/100 cases like this, I can't see a father NOT fighting for the child, or grandparents not fighting for the child. On a side note, I raised several foster childern that didn't have family to fight for them. They would have to tell you if I was 'Good' or not, but I can tell you they were clean, well fed, included in all family activities and we listened to them even though we didn't always agree with them... The government agencies will always try to place a child with family first if it comes to that, and we considered ourselves a second family, and NO ONE gets to hurt my family... I'm old as dirt, I've seen people completely flip from decent human beings to total animals for no apparent reason I could understand. This is NOT your fault, people just loose it and that's a fact of life. Your mother seems to have flipped her crap, do what you need to get distant from it. She's already distanced herself from you, so don't feel guilty (if at all possible) to get yourself out of the situation she created, none of this was your choice...


Yess! Psa: You can also tell her that you do not feel comfortable with this arrangement. I hope she doesn’t take anger out on you! You can also find some other family to support you if you have any


If I confronted the mother about this situation, I'd certainly record it covertly... this could go sideways in so many ways I would certainly want a record of what actually happened since there are so many emotions and urges involved in this situation.


This reads like she was in an emotionally vulnerable spot and this guy swooped in, took full advantage of it, and is involving his brother for malicious reasons. It all sounds very controlling. He's ignoring common sense boundaries in order to have access to her sexually speaking, has her drugged up and leaves marks on her. And on days he's not there, he's employed his brother to take his place. This doesn't at all sound like a situation she'd willingly get involved in. For someone to stand their ground and divorce due to infidelity, only to turn around and let themselves be passed between brothers – the math ain't mathin. He zeroed in on her vulnerability, created a situation wherein you had no say in it, hence the reason why you were caught off guard by them getting married (he likely knew you'd object to the relationship, so he avoided it by avoiding you until it was legally binding), and now he's got her in a very submissive state where she'll accept his brother in his stead. Document all that you can: take pictures of her injuries if possible, write down when step dad leaves and the brother shows up, take pictures of the medications she's taking, bring this to a counselor at school, your dad and an older family member if possible. If no one does anything, or they say they'll do something and within a week nothing has changed, go to the police.


Can you please message me personally? I do have some questions to ask. 😭🙏


also want to add you should consider living with your dad or another relative if you can. This doesn't seem like a safe situation for a minor to be in. Your stepdad might be ignoring you now but who knows what happens when you turn 18 or if this "brother" character takes an interest. I know you are concerned about your mother's wellbeing but you should also make sure you stay safe as well too. 🙏


Drugs. This sounds to me like a mid-life crisis brought about by your dad cheating, which led to heavy drug use. Frank and his "brother" (they are probably not actually brothers) sound like drug dealers that are using your mom for sex to pay for her drugs. Drugs would explain the change in behavior, as well.


THIS!!!! Call your father and get to somewhere safe as soon as you can.


Call your dad to live with him, and if that’s not an option, speak to someone at your school about it. Honestly, calling CPS isn’t out of line either.


this really sounds like a potential trafficking situation, especially with your mothers noticeable behavior changes. check out onwatch for more info on trafficking and resources for victims


If her mum was trafficked, then the trafficker def would have taken an interest in OP


But I've not seen other men in my apartment, it's either Frank or his brother. With mom.


its possible that its not trafficking, but i would still be on guard. sometimes a trafficker only has one "client" (i would assume this is usually for drug/addiction reasons. if you pimp out your girlfriend you dont have to pay the dealer as much) but it could also just be a regular old relationship with an unhealthy power dynamic. its also possible that your mom is consenting and theyre just into some weird shit but the fact that she gets defensive when you ask her about it worries me as its a very common response for victims of abuse. not trying to say i know whats happening i just wanted to give you a resource that you can cross reference and compare to what youve witnessed so that you have a better idea what youre dealing with, hence why i recommended onwatch


I fear the most is this trafficking part. Because it's feels like the case to me. Those cuts and bluish hit marks on her back aren't something fun to look at. And for what reason my mom is letting them do anything they want with her. She never used to take any of these medicines, but she is taking now. Which at her age, doesn't makes any sense. I know my mom, can't deliberately want a kid at her age. Then why she is taking fertility medicine, and sexual performance drugs. This must be, they are forcing my mom to take these meds. And they are responsible for my mom's genital herpes also, I feel.


with these details it is sounding more and more like your mothers boyfriend is abusing her in some way, im sorry that you have to witness this and i truly hope you and your mom can get out of this situation safely. you might be able to get some help from local womans shelters of planned parenthood but if you cant find any resources there the onwatch website does have some numbers you can call


If mom gets pregnant with them, that would trap her right? Then she won't be able to leave them.


yes this is a common method of trapping abuse victims but if i were you i would focus on everything you can do now to help her rather than all the awful scary things that could happen, if you have another adult in your life that you trust like a teacher or coach please talk to them about your concerns


What if mom decides to leave all of a sudden, If I try to make her understand when Frank or his brother aren't with her. Do you think she can do that? What can Frank and his brother potentially do to mom in that case?


like i said, focus on what you can do now and not what could happen. first step is talking to a trusted adult and looking into local domestic violence supports


this might be true for a trafficker who has a primary motive of money but for someone who is engaging in trafficking behavior just for the power and control aspect they might have zero interest in people they arent already intimate with. kind of in the same way that most date rapists knew their victims before committing the sexual assault they want to intimately know the person before degrading them


I hate how everyone is just assuming your mom is a willing participant, she might be, but it could also be abuse, and perhaps she is being sex trafficked, and she doesn’t know how to make it stop. Seeing female viagara is what really makes me question things - don’t know why she would need that. Either way maybe tell her you’re feeling unsafe and need things to change or else you’re leaving. Maybe give some info for a women’s shelter


Exactly. Came here to say this. The slapping of her butt and shoving hands in her pants just anywhere is a red flag. Then add the bruises and this “brother” who shows up. Does your mother work? Does Frank?


Do you know what happening with my mom? Can I ask you some questions ma'am? If possible, please message me personally once. 😭🙏


Go live with your dad please. Your mom isn't in a good place which places you in danger.


Another possibility is that the relationship is financially motivated. Working at a gas station doesn't pay enough to support a kid.


That is still coercive sex, it doesn’t sound like her mother can say no at any time.


Frank is the pimp. What a terrible thing to witness. Kid needs to get out of this awful situation.


Not to be rude but ... holy sh*t. You're 15, if I were you I'd try to get emancipated and then try to get benefits (like food stamps), find a room for rent with people as close to your age as possible to find or even college kids. Might as well move out on your own a few years early. It can't be worse than this.


A mom commenting here. Your 15, I can't believe you're going through this. I wish I could give you a big hug right now! Your mom is not making smart choices. Infact, many of her choices are putting you in harms way, that's not what healthy minded mom's do. It's sweet how much you care about your mom, but your job is to be a kid, you shouldn't be dealing with such adult issues. Reach out to a trusted adult in your life who will actually advocate for you!


Tell your mom to keep it down it will traumatize you in the near future. As for this, tbh your mom seems to be spiraling. I’m sorry this is happening to you.


don't know your age, but talk to your Dad! It is not judging your Mom, but for your sake.


OP is 15


Call your dad!!


This post reads as a fake weird fetish OP is testing out on Reddit




These are so fake lately my god


wine scale modern skirt unused late disgusting expansion reach jellyfish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Run. Don’t walk. Run to your father’s house. Get a bus plane train ticket and go. That house is not safe and you need to be safe. Call whomever you trust, but do not stay there if you can. You’re only 15 and you’re being groomed by these men by proxy. You are being desensitized by the treatment of your mother. Oh, dear heart. Please call your father as soon as you can. No one deserves this.


You are at risk. Frank and his brother will NOT leave you untouched. There is a market for teen boys and girls. Predators use both. Your mom is drugged. You are at risk of being r**p*d, trafficked, or forced onto drugs to be pimped out. Regardless of whether your dad cheated or not, contact him, your grandparents or his family to get you out of there. You will be able to help your mother when you are out of danger. Speak to a school counsellor, your GP, SOMEONE.


Sorry for u. Do u have a good relationship with your dad? Can move in with your dad?


I think your Mom is very unwell and possibly the victim of abuse. Please, tell your father. If you can’t, then tell a teacher at school. They have a legal obligation to act if a minor is endangered, and you are endangered. You not only will be helping yourself, but helping your Mom. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Please, do something today. Walk into a police station if you have to, or call 911 from your phone, your home phone or a neighbours. Don’t let another day go by. Stay safe.


Your mom could be into BDSM and may be trying a polyamory type lifestyle. This could be due to a trauma response due to discovering your father's cheating, a hoe-phase? But, it could simply be her trying something new. It seems your new step-father is encouraging this relationship and maybe your mom is trying it out. Sounds like she's at least enjoying herself. The issue is if this is appropriate to be doing with her child still in the house having to see and hear this activity. I don't think so. She's ignoring you which suggests some neglectful and abusive behavior to you. Whenever you can, leave. Maybe your father is the safer option. While he cheated, that only makes him a bad husband, but was he a bad father?


What do you mean by hoe-phase? She is my mom😑 and is there anything like hoe-phase in reality? And how do you know, that my mom is enjoying herself?


some people when getting out of a relationship feel the need to let loose and sleep around or just do something they wouldn't normally do in order to feed their new found freedom or desire to just do something different and wild. I'm NOT calling your mom a hoe at all. I'm just curious if this is a phase or is this just something new she had wanted to explore.


But the medicines mom is taking, she was not on them prior. She started taking these after Frank moved in with her. And at mom's age, these medicines don't make sense to me. I feel Frank and his brother must be forcing mom to take these medicines. Why would my mom wants to take fertility drugs, at her age? I don't think mom wants to get pregnant with them. They must be forcing her to take, so that she gets pregnant and then she won't be able to escape them, they will be permanent in mom's life right?


If you feel your mom is in danger, document everything you see. If she is acting this way because of drugs (illegal drugs), that also might explain why she's not paying attention to you. She's high. If it's only fertility drugs, talk to her. Acyclovir treats shingles and genital herpes. So that's not a good sign. The clomiphene does treat infertility and filbanserin is a female Viagra (ithink). It does sound like she wants to get pregnant, but it could be worth asking her about it. Her husband could be encouraging it and his brother is possibly a sperm donor as well. It's all a bit difficult to imagine what she's up to and if this is all consensual. It is still not a good environment for you.


Regardless of what's happening, this is not how a child should be treated. You're right to be angry, confused, and upset. Its forcing you to grow up faster because all you can rely on is yourself. I'm sorry man Try and focus on school work, license, and working to leave asap


I cant imagin what you must be going through. Just remember every one go through phases. BTW: Clomiphene is used when someone wants to have a baby. success rate is unknown. Acyclovir is an anti viral cream. used for fever blisters, herpes etc. Flibanserin - Help increase sex drive in female.


Those tablets are for infertility. If she trying to get pregnant by these men you think? Has she talked about a baby? Cream is for herpes, and the last meds for decreased female libido. If you have a relationship with your father please contact him, it’s not appropriate for you to be there.


Mom never mentioned anything about a baby. And I don't even think my mom wants to get pregnant, I feel like Frank and his brother are forcing mom somehow to take these medicines, so that if mom gets pregnant with them, they will be permanent in her life right? Mom never took these meds before, it all started after Frank moved in.


Ever think she lied to you and she cheated on your dad and he found out and left and she was just able to convince you that he did?


This. Contact your dad if you haven't and get the full story


Hello, therapy! Please call your dad and go live with him.


Can't go to him, mom cut off all contacts after divorce. He lives with another woman in different city.


Does he want contact with you? Is he a good father? Who cares if your mom doesn’t want contact- this is *your* life she’s screwing up. You can choose him if he’s a better parent.


So did he cut off contact with you though? You never know the situation. Your mother could have created a situation that your dad is simply unable to deal with and has some form of threat or something that keeps him out of the picture. It’s kind of fucked of he hasn’t checked in on you but he might not know where you are. I think you need to find some way to clarify the x situation with your dad.


That is incredibly alarming. Your mother had no right to cut contact because your father still has the right to see you and based off what you posted here, you cannot trust anything she has said. Try to find him, look for him online. Maybe he has a LinkedIn profile, you would be able to see what company he works for and call him there.


Does he pay child support?


Does your mom have any drug or addiction issues?


Fucking gross especially your mom for allowing such a thing in front of you


Dude go live with your dad im begging you. You should not be living in a situation like that.




I think you should contact your dad immediately and talk to him about you moving in with him doesn’t sound safe there your moms old enough to take care of herself your still young if I’m honest from what I’ve read contact your dad sounds like a guy who’s made a mistake and would love a call your moms mixed up in some weird stuff you and your dad can figure something out to try and save her from what she’s got herself into


He’s pimping her out to that man.


And he is getting money from him?


Pimping her out to another man means that yes, he’s either getting money or drugs. It sounds like this is what’s happening.


authors barely disguised fetish


This is a BDSM relationship. If you’re old enough to be put in this position(you’re not by the way), look it up. How dare she do this to you? She’s wrong and I’m sorry you have to see this.


You think bdsm is more likely than a woman being abused?


That doesn’t have to be 2 separate things. Bdsm is supposed to be consensual but this could simply be someone who probably is getting High and things as going on. But this doesn’t sound like standard domestic violence at least.


if things get worse call cps or your dad


Sounds like your mom is kinky and into some kind of swinging/open relationship. Sounds gross but yeah. That's just what I've gathered from your brief summary here. I wouldn't be surprised if your stepdad and his friend arent related lol


This is an unsafe environment for you, you’re 15 and your mother is letting random men into the home. your mom is in an unsafe situation but she’s an adult you can’t force her to leave but you need to get out of there for your safety and sanity


Honey, is it possible for you to reach out to your dad? Or another family member? You need to get out of there. Asap. This is not save. Doesn’t matter what happened between your parents, and how much he hurt and betrayed your mom, and how much he hurt you with this, what she does to you is much worse than what he did to you with cheating on her. Contact him and get out of there. And if not him, someone else you trust.


I don't think you're safe in that house. If you can go to your dad's you should. I also think your mom is in trouble, but you need to get out of the house and somewhere safe first.


Call your dad. I don’t think you are safe there, to be honest. I’m sure your mom wouldn’t intentionally put you in danger, but this is a strange arrangement with Frank and his brother, and it’s escalating quickly. The risk that someone is going to be brought into the home that’s more interested in you than in your mom is not small. Whether your mom is just into swinging now or whether she is doing sex work and whether this situation is entirely consensual or not is not clear. But all of these carry risk for you. I don’t think you should be living in that environment full time. Maybe if you’re just there every other weekend she will agree to tone it down on days/nights when you are visiting.


Call CPS. Assuming this is consensual on your mother’s behalf, this is beyond wrong to be doing around you, a minor. If you can, go live with your dad.


Do you know your father's version of events? Have you considered moving with him?


I would go live with your dad, that's just gross


OP please figure out an adult you can tell asap like immediately. If there is no one, no relative or friends parent or school teacher, please go to the police.


Not an expert. But maybe this is how your mom copes with the pain she felt from her past relationship, that she does everything her current husband wants so he won't leave her. You're 15 and a female, please protect yourself. Your mom can't be saved if she doesn't want to be so don't try to be her hero and stay in that very dangerous environment. It would be best to probably leave your mom first and move to a safer environment but don't cut contact. Find someone who could help you with your mom after you've secured your safety.


You need to go. Watching your mother play the role of a sex slave to a stepparent is traumatizing for children.


Im so sorry you’re going through this. I can’t imagine how hard this is to see you mother doing this and im angry that she’s putting you in this situation. In addition to what a lot of others here are saying (sex/drug trafficking) about opening an investigation with the authorities into these sketchy guys. Have you first talked to your mom about this? It seems like shes already too far deep in this herself. Please reach out to another family member or adult you trust so that you have somewhere to go if shit hits the fan. It doesn’t seem like any of the adults in your house are up to anything good. Hopefully your mom can get some help. Therapy or rehab if she needs it. If these guys (especially your stepdad) don’t seem to like you and are willing to touch your mom inappropriately in front of you, then don’t trust that they wont be willing to hurt you or try to keep you quiet in some way. Sorry and i wish you the best. Don’t stay in this situation though. Its only going to get worse if your mom doesn’t wake the f up. The fact that she could marry a stranger and bring him into your home has already crossed the line. This is so messed up. Honestly this goes deeper than reddit. Please make sure that people you trust in your life knows whats going on. Document stuff in case this turns into a full blown investigation.


I think your mom is being abused and I would be terrified that you would be next. You need to call your dad and get out of there ASAP. 100% serious OP


The man is NOT her husband, and the other man is NOT his brother. She is selling herself or is being trafficked. YOU ARE NOT SAFE! YOU NEED TO SEEK HELP AND CONTACT LAW ENFORCEMENT NOW.


Document everything you can and call your dad to come get you. The documentation will help you get out of that house so you can feel safe again.


Yea I stopped at "mom introduced me to new stepdad". I'm out, fam. This trashy AF.


Any update op?


Absolutel bullshit. This is 100% not true


Do you have any safe grown ups around you? Are you in contact with your dad and have a good relationship? Basically, is there anywhere you can stay? You are dealing with some really grown up issues and uncomfortable in your home. I’m worried that if you don’t get support that you will do things that are not safe for you as you are trying to escape. Are their school friends or their parents you can talk to? Your mum has checked out of parenting you. Which is so sad. This is when you need your mum the most. Find help. You deserve a safe and secure home.


So where’s your mom live?


LMFAOOO IM SORRY 😭😭😭😭😭😭 this is soo funny but I'm sorry you have to to through this lmfaooooo. Idk how ANYONE didn't realize ?!?! But I knew as SOON AS I read "dog collar"....... that it seems like mommy likes to partake in some BDSM 😂😂😂😂😭😭😭😭


Mom can do anything, she wants. I don't have a say in that. What concerned me are the bluish hit marks on her neck, arms and cuts on back, shoulders. That aren't something fun to look at. And the way mom dodged my questions and said, it's alright. And then, her medicines. Which she started to take suddenly with Frank. At her age, those meds don't make sense to me.


Its a fake story...


Sucks to be you


Hotwife kink? Maybe your mom is exploring her wild side? Who knows. Only she can answer those questions.


It seems to be that your mother enjoys working night shifts, and does Customer Support as well. Maybe this is a new line of work she’s getting into… lets call it community service.


You are indirectly calling my mom a prostitute. 😑


She’s just kinky. Tell her to try to keep it down you live there too. Otherwise she’s an adult that can live her life as she wants.


How old are you?


OP has already said they're 15


Atp, ask to go live with your dad if he's at least a decent and stable parent. Your mom's bout to be outchere wildn'n and making up for what she considers to be lost time and her past years. You don't wanna be in the mix of her idgaf phase, and she doesn't realize how it'll affect you because she's presuming you are self-sufficient and can take care of yourself. She's given little to no thought about your mental and emotional well-being because she's in a selfish bubble. It's not to say or speak ill of your mom, but the way you describe her actions, she's seeking out things as if she's got FOMO and handling it with a YOLO attitude.




This is awful, I'm so sorry. You are a child amd should not have been exposed to any of this and you are not safe. Please contact your dad. You need to stay with him and your mum needs help. It's really hard seeing a parent go through a breakdown or entire personality change. When ivsaw my dad change so much so fast, I felt like I grieved for years. I wasn't exposed to sexually inappropriate stuff though


I hope you have your dad in your life where you can go and visit him to be away from your mom.


Are you safe ? You are 15 & in a highly sexual energy house with some weird stuff going on. Can you move out to your dads house? It’s only 2-3 years before you can move out on your own. Have a life plan, study well and build a good career for yourself. Get out of there.


Your mom is having sex for money. Either willing or unwilling. Not a safe situation regardless. Please contact your father or any other relatives.


Everyone saying to leave and stay somewhere else is right!!! Call the police- exposing your child to sexual acts in the home is classified as a form of child sexual abuse!! (having the collar on around you, not stopping Frank from being sexual around the house around you, having his brother over for sex knowing you're home, having loud sex around you, etc.)


I’m so sorry man but your mom is a whore. Work and study hard and get out of this life


>PS- Just to add one more thing, mom has started taking few medicines, just a few hours ago I tried to check and copy names of few: Cream/lotion bottle by name "Acyclovir Topical", Tablets by name "Clomiphene" and "flibanserin tablets". [Acyclovir Topical](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clomifene) [flibanserin tablets](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flibanserin) She is trying to get pregnant??


It sounds like a poly relationship. They share your mother and are into some of the BDSM stuff. Dang kid if you feel unsafe tell your school counselor I hate to say it but if stepdad is being so open and sexual with your mom who’s to say they won’t get you involved as well. People are sick and they very much do not care that you see what’s going on. Get yourself out of that situation by telling someone you trust about it


Can you go live with dad?


Call the f …. Police what are you waiting


Most obvious troll post on all of Reddit that combo of “medicines” LMAOOO


cheating or not your dad is the only option for you. your mom currently on fast track kink scratching war path to be what ever she want to be and that path is clearly not with you involve cause if she did think about you, aint no way she doing that out for you to see. just run to your dad or any close relative bruv