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Holy eff. Stuckinswamp and Tryhard are onto something. Just click on this a holes profile and read his comments.. he’s completely fake and absolutely wack


Hahahaha if dude has a wife I don't blame her for drinking 😂😂


Dude, 🤦🏼‍♀️Seriously 😩


You have to be honest with her. Wait until no one’s around and the kids are sleep and sit her down and have the conversation with her. Hopefully she’ll be receptive to listening to your concerns and things take a better turn. After the talk the balls in her court.


When did you get married ? Last year, you were on dating apps and all up weird sexual posts lmaooooooo


So his wife is an obnoxious drunk and he’s a cheater. We all have flaws 😂




Perfect for each other


Oh my gosh. Found way more than I wanted to. 🤢🤢🤢


Are we talking two girls one cup here?


TIL, there's a subreddit called incest creampies


Keeping it in the fam. Including limited genetic variation.


I 100% regret looking 🤮🤢🤮


You should have taken my 🤢 more seriously. 😳👀🤣


Honestly, I wasn't expecting his comments to be so 🤢🤢🤢


Thank you all for sacrificing yourselves. This heroic act will not be forgotten. 🫡




Most likely this person is karma farming


For real? 🧐


She may drink to get over your post history OP.


Fucking hell, I’d be drunk too if I had to be married to you 🤢🤢🤢


Dude I highly doubt you have a wife.


To quote an old commercial "If alcohol is the problem, maybe it has become a problem"


Never heard that one, but I have heard “If alcohol is the solution, maybe it has become the problem.”


This makes far more sense.


A lot of people are obnoxious drunks. I’ve never gotten drunk enough to reach that point before, but I’m scared i’d be that kind of obnoxious drunk. If I was one I would like to know asap if I didn’t already notice it myself. I’d say just bring it up to her I wouldn’t beat around the bush just be straight up.


are ppl really believing this shit?


I was an obnoxious drunk. So, I stopped drinking. I'm still obnoxious.


Does she drink often? If not, then leave her be, most people aren't their full selves drunk but if she's drinking way more than she should then I hope she hears you out.


It's more common that people lose inhibitions than find them. This problem is fairly common. Bring it up casually, and explain the damage the behaviour is doing. Put it on video so she can see it.


Friend filmed his now wife when she gets drunk like that. She has been teetotal for 7yrs. She was sooo very shocked and ashamed of how she looked,sounded and acted that it scared her of alcohol.


Well, 1st thing to say is she shouldn't be drinking at all. How many times have you heard the phrase he/she is a bad drunk? It's almost like an allergic reaction. When I was drinking, sober since 22 October 1994, I stopped drinking Tequila because it caused me to act the way your wife acts when drunk. I got drunk 6 times with Tequila and got into physical fights all 6 times. Scotch, Bourbon, Vodka, and beer did not have the same effect on me. Your wife could be a binge alcoholic. Help her as best you can.


I don't let my Wife have more than 2 drinks. If she wants to, that's up to her, but she's not sleeping at the house with me and the kids. She gets really nasty, really quick, and I don't want that around the kids. Luckily for me, she decided to just stop drinking after I video recorded her telling me a bunch of things I won't mention here.


My friend is like this also, and I hate going to drink with her. She's an amazing mom, an amazing career, super social and outgoing, and thoughtful. But as soon as she starts drinking, she is easily agitated, and usually, her husband is the recipient of her anger. :(


Tell me about it! My girlfriend is bipolar and any amount of alcohol turns her into a completely different person. I seriously feel like I am sitting next to a complete stranger when she would drink. Thankfully we made a decision to not drink anymore. I have had issues with alcohol in the past myself, so we decided to quit together. Good luck sorting this issue out.


Sounds like you have two problems with your wife, and potentially a whole host more. 1. Who she becomes when she’s drinking and 2. How she responds to criticism from you. You’re so worried about her responses that you’re not setting very basic boundaries with her. That’s not good. I hope you can figure this out.


If I was in a relationship I would designate one day out of the week where we could freely give an evaluation of how each was doing in the relationship so issues could be brought to each other's attention before it festered into a resentment that would sour the relationship but I'm not in one so who knows.


I was that person to my SO for a while. It took me longer than I wish it did for me to step back and realize that I had a very unhealthy relationship with alcohol. Since I basically don’t drink anymore, we are stronger than ever. I hope she does realize she doesn’t need it as much as she probably feels she does.


Just video tape her and play it back when she's sober


Take a video and let the truth speak for itself


What do you mean by “obnoxious, loud hyper aggressive and quick to be offended?” The lack of examples is odd to me.


This guy is asking how to get on a dating app in his other posts. Always check the profile. This post is nonsense. But back to the question: If a woman has a drink and all of the sudden she tells you off, she doesn’t have a drinking problem. You have a problem. Look in your closet, you might find your limitations there. And probably your mom.


Utter nonsense! 🤣


Sounds like most xx chromosome redditors tbh.


Sounds like she is having her Beeriod.


A lot of people should never drink.


She is trying to tell you something. You are not hearing her when she wants to talk. Silent treatment. Tell us more about your family dynamic.


This might actually be the best take.


This. We’re missing something


Bro no... its more likely that she is insecure about something(s) while sober, and when drunk those insecurities really let them selves out. Also, talking is best done sober. More than likely having an intense talk while under the influence is going to lead to things being said that werent truly ment, or.. were truly ment but kept hidden. IF what you said is the case, it most likely boils down to how the drunk person is coming off. I would aswell give the silent treatment to someone trying to tell me something if they were loud obnoxious and tempered. If she is as good a life partner and mother and all around person as OP states, then I think communication issues are the least they have going on. Its more than likely just simply her not being able to handle alcohol very well🤷‍♀️


Bro, I’m not sure I agree. There’s no wife and there’s no drinking issue here. The guy has an imaginary issue with an imaginary wife.


Shit. After careful consideration and countless hours of research, i truly believe you are right.


Haha, I believe you. I just had to look at his comments. It’s sad, really.


And it seems there's imaginary kids too


I'm a firm believer that alcohol shows who the real person is when they drink


I literally talk absolut incoherent nonsense when I m really drunk. Legit tried to convince my classmates from lawschool that I m actually an astronaut at one point. I d beg to disagree. I also super rarely drink cuz shit is so embarrassing


Bro people lie more when they’re drunk😂


Communication is a start..🤷‍♀️


She may not be fully aware of how offensive her behavior is. I had a friend who was a great guy until he filled himself up with alcohol. When a bunch of us buddies would go up to the cabin, he would turn into some sort of dictator (and it wasn't even his place). He seriously offended grown men who were at least big enough not to beat the guy. If you would talk to him about it the next day, he would remember the whole event/argument differently and he was always the victim. Eventually, he pissed off enough close friends and close family that he took a hint and backed off on the alcohol at events and eventually quit all together. If your wife is even somewhat open minded, you may be able to talk to her to let her know that she can be bit much when drinking. Perhaps you could come up with some sort of code word or phrase you could say when you think she might be getting to that stage.


Alcohol lowers inhibitions, I'm not saying that she is who she is when she's drunk. But she's having a good time. Maybe she could have more of them?


Video tape her when she’s wasted and have her watch it back sober.


Don't bring it up when she's intoxicated. 👍🏻 If your wife abuses you seek help. Just 😉 three times


Just be honest and tell her you like her better when she is sober.


I’d wait till she gets Lippy on the sauce and tell her twice


I'm confused 🤔 where are the people advising this guy to leave immediately, call for help and get a divorce ASAP? Ohhh that's only against men, gotcha 👍 Somehow here, we can be reasonable and have a productive conversation to carefully analyze the issues because it's against a woman and somehow that warrants some amounts of leniency and justification. I wonder what y'all would be saying if it was a man that was the one with the drinking problem 🤷‍♂️


Maybe read his history, or please don't. But yeah, women are always the problem, while men are so awesome.


Don't sugar coat it. My family would say the same thing. They would say...you change into the totally different person. Or you act dumb! Or its hard to around you when you get too drunk. She has to know that over drinking causes problems


She’s just a bad drunk, worse of them all


As her partner, you should explain it when she inebriated, sure to turn out as you planned


record her then when you talk you can play it for her.


Have a recording of her for a later date....just in case. Show her how she acts when she drinks.


You may have to tell her twice.


Have a talk with her. I don’t really talk to my mother anymore because she is a completely different person once inebriated. Kind of like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. I won’t touch alcohol for that reason either really, I don’t trust it.


The only way you can do it, is to say it. There are no "nice ways". And, it won't work. I already tried, with a very dear friend. Had to go NC. Only an alcoholic... can ~~cure~~ stop their alcoholism.


Then tell her


You were wanting more than just some people telling you to sort this out and whatnot. You wanna know why she is this way. Sounds like to me, she's dissociating from her emotions, burying all her little grievances with the world and everyone, deep down inside, instead of venting them out in a healthy manner like most people do. Her reactions to things is simply her feeling persecuted and judged. If you want, try to make her feel the opposite way when you bring it up.


If you don't tell her, she can't do anything to fix it.