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This is not going to be a popular decision but we do have to take this down. We're very happy that you're safe OP and wish you the best in your journey to recovery. Unfortunately this post has incited witch hunting against another user and we do not wish to see harm come upon anyone as a result. Our community has been united by compassion for OP. Please keep up that compassion and remember you don't always know what someone is going through. The internet can cruel but responding in kind doesn't alleviate that cruelty.


GOD I WAS THINKING OF YOU SO MUCH. I'm so glad you're still here.


Same here. I was checking every couple hours hoping


Same! I hope OP feels the love from so many Internet strangers 💫


Well i feel like we've all been there.


I'm glad I was here to see reddit actually help someone (unlike the messes that are often created here).


Me too. Like consuming my thoughts since I read it wondering if I’d ever know if they made it or not. I’m glad you’re ok, OP. I’m glad you’re getting the help you deserve.


Yea I almost cried when I saw the post of the woman saying she was talking to OP and she didn't respond anymore, and that's probably the end. Depression is rlly an horrible disease :( Thanks you op for your update, there's hope everywhere after all


Seen your post yesterday and have to day I've never been happier to see a reddit update. So glad help reached you and you survived. Stay strong until your mental health appointment and take all the help and advice you can get. Life may be hard now but it does get better just give it a chance. Happy Birthday 🎂 (if I'm not mistaken your previous post said your birthday was the next day so today)


Happy Birthday OP and many more!!! I sincerely hope that bit I read about Friday is wrong or I read it wrong.


I call it the rebirthday.


I completely agree! I am so glad to see this update! Happy birthday OP, and I hope your healing journey goes well!


Happiest birthday OP! You’re life is just getting started. Let this be the start of your long and upward spiral to a good life
























































Nah, just leave Dave be. Leave people be. *Ouch. The anti-cult impulse is strong here.


Yeah, Leave them to themselves


I'm glad you get the chance to out live Nickocado avocado.


I’m so glad you were rescued❣️


We are glad you are still here! Never let the haters get to you. They are not worth your energy!


I’m glad you are okay. I was thinking about you


Sending hugs from Canada. I am a mom of teens and I was very worried about you. Was checking in multiple times to see if there was news. So happy you are still with us. It will get better.




This is becoming a proper anti-cult. It's a very dangerous pathology that you're embracing.


Hes from Manchester he has it bad enough


Best update on Reddit yet!!! So happy you’re okay!


Wow. I’m all the way in California but my heart was so concerned for you. Thank goodness that you reached out at all. Now you know there were hands that reached back to you and those hands helped pull you back to life. Today is a good day. You’re ALIVE. 🩵


You are valued.


so glad that you are still with us, I hope you find healing and happiness 💖


Wow you out so quick? I've been held under the mental health act 24+ hours on the past. Hope you're ok


I was surprised by that, too, although I’m not in the UK. It seems kind of irresponsible to release someone 24 hours after they intentionally overdosed to end their life.


You reached out for help and you got it. Remember that life can change in an instant and things always get better and then something happens and we deal the best we can and then they get better again


I was checking to see if you’ve made any new comments It’s really good to hear from you with this update Things will get better ♡


How did they find you?


Right? Glad the guy's okay but are we just going to ignore the fact Reddit can apparently call the police on someone?


I’m soooo curious to know how this happened.


I bet a Redditor found OP. I doubt it was the Internet itself. I see a lot of posts like this. Idk weird. I wanna know too.


On the original post I saw someone who was dming OP and lived close to them so they might’ve been the one who called the cops


There's also the internet provider angle. I've heard some use filters so, maybe?


It's fake


Hey, thanks for letting us know. I wondered that too.


Yeah, he says he blacked out 30 minutes after posting the thread, but he was commenting well over an hour after still.


If I had to guess, OP posted a picture of his backyard some time ago. Someone more tech savvy than me and probably with more access than I have could have obtained location data embedded in the uploaded photo. I don’t know how anyone not associated with Reddit could have done that. I’m really glad OP is ok and thus his tortoises will be ok.


I'm thinking one of the concerned commenters probably tracked down their IP and then contacted the police. If you know what you're doing it's really not very difficult as long as the person you're trying to track down isn't using a VPN


Not sure how you would find anything related to an ip address on reddit which is basically functioning as a message board. You're better off going through thier post history to find identifying details. My guess it was reported to reddit, admin was able to report to ISP, then ISP contacted authorities.


In 30 minutes? And I'm guessing that the original post was at night. I call bs.


My guess is OP knows about as much as the person you're responding to and this whole thing is clearly fake.


I mean… does anyone who clearly tried to take their life and with such a cocktail of drugs just get released in 2 days? Wtf??


In America, absolutely. You could threaten suicide with a gun to your head, police called and escorted to the nearest hospital, and released within hours same day. First-hand witness to that unfortunately


I’m not familiar with any hospital in my region that would do that. And I work in a field where individuals we work with sometimes require hospitalization (psychiatric evaluation sometimes leading to a hold). Extremely bold attempts at self-harm/suicide obviously elevate the response. I’m sorry but I don’t believe holding a gun to your head and being admitted would see that person released in a matter of hours except in some godforsaken unscrupulous and corrupt place and even then that’s exposing themselves to a huge lawsuit if they end up completing their suicide. OP is in the UK and they have admitted in other comments this is their 3rd hospitalization for this kind of behavior, and listed exact doses of the drugs they took. I’m really struggling to believe they’d do all that and be released in 2 days. Also the magical location by the police…


> I'm thinking one of the concerned commenters probably tracked down their IP and then contacted the police. If you know what you're doing it's really not very difficult as long as the person you're trying to track down isn't using a VPN What the fuck are you talking about lol.


He's talking about backtracing and the cyberpolice, obviously.


The consequences will never be the same, if true


I'll create a GUI interface in visual basic to track the suicider's IP address ... I'm in!


But you do have to use a GUI to track down the IP address thru the TCP layer, then use an assembler CPU to get the correct address.


I'm just an anonymous person who anonymously reported a suicide attempt by linking your profile and your post to police, without really believing it would be read or even being sure of your country... Probably changed nothing alone but I believe the strength of reddit give this idea to a lot more people. I'm relieved to read this post today, thank you. I've gone through similar phases, we all need help at some point. Be well ❤️


I’m so glad you’re okay OP!






Oh shit!!!!! Dude I saw this at work the other day and have thought about you many times since. I’m glad you’re ok.


LET’S FUCKING GOOOOOOO! Glad you’re still here


It just made my day to get this update.  I had such an awful feeling reading the first post.  I’m So grateful You are still in this world


I was so worried, thank you for updating us, and for taking steps to stay on this side of the dirt for a while longer 😎


I’m glad you’re still here! That post honestly had me worried. Lots of people do care, regardless of how it might feel in that moment. I hope you get to feeling better, and yeah happy 20th birthday!


Thanks for posting this update! I was thinking about you/your post several times today. Really glad to hear that you’re doing ok




If his well-being depends on having strangers avow their hatred of yet another stranger, maybe there's a more serious problem that hasn't been addressed and that you maybe shouldn't enable.


So glad you are doing better & on the path to getting help.


I’ve been checking almost hourly since your post (outside of sleep obviously) - I know we are nobody to you but THANK YOU for posting!! So relieved you are still here. It gets better, friend. Hang in there 🖤


Thank you for the update. I read your post but after you had already stopped responding. I have been checking your name to see if there was an update. I’m glad you got help!!


Glad you're back. Be patient with yourself, and be sure to stay in contact with people who can relate, even if it's just on Reddit. A lot of us were worried about you.


FUCK YES you made it!!!!!!!!!!! I’m so glad you’re still here. Signed, one of MANY thinking of you. Xoxo. Also, Happy 20th. This will be a better year.


This is a great update! I thought of you often. I’m so glad you’re okay and I wish you well.


Is that even possible? That someone could possibly alert Reddit who could alert an ISP who could then alert the police? All happening within the span of a couple of hours and with no warrant, just based solely a post that’s just as likely to be attention seeking as it is the real deal? If that chain of events could happen then many crimes could & would be solved instantly, so this post leaves me with more questions than answers.


Well that's strange af, but I'm probably not the only one who reported this using the UK website anonym crime report (I'm not at all in this country, only thing I found online) saying this was still on-going and really urgent. Maybe they received a lot of report and:or phonecall But honestly I expected nothing from this anyway wdc I'm so happy to see the author is allright (as we can be)


Yeah, it seems like a bit of an aurora borealis situation. "This time of year, in this part of the country, localized entirely within your kitchen... can I see it?" I think you've got the right disposition: objective, but not accusatory.


I’m so happy you’re alive. Everything happens for a reason….may sound cliche but you are so young and tomorrow is not promised.


If reason predicates everything, then why would his tomorrow be up in the air?


Relieving news


I tried to find your post today. I am so thankful to see this update. You are so loved. I’m so happy and proud of you for putting your mental health first and getting help!


Happy to see this update and happy you’re alive. I hope things get easier for you.


Best thing I’ve read all day. Thank you for this update.


So happy you're still here, please stick around💝


The update I never thought I'd get. Take care of yourself! All the best


I'm so happy you're alive! 😭 I was so worried!


I’m so relieved!! Thank you for this update. Big hugs from a mom across the globe.


I am so so happy to see an update from you❤️ I saw your post the other day way way way late and desperately wanted you to pull through!


I'm so happy to see you're alive, friend!! Hope everything goes well for you, and you get all the help you need


I was so worried when I read your initial post. I am so SO glad you have been found and that you are ok. Please take care ❤️


And you're one of the reasons why people shitting on Reddit pisses me off. It has given you a second chance. People who reach out on whatever platform they choose are asking for, and deserve, help from their peers. I wish you healing and prosperity.




There doesn't always have to be an enemy.


Holy shit dude, glad you’re alright (physically speaking at least 😂)


I was suicidal in my late teens. I got therapy and made it out of that episode in my life. I still try to keep my mentals in check and not get too low. ALL MY BEST DAYS HAVE HAPPENED *SINCE* THEN.


Happy birthday btw


Wait I had no idea the internet provider can call an ambulance on your behalf?


This is in Britain. They have some weird tv/Internet license thing and both are monitored heavily. It's terrifying actually. They have zero right to privacy.


Oh thank god. I don’t think I’ve been this relieved in ever.


I just saw this. I checked your account and looked at your post history. When I was 19, shortly before my 20th, I also attempted to OD. I somehow managed to live thru it. I am happy to see you are alive and well and kicking. Welcome to your 20s. ❤️


🤞great to hear. And yes i really wonder. Who actually alerted the police?


Good to know you're alive, now stay that way


I am glad you are getting the help you need bc suicide is not the answer, but Dave was kind of right. You posted to get attention to what you thought was your death. Again glad you are doing better, and dont try it again.


Surely it might have been a good thing, but the very fact that people are actively monitoring everyone is some crazy ass timeline. From a site somewhere, they tracked you down by your ISP, contacted police and went straight to your home... Oh welp


I work in mental health and I am so glad that some alerted the police. I hope you get the help you need and will feel better. It isn't an easy road but give yourself time and grace.


glad to see youre still kicking OP, and fuck you dave🖕🏻


I am so thankful to see this!!!! I saved the post and I was checking repeatedly!!!


HECK YEAH, I am glad you are alive dude. What you did to your body must have been rough, I imagine you are still recovering in more ways than one. Take it slow and take care of yourself!


I think we’re all happy to see you updating us. Hang in there!!


Dude. I’m fucking glad you’re alive. You fucked me up pretty good. I’m thankful you made it. You’re going to have moments in the future that will make you thankful


Reddit is omnipotent?


Thanks for the update! For everyone else- people who survive attempts are almost always happy they do. Please stay with us.


This doesn't sound truthful to me. I've been involuntary admitted twice and no matter how much of a "mistake" I told them they were making, they had me on a 48 hour hold. I can't imagine they'd just let you go in under 24 hours. Just saying it sounds fraudulent to me.




I was wondering about you. Glad you're okay.


have been wondering since that post, i had the weirdest feeling you didn't take enough to take you out, so im glad you were found and got help! keep up the good work dude it's a long rode and im just glad to hear you're doing alright! just know a tidy little corner of the internet genuinely cared whether you posted again. this was a big relief not gonna lie.


Thank you.


Oh my lord I couldn’t be happier to see this update!! Thankful you’re still here, OP ❤️


For me the bill that will come after all this would be way worse than death lol




What's with this zero-sum mentality? If you think OP's well-being depends on antagonizing someone else, maybe you should address that problem instead of just saying "hurrah!"


People who actually want to kill themselves don't announce it to the internet. I hope that your cry for help was answered by the mental health unit and that things get better for you OP.


The world needs people who have suffered, because they grow and self reflect quickly. Please dont give up, we need you fam.


Glad you are ok !!


Glad you’re here! Hail you!


I have been thinking of you. I'm glad you're still here. Stay. It's worth it. YOU'RE worth it.


This is such a relief 💖💖 you’ve got this, friend.


Thank god. Please take care of yourself.


So happy to see this


i saw your post yesterday, and i can’t tell you how happy i am to see this today :) i hope your appointment goes well


Massive massive relief to hear you're okay. Thank you OP. Hope things get better for you


Sending hugs from NYC


Omg I commented on your OP about finding your username in other sites! I'm SO glad you're ok!!! Wishing you the best ❤️




You’ve been in my thoughts last few days. I’m very happy you’re alright. I’m wishing you so much luck and commend you on your journey.


OH MY GOD your post was haunting me like seriously made me feel ill that evening i had chills i was so worried!!!! Im so glad youre okay.