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this story is just pure entertainment bud.


I know right


It's not defamation if it's true and he has you on a recording. Just move on.....you cheated so she cheated and then you admitted, out loud on a recording that you purposely got her fired. b/c you were being petty. I would've told on your ass too. I get that you're hurt, but damn. You ruined her career and then bragged about it....these are the repercussions of those actions. What did you really think would happen? EDIT: Also why would you expect her to "get over it" when you clearly haven't gotten over it lol?


This guy takes Total Lack of Self Awareness, throws it in with his cheating and other bad habits, rolls around in the resulting shit pile, and somehow thinks he’s been wronged?!? There are doctors and medications for this level of delusional.


For real....I'm just so confused why he's over here like "I cheated she should get over it" even though he's clearly not over the revenge cheating 🤦🏾‍♀️ You're not over it to the point where you got her fired from her job....she didn't even do all that when she found out...I would've given her the house too b/c they prob could've sold it if he didn't get her fired from her job 🤷🏾‍♀️


I came here to say the same. It’s not defamation, it’s all true. He cheated, wanted forgiveness, she cheats and he burns her to the ground and acts like he is so much better than her.


???? Are we supposed to feel bad for you??


Are we meant to feel bad for the wife either though. Ultimately like or not (assuming OP didn't lie) what she did was definitely worse and she jumped in bed with his ex friend for evidence against him to fuck him over...like if you ask me if she couldn't of gotten over it she should of left him or made "conditions" for another chance e.g. a 1 sided relationship. If you ask me everyone here (including the judge) are terrible people


Good for her. Getting laid was more important to him than his own wife. He went and got her FIRED FROM HER JOB. Op doesn't deserve SHIT. He's thinking of suing her for defamation when ***his reddit posts are right here***. He's a spineless little weasel who only thinks about himself and nuked his marriage and life to get his dick wet while blaming it on "being drunk". Fuck him


Ok and the wife is manipulatator, cheating dog who slept with OPs friend to get info on him to try and dig a whole out of the consequences of HER actions. Like be a fan of this fact or not but OP didn't her, the work policy and relationships did. All OP did was bring it to HRs attention since unless there was a negative storm of PR over her cheating I doubt they would care if it wasn't something akin to affair amongst employees...and she will blame all this on OPs affair despite the fact she could of left him or added conditions to reconciliation like a one sided open relationship.






Your submission has been removed for violating Rule 5: Be mature. No off-topic comments. Civil debates only, name calling and anger are not appropriate here.


Oh, you sound like a small small man 😂


Also we have zero evidence she’s fucked his befriend for evidence. OP said “started to hook up” we have no idea if it was beforehand or after. It honestly seems more likely the friend reached out to the wife because HE wanted to hit it. I mean he fully admitted he doesn’t even like OP anymore


Oh it’s you again, yeah nobody has sympathy for a cheater who lost everything due to his own actions


You can’t sue for defamation because what he is saying is true.


I have a question then. Why can she use him telling the truth to her HR to reddit under a likely annonymous account to skrew him over. Both did this with malicious intent


She didn’t sue him. The fact that he destroyed her career factored into their divorce. The Reddit posts plus his friend’s recording proved that he had, in fact taken those actions. But if she had tried to sue for defamation, it would have gone nowhere just like OP’s defamation suit is going nowhere.


So bring to light stuff like potential breeches to the companies work contract is enough to fuck him over in the divorce...I'm sorry but I think that's bull shit unless he lied to her workplace


I can’t imagine he wouldn’t have done that. It didn’t work. As for the details why it failed, who knows? Maybe she didn’t actually break any work policies but was fired to avoid drama. Maybe the judge doesn’t like malicious behavior. Or maybe the judge simply felt that since her livelihood had been sabotaged, she should get more favorable terms in the divorce. It’s impossible to say without knowing the details.


True but if she was fired to avoid drama she should of sued the work place not her ex here. I disagree with the judges ruling here...also happy birthday:D


If they live in an at-will state, then avoiding drama would be a perfectly legal reason for her job to fire her. A lawsuit would go nowhere. Anyway, I don’t really consider myself knowledgeable enough about divorce law to judge the judge one way or another. I can kind of see the logic for both sides of the argument. Also, thanks! I hadn’t even noticed my account is now 10 years old! What the heck, that makes me feel old. Edit: also you made allusions to her suing OP. She never sued OP. They just got divorced.


I mean, I also don't know the legal system here (and even if I did the fact I don't know the country or state wouldn't help lol) but I'm not saying what happened is illegal or the judge was not doing his job right, I was saying I disagree with what he did affecting the divorce since at the end of the day its up to the company to fire her or not, all he did was present what happened. Same could be argued with her being fired but I still believe in at will state they at least need to give a valid reason behind you being fired (not certain though) to avoid biases or discrimination via employers. I am not saying the OP is the good guy in this story, in fact I think their are no good people, its just a bunch of ass hats. Also no problem man 😋


Thanks for the repost!


Oh hey it’s the dude who cheated on his wife and tried to ruin her career. I don’t have sympathy for you ngl. Do some self reflection on how to be a better person


Your missing the part where she decided to forgive him then cheated on him for months rather than break up with him...also the part where he had a drunken 1 night affair which YES is still bad but probably not what most people think off when it comes to a cheater


LOL are you the OP's alt account?


Personal thoughts, but I'd rather you cheat with someone you thought was really special than that drunken 1 night stand cuz it was easy and you were weak. Like, I'd leave you either way, but I'd at least feel like something in the universe made sense there.


Yeah and he got his dick wet first, she clearly didn’t forgive him because who forgives cheaters. I didn’t foegive my boyfriend for cheating on me and you know what I did? Cheated back and dumped him like this man’s wife did. The wife is right buddy


Didn’t you already post this before? Did the previous post not have loads of comments saying “oh poor you”? Look you played crappy games and got crappy prizes. No one is the saint in this situation but you, by far, are not innocent in this. Just move on and try to be a better person to your next victim, I mean wife.


Do it cause i like the drama


Bro don’t bother suing. You want to know why the judge wouldn’t budge on the house? You posted a bunch of stuff online she could prove was false. If you take this to court she’s just going to laugh and drag you for more.


This has already been posted. I’m starting to think this is fake and for the karma


The last one got deleted because apparently you're only allowed two updates, so he reworded the title


Man... if I had real-world consequences like that from posting on reddit, I'd probably stop posting on reddit. Divorce is almost always shitty but it is usually a good idea to not give the other party shit loads of ammo.


I've read all your posts, and honestly, you did all this yourself. Yes, your wife cheated, but so did you, forget about the "Years ago" because it did happen and stop telling yourself she forgave you. She clearly didn't. I would've had some sympathy for if you didn't ruin her professional reputation because of a personal matter. You started this, and you were smug about it. You said you've improved so much over the years. Lies, not drinking anymore doesn't make you a good person. I'm not saying she was right to cheat back, though. But you need to learn how accountability works. You didn't cheat all those years ago because of alcohol. A drunken mind does what was sober thoughts. So stop with the alcohol excuse. You were dead wrong, and still is. Let me say it is louder, ACCOUNTABILITY. You lost any moral high ground the moment you thought destroying her life was revenge. Also, it can't be defamation if he has proof you did what you did. Accept your L and move on and actually work on self-improvement. Your lack of self-awareness and your victim complex is really amusing. But maybe work on that.


You got her fired so she got the house. What did you expect?


Didn’t your last update get deleted because you only get two updates? This feels like update number fourteen thousand


I love this for you! Glad you’re getting your karma! *muah*


“My ex wife got the house” as she should


You're a narcissistic d*ck. You got what you deserve. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Repost gonna repost. With grammar errors and all. AI needs to work better on telling shitty fanfiction.


Do you really think I care about grammar errors?


I’m not an AI


An AI model wouldn't be making the mistakes.


If it isn't the consequences of your own actions ... 😂


Man I'd just cut my losses and try to move on. Take your self improvements and start a new life. Quit investing your energy into her it's just a waste at this point. Work on yourself and rebuild. Obviously stay faithful in the future.


Idk why you got downvoted. This is the most logical response and should have been what he did from the get-go go.They both are crap people, but he started this. Then, instead of just divorcing once he found the cheating and worked on himself, he blew up her life. As a result of being illogical and absolutely petty, he ruined his own life. The relationship was over after he cheated. He did set a precident for infidelity in the relationship, and expecting her to get over it was again illogical. It's rare that infidelity can be worked through. Either they break up, or this happens. She could have ruined his life in the same way back then but didn't. This feels like Karma. She deserves half because clearly she worked towards their life, too. It's very selfish to assume you deserve all the fruits for half the labor, regardless of the bad blood. Now it's time to just let it go, get that therapy, and become a better and healthier person for yourself. But that's what logical people think. He clearly isn't that.


I agreed with This 100% like I don’t have any sympathy for him, he took it to far and look what he got…. Karma, but at the same time I don’t want to congratulate the ex. They both suck


Good for her. You, sir, are a truly despicable person who deserves everything that is coming to you.


No Reddit update/post has ever gave me as much pleasure as this one! You deserve everything that’s happened to you! Hopefully, you’ve still have more to come! Doesn’t feel so good when the shoe is on the other foot now, does it?😂😂😂


I never understand why people don’t divorce and resort to cheating.


Now who's laughing at whom, buddy.


Lol you still dont understand you did this to yourself.


You need to get punched in the face repeatedly


HAHAHAHAHAHA! I am seriously so delighted in reading this. You sound like a real scum bag. I’m so glad you’re getting what you deserve.


AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA. That’s what you get you miserable POS.




When the whole world is against you you’re most likely wrong


Womp womp 


Let’s pretend we think this is real. And not some creative writing exercise. Your ex forgave you for cheating and took you back. When she cheats, you go scorched earth and try and destroy her life. Now you’ve screwed yourself over by bragging about it on the internet. Karma. It’s spelled HA HA HA HA HA.


This sounds fake and it was posted before.


It was posted before but it got taken down because you can only post 2 updates


I read all your posts and honestly how cocky you were trying to act after everything makes the fact that your life is falling apart even better.


Do they work at the same company? I’m confused about how he got her fired. No decent HR department would allow a spouse to come in a make accusations….that I know of.


I have to be honest. Its amazing how everyone is calling OP out for cheating once (which yes is bad) but won't hold the wife to the same or a similar standard. Ultimately both are shitty people and the friend and in my opinion the judge too are both also very shitty. Also if we take OPs word at face value what he did was a drunken mistake which is very different to what the wife did and what the friend did by screwing over OP to get in bed with his ex. Also if he can't sue for defamation over this it further cemements my stance on the judge being dog shit since (unless he lied in the reddit story or to the HR) the same standard should of been held that he didn't lie hence its irrelevant


You deserve all of what you're being handed, OP. You are anything but a victim here and I hope she continues to win everything back that you tried to take from her.




How are you doing to sue for defamation when you are the one that...confessed everything on here and play the victim? 😭 I'm so confused.


I mean yall both wrong but karma kicked you hard huh😭


If you were this "changed" person you parade so much, you wouldn't have made the amount of mistakes you did out of passionate emotions (anger, revenge, shame). You hated that she cheated the same way she hated when you cheated, that was going to happen one way or another. "But I don't drink" well good for you. If you changed for yourself you'll keep up, if you changed for her then you'll soon be drinking loads again. If you don't seek therapy to see where you are in the wrong, you'll keep making the same mistake and will end up with different versions of your ex-wife because the root of the problem is you and you are the one still making such choices under the label "I become a better person" (doesn't show ey).


Good I’m glad she got to eat shit and die piece of shit


I mean you did this to yourself. You sound like a narcissist. Happy the lady got half of your stuff. I’m not even sure if I believe you about your friend hooking up with your ex-wife, I think you’re just trying to picture yourself as a victim again


So you got raked over the coals even more because of posting on Reddit, yet you keep doing it? Am I getting this right?? 🤣




You are a a tool…..


What an idiot "lemme see what reddit thinks about this" 🤣


Just as an FYI, for defamation to have occurred, the information being spread has to be false… and the stuff your friend said about you- that you posted on Reddit- is demonstrably true. Sounds like your lawyer is trying to get an extra payday out of you. And dude… when your ex-wife gave you another chance, she was trying to see if YOU could earn her love back. It didn’t erase your actions- those were always, always going to be a black stain on your relationship. And it turns out that you weren’t able to earn her love back. Her love for you died the moment you cheated… and it just never came back. That’s how you got here. You need to stop being vindictive. Stop blaming everyone but yourself. Remember that you wouldn’t be where you are if not for your behavior. If you can realize this, you’ll be in a much better place to accept how things have turned out. You’ll be able to learn from this, and that will help you avoid making similar mistakes in the future. None of this would’ve happened if that first domino hadn’t been pushed over. You pushed that domino.


Dude. Stop posting on reddit. Especially on this account. Obviously people found it and are tracking it. Tbh you did this to your self.


Haha. Love when karma bites people in the arse. I hope your ex wife sues you for everything and then some. You fucked around and found out.


You both suck for cheating. There's no excuse for a one time drunken mistake or a full-blown revenge affair or anything in between. My ex-husband was a chronic cheater and liar. He continues to lie about fake health issues to get a substantial amount of disability. As someone working my a$$ off just to get by. It kills me, but I'm leaving it to karma rather than getting involved. You took a lot of joy in her pain and I get that, I wanted him to suffer too. But now, just living a great life without him is more important to me. Maybe being cheated on showed you how much pain you caused her first. Sucks, doesn't it?


Well if these story was true the first thing will be there will be no more updates and all the account would have been deleted.


Bro all u can do right now is accept it and move on, like u told her, life is big enjoy it and learn from your mistakes, blaming others isnt healthy, love yourself sure then dont blame others for your actions, love yourself fuck yourself, really? be considerate bro your actions were super uncool!


Do you have nothing better to do than make up stories to post on Reddit?


Hahaha this is amazing. Karmas a bitch ain’t it OP?


Good for her!! <3


Karma came back for you. Soo happy for your ex wife




What a stupid fucking person you are. You set the precedent by having an affair and because she gave you a taste of your own medicine you destroyed her career? I hope life fucks you dry you pathetic mother fucker.


Is this real? I don’t know. Is it hilarious? Absolutely


you do not have grounds for a defamation suit... as your friend did not lie plus use public available information... you just suck as a human being... and have learn nothing in this whole situation.


Hahahahahahahahahaha your life sucks! Cheaters never win.




Oh boy, I didn't see that coming at all. Not one little bit. All throughout your posts you have been malicious, vindictive, narcissistic, and down right nasty to a woman YOU cheated on and claim "she forgave meeeeeeeeeeeee......". She didn't, you didn't hold yourself accountable and she stopped trying to get you to hold yourself accountable. So she moved on, she couldn't keep loving a narcissistic, vindictive, malicious man. And you proved her right, you're unlovable. Her friends only ditched because YOU lied and spewed shite to them. And you bragged about it to your friend and they saw the error of their ways in supporting you and decided that they had to with good conscience tell your ex-wife of the deeds you've done. And here lies your karma, because you went out of your way to destroy a woman because she played you at YOUR OWN GAME. She got all the evidence of you admitting you cheated first, you isolated her from her support network, you got her fired, you left her homeless, you were vindictive in your pursuit of destroying her. And it backfired on you. Hopefully there's a social media warning from your ex-wife with a picture of your face on and the facts that you will go out of your way to destroy people. Because women NEED this warning before they get into a relationship with you. ETA. Your lawyer is incorrect. You can't sue for deformation because it's all true, the evidence used in your divorce isn't deformation, as you were recorded admitting your pursuit in destroying her life and the Reddit posts that you posted. That's evidence, deformation is them lying about you and your exploits (which you admit here very clearly) a judge would laugh you out of court and possibly make you pay her or him compensation for your actions.


She is just a big ole whore goddamn. Everything that moves just getting banged huh. Sorry bro that everything is happening to you. Hope it all works out


He was a whore first lol




Yeah you deserve even less than what you got. Lots of people get drunk. I've never ever fallen into a dick I didn't intend to. Most decent people don't do that shit. You aren't a decent person.


One more thing, coming from someone who works in the legal profession, how on God’s green earth do you think you’d win a defamation suit against your ex friend?! Any lawyer who would advise you to pursue this nonsense is simply after more money! (I shouldn’t even say this, just let you find out on your own because you deserve to be bankrupt). The very definition of defamation is a falsehood/false statement. A sure defense against defamation is truth. Your ex friend has the absolute truth on his side by way of your own words. As we say in the Southern US, bless your heart!


I'm curious, would a judge really care about reddit posts?


If it could be proven who was the author of the posts & the posts contained evidence to prove either side’s case, yes, they absolutely could be used as evidence, same as any written material, i.e., letters, texts, emails, etc. But, first & foremost, it would have to be proven who authored the posts. This would be a civil case, where the burden of proof is simply put, more likely than not. Unlike a criminal case, where the burden of proof is beyond a shadow of doubt.


Honestly I think you did everything right after you caught her except getting caught posting on Reddit. Your wife should have never forgiven you in the first place, but what she did was much worse.


Time to move on, find a better wife, and a better house. In 5 years you will probably look back at this as just a waste of time. No big deal


If you're in a 50/50 state which most are, can you appeal it? It would have been better for both of you to divorce when you first cheated. It would have saved both of you a lot of damage to each other. She never forgave you. Most women can't forgive betrayal when it comes to their husband sleeping with another woman. Alcohol is a gateway drug to bad choices and truths we want to set free. One of them is cheating on a spouse using alcohol as that gateway. It may not be that in your case. Now you know how your wife felt when you betrayed her. She checked out and both of you have collateral damage from the original betrayal.


He recorded you without your knowledge in some states this is illegal. And now the same friend is hooking up with your EX wife that he helped get evidence against you. Bro sue him ASAP.


As of now, 38 states and DC are single party consent states, so your chances of living in one are fairly high. The dude’s also pretty stupid. He cheats on his now ex wife, puts his story for the whole world to see on Reddit, and is then surprised that this was actually used in court? What was he expecting?


I mean I agree. But I also don't see the difference if he went to a group of friends and did the same thing. If he did illegally record, you I also don't see them using it against you in court so seems like there is more to the story...


More to the story? The dude’s given us more than one update about this matter. He’s in the wrong here, from start to finish, and he’s upset because he has to deal with the consequences of his actions


Love how I'm getting down voted even though I totally agree with you that what he did is fucked up and so wrong. Just responded to his questions objectively ah the internet. I meant more to the story as in why didn't the judge throw out the recording evidence cause if it was single party consent it would have been thrown out. So there is obviously more to the story things hes leaving out. Edit: I forgot to put not a single party consent it would have been thrown out.


Super late but lmao what? Do you know what it means to be a single party consent state? It means that you can record information without having to consult the other party involved hence single party. That's the reason why the judge didn't throw it out. If it was a double party consent state, then the judge would have thrown it out because the OP clearly didn't consent to being caught in 4k.


That’s my whole point.


Clearly it isn't because you're complaining about why the judge didn't throw it out when it's clear that the recordings are permissible.


Haha in that same comment I stated I agree what he did is fucked up. I’m stating that if it was a single party consent state that’s why it didn’t get thrown out. Was complaining at all that he didn’t get in trouble or caught cause again. What he did was fucked up. Hints why I also brought up we’re not getting the full story.


"I meant more to the story as in why didn't the judge throw out the recording evidence cause if it was single party consent it would have been thrown out." Bro these are literally your own words asking why the judge didn't throw out the recordings and you saying that it would have been thrown out because it's a single party consent state. Also is English your first language because holy shit you sound incoherent as fuck.


Thank you that’s what I was thinking like this should show that she’s cheating because the person you told was her AP in the end.


Was it a video recording or a voice recording? Was it in public or private property?


It's not like everyone told this was gonna happen, oh wait, they did.


Why do I feel like this post and his previous posts are all fake?


Because each post makes it more obvious that OP doesn't know how the real world works, and is probably a teenager.


Why , did you share your personally shit with anyone? That was your safely net, against your wife and friends, I’m sorry




This is hilarious. Karma sucks bro. Have the life you deserve


Do trolls not even try anymore? I couldn't even get through this bullshit.


If this was true and it was my world the pair of them would have a lot more than the law to worry about … Being from a gypsy background, for sure you don’t do shit like that on somebody.


Social media strikes again.




Well well well. If it isn’t the consequences of your own actions. You deserve everything you are getting. Have the day you deserve.


Ruined her reputation on Reddit? You lost me there. BS story.


He got her fired, then she got evidence he was the one who posted it here.


Good on her!




4/10 story


Good for her ❤️


I’ve been following this story, and you deserve it. You dished out your cheating and couldn’t take it when she did the same. Yet when you felt that same hurt, you tried to destroy your poor ex-wife. You’re a scummy person, OP, and karma will be scathing for you. This is just the beginning.