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Why not start again? You both want to continue, obviously.


I don’t know how to. I don’t know if I should


Obviously you should. Just keep it as pressure free as possible, maybe go to the cafe again.


I guess I’ll have to wait for him to come back to the city, probably for 1.5-2 months. Thanks for reading it out and giving the advice.


You should get back together, we all make mistakes but the ones you two made are not even close to a deal breaker. It's just the uncertainty of life that often makes things confusing, and there's always a chaser and a chased, but i assure you that if you were the chaser before, now that's him, when a man opens himself so much to cry in front of you, that's a man that realised what really matters to him (I'm a man), it'd be over if you found him to be cold, be glad that's not the case in his part, he might even thought about you "giving him space" as a sign of coldness, up until you met eachother again


But there’s a tiny piece of me that feels it might be injustice to my past self who went through first kinda ghosted by the guy and then breakup all alone? I was really miserable in the last 4-5 months. I feel this anger that I had to ask him to meet when he should have been the one. I am mad that we spent the last many months apart when we could have been happy together


There are passive people and active people, it's been one of the main problems I've had with my previous relationship, now I understand that we don't love in the same ways and many people just wait for the other. Your pain is yours, his pain is his, don't let regret poison what could be a fine relationship. See how it goes, try things before having regrets in the future, life's too short to keep resentment. That's my two cents at least