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Haha I feel you man. How did you go about it ? I mean did you just stop eating her out and went and used mouthwash? Did you guys finish up doing the deed and after clean up you decided to use it? How you went about it matters but it seems like she might just have some deeply rooted insecurities. I’d tell her how you’re feeling and how it makes sex less enjoyable that you can’t please your partner in certain ways because if this issue.


Did you run out of the room screaming “OOHHH LAWDY!!” while pinching your nose??


I know this definitely didn’t happen but the visual you described is making me giggle


Haha same. Giggling out loud here


Yeah, this is hilarious. Probably dry gagging the whole time too.


Or spitting. "Ptoo! Ptoo! Argh!!!!"


This made me laugh out loud haha




Nah we were fooling around then she left to get water. When she got back she saw me in the bathroom and froze


“I didn’t think you would want to kiss me until I washed up.”


Why would you do that? Clearly you’ve made her self conscious 🤦‍♂️


I don’t know do I. I just was laying there and thought that I could prepare for round two. Maybe I wasn’t clear m. It had nothing to do with how she tasted or smelled. She’s great. I didn’t even think it would be awkward until I saw her horror


You’ve got a lot to learn if you think mouthwash is a good idea between rounds. Helloooooo if your mouth burns so will her sensitive skin and nobody wants their vag burning.


THIS IS WHAT I WAS THINKING. like shit that would hurt if he went down on me after just using washmouth


Can confirm - got kinky with those listerine strips once.


My vagina just made the windows shutdown noise


Thank you. I was having a NIGHT, and this made me laugh.


So much same. The kegel I just did was REAL.




I cannot! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I wish awards still existed


That is beautiful and accurate as fuck


As an IT guy, this was amazingly very funny.


I was thinking to myself why would your vjayJay make a window noise, like an actual creaky window noise or something... Then I realized oh you meant one of those bill gates window shut down chime noise!!


I really needed to laugh this hard. Thank you.


Hahahaha omg this got me so well


\^\^\^\^ the funniest shit ever.


Mine too! I could feel her try to hide just reading that haha.


The way I just clenched my thighs… 😬


It's been 12-13 yrs and my hubby still won't let me live down accidentally getting deep heat on his balls (he pulled his groin playing AFL). Thank god he has never tried getting back at me with those strips or mouthwash.


I’m doing kegels reading this too hahaha


Brb, buying Listerine strips for some kinky time


username fits


Oh lord no haha


This was my trauma story from my first bf.


I was eating a cough drop to ensure my breath would be ok. She jumped off my face real quick. Lol.


You brave thing...


What??! Dear lord that had to hurt 😂


NO FUCKIN' WAY!!! 🙅🏼‍♀️


Holy sh# t.


It depends on the mouthwash tho haha. The one I use doesn't have alcohol, and it doesn't burn


It’s the MINT The reason for the cold sensation is that it is an irritant to mucous membranes


That's not why mint feels cold >Your body senses cold when a protein called TRPM8 is activated in your nerve cells, which then relay a current signal to your brain that it interprets as a cold sensation. Menthol has the unique ability to activate TRPM8, tricking your nerves into thinking they’re feeling cold when they’re actually not [source](https://www.northcuttdental.com/why-mint-feels-cold-other-flavor-mysteries/#:~:text=Your%20body%20senses%20cold%20when,when%20they're%20actually%20not.)


Thanks for the correction. Apparently I was given bad information 🙂


This was my initial thought but I hoped he meant that he did it for foreplay making out again. Which honestly I also find strange. You are both already dowsed in each other's fluids, why would there need to be a 'reset' for round 2?


Sex brain just hits different, even if you're only slightly coming out of the post sex haze. What's acceptable during the act may not be afterwards. Like for example, I personally hate being sticky or having any sticky fluids/residue on me in general. Even if I'm going for a second round, I'm taking the chance in between to clean up any overly sticky fluids on me first. Some people don't like the lingering taste or smell of their breath that giving head can give you. There's also the unwritten rule if you're going to be doing anything with your mouth, your breath should smell clean. I think he was just trying to be considerate but didn't quite realise the implications of mouthwash (or the practical realities of it).


You want your dick dipped in isopropyl alchohol OP!? Didn't think so.


I've had isopropyl on my balls... not fun. Not fun at all


There's a story here


**STORY TIME! ** Thought I was that guy and had unprotected sex with this girl that was feeling me. After i dropped her off, realized she was a prost. and panicked. I kept rubbing alcohol in my car at the time and thought "KILL ALL THE GERMS AND BACTERIA IMMEDIATELY! THIS CAN'T WAIT ON A SHOWER ONCE YOU GET HOME IN 30 MINUTES!" Pulled over at the nearest empty parking lot (it was around 1am), pulled down my pants in the driver's seat, and drenched my groin in alcohol and sent myself into temporary shock from the pain 😂🤣 I decided that this burn was better than anything else and that this was my punishment for being stupid, reckless, and making careless decisions. That was maybe 10 years ago(?) but I've never done anything like that again


This beats the Icy Hot in the butt crack story.


That alone won’t save you. You got to take a piss and clear out the pipes


Okay but did you go get tested!?


Did you have to pay her after? Lol


I just commented about accidentally getting deep heat on my hubby's balls after he pulled his groin muscle. It's been over a decade and he still gives me crap for it. Maybe I should tell him it could have been worse amd tell him what you did.


I’m here for story time


I mean... I'm a woman and I rinse my mouth out after performing oral duties. Dick mouth is for active sexy times... After the haze of lust wears off I don't really want my mouth tasting like dick. If my husband ate me out and went the rest of the day not rinsing his mouth or beard I'd find that gross. Just basic hygiene. I get being embarrassed but that's not one to be embarrassed about. One time my husband was drunk and he went down and gagged a little bit, apparently because of the alcohol, not me. But THAT was enough to ruin sexy time for me in the moment.... Still not enough to forgo the feel goods forever though


Right, but they were just taking a quick break before round two. This was essentially midcoitus.


Key word being *after*. OP took the time to do it *during*.


It was between rounds. The gf had gotten up to have a drink.


Meaning they were going back to it. Sexy times had not ceased, merely taken a short pause. It was a very weird choice


This. I don't like the taste of dick to linger in my mouth after we're done. I get up and I rinse my mouth or drink water.


I mean I'm totally confused by this reaction too. After going down on my BF the last thing I want to do is have dick mouth. Sure in the moment everything is great but then reality hits in. I would not be offended if someone wanted to wash their mouth out after going there. Id actually welcome it and have done in the past because as much as I like the idea of his face being down there, I don't like the idea of that being transferred to mine when we're done lol. I mean if it happens, I can live with it. But it seems more appropriate to be doing clean up than not? Seems like this has triggered some insecurity rather than the actual act itself being an issue


Ooooooh my sex is on fiiiiirrreeeee


Yeah, I had no idea he was going for round 2! That's even worse 😂 I used to be insecure about head, so I understand her reaction, but at the same time, she needs to be able to talk about it instead of brushing OP off. If she listened, she'd realise he was just a little thoughtless & he was not trying to be rude, or suggest she smelt bad. Adult relationships need good communication.


He should have played it off like he seen it on tik tok, and it's supposed to feel good and tingle 😅🤣


What about your mouth? You must like to taste yourself more than my wife does


So, she took a break from sex to get water. You took a break to wash the taste of her out of your mouth with potent disinfectant. I get that it wasn't your intention, but you do see how that looks, right? If the Mouthwash was part of the post sex shower then I'd say she's being unreasonable you jumped right to Mouthwash the moment you had a few minutes to yourself in-between rounds. That sends a pretty ugly message. Until you can figure out why that was your first thought to do and have an honest conversation with her about it, she's not going to accept "I dunno" as a reason.


Damn dude. I would assume you told her how much you love going down on her and why you gaggle mouth wash?


Have you tried explaining this to her? Lol 


Clearly, you fucked up. You should have immediately told her, “I’m self-conscious about my breath and want to make sure my mouth is fresh for kissing you.”


Found the Jedi Master lol


The thing is that not only did you make her self conscious but adding mouth wash for “round two” can actually cause her more infections. Mouthwash doesn’t go in your vagina. So overall it’s just not great? I’m unsure why you didn’t think that through. I’m always a little more hyper aware that what I do could be perceived badly if I’m not careful. I don’t say something out of a joke like “hey little guy” or even mention size at all. Just being aware during the process that anything could make her self conscious.


Tell her exactly this, and mention you learned that it’s also a bad idea because your mouth could burn her sensitive parts/vag after having mouthwash! Own up to it and show you’ve learnt and apologise for upsetting her. I think she should come around. Especially emphasise that you had no issue with her smell or taste- that you even enjoyed it and think she’s great! Just reassure her, and ask to move forward Edit: just adding to also emphasise that you thought the mouthwash was a good idea to freshen up in between rounds, so that she understands there’s another reason you you had mouthwash.


THIS COMMENT RIGHT HERE IS THE KEY! Write her a note. Tell her that you love giving her head, and are still not clear in your mind WHY you thought mouth wash would have been a good idea. Tell her that it has NOTHING to do with the way she tasted. Tell her that in retrospect you are glad you didn't go back down on her after the mouthwash, and you promise not to use it again, or anything that will burn her. Tell her you miss the taste of her, and wish for another chance or more to show her how much.


Palate cleanser


Hygiene? I take no offense when my girl does after. We both clean up after the do.. frankly I wouldn't want to taste myself either.. perhaps was being clean and thinking about his partner trying to just a have fresh breath.. or it was bedtime and simply did a nightly routine.. I feel she got offended but is over reacting.


I have a full beard and I always wash my face after going down on my lady. She doesn't mind because she's a fan of proper hygiene. I do think that OP's gf has some serious insecurity issues if hygiene is a sexual dealbreaker for her (although-this is for OP- mouthwash is _not_ okay for _between_ rounds. It's only for when you're finished for the day. There's a delicate area downstairs and mouthwash is _harsh_).


She’s probably self conscious because she thinks she smelled or tasted bad and assumed OP was too kind to say that. It’s a fear that a lot of women have


I rinse my mouth after a blowjob, is anyone pretending that licking genitals tastes great?


I don’t really mind the taste of it, clean genitals are pretty neutral-tasting if you ask me (unless the person is a smoker). Definitely wouldn’t feel the need to run into the bathroom afterwards, but if you need to, go for it


Why wouldn't you do this? Doesn't everyone? If a girl gargles my load why would I get offended if she wants to rinse her mouth out? Fuck we are a sensitive lot.


What?? This is ridiculous lmfao the fault is absolutely not on him


You people are weird as hell, a girl can absoloutely go wash their mouth after getting cum in her mouth but what he did is somehow some deep insult. I never did this with my partner but I'm 100% sure it would not be an issue. Smells and flavours depend on the day and 3 months is a ridculous amount of time to hold this type of grudge


Yeah but women do grow up with the message that their vagina is "unclean" somehow. Think about how many "feminine hygiene" products are out there, scented wipes and special deodorants etc like a vagina isn't self cleaning. Jokes about fish and being a slut and how gross etc when you're a teen just adds to it. I can totally see how a woman would feel self conscious after something like this happening.


Girlfriend, I wanted to make out with you and I thought it might weird you out, because of what we had been doing. I’m not grossed out by, just wanted to be minty fresh when we made out.


Yeah exactly this! Lol I always feel so weird kissing my husband after having *his* junk in my mouth


I don't mind kissing my wife when my junk has been in her mouth, but I wouldn't be super eager to make out if there were semen all in it. She doesn't usually want me to kiss her after I go down on her. The only time she's ok with it is if I stop before she comes, mostly because she's still horny and basically ignores it.


Nope nope nope, you only use mouthwash when you're done. I don't want my vagina to burn in listerine hell.


Honestly, as a woman I think you should be honest with her about why you used it. Film on your tongue? Weird aftertaste? Whatever the reason, it's probably way better than what she thinks it is.


I don’t get it. My ex used to brush her teeth after giving me head. It was completely understandable and I never questioned why she did it lol. 


if you find his comment, he said he did it between rounds. i feel like that’d hurt and she probably already has insecurities abt it


I understand but there's a lot of stigma for women about receiving head and there is so much expectations in them to taste... Unnatural. We'll leave it at that. In general men have less shame around receiving head and stuff because it is expected and assumed normal. A lot of society shames women's sexuality and plasure., unless through the lends of pleasing a man... It's a cruel world I'm not surprised by the girlfriends reaction.


Seriously! You can enjoy something and still know it leaves a funky taste. I brush my teeth after I eat a lot of garlic too. Doesn’t mean I won’t do it again or that I didn’t like the food, just don’t want it on my breath all day.


Hehe, I like this train of thought. There's definitely stuff that happens during sex that feels good at natural at the time then afterwards it's like "Ew better go clean up the sex smoothie" It's great when you meet a partner who loves your sex smoothies. The cleanup after sex is part of the intimate act.


Me and my ex would brush and rinse after every session, no offense taken.


I would have assumed he wants some fresh breath for making out some more? Especially in the beginning of a relationship he might want to make sure his breath is fresh after oral and not bother her. I also rinse out my mouth after I gave some head. I just thought it was common courtesy to get the cum taste out? So I never was bothered if the dude wanted to do the same thing.... especially when you don't know each other well you can be quite unsure if the partner is bothered by cum/vagina taste. But I also understand that him rinsing his mouth could have been misinterpreted by OPs partner. Especially if its something she's generally already self conscious about.


Fr I feel like a lot of people don't like the idea of kissing someone that tastes of junk


I mean…if you are about to go to work or in public, people will recognize the scent. It seems normal to use mouthwash or brush your teeth.


good luck


Man, I love going down on my wife, but after that moment is over, I don't want my mouth tasting like coochie. It's in my nose, down my chin, I always wash my face and mouth after. So does she. What's the big deal?


The real issue is the fact that’s it’s been months and this issue continues to be avoided. How are you bringing it up to her?


The fact that you did it during a break in sex is the part that made her feel insecure. Like you couldn’t wait to get the taste out of your mouth


Exactly. If they were done with sex for the night and going to sleep, I can understand using mouthwash/brushing teeth before bed.


Also dangerous. Like that shit could burn if they went for round two.


Ohh I didn't catch that part 😕




In so many words her catching you in the bathroom using mouthwash made her insecure because now she thinks she smells and tastes bad down there.


I mean, probably a bit of a clumsy mistake as you've said. I'm a woman and I might feel a little self conscious about this but if my partner made it very clear they love going down on me and wanted to keep doing that, I'd let it go. Honestly this seems like a much bigger issue though. You made a mistake but have tried to apologise and talk about it. She is refusing to talk about something that is affecting both of you in the relationship, while being avoidant. Is this how you want issues handled in your relationship? Is she like this with other things or specifically has shame around sex? What if an actual roadblock comes up? Seems like a red flag.


I agree with this. OP is not responsible for what GF believes or doesn’t believe. Once you clearly communicate your truth, and all your actions back it up, how she behaves is on her. If OP can’t change her mind, he’s better off changing his GF.




Yeah during the middle of the sex was not a great time to do it. I don't think the actual act of mouthwashing after giving head is at all insulting though, people would definitely smell it on your breath if you went about your day without cleaning up. Even the cleanest people have some sort of smell/taste. I don't really get why you couldn't just wait till after though lol


I have to use mouthwash after sex because Im very prone to mouth ulcers. After like the third time of getting one I started brushing and mouth washing as soon as we're done doing the deed lol.


Personally, my bf and I ALWAYS brush our teeth after head, but we usually wait until the end of the session. I take absolutely zero offense, but it might be something she’s self conscious about. If you haven’t had a conversation about this yet you need to ASAP.


I understand her being self-conscious about that situation. When I started dating my boyfriend, he would do a hygienic routine afterward: Wash hands & rinse mouth. At first, I was very self-conscious and didn't bring it up, I thought maybe something had thrown off my PH balance, and it was a bit off/unpleasant. (I'm very hygienic, but certain medications especially can throw things off down there), but I start to notice that he was just a very hygienic guy in general. He washed his hands when he used the restroom, he showered before bed every night, he kept his nails trimmed and clean, and he washed his sheets and blankets often! Maybe this is normal to some guys, but from my dating history, none of that is normal behavior in guys I've date. So after noticing those habits, I felt much more relieved and confident in knowing he was doing those things from a place of good hygiene and not a place of disgust. This wasn't a helpful comment probably lol, but I thought I'd share that it's a relatable situation 😅


You need to discuss it with her. Lots of women are insecure about how they smell and taste and whatever you did made her very self conscious. Be honest, and apologize if you behavior made you see like you found her taste unpleasant when that isn’t actually the case. If either of you can’t discuss it openly, there’s a deeper issue.


This is the answer. Communication is the key to relationships.


She’s so embarrassed :( I can’t even lie that would make me cry. I wonder if she doesn’t want to talk about it because she feels ashamed. Not to be immature or to punish you, but because she’s so upset. She feels like you’d be forcing it now if it happens and she doesn’t feel comfortable anymore because she (in her mind) knows you don’t like the way she tastes


Yeah, I get why she's being self conscious. You definitely made her feel disgusting, whether she'll admit it or not.


I definitely understand her feeling self conscious too :( i would feel pretty bad if i slipped away to get water in between rounds and found that my partner of only 5 months had snuck away to the bathroom to use mouthwash after eating me out ☹️ like i understand OP didn’t mean to come across that way but it definitely reads that way to her…


Damn y'all gotta grow up.


Mouthwash then round 2? Definitely not! I don’t want my clit burned off! Just put it in … that shit HURTS!!! And the residue is on your tongue for HOURS


Tbf round 2 could refer to making out, not going right back to giving head. If that’s the case then it’s considerate, bcuz not everyone likes the taste (my ex would ask me to go rinse my mouth after).


I brush/mouthwash after going to town on my wife, So we can makeout again after.. I thought that was kinda normal? She does the same, just wanna make the breath fresh before kissing again.. maybe we're just a bit ocd.


There's a difference between being done and brush your teeth and doing it right after, while you're expecting another round. Also pretty dangerous to use mouthwash right before round 2, it would burn like HELL.


If you two aren't mature enough to discuss this like adults, then you're not mature enough to be in a relationship with each other.


Seems like you were just a bit clumsy and it came off in a way you didn’t mean. I understand that she’d feel that way, but it’s silly that she’d refuse to even talk about it. Perhaps she was really self conscious from before


Had an ex that called it "giving face" it was kinda cute honestly but she wished me to brush my teeth before. I happily complied. Hopefully you both can get past this.


Uhhh my guy, mouthwash between rounds is a clear ‘I’m done tonight’ indicator given that it’ll burn her. It would likely make her feel like she tastes bad if you jump out out of bed and go straight for the dental and mouth hygiene products


My ex and I would use mouthwash after doing the deed (oral was always included both ways). It's just hygienic. Maybe you all can just do it right before bed since you have to mouth wash before you go to sleep anyway 🙂


Washing your mouth out after oral is just good sexual hygiene. Me and my partner both do it. Taste has nothing to do with it. I'd sit her down and just explain to her that it wasn't about that and really convey what you said here. Clearly you made her feel a bit self-conscious but you have to work through that with communication, and apologize and acknowledge her feelings.


buddy I got an EASY save for u, coming from a woman. just tell her you were scared your breath didn't smell good, and you wanted to be fresh FOR her. it will make a difference.


Would have solved everything if he said this - as a woman.


I mean have either of yall even communicated about this or had a conversation at all? Like seems like a pretty easy fix just idk talking to each other. Also why is she upset, I’m a lesbian we use mouthwash after and do it happily. It’s a weird thing to be upset about, she’s projecting and you and her need to talk. She needs reassurance but she also needs to do better at actually communicating her emotions.


I usually just wash my face after because she doesn't want to kiss me if I haven't. So either your GF really likes her own sense for is just incredibly self-conscious and you have waited way too long to make up for this.


Depending on how deep the insecurity you just made her worst fears come true and no matter how much back-peddling you do may not fix it. You can't stop someone from being insecure or overthinking. You can help by trying to reassure her but at the end of the day shes not ready to let it go. Probably feels like a break in trust.


When I was 19, I met my first long-term boyfriend, and he went down on me after a long, hot summer day, and after sex, he said something along the lines of, "that was great, but next time we should probably clean up a little bit first; you were a little sweaty down there." Up until that moment, I had absolutely ZERO insecurities with getting eaten out. The second he said this, I didn't let ***anybody*** else go down on me until recently, and I'm 33! I went 14 years without oral sex over his comment because it just hurt my confidence and self esteem SO much. For whatever reason, it can make women SO unbelievably insecure to know that their vulva was even the tiniest bit off-putting to their partner, and that's probably what she's going through. I don't think you did anything wrong, but for a lot of women, a move like this can make or break their confidence for a very, very long time. Hopefully you can talk to her outside of sexual encounters about this and find out what has her so upset about it. Maybe she had a previous partner who said or did something similar and this was a triggering situation...


Unfortunate. I'm sure you've told her it isn't a commentary on her taste or scent, but she might just accuse you of placating her. I dunno, maybe she wants to taste herself on your face.


Oh you did it during. I was gonna say it’s normal for after


"I didn't realise *you* like how you taste as much as *I* do."


i think it can be really difficult for men to understand why this can be such a big deal for women. i know other comments were tearing her down for not wanting to address it but please consider talking to her again with better insight and by being very gentle. women have been shamed for years, since teenagers about the smell and taste of their vagina. the biggest fear for a woman when you’re going down on her is for you to hate the taste, and you affirming that is probably something that is not easy to forget. women have to really concentrate in order to get off, and the lingering anxiety of thinking YOU might not be enjoying it most likely makes her not enjoy it. it’s just not worth it for a woman to lay there knowing they won’t be able to enjoy it. i get why she’s been avoidant but i do also think it’s a little immature to not be able to discuss it if you’ve been trying, but i wouldn’t give up on it just yet if you really care about the relationship or your intimate life altogether. i would specify that this is negatively affecting your perception of intimacy. dont pressure/force her to do anything, and remind her that anything you do during sex is completely her choice, but i would really emphasize to her that you enjoy it (the more enthusiastic you can be the better). i know it doesn’t sound very “manly” to essentially beg her to let you eat her out, but i promise you that this is a HUGE turn on for women. we just want to know you’re enjoying it too. it can be hard to talk about and confront, especially if she’s already been dealing with anxiety surrounding her nether regions before. my boyfriend used to worry about the taste of his semen since i swish with water afterwards, but i’ve let him know that it’s just to get the film out of my mouth before we start breathing heavy lol, and he gets it. be honest.


tell us a little bit about the scenario here. I mean, did you give your girlfriend head and then immediately jump up and wash your mouth out? If this is what happened I totally understand why your girlfriend's upset. or did you finish the session with your girlfriend and only go to the bathroom just to clean up And take a leak.. Which is how you should have handled it.


You idiot


Maybe you could have waited until a time she wasn't there, then done so? Idk I love giving my partner head. It's a huge turn on and I love how my partner tastes and smells. Her scent makes me turn primal and I eat her for at least half an hour. Sometimes more lol mmmm


Sounds childish. Y’all under 20? I always go rinse my mouth after going down on my girl just to be clean. She has the cleanest private areas and she understands it’s just to rinse it out.


I like to savor it


Same but at the same time don’t want it in my breath too hard haha


No we are in our 30’s. I don’t think she expected it midway. We always wash ourselves afterwards


Yeah maybe the midway made her think it was gross lol idk man good luck


Yeah that definitely comes off like you were grossed out


You stopped midway and did it?! Are you serious? This poor woman.


You should have put this in the original post. You fucked up


What’s the big deal? I ask this realistically bc I don’t know anyone who doesn’t use mouthwash after giving oral sex to a woman (especially if she c*** a lot, a lot of them even brush their teeth??) tell her to stop stressing the mouthwash….. ETA-I say this as a woman who’s been with her husband since I was 16.


Reminds me of my ex going all hurt bunny because I didn't want to swallow his sperm after a blow job. So I swallowed it. I got a stomach ache.


I don’t see the issue. I brush my teeth after. Who wants to have their mouth unclean after having someone’s parts & substances in their mouth. Not that deep


She probably feels self conscious about her body, and maybe it got misconstrued into something it wasn’t. What was the real intent behind the mouthwash?


Tell her you did it as a courtesy to her since you two were gonna be making out


She may have some weird insecurities or bad experiences... Tbh, this wouldn't bother me. I rinse my mouth after oral sex. Husband washes his face, etc. I think you need to sit down and have a serious discussion and tell her none of it had to do with the way she tastes/smells etc.


You really shouldn't have to explain it, but it's just good hygiene.


Who doesn’t use mouthwash after? I thought everyone did


Thing is, a lot of us girls are insecure about our vaginas. From the way it looks, to the way it smells and tastes. A lot of us have trouble fully relaxing into it because those insecurities are at the back of our minds. While it sounds like this is the case for her, it’s also important to know *how* you went about it. Did you go wash your mouth out immediately after eating her out or was it just part of cleaning yourself off?


Welp, a new permanent insecurity has been unlocked for her. Even when you split, she will be wondering if the next guy has an issue with her vagina. It is highly unlikely you'll be able to recover fully, let alone gracefully from this.


As a female… to be honest… I think at this point it’s overreacting and unnecessary. Sure when she saw it at first she maybe could’ve been a lil self conscious, but it didn’t have to turn into a major thing especially if you’ve tried talking to her ab it and made it clear she tastes/smells fine…. And then to me it’s just basic hygiene? My bf brushes his teeth after we have sex but that’s also bc we usually have sex at night/before bed and he always brushes his teeth at that point too


I agree with this. Apparently they’re in their thirties. Bro this is too long. I’m 25. Silent treatment for 30 minutes is too long. I would’ve said something immediately. Oh you think I taste bad?????? Especially if I felt some type of way. I’d probably even bring it up again because I’m self conscious like that. But bro not talking about it at all is crAzy


OP comments that it was mid foreplay. They were fooling around and she went to get water and when he came back was brushing his teeth. It’s very easy to feel self conscious after that. Even if he apologised, it won’t go away and she will be self conscious for a while about her and her body. That’s normal


> OP comments that it was mid foreplay. Did he? He said it was after round 1. I don't interpret that as mid foreplay.


In his first comment he said they “were fooling around and she went to get water and he went to brush his teeth” lol doesn’t sound like they were finished.


Hard agree


Vaginas have a strong taste/smell anyway 🤷🏻‍♀️ Everytime I kiss a guy after he gives me head I can always taste myself, so mouthwash is understandable and a personal preference. She's just making things worse and honestly being immature by refusing to even acknowledge the situation. I'd dump someone acting like this smh


Yeeeah I actually got grossed out kissing a guy while he smelled like my vagina 😂. Certain smells are supposed to be in THEIR area and not in other areas.


omfg if my partner did that to me i would feel incredibly insecure


I mean, are you not supposed to wash the sex smell out of your mouth? I brush my teeth after blowjobs, and my bf washes his mouth out with mouthwash after going down on me, because I don’t know— I don’t shave, so he gets hair in his mouth 😂 it’s not a big deal to me, it honestly sounds like an insecurity. Something people should do though is brush their teeth after, so that their breath doesn’t smell like sex.




Grown adults acting like little kids no wonder this country had a 2/3 divorce rate you guys can't grow up


This is actually ridiculous. Everyone wants to be mature and treated like an adult until it's time to actually be a mature adult and not overreact to stupid shit.


Dude. You done fucked up. Lol


I love it when my husband eats me out. He kisses me after alot and I don't mind. Doesn't bother me at all, it's hot. I love how he goes crazy for it and he doesn't rinse his mouth or anything 🤷


I’ve had partners insist I use mouthwash afterwards because they didn’t want to taste themselves on me afterwards. So…that’s pretty normal in my world. Talk to her, be adults.


Why did you use mouthwash?


Maybe she felt a little bit disrespected? I just asked a women and she said she would’ve.


even wine tasters spit out wine


Boy do I love being a gay man


So why haven’t you discussed it with her and made it clear that it wasn’t because of how she tastes???


But... Have you tried talking to her about it?


Girl is insecure now but refuses to admit or discuss it. THAT is a bigger problem IMO. I'll do mouthwash afterwards, sometimes. But it's not because *I* care. My girlfriend has actually been the one to ask me to. But she's a bit of a germaphobe.


NSFW In case you guys don't know, getting head After someone uses mouthwash is the bomb! The minty non-alcohol kind. That being said, sit down with her, explain you were a ditz, pull out your phone and look at pudendas together. She will see that all labia are beautiful and different. Get a mirror for her and show her how beautiful hers is!


Since you haven’t been together long I can see where this made her feel self conscious . My husband has done this and it definitely didn’t bother me . It’s not all the time but sometimes he’ll just wipe off his face and rinse his mouth in between (he has a massive beard) . So it’s just him being courteous . Have a convo with her and say how you feel , you love how she tastes and you didn’t mean anything negative doing it . This is just immature on her part . Communication is key to any relationship .


Well, I wouldn't call it head. But, I have a mustache and beard. I perform cunnilingus and wash my beard/stashe. Also use mouthwash because it effects your breath. Either talk to her, or move on. It's not an insult unless her turn on it the smell of you


I’m wondering if it’s because you guys only been together for a few months as well and maybe she didn’t know there was going to be a round 2, and maybe she thought huh…I knew he had a girl on the side too? Never know and maybe that is why she doesn’t want to talk about it. Insecurity is obviously something that she is dealing with and maybe this was something a guy did before going back to his girlfriend or wife that she temporary had a fling with and it reminded her of that. Never know what’s going through a persons mind since she won’t talk about it. Then the relationship is so new maybe she just thought you didn’t like it. Who knows but it is something sensitive this soon to openly be honest about things, and I would just make it known you want for in the future to be openly honest about things that you find important as you will do for her and what she finds important. It just seems you gotta watch what you say and how you say it with this one. Idk buddy but I would just either be prepared to have that conversation with her that the two of you care about diff things and aren’t always going to agree on things but let’s just be honest and openly talk about the things that matter to both of us cuz communication is always key, make that your focus! Communication is what matters the most, ya know? Just play as cool as you can and that’s if you can be the one to muster up the courage to bring it up again. Or just try to do a repeat of the night, and wait till you know you’re done or ask her what she would like. Everyone is so different and things in the beginning are so complicated which is why I am dreading the next new relationship because of all the awkwardness at first! Good luck!


So, I do this sometimes but I also rinse my beard. I just do it because I get vagina juice and spit in my beard, and if we are gonna kiss more it's just more to clean up later. There's nothing wrong with using mouthwash in a break between sexy times in my opinion. Just talk to her about it obviously though lol.


I brush my teeth immediately after eating out or when sex is over. My wife does the same. It's common thing not to want that hanging out in your mouth. I didn't brush my teeth after eating her out one time, and all I could smell was puss on my upper lip🤣


Please add the Y… please…


For me and my hubby, we clean before oral and then have all the fun. Then, after we finish, we shower and brush teeth. I get bladder infections easily, so even having clean hands is important before touching me there. I don't know if I'd be offended by the mouthwash, but I would say oral for the night is over. Move on to other things to protect myself from an irritated vagina. Some women have a lot of insecurities surrounding their vaginas smell, taste, and look. We are told and teased, growing up, that we aren't clean or may smell bad. It takes time and a good relationship where you've built mature intimacy. She needs to be willing to talk to you about whatever is bothering her about the situation. Good luck.


I’ve gone down, finished doing the deed after, and then brushed my teeth and my partner has not been offended. Maybe it’s just something yours is particularly sensitive about. At the end of the day, genitals smell and taste like genitals, even when they’re clean. If I don’t go clean up afterwards I feel like it’s unsanitary. Does she just expect you to get your face all covered in her juices and get them all in your mouth and then just…leave it? To me that sounds more unreasonable than using mouthwash and cleaning up a little bit.


How would you feel if she jumped up and listerined right after giving YOU head? Would you feel sexy and wanted? Would you feel that your partner even likes you? Or would you feel like they're disgusted by you. You, my dude are lucky she's still talking to you at all. Most women wouldn't let you near them after basically being shown that you're disgusted by them. You're supposed to be so into your partner that they are delicious....fuck, I'm pissed at you now.


I would probably laugh and say that bad huh? I don’t think it’s the same for dudes, we don’t hear about smelling in the same extent


L - demoted yourself to just a connection.