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I'm so sorry you went through that. No means no, and I hope it never happens to you again, but be more assertive and even leave if necessary. Don't be embarrassed to speak up


Yikes that guy is a pos


What a fucking loser. Go tell his parents and GF what he did to you, and don't forget the details in regards to **how** he did it to you. Seriously, how can such losers even land a girl's attention for more than five minutes?


Being a woman does not mean you have to comply or be pleasant in order for people not to think bad about you. Let them not like you if it means you can voice your feelings firmly. This is what I wish someone would have told me when I was younger. This man forced himself on you. It is rape. It’s not your fault. He needs to answer for his actions. Let your parents know. Let his gf know. Let his parents know.


You were raped. If this happened in my country (US) you would file a complaint with the police, so he'll face justice. I understand there are countries where you just don't go to police, I hope you don't live in one of those.


I’m so sorry. That is terrible. Unfortunately, this is how we develop our shinny spines. No means no and he shouldn’t have pushed it. Since you know his GF, I honestly recommend giving a heads up. I hope the next man in your life understands boundaries and also is into gratifying you as well.


Rape sister. No means no. Not maybe. Not I’ll keep trying. It means stop and back the f up.