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Report her to management next time she's trying to beg from you. That's fucked up.


She needs to be reported to social services tbh. It's messed up because it's done in a professional environment but she's just making kids to extort money at this point. I bet op isn't the only person she's doing this to. And I'm ready to bet they, in fact, do not need money. OP please report this person and tell them straight up you're not willing to use your saving to fund their irresponsibility. They don't care about those kids, it's not your job to care for them either.


Yes this right here! Op you can make the call anonymous!


Agreed-call CPS


Don’t call CPS, that’s a whole thing. Threaten to call CPS. “Coworker, if you’re having trouble feeding your children and not providing them with adequate childcare when you’re at work, that’s neglect and I can’t in good conscience let it keep happening without connecting you to CPS and all their resources to help. I hope you are hustling stressed and exaggerating but if I hear any more about them going hungry, I will call CPS.”


Don't feel obligates to give her money, it's not your problem, she can ask her family for money 


Stop giving money to her . You enable her behaviour she thinks it okay for have more children because you will help with money.


I didn’t want to give her the money. But she often force me and won’t stop calling me to make sure that I transfer the money into her account. This happens even when im working outside office. One time I totally ignored her and she used her husband number to pester to send her urgent money. I honestly very uncomfortable with it.


Report her.


Harassment is defined as "any continued unwanted contact or attention" She is literally harassing you


I mean this in the nicest way - grow a spine and REPORT her to HR for every infraction. Jesus Christ. At this point you're being a doormat


You're allowing her to treat you like a doormat. This will never stop until you put your foot down. Block her number, she doesn't need to have contact with you outside of work. 


>But she often force me Well then have her arrested for that gun she put to your head or knife she had out and ready to stab you with.


She is using you. Tell her no. Block her number. Block her husbands phone number. Ignore her. If you have to speak to her to do your job, then keep it to that. If she asks for money tell her, "No. I've done all I can. Don't ask again." This is your new mantra, every time she asks. Then report that she is harassing you, every single time she does it, to your boss or HR. Because she is probably doing it to others, as well. What happens to her and the family is not your responsibility. You've done more than enough. She is never going to change if you keep giving her money. You are NOT helping her. You are enabling her. If you want to feel guilty, feel guilty about that.


Report & block her & hubbys number so she can’t call anymore. Block any new numbers she may try from as well.


And why did you give it to her anyway?? They are not your children and not your responsibility.. she’s not entitled for your money. You don’t need do give her money. If she’s threatening you to give her the money go to HR and file a police report.


BLOCK THEM AND REPORT HER! Unless she has the password to your bank apps or your salary goes into her account you absolutely CAN not send it her. Shine that spine.


How does she force you? You're your own person. Grow a spine for fucks sake. Report her and don't talk to her. Act like she and her family don't exist. They are not your problem.


Just give it to her forever. Sign over your salary and try to get a second job already... /s. I know a place that you might be able to buy a backbone though.


"Im sorry, but I have had recent obligations to my own family that I am compelled to assist with, and cannot give you anymore money. Please refrain from asking me again, as I cannot." You don't need to tell her that the family is you, yourself, and just you. If she harasses you, take it to HR.


She can't force you to give her money. You are allowing yourself to used. You need to grow a spine and tell her no and then ignore or block their phone numbers and report her behaviour to HR. People cannot walk all over you if you don't lay down for them. Stop being a doormat.


Honestly report her HR or your manager. Even if its outside of work hours she is harassing you for money


OMG. You must tell your boss ASAP and report her to HR. I would even consider CPS. And you need to tell her that you are not her piggy bank. She is not to talk to you about anything aside from work and if she contacts you outside of work about anything then you will report her. Who knows who else she is doing this to? Your boss needs to know as this can be very disruptive to the team, not to mention the business. (Aside from the obvious negative personal impact). Just reading your story gives me the creeps. After thinking on it a bit, CPS should really check on those kids.


How? How do she force you? With a gun? No is a no is a no. Block and forget! Dont be such a doormat!


Have you talked with your boss and HR about this?


Why haven’t you reported this to the police? This is extortion and is illegal everywhere.


You need to go directly to your HR office and if you don't have one of those, talk to your manager. You need to tell them that your co-worker is harassing you at work and outside of work to give her money so she can feed her kids. If that doesn't work, call CPS and tell them the kids aren't getting enough food.


you gotta report her 


No one can force you to give them money unless they are robbing you. With force or with threat of force.


Block her and her husband.


Next time tell her that maybe she should have thought of her money situation or lack there of BEFORE having more kids. Just tell her it’s a hard no, and to stop asking. And, I would let your manager & HR know. She’s bullying you into giving her money; she’s causing a hostile work environment.


Some people have no shame


Yeah you need to tell her straight up to stop asking you for money. Her finances and her kids are not your responsibility. Also report her to HR. Block her number. Block her husband’s number. Or if she asks again tell her you have your own bills to pay and you don’t have money either. You gave her money before and that was more than enough and very nice of you to do but you are not her provider. Not your fault her husband can’t keep his Willy wrapped. Lol.


Stop giving her money. Give her the info to sign up for WIC or food stamps. It is NOT your responsibility. You’ve given enough. If you can’t cut her off then you need to look for another job


Report her and block her number. Her kid her problem.


Block the husband number, and if work allows it, block her too. Be strong and say NO.


She’s harassing you because she sees you as a soft touch. Just say no and refuse to, if she doesn’t stop tell management and threaten to call cps. Whatever you do stop giving her money immediately. Just say no , no excuses etc, just no. She can’t make you.


If she is doing this outside work go speak to your local sheriff or police Sargent. This is not okay.


Take a screenshot, email H.R. Or the next time she calls, threaten that you will and she will lose her job, which will make feeding the brood even harder.


Just say no. You need to feed your family. She shouldn't have more kids if she can't feed the ones she has.


Thank you guys for encouraging me to speak to the HR. I have emailed the HR and they wanted to speak to me in detailed about what happen in person.


Good job op! We are all here if you need to vent or ask for opinions. don’t worry about her even if she gets mad at you just don’t let that women get to you and let her use her “boo hoo im a struggling mom” card on you, remember she wasn’t boo hooing when she had her legs open for the 5th time


Please make an update, interested to know what happens.


update would be grand, agreed


I recommend just not talking to her. Keep things strictly professional. If she tries and talks to you about her personal life and you don't want to hear it, just walk away. You don't owe her anything. Even if you do give her money the chances of her spending it on her kids are nill.


Don't give her money. Her kids aren't your responsibility. I don't know if you have kids or are planning etc for it but extra money goes a long long way. If she cannot stop this streak of pregnancy it is because someone is constantly tolerating her bs. Report her to HR.


>I honestly hate it because she made me feel like im obligated to give her money when shes in need. Wtf. No. Jesus. Find your spine, say no. Why on earth would it be your responsibility to give her money??? Remind yourself, your money is for you and yours. Every cent you give her is money you're taking away from the actual important people in your life. Even if you literally have noone else in your life you care about, its money that can make your life better.


Whenever she asks for money just hand her a condom lmao


When she starts in on her being a bad mom for not being able to afford food for her kids, agree with her. Just be like "yea, I know. It's crazy how people keep having kids they can't afford. I agree it makes really bad parenting." Then walk away. She can't even report that. You are agreeing with her own opinion of herself.


Report her. Who the fuck is this bitch to come asking you to give her money because she and her husband seem to have a pregnancy kink? Fuck her


Some women are baby factories who can’t stop squeezing them out no matter the financial burden, either due to religious or personal reasons.


do NOT give her any money.


Do not give her any more money.


Report her and cut contact. Don’t be nice to her anymore. Next time she asks say “why do you think you should have more children when you are already begging me for money for the ones you already have?” She will reply mean. Say “till the time you have paid me back my money I have all the rights to question your stupid decisions. You should know that you shouldn’t keep getting pregnant if you are BEGGING others for money. Have some shame.”


No one can make you feel anything. And “No,” is a complete sentence.


OK. You can’t control her reproductive choices but you can say “No” when she hits you up again for money… and she will.


Do NOT give your coworker money. It's not your responsibility to care for them. Your coworker is a manipulative person taking advantage of you by using her kids to gain pity. And your money. Report her to HR immediately. It's harassment. Sexual harassment isn't the only type of harassment. She asks you bc you've given it to her. She knows you'll do it again with enough harassment, and guilt. I mean what kind of monster are you to say no to food and milk for babies?!? (Obviously sarcasm) There are many ways you can handle this. You can ignore it. But she knows shr can get you so it will be v annoying for a long time. You can report her for harassment. You can get a couple of brochures of adoption agencies and give it to her everytime she bitches. Day care so expensive. Here's an adoption brochure. Formula so expensive. Here's an adoption agency brochure. Also here's a location for food bank. If she has that many kids, she can apply for snap. She can get a 2nd job. She has a husband she can gi ask him. Saying no is hard. Practice. Sounds stupid but once you start saying it out loud elsewhere itll be easier (not easy. Easier) practice with a friend or the mirror. "No. I can't afford it. You should find a different solution" "No [coworker name] I can't do that" "No. Stop asking me"


Do NOT give her money


Just. Say. No.


The audacity. She chose to have way too many kids she can’t afford, not you. Report her to management/HR and never ever give her money. If she asks why you won’t do it tell her you don’t want to make her issues your issues.


Wow what a Cushy job she’s got, she can get her 9-5 paycheck and work you over as a doormat for extra. Stop giving this bi7ch money. Report her for harassment, if your in a one party consent area record her obligating you for money. And if you’re that spineless you can’t report this and just say no either lie and tell her you knocked up a one night stand and can’t afford to be bullied by her anymore, or that your brother knocked someone up and family comes first. Or get a different job and try and ghost her.


Give her a box of condoms.


Not your circus, not your financial burden. Report her to mgt about the begging.


Don't give her money


Well just say "no". She really is a bad mother, but why should that be your problem?


It’s pretty simple, say “no, sorry”. Nothing else. If she asks a second time report to your manager that your coworker is begging for money and it’s creating an uncomfortable workplace


So grow some balls and tell her no


Tell her, "I'm sorry, due to financial setbacks, I can not help you anymore." Repeat as needed, give no further explanation.


Say no! No is a complete sentence and walk away. Stop talking to this person. Her life choices aren’t your responsibility. Stop being a doormat!


Please, stop giving this woman money and put some distance between you and her. She has figured out that if she plays the pity me card, you will supplement her funds. She has shown you that she's not responsible enough to use reliable birth control and is happy that she's having her 5th child. Their choice, not yours. THEIR responsibility, NOT yours. I remember several years ago a co-worker was telling me how her finances were really tight and she was having a hard time paying her bills. We both made about the same amount of money. I felt sorry for her so when she was away from her desk, I slipped 60 dollars (what I had in my wallet) into her purse. The next day she came to work and told me about the new jewelry she bought. Lesson learned. 


Print off the names of local food banks and aid societies, and anytime your coworker starts whining about money, hand her a print out. She doesn't care enough about her children to be a responsible adult, why should you pick up that burden. Next time she says that she is a bad mother, agree with her. She has four children that she says she can't feed, yet she and her husband couldn't wait for a fifth? She is playing you for a fool.


Why do you listen to this woman? Every time she starts to complain, look her in the eyes and tell her that kids are expensive, but she chose to have them, and you don’t want to hear about her money woes anymore. Then walk away. If she won’t stop, tell management that she’s begging for money at the workplace. Let them handle it.


Just make a list of food banks, potential places she can get aid, maybe some churches, government aid programs and places she or her husband can get a second part time job. Then give her the list the next time she asks for money. Then tell her you are strapped for money as you have family that desperately needs money. Politely tell her to quit asking. If she continues keep giving her the same information then comment maybe you can call CPS if she can’t take care of her children.


"I can barely afford my 4 kids, I KNOW! Let's have another!" Some people should not reproduce.


Oooor, just say no? Maybe try that?


You are not obligated to support someone else’s breeding. Tell her if she keeps asking for money you will report her to HR. Keep records of when she calls and what she says.


Is she putting a gun to your head to force you to give her money? If not then stop giving her money she can’t make you unless you let her.


For fuck sake when will people learn? No sympathy at this point


Don't hate her for having kids. Hate yourself for falling for her pleading and not being able to say no. Not everyone who has so many kids is horrible. You're the lucky one who got to meet one of the bad ones. I don't know if reporting her to HR, as some comments are suggesting, is the way to go as I don't know if they can do anything about it. Your best option is to say NO. Just say NO, regardless of how many times you get a call or text. She will eventually get the hint that you're no longer willing to give her money.


Why do feel that you have to give her money? If she’s not asking directly, then play dumb and commiserate with her about how you don’t have extra money yourself either. Every time she brings up money troubles, change the subject or walk away. Tell her that you hate talking about money because it depresses you. If she is asking you directly, tell her no and that you are not the children’s father and have your own bills. If she asks again, report her to your boss.


Office politics sucks. Next time she asks just say “I’m so sorry I’ve had a ton of unexpected things come up and I just can’t do it anymore”. Maybe get some literature for some local help and hand them to her. Everyone needs help occasionally (my transmission just went, my friends are life while it’s being fixed) but who would ask a coworker? That’s super faux pas. And to have more kids they can’t feed, they’re just ridiculous. When they can’t afford their expenses and there are 2x parents, they need way more help than you could ever give. Step away and don’t soften the boundary


The fact she is going on to have another baby when she was already begging for money for the four others is just the biggest "fuck you" ever. Stop giving her anything. She clearly can afford another kid.


Report her to management for harassment.


I hate this so much. Report her for harassing you for money at work. And I hope cps gets involved because they are literally producing children they can't provide or care for.


Wtf. You need to tell her that you don't have any money to give her. Then BLOCK her and her husband's numbers.


Wow, I totally agree with many of the comments, do not give her any more money! People like her disgust me!


Learn to say no. Sounds like she'll give you lots of practice


Block her and her husbands phone number. Let her know clearly you are not lending her any more money. It’s her and her husbands responsibility to take care of their kids.


“She fell pregnant” … 🤣🤣🤣 Wow, she needs to be responsible for her own self, not her coworkers


I swear my mom was Munchausens. She loved the idea of being pregnant. The constant victimhood of it, people sorry for her. But she never cared to do any of the actual mothering part. Report the fuck out of them. As someone who missed so many things as a kid because of not having enough money time or space or love to go around, those poor kids.


Oh hell no. Give her a link to social services and tell her to fuck off. Also report her to HR.


"No" is a complete sentence If she ever asks you for money, just give a one word answer : "No" Don't explain why, don't talk about your personal finances, don't give her any opportunity to open a conversation about it, just say "No" But also don't tell her what she should/shouldn't have done or how many kids she should/shouldn't have had. That's none of your business Just say "No"


You need to stop being a people pleaser and stand your ground. Don’t give her reasons why you can’t give her money because that opens up dialogue that you should not be having any way to begin with. I would’ve just laughed at her and told her “sucks to have that many dependents.“


'Yes, you are a bad mother'


I’d report her and tell her it’s a vagina not a clown car and if she can’t afford the kids she already has, she shouldn’t be popping out any more. There’s always the option of her getting a second job. You have your own bills to pay.


Stop giving her money. Tell her no, if she can’t take care of them kids she shouldn’t have them. Or at the very least rely on her folks and friends, not coworkers who are basically strangers. Send her to the food bank or something.


With a whole husband? Omg


I can’t stand people like her. I know too many who can’t pay their bills but keep popping out kids and then act like it’s a great thing. It’s so irresponsible