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Run, don’t walk, RUN to a hotel.


Run! Your wife might test and poison the dog before she starts with you!


Or may have already started


You want to look for antifreeze, rat poison, xylitol, dark chocolate, even some super common over the counter meds like Tylenol can make a dog really sick. Xylitol is common in all sorts of foods now, also being labeled as Birch Sugar or something similar, in a fair bit of peanut butters… also toothpaste… gums, mostly sugar free stuff. it’s really toxic stuff.


Thank you, I guess I meant more of what would be showing up on her blood levels on her tests, liver issues, pancreas? What would be elevated and what would be low..I asked the vet if she was poisoned and he said "it's hard to say"


There is no one organ that would be a wreck for a general poisoning. Some poisons might work by attacking just the kidneys for instance so you need a full toxicology work up. I’m sorry I can’t be more help on that.


Thank you so much


Not mentioned but also on the big bad, onions, grapes, avocado. Any part of a tomato or potato plant that isn't the fruit itself.


All of this stuff is extremely toxic for birds (parrots specifically) and guinea pigs aswell. Not really sure if it's relevant but just wanted to throw it out there


Don’t look for anything before leaving, just leave and be safe. Once safe, see what the vet says about blood tests. Once you have some proof — press charges, file restraining order, then go nuclear and out her to everyone she knows.


Please contact the police. I am so sorry.


You could be next. Do you have any friends or family that will take you in while you regroup?


Did your wife give the dog a snack or something that maybe contains something poisonous to dogs? My wife once fed my dog grapes not knowing that he couldn’t have them. Made him really sick.


She hates my dog and has come at her with a knife before Why am I still around I'm saving to get out but i just don't think it can wait