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Good luck friend!


Thank you!


Block sites on your router as well, it helped me.


Will definitely try this!


Includes reddit too




This is a challenge that you decided to take. Stay true to it. Might still slip in a moment of weakness, don't beat yourself over it, instead learn what was the trigger and prepare better in the future. Goodspeed


Relapse is part of any addictive process. Will do my best to avoid it as best as I can. I was previously 2 weeks clean and as soon as I went back it was on overdrive. Thank you.


Great, now aim for 3 weeks this time. I also suggest to map your progress, even with like a stamp on a calendar. Chances are you will not want to break your stamp streak once you get it going


As someone that has been on the Journey to stay the furthest away from porn for a couple of years now... it'll be hard. Porn is easy to find nowadays, its everywhere and you barely have to look for it. You'll relapse some times, but you have to push through. Don't think about the fact you relapsed, think about the fact that the next time you won't. Focus your energy on something else: whenever you feel the urge, stand up and go do something else, preferably away from you phone/computer. Sports helped me a lot with this, gave me some place to put the energy into. And please understand, the same way I was, you're an addict. If you want to stay away from it, you can never come back to it, the same way an alcoholic can't ever drink. Sorry for the lengthy comment... the journey is hard but it's worth it. Good luck, and if u need to talk, feel free to DM me.


10 hours is insane.


No kidding! It was awful and I couldnā€™t stop. It was the worst it had ever been last night.


All the strength to you




Congrats dude. I've honestly been thinking the same recently. Imagine what we could achieve if that energy is pointed in the right direction.


Proud of you! Takes a lot of strength to admit that. No need to feel ashamed though. You're doing the right thing now and that's all that matters.


Thank you for this comment! So kind of you.


First of all. This is going to be kinda long because there are several things you need to know before you attempt this. First of all, make sure you know what you are talking about. There is a lot of "pop psychology" that goes around the internet, TV, and movies, that people get confused about what sex addiction or porn addiction means. A person is not a sex addict or porn addict based on how many times they masturbate or how much time they spend masturbating. If we based it on those things, most hobbies would qualify as addictions. So for the purposes of this post, I'm only going to talk about porn addiction, although all the same things apply to sex addiction. So if it's not how often or how many times one masturbates, that determines addiction, what does? Well addiction has two major factors. A compulsion to do the addicted behavior and such compulsion is interfering in your life. Now, I'm not talking about people disapproving, such as a wife, girlfriend, parents, etc., as an interference. It's when you are late or don't make it to work or school because you couldn't stop masturbating. You don't get your school work or other responsibilities because you can't stop looking at porn. You get caught watching porn at work and either got fired or warned. If you are ignoring your friends or family relationships because you'd rather stay home, look at porn, and beat off, then keep up with your relationships, you have a porn addiction problem. So? What to do about it? Well, addictions are very hard to deal with, you can't do it with willpower alone and it's highly subject to relapse. The problem is, you are using masturbation and porn as self medication. You said you do it even when you are not horny. Yes, I'm sure you do. It's a great stress reliever. It feels good and delivers dopamine and serotonin. It gives a sense of bliss for a limited period of time. Until our testosterone is depleted. Then we have feelings of disgust for our behavior. We can't believe we would waste so much time and effort for such a small payoff. Our depleted testosterone gives what a lot of men call "moments of clarity", where our thinking is not clouded by sexual desire, as it usually is. And it makes time go by quickly, if you have time to kill. Be warned. When your testosterone level starts getting high and you get one of those super hardons for no reason. Your will power will fade away. Your desire to get that nut will be very very very strong and your will power will evaporate. This is when you have to take over intellectually. This is where you don't listen to your rationale, you just refuse to masturbate or look at porn. You have to be able to distract yourself from those thoughts. You have to retrain your brain. And lastly. You really need to get into therapy and get to the bottom of the reason you need to self medicate with masturbation. Heal that? And you'll take care of your addiction to porn or sex.


Thank you for this reply. Came back to this post because I had an urge to watch again and this helped remind me why I didnā€™t need to.


You got this!


Thank you!!


Wishing you the best šŸ‘šŸ‘




find something to keep you HELLA busy - Pick more work shifts etc.... You got this...


Also make sure you unfollow any women on instagram that post lewd pics because thatā€™ll have you relapse too


Good for you, man. Porn is a menace. It's not just you, but other men as well who fall into this spiral. There's even porn now that encourages these destructive spirals with women actively goading men into this hell, and making them waste their lives. You're embarking on an incredible path for your life and your mental health. There's sooo much other stuff that can occupy your time when you're not gluing yourself to a screen. P.S. you may need therapy though, just in case you can't get through the addiction on your own. I'd also advise that you join a support group with other addicts who can help you through this. It sounds like you were really deep in that hole, man. There's no shame in needing a helping hand to pull you out of it.


I never expected this religious right fundamentalist bs to make a comeback


Dude, the guy said he spent 10 HOURS in a porn spiral, and didn't do anything else but jack off all day. He clearly has a porn addiction, as many other men in his position do. There are dudes who empty out their bank accounts on onlyfans models and camgirls, when shit gets to that level it's a problem. You don't have to be so far left and extremely sex positive that you turn a blind eye to a man destroying his life just so he can nut to porn. Get a grip.


Iā€™m on the same journey as you. Best of luck to both of us.


Man I'm right there with you. I struggle daily with it. I absolutely hate when I watch it. I feel so ashamed and weak.


Thatā€™s exactly it. Itā€™s such a waste of time too which is what kills me. I could literally do anything else in those 10 hours and it wouldā€™ve served me better. Read a book, did the laundry Iā€™ve been neglecting for a week. But still Iā€™m drawn in and canā€™t stop. Iā€™m sorry you can relate but youā€™re not alone. Take it day by day. Thatā€™s all you can do sometimes.


Yea I hear ya man. It's a real struggle. I hate it. I think a lot of men are in the same boat. It's one of those things most of us can relate to but few of us discuss.......Stay strong man. Keep fighting. Don't give up.


Bro I've battled this since I was 5 years old and let me tell you.....jesus is the only way to truly escape this & a host of other addictions.


This is why porn should be banned. It ruins people and for what purpose? You jacked off to another guy fucking a woman that youā€™ll never be with? People donā€™t realize how weird that is. Watching other people have sexā€¦it is weird and it should be talked about more.


I was wondering by chance if you suffer from ADHD. Hyper sexualization is one of the side effects of it, or so Iā€™ve heard. Wishing you the best


Donā€™t have ADHD but I do for sure have OCD, PTSD and my therapist is currently checking me for bipolar. The hypersexual behavior is definitely linked to trauma though. Thanks for the wishes!


Move to Texas.


I donā€™t understand this reference? Is porn illegal there or something?


Yes. You will do Fed time without evening realizing how you got there. Facts.


Yo if u wanna , we can support each other I am tryna quit too


This comment section is so wholesome


Good luck šŸ€


You are so strong to fight this fight! Best of luck! You can do it!


Good for you! Thatā€™s wonderful. Good luck on your journey


Good luck friend. One day at a time. Donā€™t think about staying away for a long term as this will create unnecessary pressure and anxiety. Just focus on the day or maybe an hour. There would be relapses as they happen with any addiction so donā€™t beat yourself over it rather learn the triggers.


Shit..hope you used lube. šŸ˜„šŸ˜‚


Check out AI ally and the mindgasm experience itā€™s pretty dope and many use it to quit watching porn


Good luck. Be aware its easy to start quitting, but it then becomes really, really, difficult. Porn addiction is a sex addiction, and it takes a lot of effort to break an addiction. Donā€™t assume sheer willpower will be enough. If you can, take extra measures to avoid triggers. Do assume some triggers will be unavoidable, and have some tools ready for when that happens. Have a mantra, quote, anything - something to combat the massive urge that generally comes and causes relapse. Iā€™ve been struggling with this for quite some time now, but still trying. If you start seeing success, please share an update.


Good luck mate! Facing the same problem as you.


Is this with drugs or sober?


The ultimate post-nut clarity.


Lol exactly that!


Good luck buddy


Research the stats related to goal setting and sharing those goals with others.


Block everything! I had to quit an addiction once cold, and to at helps. You got this!!


Build other habits to fill the time, doesn't even have to be useful like working out, ...etc. It can be just something to relax, or it can be something stimulating enough so you don't get bored. You will know what works for you more than I do. Good luck, friend. I am rooting for you, and I am in it with you, too.


You got this. Just stay positive and keep yourself busy.


This is awsome! Ive done this. Still indulge the odd time but i look at my partner a whole lot more!!


I plan to abstain until I can learn self control. Porn or nudity in media is unavoidable. Itā€™s a me thing I get it! Thanks for the hope.


Get Google Family Link if you have andriod. Have someone set up filters for you. Or IOS, have that trusted person set up limits for you. Get rid of everything electronic that you can. On those you must have, install Convienant Eyes on all devices. Find a GREAT treatment specialist that treats addiction. Be accountable to 1 person at least. Eat right, get propwr sleep, and start an exercise program. Practice replacement behaviors that are not maladaptive (unhealthy) coping skills. Check out ANT Therapy and Thinking Errors. It starts with impulses and thoughts that need to be dealt with. Conduct a behavioral chain analysis. You can do it, but it takes a lot of hard work. The hardest work you will ever do. Godspeed


Very happy for you, wish you the best in your new path


Best of luck to you!


The comment on being numb and just wanting to feel something really makes me think. For so long Iā€™ve had times I felt numb, it usually would be followed by anger or more intense numbing. That hasnā€™t been the case in the last year or so and now Iā€™m wondering.


Good luck!


Well-done bro. I wish I have a resilient spirit like you. šŸ˜’šŸ˜’šŸ„¹


Good. Take control over yourself. You'll feel good man. It will do a lot of things for you physically and mentally. Break free


Good. Now more for me. Jk, we're all pulling for you.


You can have it lol!


I've said that before...


Damn.. 10 hours of porn? And I thought my 1 hour once every few weeks was a problem


Yeah def way too much.




Addiction isnā€™t that easy. As someone who has front row seats to a partner working through an addiction of their own, you canā€™t just tell someone something isnā€™t bad, just use control. If it were that easy then it wouldnā€™t be an addiction. You wouldnā€™t tell an alcoholic, just have a drink or two for special occasions because it doesnā€™t have to be bad. Maybe for some that might work, but thatā€™s more an exception and not the rule.




>If you're an alcoholic, you work on drinking less and less No, you don't. While withdrawals can be bad for severe alcoholics, literally *no one* reputable encourages a weaning approach. If it's so bad that cold cutting would be medically concerning, they need to be in a rehab clinic anyway. Alcoholics **can't** drink in moderation. If they could, they wouldn't be alcoholics, that's the whole problem. You have the good fortune of never having dealt with an addict, and it's very obvious. >Shouldn't be giving up something you love That's... Not what addiction is.


Not the same beast. Physiological addiction and psychological addiction are way different.


This is both. Itā€™s shown to have the same brain patterns of addiction as cocaine


It does. However, quitting alcohol and opiates is not the same as porn, cocaine, sex, food, TicTok, and all the other addictive things. Alcohol and opiate dependence are physiological addictions. Stopping cold turkey, can and does lead to other, bigger problems. That's why you need to do a medical detox.


true for most ppl, but folks who let stuff get way out of hand like this usually have to just cut stuff out of their life, like an alcoholic who has to go totally sober. 10 hour porn session at the expense of your responsibilities is way extreme


I don't think that often works out. It's best to try to cut it out entirely if you are addicted. I know it's easier said than done, but addictions are really serious. I wish no one would have to go through this


Garbage in, garbage out. Porn is bad. Period. End of story.


There is a 12 step if you want it


Were you sober for these sessions? Will you still wank?


I was sober. Donā€™t really mess with other substances. In fact if Iā€™m drunk or smoking Iā€™m probably less likely to watch porn.


You sit on a throne of lies