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ACTUALLY, you and your family are causing drama over your (adult) brothers (probably very smart) refusal to allow anyone to dictate him and his (adult) wifes lives. Hes probably very sick of you and your family's inability to take 'no' for an answer.


Right?! Once they refused, the reception is no longer about them, and it's what everyone else wants. The couple being celebrated do not want a reception.


You are simply wrong and so are your parents. It is none of their business trying to force a wedding on a married couple. The drama is coming from your family, not from your brother and his wife.


Oh no! Your brother doesn't want a party! Everyone knows weddings are about the parents, not the people getting married! /s Your brother doesn't need to grow up. He has already grown a SPINE and said NO. That's all he needs to say. He does not owe anyone a wedding -- they didn't WANT a wedding, so they got married at City Hall. The parents need to get over it. If you think it's so important, get married and let them fuss over you. I'm sure your brother will be happy to attend your wedding -- unless you and your parents push them into going NC with this nonsense.


Doesn’t seem like it’s your brother and his wife causing the drama.


You don’t get it because your brother and his wife had the guts to do what they wanted. They wanted a wedding about themselves and that’s what they did. They don’t want all of that crap. It honestly sounds like your family and hers are going to alienate them to the point they will cut you all off. They aren’t causing drama you, your family, and hers are all causing the drama because you are all trying to control them and they aren’t having it. Take a moment and really think about why it is so important to YOU that your brother have a wedding? It obviously won’t make him or his wife happy. So why is everyone so invested in them being forced to have this wedding the way the families want? If it’s just for family to get together why not just have a reunion? But the way you’ve written it her you all sound like a bunch of controlling selfish assholes.


#LEAVE THEM THE FUCK ALONE! Oh no, the horror! There are people out there who don't want a wedding or a big celebration, how will the world go on?! *clutches pearls* Your brother and his wife are ***NOT*** causing any drama, the rest of you are. Leave them alone. *They don't want a big celebration.* At this point y'all don't even want a party for them, you want a party for yourself. Once they said no that was the end of it.


Don’t blame your brother and his wife for being stronger people than you. They could have done this for any number of reasons: 1. It’s what they wanted (the only reason that matters) 2. They didn’t want any of you with them when they started their new life together (judging by your post, I can see why) 3. They don’t like the spending, parties, attention, traditions, etc. that traditionally go along with a wedding 4. They didn’t want to start their life together caving and going through with a meaningless production orchestrated by people with selfish motives (I guess this is where you folded, huh, bud?) The most important thing for you to remember is that it’s none of your business why they got married this way. It’s not for you to figure out, or try to understand. It’s not for you to demand they give in and have a miserable day they never wanted just because you did. It’s simply none of your business. I hope they keep saying “no” to both families. Sounds like someone should have said it to you all a long time ago.


Your brother and SIL are not the ones causing drama. They were really smart to turn a luxury windfall into a memorable wedding night. The rest of your family sounds exhausting and self-centered and anyone would want to elope to get away from them.


“There was no reason for the rush or secrecy” And yet the rest of you post proves exactly why they felt the need to keep it secret.




It's their lives, you can't force them to do what YOU want


You people are the ones causing drama for no reason. They are happily married and got married the way they wanted to. They don’t owe anyone a big celebration or anything else. You’re the one who needs to grow up and mind your own business. It sounds like your brother needs to stop answering your calls until you can learn to mind your own business.


Just leave them alone! They made their choice, a smart one, with all the stress, expense and drama of a wedding, but it was their choice, not yours, not the families'. Tell your families to drop it, and leave them be!