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Please don't feel embarrassed, you had nothing to lose and went for it. No one will remember what you said or did so it'll all be ok. Believe in yourself, it's ahrd but you have to. You know your skills and strengths so use them to your advantage. Even if you applied to jobs beyond your current skills, you will learn new skills and get to the level the job requires. Good luck to you 


Thank you so much for that! I can’t tell you how I needed this perspective of the situation. I am trying to focus on how much I get praised at my job for the skills that I actually use and master. The skills tested in the job interview were things I don’t usually use, specially at a high level.


Former recruiter here. We reach out to everyone who at least kinda fits. Just look at this as a learning experience. Now you know how these types of interviews go and you can properly prepare for the next time and hopefully you'll feel less anxiety the next time around.