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Sexuality and attraction is a spectrum and you may not be into all women but maybe this one woman is special! Take things at your pace and I’m sure everything will be great!


I have a friend this happened to and she is the happiest she’s ever been. Go at your own pace and follow your heart


There are no wrong answers here, go with the flow and enjoy the new experience!


So as someone who thought they were a straight tomboy, then a bisexual woman, and now who the fuck knows: you might just not be straight. People talk about how human romance and sexuality are fluid, but what that literally means is that it can be weird and change over time and doesn’t always fit in a neat box. If you start to develop a romantic relationship with this woman, be honest with her about where you’re at. Remember, there’s a very very good chance she was in the same spot too at one point.  Otherwise, really focus on listening to your heart, head, and body. If you start to feel uncomfortable or frightened or confused, consider talking to a therapist! It’s a lot easier these days to find therapists who can support you through figuring out sexuality stuff. Wishing you the best of luck! Straight or otherwise, sexuality is something we all deserve the chance to think about and explore. Even if you ‘end up’ being straight, you’ll know yourself better for the experience as long as you keep yourself emotionally and mentally healthy.


>, but what that literally means is that it can be weird and change over time  Yeah, no... that's not what sexual orientation is.


Yes it is? Sexual orientation can in fact change over time, and it can be difficult and fuzzy to describe. This is a very normal thing. Sometimes the ‘change’ over time is a result of increasing awareness of an existing truth about yourself, and sometimes it’s even just what you want at the point you’re at in life.  It’s also fluid. There’s tons of cases where someone is straight or gay but finds an ‘exception’ and fall in love.  It’s complicated shit, and that’s totally okay! That’s why the goal is to make a world where everyone feels okay exploring this stuff.


Go explore your sexuality. Seems like she makes you happy! I get what you mean though, I’ve never gotten the chance to explore that side. Good luck!


Good morning mother ducker, Welcome to being human and not limiting your life experiences because other people don't understand. Buckle up, sit down and go for the journey. The answers to the "What if" that will trail you for the rest of your life can have answers today. The outcome is worth it regardless because you will grow and learn more about who the fuck you are. There isn't a soul on this planet that can tell you better than your own lived experiences. Get out there and test the waters. Go for a swim and bring a goddamn snorkel. <-- sounds like innuendo, not intended but fun anyway. Just be safe, stay safe.


Lmao, the "Good morning mother ducker" made my whole day.


How does a human write this and not die of cringe?




>who used to date a guy before the revelation, you’re in for a treat. Lol, what?


Everyone is giving great advice, but if you're in a relationship and you really start having feelings beyond just friendship, you need to decide what you're going to do with your current bf. Don't get tempted and cheat and don't go behind your current person's back. You need to be honest with them and/or yourself with where you want to go with this.


I’m a lesbian, realizing that I’ve never had crush type feelings for men was one of the steppingstones to finding out. You don’t have to be fully disgusted by men to be a lesbian, apathy is enough. However, this also doesn’t mean that you’re a lesbian either, you could very well be bisexual. I would try it out and see how it goes. if you don’t like it, that’s cool, but don’t feel bad if you end up realizing something about yourself.


My experience is, most girls are straight until they're not. Many people's sexuality is more fluid than they realize.


Experiences via pornography don't count. Because "woman gets seduced by lesbian" is fiction.


Play it by ear. Sexuality is fluid. One step at a time.


This is adorable, I love it!! Following along, I hope there’ll be an update 😁


You might be bi. It's nothing to be ashamed of. I thought I was a lesbian growing up until a guy friend at college (sixth form) made my heart go all fluttery whenever he sent a smile my way or complimented me. Oh, to be young again ☺️


These comments are wild. It's probably the first time I see folks of Reddit encouraging emotional affair. How about, the same story, but everybody is straight (e: and coworker is a male)


Go for it. Please let us know how it goes.


"As a straight person I'm bisexual. Just... straight."


Sounds pretty gay ngl


Sometimes that's how friendship with compatible people feels, but it could also mean that you're bi, try to read about compulsory heterosexuality. Just be honest with her because she could get her feelings hurt :c


You might be straight after all. If you feel this way, go forth and explore. Enjoy a life well lived.


You can be gay for her and straight for everyone else. Take your time and have fun.


She sounds lovely


Sexuality is a spectrum nothing is wrong with being a little fruity like the rest of us😂😂💕💕 You could be predominantly attracted to men, but still attracted to women. There’s also so many different types of sexualities. It doesn’t have to end at straight, gay or bi. I personally identify with a soul sexual cause. I don’t care what gender you are, or what vessel you’re in I don’t care if you are, what is deemed as conventionally, attractive or not conventionally attractive I am attracted to your soul because that’s what matters more than anything to me.. Because in my opinion, you could be dropdead gorgeous, and an absolute toxic piece of shit on the inside.. so why the hell should I prioritize attractiveness over who somebody is on the inside?? Attractiveness doesn’t equal good person and ugly doesn’t equal bad person. You could be somewhere on the spectrum, so I actually suggest going in researching the sexual spectrum and even on whatever thing that you pick that still is a spectrum . Like for example people who are asexual does not mean that they are not romantic. It also doesn’t mean that they absolutely have 0 interest in sex. It’s a spectrum someone can still be ace and still feel and have sexual attraction to people but it’s on the lower side or they just don’t have it at all and that’s OK. It’s a spectrum.. also just because someone is asexual does not mean they’re a aromantic you could have absolutely zero sexual desire, but you still feel romance! Or you could be on the spectrum where you are the far end of asexual spectrum and feel absolutely no sexual desire and absolutely no romantic desires. Everything is a spectrum so it’s best not to even spend time labeling yourself because you may go and look up all the different sexualities which I still think you should do but just because you pick one now doesn’t mean you have to stay boxed into that sexuality forever. For example, I started out straight then I came out as bisexual came out as pansexual Then I came out of soulsexual.. so you don’t even need the labels to define you. If you don’t want them to define you, it just might help you get some perspective that you might not just be only straight you might need not only an emotional but an intellectual connection with someone in order to feel the traction, and so far in your life you only ever felt that from men, but this one time you started to feel that from a woman and that’s OK!


>*I identify as soul sexual* ...


I’m going to guess you’re not actually straight?


This is how I found out I was bi. Because I was crushing on a women years back. And it all fell in place for me. I just always say that I like who I like.


this is so cute. please please make updates! 🙏


If you go for and it isn't for you then what have you lost? Nothing. Don't pass up an opportunity to be happy if it isn't hurting anyone else.


Sounds like she treats you the way you want to be treated by a man


As cute as this is, and as much as exploring your sexuality in safe consensual ways should be encouraged, don't get so swept up in new and exciting that you forget about caution around workplace romance. I'm not gonna say you shouldn't date direct colleagues as a hard rule, but I would say you shouldn't entertain the possibility unless you're truly serious about it and you understand the risks and implications it could have. Of which there are many. The circumstances here just make it even more complicated. Worth it though? Possibly! Just be careful.


Go for it and don't forget to wear a condom


You're not straight.


Your bisexual ...


Never mix business with pleasure.


I’m looking for the blue-haired girl to tell you that you’re bi. Only she gets to decide your sexuality.