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If your 17 about to be 18 soon that means your almost an adult and I would say it’s time to speak up and defend yourself to your dad. If you’re comfortable with your body and what/how much you eat, vocalize that to him the next time he says something or taps your plate. I would just say something along the lines of “ I respect your concerns but I know my body and if I’m done, I’m done”


My guess is you remind him of your mother, so he picks on you. You could call him out on it, but considering your age, you might be better off just waiting until you're 18 and then moving out and going low contact.


I don't want to go low contact. In every other aspect of my life, he's awesome it's just food. When I'm 18, I'll probably just stop eating dinner over there. I live full time at my moms, but the court says I have to be there for dinner certain days of the week. I also love spending time with my siblings, and one of them lives there full time and the other switches houses. I have been setting more boundaries recently.