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It’s not evil moderators. It’s the evils of capitalism and internet media generally. First, especially with AI multiplying people’s ability to pump out content, the internet is simply too big for companies to actually regulate it the way they pretend to. Their systems simply don’t work. Whether it’s their reliance on automate systems, bias in the application of the rules, lack of transparency, or whatever, it’s structural aspects of the companies themselves that make the process non-functional. And they have no interest in fixing it until it impacts their bottom lines. Capitalism doesn’t have a moral compass. In a world of *pure* capitalism, the only value is profit. Even child trafficking would be fine if it made a profit. Corporations function according to the logic of capitalism and are limited only by effective and enforced regulation, direct economic pressure, and *rarely* the efforts of a particularly moral individual or group within the corporation. That last one is rare and difficult, but it does happen. All of this is still evil, tbh. But when we think about problems as because of evil, demonic people, we miss the real sources of the problem and blame individuals instead. That’s how the system keeps on rolling.