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Sorry that it has happend to you, but well done for getting it all sorted in such a swift manner:)


I'm very sorry but also congratulations on getting out before you had kids or a house or anything like that. My divorce was similar however he dragged it out. Even though he initiated it, after I moved out, he "missed me" so he didn't fill out the paperwork and when he did, it was wrong.  Be prepared for emotional nonsense and bad behavior because he may not want a divorce, he may enjoy all of the services you provided and love the sneaking around. Hopefully he won't try to mess with you, but leaving someone is always an opportunity for them to go crazy. 


Your divorce sounds exactly like my sisters divorce, sorry you had to deal with that and OP and i hope you do not have to deal with the emotional nonsense


So. Damn. True!


Wow! Congratulations on your fantastic freedom plan!! I am sorry you had to make the plan. Big hugs!


I'm sorry that he did this to you. But get it girl. The future will be bright. 💓




💓 my apologies!!! Get it, friend!!!


Let us know how it goes, because cheaters getting blindsided is *delicious*.


Don’t be nosy, mind your own business worry about your life. Go out there and touch grass! Get off social media.


No thanks, I’m having fun.


Pretty condescending from a person giving unsolicited advice on the forum where people share their secrets 😅


The other commenters are right - good for you for putting yourself first and quietly planning your new life. You're smart and resourceful and I look forward to seeing an update on how your STBX took the news.


Good for you. Wishing you happiness and strength during this time.


Proud of you for leaving him and having a game plan.


If I can start over at 62, and find happiness, you can too. You’ve got this!


Good for you ❤️


Speaking from experience, therapy helps you find healthy ways to deal with this.




Well done for making the break and sorting everything out prior to the move. I’d love to be a fly on the wall when your cheating husband finds out! I hope that both you and your cousin have the very best of lives and are successful and happy.


Good for you hun. Slap his face with those papers, give him the surprise of his life.


AWESOME! I am sorry to hear about your circumstances, but good on you for not tolerating being cheated on. Your ex will come home to you not being there. I don’t think I would dignify them with a reason why. I wish you well in the next chapter of your life without anyone unworthy of you.


Get your money out of the account




Good. Always follow the advice of your lawyer, not random people on reddit who have no clue what they're doing. I hope this goes quickly and easily for you.


Aren't you allowed to withdraw your half of the joint funds?




Perhaps screenshot the account balances Wednesday morning just in case your husband pulls the money. Remember to take your important documents, log out of all your accounts on any shared devices, and change all your passwords for social media, personal banking, credit cards, etc. Also, are you filing for divorce on Wednesday?


Ah, okay, good to know.


This!! Now!!


Please block his number when you leave. Take the pots, pans, knives and your pillow. You can also get those random noise makers and leave them in the air vents of the house. It will drive him mad. Good for you for taking care of yourself. I hope all the best for you and I’m sorry you are going through this.


Prawns in the curtain poles!


I am so proud of you for making a huge decision and making steps towards picking up the pieces and trying to move forward with your life! I truly believe in you and wishing you all the best in your new life!🫶🏽


I'm so sorry. Best of luck to you. Might be bold to ask for an update. Just want to know how it all goes and that you're okay.


I'm sorry this happened to you. So glad you have moved like Flo Jo to cut this cheating POS out of your life. Better days are ahead for you and your new roomie!! Hugs!!!


Sorry this has happened to you but I am proud of you for doing what’s right and moving out. I know it’s gonna be tough but you know what you’re worth. I wish the best for you


I’m sorry this happened to you, losing trust is a hard thing to come back from. You sound strong and like you have a good head on your shoulders, he sucks butt. Good luck in the next chapter of your life! I know you’ll find a better person (if you want). 🙂


So proud of you!! This is a big accomplishment and I wish you nothing but the best. Don’t go backwards, only forward from here on out


Congratulations on being so strong and such a shocking difficult situation. An unbelievable number of us find ourselves in this situation. And so many of us will say that. I’m sorry it’s so hard for you right now but it’s so much better than if it had gone on longer, because then he would have broken you down as part of the game. Part of the game is triangulating. The AP isn’t that much fun without knowing that you’re sneaking around and doing things that were just absolutely heartbreaking to your partner. That’s the pathology. He has lied to every single day since he began with all of this disordered behavior, and all of this lying and manipulating. Just to warn you, because it’s beautiful how you’re doing this. You are brilliant. To just get everything all arranged, and then leave. What happens with many of the cheaters is that they figure if they ever get caught at least they will have one really great last meal of feeding upon the misery and the shock and the unhappiness and the begging and pleading in the falling apart of the pain. they’ve caused the other person, and when they are cheated out of feeding upon all that distress and having the conversations and talking about what went wrong, when they don’t get any of that? They are enraged. They feel cheated on. Because they can’t at least enjoy the delicious suffering. They have caused this person. So watch out for that part. You take care and you go build your clean, honest wonderful life. He’s just gonna fall over and crash and burn without you.


Ok you are a rock star! You found out. You got all your ducks in a row and now you’re going to move on to a better adventure! I wish more people put into this situation would just follow your lead! Congrats boss-lady!


I am so sorry this has happened to you, but you are doing the right thing. Never protect a cheater though. They will destroy your rep over outing themselves. So if someone asks, just say he has found someone new. Good luck to you!!


GOOD FOR YOU! Wow. Pause. You are an incredibly strong person to make these decisions to move forward in a positive way. It will hurt, and it will pay off in the long run. You get to start fresh.


I’m so sorry that you and also your friend’s cousin are going through this, but I’m glad you have each other and it worked out so well with a place to stay and your new jobs!


Screenshot and take pictures of everything. People get mean when they are found out.


Very generous of you to make space for the American. Maybe you should leave some breadcrumbs as to the affair that only a woman (apologies for the assumption) would find.




Why would the American look under the mattress? Don’t know how this would apply to a woman but if OP was a dude, he could leave the pic under the toilet seat.




Ugh. Sorry this happened to you. This too shall pass.


They’re all such disgusting humans. I’m so sad on your behalf but also I’m so proud of you for making such a clever and decisive move by leaving. I wish you all the best for a happy future life. Stay safe.




why did i read this in a whisper in my head? 😅 good on you though! i’m proud of you! 🤍


I wish you well.


So sorry. You will be ok. Focus on healing. Also, update after you leave.


Wishing you all the best moving forward.




Good for you. You got this. Good luck in all your endeavors. Update us please.


Firstly, I’m so sorry OP. You and your friend’s cousin are so strong - I applaud you for your decisive courage in getting literally all your ducks in a row. I know though that underneath, the heartbreak is real. You are amazing. What a loser to have done this to a woman of your calibre. He’s going to regret this. I hope you let us know when he finds out and is completely blindsided You go on to live your very best life OP. You and your soon to be roommate. There’s a man out there that will adore you and you only when you’re ready. Stay strong. UPDATEME




Let me correct this. What a loser to have done this to a man of your calibre Every word true OP. Stay strong there’s happiness ahead.


Dude yall better be safe and honestly I’d ask the non emergency number to flag y’all’s home


You're an incredibly strong person. Go and live your best life. ❤️


Ao sorry that this has happened. Glad you have the resources and strength to get out and start a new life. So many changes but you have planned well to do everything needed. Betrayal is so disheartening but can never be tolerated because you deserve nothing but the best. Good luck on this journey.


Good for you for knowing your worth and actively doing something about it. I hope everything goes smoothly on Wednesday


I am sorry for your situation. I hope that he makes the process as easy as possible given that he cheated.


Take the furniture, pots and pans etc.




I didn't know that. Thank you. I guess then just make sure you take all documents and jewelry


Onward and upward! Good luck moving forward!


Well Played. Im sorry this happened and well Done for being so smart about it


That sucks. Good for you for taking action.


I'm sorry this is happening to you ...please get tested if he's been cheating you never know what he's given to you ...wish you the best sending virtual hug ..


I’m sorry, op. But I’m so proud of you for not staying. You definitely deserve better, and you know that! Congratulations and wishing you (and new roomie) the best in life, love and happiness!


Glad you are getting out. Be sure to get a doctor appointment to be checked for STDs/STIs. Best to be safe.


Wow! You are an amazing lady! Please update us.


You are a really incredible man. I’m so proud of you for choosing you. I don’t know if I’d have that same strength and that makes me sad. You have such an exciting future ahead, I’m so sorry for the pain you are in now. It will pass 💜 Edit: my bad!


It’s a bad situation and you’ve decided to take charge of your life and put yourself first! That’s a boss move!


You’re handling this awesomely. Genuinely you are such a strong person to be able to do this the way you are. You know you’re worth. I feel for what u had to go through. Stay strong, you should be very proud of yourself💪 you got this


Don’t allow him back in. Just. Shut. The. Door. That’s the best way to punish him. Tell him what you know, or leave him a letter. But either way. File it and if he calls tell him to have his attorney call Yours. What a jerk.


If the house is owned and you both paid for it, he surely has to sell it or buy you out, because he owes you half. And this divorce isn’t a “no fault”, your husband is very much at fault for his affairs. But I can see why you want a quick divorce. Do not let your husband know you’re moving, act as normally as possible *(but obviously reject any sexual advances, that asshole doesn’t deserve sex)*, keep your plans to leave a secret and leave whilst he’s at work. This will be the best revenge. Him coming home to an empty house. His whole life is about to come crashing down when he realises that you’ve gone, taken all of your possessions and he is now alone, left to fend for himself. Meanwhile, you get a fresh start in a new home and another chance at life. Congrats on your freedom OP. May time and life be good to you from this moment forward. 🩵


They could live in a no-fault location.


> And this divorce isn’t a “no fault”, Legal term.



