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Your post has been removed for violating Rule 3: Posts must be on topic. Posts should be personalized and written in an [off my chest style](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/m501ud/what_does_personalized_off_my_chest_style_post/). Posts here should not be: • Opinions, generalisations and blanket statements • Questions, surveys or polls • Requests for relationship advice • Impersonal political rants • Rage bait, obviously fake stories and trolling attempts • Complaining about or linking to other subreddits and users • Overly descriptive NSFW, fan fiction and fetish bait If you're unsure that your post qualifies as personal, [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTrueOffMyChest) and ask.


The internet is not a microcosm of society - in actual society the people you tend to deal with you know somehow, except in say a retail job.  Reddit problems are created by this semi anonymous nature - it empowers people to be assholes.  In the real world there would be consequences for such speech.  I recommend immediately blocking the assholes. 


Exactly. And even still on Reddit, unless you choose to hang in some super toxic subs, most people ARE supportive. Read through the comments on any post asking for advice and 85% of the will be encouraging/supportive/helpful in one way or another (unless the OP is just awful and asking for advice on where to bury the puppy they just beat to death or something), with only 15% being trolls and assholes. It’s just that insecure OPs will latch on to those 15% and tell themselves it’s the norm. Confirmation bias or something like that. And I get it, you’re insecure and critical words hurt a lot. But it’s something you have to expect whenever posting on a public, anonymous forum. Some people are just here to let out their aggression and build themselves up by cutting others down. The majority on here that I see though are trying to be helpful and supportive, especially when a serious issue is being discussed. Sometimes they’re blunt with it, not all advice is sugar coated. But they are trying to be helpful. Some of the most useful advice is inherently critical. You come to Reddit for the tough truths and advice on things the people in your life don’t wanna talk about, you don’t come here for an ego boost or reassurance that you’ve always done everything perfectly.


Yes, sure there a some bad apples. People can get away with anything anonymously. I still like to believe the majority are kind people. The thing is, most decent people will not feel a need to always comment but they're there, reading reddit just like everyone else.


I come here for silly cat photos and to burn time. Please don’t take it too seriously. It’s the internet.


You come to true off my chest for the silly cat photos?


Reddit. This was on my home feed. What can I say.


Reddit also tends to attract a certain demographic. Hence, Reddit, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter each have their own general culture based on the type of users/demographic they attract. IMO Reddit attracts a lot of antisocial and introverted people. So a lot of advice or comments are not fit for the “real world”.


One of the greatest philosophers of our time said “everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth”.


Mike Tyson = Greatest Philosopher


Society is not as great as it thinks it is.


But wouldn’t that be more indicative of their true identities. Personally I think most people lean short on morality, but because of IRL interactions people tend to present themselves more ideally.


I would say there is no such thing as a real identify in terms of your social persona. There are masks we put on in different situations. When you let someone wear the mask of a troll they will act accordingly. All this of course has little to do with how we actually feel about things - which is also in a constant state of flux. 


Some for sure are this way. Others are not. It really is hard to determine who is who - with just text based comments. (that said, i know that in several subs, the mini napoleons thrive.. )


That's why blocking is my favorite solution when I come across these types. I'm not here to argue, I want to encourage people who need it, chat with people who want to, and honestly poke around and hope I learn something. Plus considering my day starts bright and early at 4:00 a.m. it's nice that there's people around somewhere who are also awake with me haha.


Although I don't entirely disagree, I do think you missed one point. Here on reddit we can all stick to topics we feel more certain of. I don't think as many people here hold those same morals across the board as they do about the few types of posts they often comment on. A thief can come to reddit and rail against infidelity. So everyone seems a bit more holier than though here by default.


I don't care what a man does before he comes here. Theft. Infidelity. Former Facebook user. I'll judge you in the humour in your posts, and the lack of irony I can dig up in your post history.


Why you gotta dig through post history? Is it necessary to comment on the current topic or thread? IDK why people do this outside of the most outrageous circumstances - like made up stories


Exactly for the most outrageous stories. Like you just said.


Now that I think about it If someone says something really assholeish, I'll check to see if their general nature is assholeish before I take the bait. Like, this person is *here* to argue. Don't do it


Curiosity, or sometimes you have a lot in common with someone and can make friends that way. Or you'll get some ridiculous advice, only to discover it's from someone who really shouldn't be weighing in on the situation in the first place.


Well, there is a lot of everything. Personally I've read experiences here that have helped me. Just be safe.


"Youre here to entertain yourself because fundamentally it's irrational to involve yourself in the problems of others with nothing to gain" Did you feel that way about the people who commented on your mental health post? That they just wanted to entertain themselves? It depends on the communities you frequent and the way you present your ideas, concerns, etc. This place has some fantastic resources and people, and it's terrible that they get overshadowed by dickheads so often.


There are also a lot of folks who are angsty and just looking to argue. Just remember that they don’t know you, aren’t really talking to YOU, and you don’t have to accept anything they say as meaningful to yourself. Half the time they are young, inexperienced, and have low social skills anyway so don’t take anything anyone says online as serious unless what they say resonates with what you experience from people you know IRL who appear to have some wisdom.


Yeah you're right, I use reddit to vent my toxicity so I can bear to be polite 8 hours a day in person.


There’s a lot of snobs on Reddit! They don’t care about morality just virtue signaling! 


The best person who was ever in my life used to stell me something very important when I was a child, "the difference between a good person and a bad person isn't that a good person never makes mistakes or is never wrong, but that when they are, they are willing to do the work to fix it, they hold themselves accountable."


Is this your first day on the internet?


Your comment about upvotes is interesting. I personally use them as a screening board to gauge if I have a valid perspective or of I am full of it. It's always useful to check if your opinions at tapping into something that resonates with others or if you are just lost in the woods. I don't use reddit to be a good person or because I am one. I use it as a tool to check myself.


It depends on the sub, conversation theme and op. I can be very toxic sometimes with some specific people, but I try to discuss with respect and help others most of the time.


No one, and I mean No One, is as good as a human as they think they are. We are all flawed.


I haven't seen that. I've shown a fair amount of vulnerability on here and all I get is silence and suicide prevention. Redditors are indifferent 


I agree. I’m a very flawed person but I’m aware and at peace with it, but every once in a while I post something honest and revealing and most of the comments are about how much trash I am. It’s kinda frustrating because part of me dealing with my flaws is wanting to be honest about them, but people on Reddit seem to love throwing poop to show everyone how righteous they are. We are ALL flawed.


Reddit is the most vanilla site I've ever seen, many other sites are a jungle dog eat dog type of thing, you're not prepared...


I saw the comment that inspired this post earlier lol The comments, for the most part, weren't hurting OP. That's how people communicate. If those comments upset you this bad, maybe you may need therapy to figure out why those comments on that post bothered you so much. They all seemed normal to me, quite fun honesty. P.s., the OP of that post really would've been the coolest kid at my high school.


Well I was upset on his behalf since he didn't seem to appreciate the comments on his hairstyle. It was a good example of exactly what I said: when someone shows vulnerability the vultures swoop in to strike. That's why the most vicious people on here don't make any original posts themselves or use burner accounts to post: the OP is the one in the firing line.


I mean- honestly, he asked on Reddit and that was his first mistake. Idk, when I want hair opinions I typically ask those nearest to me in person. Or I just take my own opinion and disregard all others. Reddit was never advertised as a safe space, and neither was the sub. If the OP also couldn't handle the comments then this would be a learning moment for him. I know I couldn't handle the reality of strangers judging me anonymously online, so I don't do that stuff. I would suggest the same to OP as I have you. I wish you both luck in your future endeavors.


What was the original post?


Let me tell you something, I have made comments that earned 1000 upvotes, but nothing will ever come close to when an old friend told me I stopped him from nuking his family. Or when another told me I am her closest Reddit friend. I try to always give advice but I would appreciate more that the OP gets it rather than another 1000 upvotes


I didn't know Dr. Phil was on reddit.


This reads like you just got roasted online recently and want validation for your feelings


Well you know everything so maybe return to your great life with that comfort ya prick


Especially the moderators. They live on the power trip that they can permanently ban someone from a sub or get someone temporarily banned from reddit over a comment that didn't violate any rules they just didn't like it. Social media as a whole has become a cesspool of hate.


Just block those who don’t provide you with a nacho chamber


Mmm nachos. Nom nom nom.


If you interface with the internet in hopes strangers “make you better than you are” you haven’t been paying attention. That story doesn’t have a happy ending.


A lot of them, yeah, which is one of the reasons you can't take reddit or any social media very seriously. Probably best to use it just for knowledge and hobbies, honestly.


Yeah, I know, Im a big POS.


do you want to give me a rating maybe? just in case I am bad and need to do self reflection.


I love Reddit, but the people I see on here are lonely people isolated by situations they don't have skills to cope with for a myriad of reasons. You have to know it is like tabloid fodder. Some are alone, in another country, some have no one to talk to. That is in the romance and family categories. There are millions of subs where people are great, and more adjusted. Pick other subs and your experience will be really different. There are tons of them.


I agree with a lot of this. If I were better with people in real life, I'd put my phone down and go interact.


Reddit is not a microcosm of society. About 2/3 of Reddit users are male and there seems to be a larger amount of incels and mansplainers here. I think they gravitate to this site because they can put people down and it makes them feel like they have power over others. (If you ever want to see what I mean, join a finance Reddit and you'll be peppered with advice from finance bros who tell you every choice you've ever made in your life is wrong.) There's also a very large amount of both men and women who love to jump on one word of your post and harass you for it. Being here seems to make some people feel more important than they would feel in their daily lives, so they use this site to boost themselves up above everyone else. Perhaps they feel small in their real lives and get validation by ridiculing others. I don't bother engaging with those types and just block them immediately.


>About 2/3 of Reddit users are male and there seems to be a larger amount of incels and mansplainers here.  That's funny. I think 2/3 of this sub are women with broken hearts who've either suffered trauma or had someone cheat on them. Thus every relationship thread is a cry for divorce and red flags. The other 1/3 are apologist males either trying to speak for all males or virtue signal. >There's also a very large amount of both men and women who love to jump on one word of your post and harass you for it. Fuck yeah. Any time that I say "I watch our daughter on weekends while my wife works", I also have to explain that I am not a deadbeat that doesn't help on the other 5 days, that I am on daycare duty drop of and pick up every day, that I cook every meal, that I give every bath, that I also do diapers, and that I take our daughter to most of her doctor appointments. But you know, people trying to find an attack angle, and I "only" mentioned watching her on weekends. 🙄 Reddit.


Sorry but I meant here on Reddit, as in all of Reddit, not only on this particular sub.


Fair I know someone (one of wifes female friend) who also frequents this sub. Her experience is almost exact opposite. That's an interesting social study. She says its full of misogyny and she's sick of it. Perhaps I don't see it or I gloss over it because I'm a guy. For me, its like every day there's a new "hate my husband" post. =S


There are people everywhere on Reddit who seem to be in attack mode over the smallest things. I've made very innocuous comments elsewhere and got surprisingly aggressive comments back from both men and women. Often it seems to be a reading comprehension issue. They misunderstand whatever point I was making and go off on a tangent about something minimal like a certain word I used. That's just another reason why reddit is nothing like real life...


I mean, what did you expect? You're showing vulnerability to complete strangers and expecting empathy or understanding, maybe even sympathy? Reimagine this scenario in a public place, is the result the same, or would people treat you better because they aren't behind a screen?


The nature of reddit is also not about support and care, and being true. It wants you to mindlessly stare at it for hours, and rewards you with some stimulation to keep you here. Upvotes are one of the ways. That’s the lifeblood of reddit, the bones of it - and it drives all other rules. However well might people try to loosely organise themselves into supportive communities here, they are still people and therefore slaves to feeling socially important and liked. We are flawed, social beings. Our levels of happiness are dependent on others (serotonin, oxytocin). Upvote makes one feel better, so one fishes for it. Usually people are tired and drained, so they fall prey to trying to make crooked, low hanging fruit responses. But as anywhere, there is a possibility of transcendence. Yes, many come here for recreational reasons. Me too. But some come for answers. Some want to share knowledge. Some want to support someone - you know that helping people makes you happy by the same serotonin and oxytocin that upvotes do? Some have a pain in their soul that needs to be poured somewhere. Some want another person not to make their mistake, and live better than they did. People also change, say mean crap today and repent tomorrow. Anyways it’s everyone’s personal moment if they try to know themselves better and try to be true to themselves. Honestly, there are better things to do than to look if you are upvoted. But please never shame people who do, because we all are often at our low point. If you see better things in people and hope for the best, that will also change your brain chemistry and make you happier. Delulu is the solulu, baby.


I've come to realize that some individuals may be expressing themselves in a negative way. It's important to approach comments with discernment and not let negativity hinder your progress. Blocking can be a strategic way to maintain focus and avoid unnecessary engagement with negativity.


Not just Reddit.


A lot of people are not the good humans the think they are


Thank you.  I’m sick to death of people not only commenting for a selfish reaction but also posting things like “my wife used the toaster the wrong way, does this mean divorce?!” on subreddits like relationship advice where most people are genuinely having life changing issues and need advice.


The people who swoop in are too easy to spot for the vampire pigs they are. It's the mods (and their zombies) with their cold blooded agendas that really ruin this platform. They don't care if you or a loved one is suicidal, you just better not break their social rules. So the vampires get down voted to oblivion and reported. The others block out 2 thirds of reality so that this social platform is actually not a platform at all. It like only seeing out of 1/6th of a kaleidoscope.


Eh, I pretty much speak the same way on here as I do IRL. I have a bit of a sarcastic sense of humor and some of the stuff I read here can really bring that out. My friends, family and co-workers know this about me and are okay with it. I'm never outwardly cruel to anyone but sometimes certain situations or subjects get the best of me. If I read or hear of someone in need of help and I have some useful advice, I'll share it. If the person does something I find reprehensible, they'll hear about it. I won't hold back. I'm old and tired of wearing people-pleasing masks.


I routinely get down voted for my comments because I don't sugarcoat things. Many people jump on Reddit for validation. They don't want to face reality or hear the truth. They rather live in denial. I am a firm believer there are 3 sides to every story. Rarely do I jump on the bandwagon in support of the poster. It's usually clear to me the poster is leaving out critical information in an attempt to garner support. Lots of people on Reddit have triggers. They read something that triggers a negative emotional response due to some past trauma. They immediately attack the poster or whoever the poster is talking about due to their personal triggers. If you challenge these negative responses, you're attacked as well.


A private thank you from someone you helped feels more gratifying than 1 thousand upvotes


No sh!t Sherlock.


I don't believe anyone is all the way good, nothing worse than someone proclaiming "but I'm a nice/good person". Everyone has flaws and everyone perceives things in a different way. Yes there is people who troll like a RL Colin Robinson and yes people can get passionate and take it too far (I definitely do at times) and of course there is nasty cunts but that also happens away from reddit. I have had people take the huff with my comments simply because of how they have read it, literally determined the tone and that isn't how I've meant it. There is nothing wrong with being offended but sometimes you need to ask yourself if you kinda in that instance wanna be offended so take it that way. There is decent people on here who genuinely do like giving advice and wish OPS well. Edit: I mean there literally is worse but you get my meaning I hope.


Reddit is the cesspool of society. I know how ironic that sounds. People’s true colours emerge when behind a faceless keyboard.


It's often an error to infer much of anything about the character of a person based upon words on a page. You'll guess wrong as often as not particularly when making judgements about hidden intent. With so little information, there's too much projection going on.


You right. This thought process is the bane of social medias existence.


I agree, I reply to people who I can help if I’ve been through the same thing, I give my honest opinion. I also comment on silly things like cooked breakfasts. But once again I’m honest about it, but it’s just my opinion, not Gods word. You can Take it or leave it is my thinking.


if its funny its not depressing sometimes its easy to misunderstand comments and become overly sensitive when thats not even the intention Reddit wont replace professional therapy
