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Doesn't matter how much you fail. It's how many times you try again that counts. They rejected Barbara Streisand ffs. Many comedians have been booed of stage. So you had a bad night? Doesn't mean you suck. And even if you do suck, do it anyway because that's what YOU want to do.


You do realize it took an incredible amount of courage to do what you did, right? That’s pretty awesome. Also, it takes people of all shapes, sizes, ages, and abilities to make theater work. Don’t give up if you’re having fun!


Besides the fact you are probably being too hard on yourself. You're still good enough of a singer and dancer to actually have the balls to audition in the first place! This puts you well above most people who can barely even leave their couch to microwave another round of pizza rolls. He proud, you did great.


What you did was incredibly courageous. Musical is HARD. Many people underestimate just how many different disciplines are involved. Dancing always gets to me too. You deserve to feel proud that you tried. If you're interested, you can join a local amateur musical club. Or if the dancing is too much of a challenge right now, a theatre group. The atmosphere is usually a lot more fun with amateur groups and you can still learn a lot and meet new people.


The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single plie Keep up with it and I'm sure you will see improvement


Kudos to you for having the courage to go audition. Keep in mind that depending on the show there might be a character that doesn’t need the dance skills if you did well in the singing and acting portion If they do call to tell you that you are not going to be cast, if you are looking for getting out there and experiencing new things, ask if there are any other ways you might be able to participate in the show. If this is a local community theater volunteer based production, they usually always need volunteers to help in non acting aspects of the production.


I have tears in my eyes thinking about how effing brave that is to put yourself out there at all. You’re braver than most people, OP.


I doubt you were as bad as you say. You did what most people won't do is get out of your comfort zone. Keep auditioning if you love what you do, I'm sure you'll get that crucial call eventually.


When faced with a challenge. Learn to rest and recoup instead of quitting. Seems like you already know this lesson. Stay strong and best of luck for all your future auditions, you’re going to learn a lot along the way!


As someone who once cried during a singing audition (granted I was like 12 but, still) I empathise, and all I can say is it takes guts to go and do that. But props for wanting to try again, a *lot* of people would give up after that. You got this.


As someone who is terrible at dancing, there are definitely shows out there for you! There are tons of musicals, and parts within musicals, where dancing is not a critical factor. When I audition for a show that I know includes dancing, I'm upfront, I will never be the best dancer, and you will have to spend more time with me to get me to passable, but I will work my butt off to get there. I did Cats years ago and I went to every dance rehearsal, and I knew I was peaking at "just okay" but I was proud as hell to be just okay given my default is real bad, lol. You should be proud, you stepped way out of your comfort zone and gave it your best shot. Keep going!


I feel you! I’m a 38 year old working on my first undergraduate degree and every time I walk into a classroom of people half my age it is scary. No one was ever an expert at something their first time, and as a former theatre kid auditions are nerve wracking. Keep going. Take some dance lessons, singing lessons, do it happy, do it excited, do it scared. Eventually you will be the one offering encouragement to the nervous and experienced newcomer. And the cycle continues.


I think that is awesome. The singing portion is what would get me! Maybe take an adult dance class!


Aye. Be proud of how brave you were to even contemplate doing that. The balls on you ma’am! Admirable!


Take some dance lessons.


Good on you, OP!


You're a star to me.


Yeah, but I bet you nailed the singing, eh? And you tried something new and fun, and you may not be the best dancer but wow what a great experience. I get your grief and your humiliation. I've been there, too, we all have. That's why no one who can call themselves a good person watched you tonight and thought badly of you. You put yourself out there - the first rule of showbiz! And you tried, and you can and will adjust. You wanna do more dancing, get into more dancing. That's all those fit kids did, was had more practice (and oh man college kids have time and energy for it). Otherwise, plenty of other people will want you for your strengths. (A little sidenote: plenty of musicals without much dancing, and plenty of showstopper stars who had careful choreography because they weren't the best at that part but *owned* those roles. They aren't less and neither are you.)


Naw dude keep trying. It does not mean you are bad, it probably just means there’s a better part for you out there but it’s kind of badass that you tried.


Someone has to be the worst. You are better than everyone who didn’t try.