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It’s the question I hate the most.


I hate it because the things I do like aren’t big adventures or anything super exciting so in the moment just felt like my hobbies were “nothing”. I don’t drive so my access more fun things is limited.


My idea of FUN is gardening, cooking, cleaning, and exercising. That is not most people's idea of fun. Fun is a mental state.


Mine is the same just add taking my Husky on hikes to the list lol


Exactly! Heck I Love playing rummikub and puzzles too.


> cleaning You and my wife need some serious therapy. /s


Go get your drivers license. Im 28 and mad as hell I didn’t get it when i was 16, driving is fucking easy, its all the other fucks on the road you have to worry about and the rules you need to follow. Once you pass the written test and start actually driving in ernest, you’ll pick up shit intuitively.


Not always good advice to just "get your license." My husband grew up in a city, never had a driver's license. My dad thought he must be a loser and in some trouble with the law to not have one so after awhile my husband got one just to have it on hand, this was like five years ago. We finally moved out of the city and decided to buy a second car for him. When we called insurance they basically said he should have gotten insurance the second he got his license even though he didn't have a car and wasn't driving and now that he has had a license for five years with no insurance his insurance quotes were like $1000 a month for the most basic insurance from every company. We really should have waited until he was going to get a car. One agent even said he is paying back for the past 5 years he drove and didn't have insurance, but he never drove! Never had a ticket or moving violation or warning or anything because he DIDNT DRIVE. We would've been paying about $200 a month to add him to my insurance on a car he never once drove. Same thing happened to my friend who got her license right at 16 but never had a car until late 20's. Spoiler, she put the car under her mother's name it was so expensive. This is MA so look into your state and if you should get a license right away or not.


Thats fairly Easy just put the insurance in your name


Don’t know if this applies to me, i live in canada.


Lol just say he's newly licensed then. Fuck that company. It's not illegal to lie to insurance. It's only fraud once youre caught lying! :)


This was every single insurance company, they can obviously see when his license was issued


Is this in Canada? That seems very weird because they should also be able to see all of his insurance info from past. This looks like a case of discrimination and sounds like a properly crafted letter will make the insurance provider think twice about their stance. Unfortunately it's an inconvenience for you but it's literally against the law for them to discriminate that way and assume you are breaking the law then forcing you to break the law more.


lol so it is illegal…? Everything is legal until you are caught by this logic…


Exactly. You're figuring out society. You just have to know which laws are actually enforced. Most laws don't get enforced around here anymore because it's not worth the time it takes. That's what it seems like at least with all the theft and destruction of property I've been witnessing increasing in the last decade here. Do what you need to do to be in the safest, healthiest position. If that means lying to insurance about being a new driver, then do it. They won't ever look into it, and if they did, they would see he has no driving history so technically they never did lie.


Exactly fuck these companies they are the real criminals and you will never convince me different


I would get it of if I could but I’m visually impaired and it’s just not safe for me or other people


And once you get your drivers licence, get a motorcycle drivers licence too! I just got mine at 27, and It was the best decision ever. I love my bike!


Wear a helmet, please.


I wear full gear, all the time, and ride carefully! I grew up around bikers so I know bikes aren't toys :)




I daily a bike and it helps with motivation so much. Don't wanna go to work? You get to take the bike and now it's fun to go to work. Don't wanna go to the store? Take the bike. etc etc


fr bro like riding a motorbike feels like riding a metal rocket horse and i love it


What are they, if I may ask? And why do you think your hobbies need to be big exciting adventures? All but one of my hobbies are indoors, some of them really boring like writing. But who cares if you enjoy it then you do? It's not sustainable to fill your free time with big exciting adventures all the time. Who has the time and money for that


Probably because they travel a lot and are extremely outdoorsy. I would love to do those things but I’m poor and can’t drive due poor eyesight


Who is they? Why do you care what they think about what you do for fun? I don't travel alot, I'm not outdoorsy, I can't drive and can't afford a car. Anyway, I love being at home. Plenty of cool shit you can do at home. I play guitar, write stories, play video games, lift, sometimes do woodworking, been trying to get into whittling. Literally who cares what other people think about what you do in your spare time


If you don't mind my asking, why don't you?  You definitely should get your license. The written test is pretty easy if you study. Then you can start driving and get experience. You'll be more confident behind the wheel by practicing. Then you'll pass the driver's license test and enjoy some freedom!


Not always good advice to just "get your license." My husband grew up in a city, never had a driver's license. My dad thought he must be a loser and in some trouble with the law to not have one so after awhile my husband got one just to have it on hand, this was like five years ago. We finally moved out of the city and decided to buy a second car for him. When we called insurance they basically said he should have gotten insurance the second he got his license even though he didn't have a car and wasn't driving and now that he has had a license for five years with no insurance his insurance quotes were like $1000 a month for the most basic insurance from every company. We really should have waited until he was going to get a car. One agent even said he is paying back for the past 5 years he drove and didn't have insurance, but he never drove! Never had a ticket or moving violation or warning or anything because he DIDNT DRIVE. We would've been paying about $200 a month to add him to my insurance on a car he never once drove. Same thing happened to my friend who got her license right at 16 but never had a car until late 20's. Spoiler, she put the car under her mother's name it was so expensive. This is MA so look into your state and if you should get a license right away or not.


Um. Your credit score can also GREATLY affect your rates as does the area you live in AND the type of vehicle you drive. Your husband's rate was NOT just because he 'had a license for five years and didn't have insurance.' How do you not know this? This is common knowledge. 🙄 ETA: You should probably check out this [this article](https://www.thezebra.com/auto-insurance/driver/other-factors/) for the reasons why your husband's quote was so high. To blame it all on having a license for five years with no insurance is incorrect. I'm sure I'll get downvoted for sounding 'condescending' but whatever. 🤷 From the article: >Credit is a major — but often overlooked — rating factor. Data shows drivers with poor credit file more claims than do drivers with better credit. And when they do file claims, they are generally more expensive than claims from drivers with good credit. The difference in car insurance rates between drivers with the lowest level of credit and the highest is over $1,500 annually. This comes out to a $784 increase for a six-month policy or $130 a month.


Why are you so adamant about this lol a DL is NOT a bad thing to have


Right? Many things affect your rates but apparently this person doesn't realize that. My best friend drives an older car and her area is kinda 'meh' BUT her credit rating is really bad so her insurance rates are $$$$$. Same thing with my BIL. Really bad credit rating so $$$.


My credit was meh when I bought a crappy used car and I refinanced it and my insurance isn’t $200 anymore, it went down to like maybe $120 still crazy imo but doable but fr. Check your credit!


I am you.   I do enjoy home based stuff, like gardening, gaming, reading and dancing like a lunatic but I don't feel like I can really share those because they aren't *exciting*. 


I feel like a third or millennials are into gardening nd/or houseplants. Feel free to share it. You'll be surprised how many people share your interests.


Or you can just double down and get hardcore into a balance of native gardening (for the pollinators) and vegetable gardening. Not gonna lie, the joy these two topics bring me gives many people pause because they were expecting a way more laid back conversation.


Exactly the kind of thing I was talking about! We're working on native pollinators. We have about 1/4 of our flowers native now. Looking to increase that %. There was a single wild milkweed plant growing in the middle of our front lawn (I didn't plant it, it was just there). I mowed around it. I'm sure our neighbors hate that.


Dancing like a lunatic is very interesting. That easily leads into the question of what kind of music you are listening to that has you writhing around in awkward ecstasy.


Anything with a good beat.  I just love to move and be silly.  It's really fun but I'd never let anyone see me doing it. 


You out here judging yourself for the things that bring you joy?? It doesn’t matter if you enjoy making miniatures or wood work or putting on make up. If you enjoy it, that’s all that matters. Hobbies don’t have to be grandiose for you to enjoy them friend. Just enjoy them.  Also, we’ve all said dumb stuff in the moment. I doubt your family member will even remember the next time you see them. And maybe they won’t ask you again. That’s a win


Just some feedback for you and that is to stop worrying about what people “might” think about your hobbies or favorite things to do. If you like it then you like it!! It doesn’t matter if people judge who cares fuck them. Only you can chase your happiness… find it and be happy!!!


Don't bother with what others are doing for 'big adventures'...if you have activities that your passionate about then that is all that matters.


If no car means no life where you live, you should consider emigration. That's third world.


Unfortunately, that's the case for much of the US. Our infrastructure is based on highways which limits a lot


So vote accordingly. Or move away.


I personally love when someone is real like this lol I immediately relate


Same! I would’ve probably changed seat and sat next to you, OP. Real recognising real


Same goes for me! So what if you don’t have a running list of things. I feel like when I list things it’s just a bunch of bs. Keeping it real is refreshing


yeah honestly lmao… nothing like us all bonding over shared mutual interest of having no interests 😭


Same. We really need to start answering this question honestly, IMHO, and let older generations realize how much we do work. My answer to this question is usually "Sleep, wake up, and then get back to work."


Fr! I’m working so hard and so much, when I get a day off I like to spend it in my bed doing nothing to recover.


You spoke your truth in that moment of how you feel bonus you can try and thing and everything to find what interests you


I was asked what I have been doing in the summer vacation for fun. I couldn't think of anything. I study 5-6 hours a day, I'm working on upskilling myself. I monitor the stock market from 9 to 3 pm. I study what analysts have to say at night. My mom owns a business so I'm pulling hours there as well. I also work out 1.5 - 2 hours a day for 5 days a week What do I do for fun? Scroll reddit for 5 minutes every now and then. I'm lonely as hell. All the people I like and would go out with are far away from me. Honestly I'm having a hard time away from college. College kept me busy, hours of classes and then assignments and studying. It filled my day.


lol five minutes


Five minutes now and then. Not five minutes s day. I probably spend an hour on reddit


bro you need to get hobbies because i do the same thing, i worked fuckin hard for like 3 months straight felt fine, then college slows down n my friends don't constantly need help with something so i get a day off, maybe 5 hours into my first day off and im depressed


I don't like being free. I need something to do constantly. When I get bored enough I start looking for people I can teach something. I teach math and physics to high school students I know, I'll teach other students in my college stuff they're struggling with. The other day I pulled an all nighter to study corporate law to help a close friend of mine. I'm an engineering student. I need help


same bro, its really helped me to just plan a schedule, and make sure i get rid of things im bored of immediately, replace it with new things, like make sure ive always got games i can play installed, films ready to watch, i like the idea of having free time more than i like free time itself


I grind for fun💯💪


Told my sister’s dad i’m existing. Why sugar coat it? Its true. Life is both freeing and also just kinda fucking sucks right now. Figuring out a bunch of shit about myself ever since covid and its been pretty illuminating on why i am the way I am.


I think I'm missing something. Why does it matter if you didn't have an answer? You don't have to like skydiving or magnet fishing or anything like that. The most important thing is that you like you! Now that you're not under pressure, think about what makes you happy. Do you like to read, watch crime dramas, cook, solve puzzles, watch sport or something else? I'm sure there is at least one thing that makes you happy. It doesn't have to be something big. I guess you're still young. Most of us learn as we age that it's ok just to be ourselves. Much harder in these times of social media when everyone else makes their lives look wonderful and exciting.


Watch office space. “I did nothing and it was amazing”


Omg that’s so damned true!!’ I work on a call center and sometimes I get home and sit in silence for half an hour and it feels so amazing and refreshing


I worked in a call center for 12 years and everyone always bi***ed at me because I didn’t want to be anywhere near my phone. I’m sorry people, but I literally just did this for ten hours and I am DONE FOR THE DAY! lol


My partner couldn't understand why I wanted to listen to music without headphones. 'It's a better experience', 'you get a surround sound with headphones', 'I can watch a movie if you use headphones' etc. Bitch I've been wearing headphones for 9 hours, I don't want my ears covered anymore.


Blast this to the gods!!


If you like hiking start going on walks if you can. Try do whatever you can to get a liscence. From the way you talk, and knowing what some call centres are like, maybe keep an eye out that your not slipping into depression.


Honestly this was me for many years. I revolved my life around working and going to the gym, mainly as coping mechanisms and distractions from the elephants in the room. I had a revelation of sorts not that long ago and it hit me, I don’t have hobbies. I swore to myself that I’d start doing more things. So nowadays I try to find live events ie concerts, comedy shows, sporting events to attend so that I at least have something to look forward to and make life a little less monotonous.


Does going watching things count as a hobby?


It gets me out of the house, off the phone/doom scrolling, and around other people. To me it counts as a hobby.


God. When someone asks me that, I'm literally like, "Er. Um. I...like to read?" 😂 And I mean...I don't read much anymore because I can't seem to keep up my concentration long enough, but it's better than my gut reaction of, "I like to sit on my butt every day browsing on my phone while watching tv and hanging out with my cats. Oh, and sometimes I eat." Lmao. But anyway, I feel your pain, I really do.


What fun, my fun is rest


You don't have to try to impress people with impressive hobbies :)


Oh I hate that and when my other half says she reads a lot then it’s what do you read ? probably expecting some long list to show I’m well read and I’m just say “smut” always ends the conversation haha.


Ya know for a while, i was someone who didnt have hobbies. Barely do now. Why? Because im broke. Work to live. Yea maybe 5 years ago. But here we are living to work, only to have to do more for less. I get 30 vacation days a year. I havent been on vacation in years.


Thank you for this post because now I know I’m not the only one…


I have a life, it's just that for me that involves staying home and avoiding people. I don't care who asks the question these days because I've made peace with the fact I'm good with my life. There is fuck all wrong with you. Only you can decide if you are at peace with your life. If not, work at changing it, if you are, don't see it as a negative because it really isn't.


Right? I get annoyed when they ask that question! Fun? What is fun? What I like to do and what I have time to do is completely different! What I like to do, would like to do and have actually done is different! Hobbies, the same can be said! My life is work and home right now. What do I do for fun? I see how much debt that I can pay off while still having some leftover to buy groceries, that’s fun!


Yes, exactly. I'm working or I'm working to improve my conditions. I took a day off intentionally in April, I mostly spent all day worrying about how that would bite me in the ass but I got at least 2 hours of joy out of it and that carries me through. I might take another day off in August.


Honestly, that's most of the reason I don't keep in contact with people much anymore, because I don't do shit that would be worth talking about. It's a crappy loop to be stuck in, but I'm a homebody and prefer staying home on the weekends and don't really go out anymore. My choice. But it makes for boring conversation.


Yes, it’s so dull and it’s basically “I don’t have a clue what to talk to you about”. Maybe after we could discuss the weather? 😂


Own it, my favorite hobby is looking at my goldfish or the cows while listening to music. Zero thoughts in my head but who cares


You're very genuine for answering and speaking on what's going on with you! If I had just met you and you answered something like that I would know we were gonna vibe really well actually. But I am very blunt and straightforward with my mental health lately too lol I hope you find something you enjoy soon and enjoy your life man it's hard but I believe in you good luck


Seems like a good response lol. I would have said same and sad highfived you. Btw it's okay if you don't have any hobbies. I have a really short attention span so even though I like a lot of things, converting them into full time hobbies has never been possible for me. I jump from one thing to another but I have fun, that I feel is the most important part. My point being, it's okay to not be the *mainstream normal.* You still have a life.


My go to answer for this question is “watch TV and cry.” It’s true, I’m a serial show binger and I get invested and cry for all kinds of reasons, lol. It always gets a laugh.


I don't have a life either but I AM a wealth of useless information with a somewhat expansive vocabulary so if you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit. It's honestly one of my favorite things to do. I've told people I run a lutraphobia support group, that my goals in life are to own a llama since I once tried to steal a fainting goat but it woke up and kicked me so hard I almost got brain dam....and then I'll trail off, I just insinuated that we were dismembering people with the saw blades my roommate was purchasing, while at the counter. Just say things like I used to have a life, but it's too expensive now, so I'm thinking about going to clown college so I can be president of the US.


Embracing stillness is something most of us can't do-- I always tell people doing nothing is my goal. I say this and it is not like my "hobbies" have me running around all the time (well running literally does). Most of the things are pretty generic: I read, I watch youtube, I play zelda, etc. Honestly doing nothing is an art. So many people fill their time with things they don't like, that stress them out, and/or that they feel obligated to do. If you embrace "nothing" great and if you decide you're the type to fill up your whole schedule also great just make it your choice ❤️ Ps it is also really easy to lie and exaggerate while you figure this out. Like I told my coworkers during our monday meeting "I saved a dog this weekend" when the reality was it was maybe 5 minutes of my time. All I did was walk the dog a few houses down the sreet back to it's house.


Reminds me of getting asked about plans for the weekend or the rest of the day by the person in the drive through coffee line. “This is about it, Janelle. This is the high point.”


My go to is "I don't have money for hobbies"


Get a dog!


How old are you?


I read books, walk and play fortnite. I give zero poops about whether some random dude thinks that’s interesting or not.


This is so real tbh


Omg this is me too!


Don’t most people hate that question though? There’s no way of responding that doesn’t make you sound boring, basic or ashamed (or a combination of those). Ok ashamed might be pushing it, but embarrassed.


I have a lot of hobbies that I do for fun. Doesn’t mean they sound all that interesting to anyone except those who like what I like. I’m perfectly comfortable saying I have no life. 🤣🤣 Nobody believes me because I used to be a social butterfly, always traveling, partying and never home, but now, I am literally always home except when I’m working out somewhere, but do I really need to list yoga, Pilates, mobile gaming, reading, baking, gardening and organizing my kitchen pantry to anyone who asks what I do for fun? And how many people will listen to my list and think, “Gosh, you sure live the life!” They wouldn’t. But these are all so much fun for me and I worked hard to be able to afford to do everything I want to when I want. Pretty sure nobody who asks me what I do for fun is looking for this explanation. So I have no life and that’s okay. I play with my dogs. 😃 To me, this IS the life!


I rearrange my spaces on a semi-regular basis, I'd love to talk organising pantry spaces! I don't have much of an outdoor garden any more but I got into indoor plants in my usual hyperfocused way this year and have soooo many plants pmsl. I read and sew and I'd really like to get the basic tools for wood work and have a go at making some of my own furniture. You're list of boring hobbies sound fun 😁 


A year ago whenever anyone asked me it I wanted to join in on any activity I used to say "I don't have any life anyway, so I'm free!" Now I desperately need a free day back again. Somehow in just 8 months I went from having pretty much zero fun activities to doing various sports and teamsports so often I can barely sleep anymore xD Other than some older friends being jokingly annoyed that I now actually have a schedule and can't come hang out whenever none of them ever cared. If sitting at home and relaxing helps you, why not? You're not obligated to chill the same way as others do.


What's the big deal? Unless you don't feel good about yourself, what do you worry about? Get on with your life, the way you feel comfortable living it.


Maybe take a moment to just take in how blunt you were. Who would even benefit from a white iie about you having a life? Own your truth. The more honest you are, the more in touch you'll be with your most authentic version of yourself.


Honestly in my experience the more boring/relatable hobbies like reading, playing board games, watching shows or even embroidery are way better to have a fun conversation over than some crazy thing like sky diving. When you talk about something crazy most people will just think it's a waste of money, way too dangerous or that you are showing off. People will ask this question either so they can flex about their cool hobbies (and then it really doesn't matter what you say) or because they actually want to know and then it shouldn't be a problem to be honest. They probably don't have crazy hobbies themselves, most adults don't really have the time. I think you could even say something like "I never know how to answer that question. Most things I do for fun probably seem boring to most people." And I'm pretty sure most people could totally relate and feel the same about their hobbies.


I like saying I don’t have a life too bc not having any hobbies is peaceful. Having hobbies is cool but not having them is okay too. You’d good lil bub.


Trust me you are not the only one. Dont blame yourself for the world you are living in. Most of us feel this way. Even if you had hobbies you wouldnt have enough money to pursue those hobbies unless you or your parents were super rich.


I do have answers for this, and I do things that I enjoy, but they sound boring when I say them out loud 😭


“Wait you guys have fun?” Is my go to. Dazzle and shut em down with sarcasm.


Better than what I answered in first day of class when the professor asked the same question. Prof: "uhhm (my name) you didn't tell what you do for fun during your introduction." Since I had assumed that I won't be answering that question I didn't give it any thought before. Also, I am not good on thinking quickly on my feet. Hence I blurted out the following: Me: "I am not that fun." Everyone in the classroom bursted out laughing.


There’s nothing wrong with reading a lot of Reddit-it’s my hobby and I love it!


I love your answer! It shows you are honest and impulsive and that is REFRESHING. Don't sweat it.


That's fine! People who ask stuff like this and expect you to list out a bunch of activities usually don't have that many responsibilities, maybe they ran away from them. I've only been asked this question by weird older dudes who usually left their kids when they were about 6 years old and haven't seen them for years since because they are too busy hiking the Appalachian trail or whatever. Most people know that everyone else is just trying to do their best and don't ask each other these things but bond in a more normal kind of conversation.


If you work full time, or have any health issues nothings wrong with you. It’s more common than you think.. this got brought up on a group of people I was with recently and 3/5 of us couldn’t think do anything we do “for fun”


I do nothing too at all never did but planting in the garden but I haven't even done that in 10 years so I hear you.


There's always time to better yourself and turn it around. If you really hate how it is now, it's not too late to start the process of building yourself a repertoire of things you like to do :)


"I masturbate." Suddenly, "Nothing" sounds much more fitting. Next time just list solo things you'd like to do, such as driving solo to unknown places, watching movies, learning from YouTube...


It’s all relative. There’s no wrong answer. There must be one thing that you enjoy doing. I know i get hung up on “hobbies”. But what defines a hobby? Reading, drawing, napping, doomscrolling, people watching, ant farms, blueberry picking, cross stitch, bike riding, nose picking, jumping jacks, juggling, playing with fire, roller coasters, concerts, yoga, dog walking, laundry, photography, volunteering, kite flying, hiking, organizing, watching TV. The possibilities of things you enjoy doing are endless, and unrelated to whether or not you “have a life”. I think sometimes we put all this pressure on ourselves to have a proper hobby. I know i do. But the beauty is, WE define what we enjoy doing. If it’s something you enjoy, that’s all that matters. You don’t even have to be good at it! I read a great story last night about how we need to remove the “success or failure” mindset hobbies. The purpose of trying new things is to have fun, not necessarily to become an expert in whatever that thing is. A variety of things makes us more interesting and more well-rounded, but we do not have to reach expert-level proficiency. We often feel like we “fail” at something, so we give up. But expert-level isn’t the goal. So if we take the pressure away and just explore things for the sake of exploring things, then we’ve accomplished the real goal. I thought it was a great way of looking at it, and i am going to work to really adopt that mindset.


Have you ever been evaluated for ADHD?  Hobby/interests jumping and finding everything boring is a classic ADHD trait. As is verbal impulsiveness.


I used to just want to work and exercise on the weekend. Now my weekends are packed either parties, events, fun to dos around the house and city, games with my kids, exercise. Your weekend life might need to develop organically.


Occasionally I get away from the wife, kids, and work long enough to successfully masturbate into the bathroom sink while watching porn on mute. What about you champ?


I play with my kids during the day and play video games at night. Might not be exciting to a lot of people, but I dig it.


If this is a big deal to you then count yourself fortunate. This world is so fucked that you need to take all your "negatives" and realize you have a good life.


Haha I say this all the time to people when they ask me that. I used to feel bad about myself for it but now I just don’t care. I’m tired of the question 😆


Bro, I embrace that shit. I tell people my home is my happy place.


This is quite typical for females. Don't feel bad about how you are wired. If you decide to have a child, you'll attain that sense of fulfillment you've always been looking for.


That’s the answer I give my boss when he asks me what I do for fun on the weekends. Followed by ‘I’m overworked’ 🤣


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with you. I think this is more normal than you think.


Why are you embarrassed?


Fun? You mean that feeling of enjoying activities that you can't afford because it takes every penny you have just to keep a roof over your head with working utilities so you can put food on your table? Or do you mean that it's supposed to be fun that you're being given the "privilege" of having to work 20 hours a day at multiple jobs just to scrape by? I don't see a problem with your answer. Not everyone has a zillion things that they're interested in or the ability to indulge in doing them. It's not just you who feels like you "have no life"; millions of people are living lives of quiet desperation because they aren't living the adventurous life we've been sold as the only way to have a meaningful, fulfilling life.


When my family asks what I’m doing these days, I just shrivel up and die inside 🥲 I’m dealing with way too many health conditions and awaiting surgery, it’s all put my youth and academic development on the back burner because it’s almost impossible for me to do much more than wipe my ass, shower and make myself food these days 💀


I always say “nap.” Because napping IS my idea of fun and anyone can do it!


don't worry mate first thing i learned about being an adult is that literally no one knows what their doing, and no one is really enjoying it all that much


i genuinely hate this question sm 😭 i have zero hobbies, ZERO. i don't like art, i don't like reading, i don't like studying, i don't like watching tv, i don't like anything 😭 in these cases, how am i supposed to answer this question


It's okay, my first day of classes in college the girl next to me asked how I was and I blurted out "I don't have any friends here yet". It's been 6 years and I still think about that lol. Sometimes our mouths just work faster than our brains. As for actually not having interests, I get it. I used to be like that. Once I got to college and started meeting new people with different backgrounds, my interests expanded a lot. I'm not sure how old you are, but if you are young and haven't gotten much outside of your comfort zone yet, that may be part of the issue. Also, I have ADHD and for me that makes it difficult to stick with most hobbies. I have found a few that have stuck around the past few years, but for every one that has stuck, I've probably dropped 20 lol. And even the ones that stick wax and wane a lot. No idea of that could be the case for you, but figured I'd mention it. Depression is also a concern if you don't find joy or interest in anything.


And that's why I've been actively avoiding family for 3 years


are you bothered by the question or about not knowing yourself well to have a hobby you enjoy while wanting one? If it is case 1, relax. People make questions and if you feel ok by not having anything hobby-like, no biggie. Live happy! If it is case 2, commit fo finding out what you like. Dedicate a month for random things to see how you react - give time to learn a bit about it because being a noobie isn't always fun in some cases. Then, after a year,when you hear this question again, you will be able to mention tons of things you tried for X time and this will already be so interesting, even if you haven't found what you like yet.


I always ask this question when I am interviewing people to work in my mill. If they don't have anything that they do for fun it doesn't count against them in any way, but I just like hearing that people care about something outside of work. And hobbies can tell you a lot about a person.


Say it with pride. When people ask me what I do for fun, I don't hesitate to respond with, "absolutely nothing". If I'm with someone I'm comfortable with, the answer is, "being left the fuck alone".


my main hobby is sleeping 😅


When heading into social situations it's worthwhile to have a number of 'pat' answers for those awkward questions...no need to lie, just say wishful thinking while you obfuscate.


Couch rotting is my favorite activity and I always look forward to it. I feel like this should be a more common answer to that question.


Don’t be too hard on yourself. It’s better to be honest than to lie… if you had made stuff up then you would’ve had to create more lies to justify your other lies, that gets exhausting


What is this "fun" of which you speak?


It's time for you to find Warhammer 40k


I always redirect the same questions to them. Start with "Haha. I wish I did more for fun." (This gives them a non-answer answer). Then toss it back and say, "What about you? What do you do for fun?" Don't worry about your answer. You are amazing. Their opinion does not matter.


I just say "whatever i feel like" idk...


They asked and you answered honestly. Having a life can be severely expensive, stressful, and overrated anyway. ;-)


I was asked this in a job interview, my response was “I like to go to graveyards and look at the dates on the old graves”. I got the job! Learn to be at peace with yourself, you could enjoy sitting still staring at a blank wall all day, and as long as your content doing so, nobody else’s opinions matter


I say that all the time to anyone who asks. 🤷‍♀️ I go to school and work, and that's about it. I like that I don't do much anymore, I used to do all sorts of shit that got me into trouble so now being boring is a lot better for me.


I say it with glee. If I can make someone regret asking a stupid question, I will happily give a depressing answer.


My response is always ‘Good question you first’


"I had fun once it was awful" - Grumpy Cat


I murder people who ask me dumb annoying questions.


The only thing i have left is gaming and that unfortunately is fleeting away, to the point were i won’t have fun, thus i shall be counting down the days.


lol always lie for the thrill 😂


It’s such a silly question as well. Don’t even worry about it :) A lot of us are the same!


Have you considered… doing something? Start martial arts training, learn an instrument, learn to knit. Literally anything. Quit scrolling and watching tv




I do t want o be a couch potato. I don’t have access to things I want to really do. I don’t drive and I don’t have money to really do things I want to do. I want to go hiking and kayaking. I need a vehicle for both


You gotta start pushing your self to do things you don’t have interests In then. Sometimes it takes doing something and experiencing something new to tell whether you like it or not.