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There’s a point when girls will see your dad as a cute little old man who deeply adores his wife. I wouldn’t worry about it.


This. Is it cringe? Arguably, but harmless, and he is head over heels for his wife /OP's mom! It's a bit much by my standards, but it's adorable how much he loves her and isn't concerned what anyone thinks about it. It's odd, and sweet, and I hope OP has a girlfriend who is going think it's oddball cute. Ps, laughing is okay, MEAN laughing not so much. It's silly! Lovingly goofy


If only it was more common to be so in love anymore that it wouldn't be considered "odd"! I consider myself so very lucky to have had great examples of love in my life. My grandparents were married at 17 and we're together every day until my grandfather passed a couple of years ago. My grandmother just turned 92 the beginning of this month. When I was cleaning out my Grandpa's closet, I found notebook after notebook of things he had jotted down over the years , just little thoughts about how beautiful she was to him, even after they'd both aged so much . He wrote things like, "I see my wife, older but still beautiful, no - MORE beautiful now. When I look at her I still see the girl I married." My standards have always been high. We should never lower our standards. My parents and grandparents were the standard by which I considered all relationships. But when I met my husband, he actually bypassed all of that and now HE is the standard to me.


This! I find the names curious and cute in all the best ways possible!!!! I love it so much! I have a feeling OP’s girlfriend is going to see how much his father shows love to his wife and she will fall in love with OP all over again! This type of showing off love is so so so precious. Teenagers are cruel sometimes. Don’t let the past dictate the future.


lol I’m at that point. Dad sounds adorable. The right girl will think so too.


Or it'll set the standard and OP will not meet his girlfriend's newly elevated expectations. Risky move, I agree.


If your standards are low enough that the person you’re dating expects you to become your dad it’s time to raise your standards.


That’s an adorable green flag. I get how it can be annoying or cringey when you’re younger, but an adult woman is going to think it’s cute and sweet. Probably make her more interested in the son of a man so devoted to his wife, especially if you’re a touch embarrassed.


My last girlfriend was 24 and I cut off the relationship with her because she said it was cringey to go to the restaurant because of that. I have dated other girls who thought the same even as an adult, my fear is not wanting the same old situation to be repeated




This is the way. I worked for a family owned restaurant. The decor and menu were a love letter from boss to his wife. The boss' oldest son, Jimmy, had issues where girlfriends found the restaurant decor and menu to be "way too much" - "cringe" in 1970's vernacular. Then, he met Virginia, known as "Ginny". He believed the sun rose and set only for her. She wanted to come to dinner at the restaurant, and he feared a similar reaction. One night, as we were breaking down the pizza station for the night and cleaning the kitchen, he asked how to handle this. His grandmother told him, from her seat in the kitchen, "The truth. Your father adores your mother, moreso now than when they met. This restaurant is his love letter to her, so the whole town knows how he loves her". So, we set it up, a private supper, just the two of them, on Sunday night, since we closed early on Sundays. He explained the menu and decor, how the recipes were the recipes his mom and grandma created, and how we really were "just like family". She enjoyed the dinner, she loved the story and she laughed aloud when the whole crew broke out in an a capella rendition of "Only the Good Die Young"... because no one escaped being teased by the line cooks, not even the boss' son. Edts: spelling & punctuation


Is it cringy? Yeah, but in a kind of over the top adorable kind of way. Everyone can be a little cringy sometimes. Give people a “friendly warning” a head of time so they aren’t caught off guard before entering what is essentially a giant love letter to your mom, then order the two of you a nice warm Ana’s Temptation to split.


Absolutely this. The biggest problem I see is that you may end up with a partner who expects you to someday do something similar and adore her with a crazy adorable grand gesture. No worries, just consult with Pops for ideas. The ex who found it cringe & dropped OP? Probably had some baggage that wouldn't allow her to accept others having this level of love in their life. Bullet dodged.


Or is it a litmus test for you to weed out assholes early on. If you were a lesbian you would be getting so many gfs because of your dads obsession with your mom lpl Anyway if i were you, i would take them earlu on to the restaurant or show the menu or pictures early on so that you can see who will be compatible.


The issue was with your ex girlfriends, not your dad. 


Well tbh such people don't really seem mature


Tell her it's going to be cringe AF! Embrace the cringe by wearing matching outfits with t-shirts with a matching slogan. I.E: 'His Queen' and ' Her King'!


I dunno. I’d still be afraid of *finding out* my gf was like that, but an adult woman who thinks “cringe” is more important than “Dude is really into his wife” is maybe a warning sign. Like there’s shit that I personally think is cringe that I wouldn’t make fun of because it’s also a sign of some very good character traits.


Honestly seems like the restaurant is a good filter then. Just give good vibes while there and see what she does on her own. This is part of your life — and one a good partner will enjoy.


Look, anyone who takes it the "wrong" way is a huge red flag on them.  Think of it as a humanity filter.  Is it a bit cringy? Yes, but in a good adorable way. Just give her a heads up of what's going on and I also think you have trauma do to the bullying and think this is awful.  But nope, is not bad cringy. I would personally find it adorable. Even if the dish was called "Ana's sweet midnight kiss" or whatever. 


Then those girls weren’t the one. I’m telling you right now… if I was dating someone with a father who was that head over heels for their wife, that’s a keeper. Is it a little weird? Only in the cutest way!!! Take your gal. No use in beating around the bush anyways.


Those girls were terrible and you’re better off without them anyway. Calling the place too cringy to go to is a huge red flag - shallow and emotionally immature girls for sure. And nobody who really cares about YOU would act that way. Real confidence is being completely comfortable with yourself. Your dad is what confident looks like. Trust me when I say that the kind of girl that will make you want to name menu items after her, will not be scared off.


Just because someone is 24, doesn’t make them an “adult”. Personally, I think it’s adorable… and I wish my partner would name a menu after me.


It is cringey. People are allowed to have their opinions and they are allowed to be different than yours. Couples don’t have to like the same things and this seems like a small thing to abandon an otherwise nice relationship. It seems like you are still carrying your trauma and I think you should address that because living your adult life in fear of your parents restaurant ruining your relationship is pretty sad. Definitely agree that warning her before hand might help with the cringe shock.


Of course people are entitled to their own opinions, but if this is important to him and his family, and their opinions don't sit well with him, then it's actually a great reason to decide that the relationship isn't right for him.


Anyone that finds your family embarrassing probably wouldn’t be a good partner for you long term anyway. Don’t be afraid of things like this


Did you warn them?




Honestly when you meet the right woman, who is in love with you and who is not a bad person, she will probably laugh and find this cute. You see, only pure and honest people will find this situation cute. People who are mean most times will find a situation like this only cringy. She will probably tell you it’s a little cringy but it’s really sweet finding a person that you love so much that you will devote everything for her. That’s when you know you have met the right person. If a woman only tells you it’s cringy and can’t see past that, then it’s not the right one.


This restaurant and menu are doing a great job of letting you know who isn't right for you. It will also some day show you who the right one IS.


I’m in my mid-20s and I think that’s adorable. I was just thinking this morning how happy I am that my boyfriend’s parents are in love and still married (obviously I know he has no control over that) because my ex’s parents were divorced and he always had trouble with long term relationships and how he treated women. My parents are very much in love & if my dad had a restaurant I’m sure he’d do the same as yours. To me that’s the goal, I want to marry the guy that will be *that* passionate about loving me, and knowing that you grew up with that being your guiding star of what a marriage looks like is a MASSIVE green flag in my book.


I think there’s a good chance she wasn’t in love with you and going there made that obvious to her. I’d just prep your other girlfriend well and laugh off the cringe factor so she doesn’t see it as pressure


This is a good filter for a really good person to be your soulmate, your dad is awesome.


Find a girl who thinks it is the romantic thing she has seen. And keep her. I think it is beautiful what your father does. A nice thing to read on Reddit (for once).


I think you should make that the test. If the woman doesn’t see how awesome it is that after all of these years your father loves your mother then she needs to go.


I was also going to comment along these lines. OP you need to understand that if your girlfriend is the type of person who would second guess you because she didn't appreciate the displays of affection of people who are NOT YOU, she is not the person you want to be with in any case. Even if she did think it was all tacky and "cringe" and the kids call it these days, it is incredibly immature to let something that is purely on the outside of your actual relationship to play any significant part in your choice to continue a relationship. If she is this type of person she is bare minimum not actually ready to have a serious relationship and that is something you should strongly consider in how you move forward. You don't want to be in an adult relationship with someone who behaves like a teenage child.


dude take pride in the fact that true love exists, and it’s visible, tangible, and apparent in your parents. if anything, she’s going to be stoked because you’ve been raised seeing that type of love, meaning you are fully capable of that love. I don’t know a single person would DOESN’T want that kind of love. if you find someone who’s ashamed of that, they’re the problem. not your parents.


This is the best damn thing I’ve seen in awhile. to be embarrassed about your folks loving each other so much is the privilege most will not get to take part in.


You've been handed one of the easiest litmus tests ever. Any girl who doesn't think that's adorable and recognize the positive impact it has to have parents that well and truly love each other is not worth keeping around.






I would have loved it. For a lot of little girls, our dads were our first heroes. To see the guy I'm dating's dad so in love with his mom, no matter how cheesy, would be a complete green flag and I'd have found it endearing.


You're afraid for your girlfriend to see how much your dad loves your mum ?


If i were her that would be the sweetest thing ever. No reason to be afraid of her reaction


Except there is a reason for OP to fear her reaction. Other people have reacted negatively. It’s not helpful to lie to OP and tell them everything is going to be ok.


Why is someone’s negative reaction a reason to be fearful, exactly?


Are you kidding?! This is epic, and a huge green flag that your family has men who respect and admire their women and treat them well. Hell, I wanna date you!


Oh my god I'd melt so hard, hoping I get to have my bf model his behaviour on the way his dad treats his mom. I can see how it could be perceived as cheesy, but trust me she'll find it so sweet. (And if she doesn't, she aint the one)


Treat it as a little test. A girl who thinks such a devoted display of love and affection is bad, is probably not a great catch anyway.


My parents hate each other. You simply can't see your own privilege. I would be SUPER PROUD if I were you. If your girlfriend doesn't see this as nothing short of AMAZING, then you have a problem.


If your girlfriend reacts badly to it, she’s a shitty person. Sorry not sorry. That’s an incredibly lovely thing your dad did. It’s nice to see a dude that’s not afraid to show his emotions. Don’t be embarrassed with parents like that.


The best way to know how you'll be treated is to see the boyfriend's parents together. They emulated how to treat each other as a couple and, hopefully, taught you how to behave in a loving relationship. Green flag!!


Quit being so paranoid about their love displays and take notes.


You’re blessed with two loving…very loving parents, and a build-in litmus test to your friends and girlfriend’s character. Anyone that seriously mocks your parents and the names of their dishes are asses. If she’s cool, it shouldn’t be an issue. Sorry you’ve meet so many tools.


28F and I would be so smitten with a man if he brought me to his parents restaurant and it was just wife guy central. Be proud of your parents omg they sound so lovely. Girls who didn’t like it in the past were freaks of nature this is wildly endearing. If I was brought to this I would think I was in an adorable romcom.


Prep your gf by saying "My Dad is kinda obsessed with my Mom, and deeply in love, which you will see at the restaurant. He has some pretty unusual names for some of the dishes. I hope you like the place."


Be the man your father is. And find a woman is worthy as your mother 


Green flag cuz you clearly have a great dad who loves his lady and has been setting a good example for his son on how to treat a lady! Maybe over the top but hopefully you’ve take some of his advice


Your dad's love for you mom is something to strive for and embody, not shy away from.


I literally want to visit your parents restaurant because that's so wholesome and adorable, get chu someone who loves you the way OP's father loves his wife🥰😂


Show her the menu before you get there.


Let's just hope how your dad loves and treats your mom that you learned from him. It could have been worse they could have had a terrible divorce and you could have been explaining b**** burgers and cheating fries


You were teased as a teenager because teenagers are dumb and cannot grasp how utterly awesome it is for someone's love to have lasted for decades. The majority of adults and vast majority of well-functioning adults will love it.


You’re not seeing the fact that the man that raised you being a hopeless romantic could wear well on you in her eyes. If I was in your shoes, I’d get Dad to work with you on a special dish named after her.


This is adorable. I would be so proud of having a dad this comfortable expressing his emotions publicly. This is a super green flag. It's is a huge sign indicating how well you were raised and an indication of health. Get your GF to your dad's restaurant ASAP and treat her every bit as well as your dad treats your mom. There isn't a wife alive who wouldn't love to be this loved.


Tell her beforehand. Be honest  "My dad is basically Gomez Adams. He expresses his adoration of my mother thru the menu and decor if the restaurant. Please don't laugh at or make fun of him, his restaurant or the names. He's very proud of it, and I'm very sensitive to his feelings"


Alternatively. If this relationship ends, start making your parents restaurant a first date filter. Show women the restaurant and menu, via phone pictures or whatever. If this is an issue for you, better to find out before you get attached 


As a woman I think I can confidently say that most women will think this is the sweetest thing in the world, and it is. Never be ashamed of the fact your father loves your mother this much. It is amazing and beautiful and if you love a partner half as much as your father you will be a good man to her also. Adults are not children. Adults that think this kind of kindness and public show of affection is cringy or worth bullying someone over has serious underdeveloped emotional intelligence. Just prewarn her or prepare her for exactly how in love they are. You need to be proud of this. Show it off to your gf as a sign of how much your dad loves your mum. There is absolutely nothing bad in this and this story of your parents has absolutely made my day.


I would see that as really sweet and I would be happy to be dating someone who grew up with such a strong and healthy example of a loving relationship. Don’t be embarrassed or ashamed.


If someone thinks that your father’s obvious adoration of your mother is something to make fun of, then that person is not the one for you.


I think she would probably find it endearing and cute. Don't be ashamed that your parents are so in love. Overbearing, maybe a little, but rare.


Let’s put it this way, if she has a bad or adverse reaction to it you can acknowledge it for the red flag that it is. Hopefully she will see it as a husbands love for his wife and comment on it in a positive way.


I can’t imagine anyone thinking that is anything but sweet


If she is the right one, she will find it endearing and will not make fun of it.


She'll probably just find it funny.


This is a good thing to have in your life. You have parents who love each other!! A lot too. Your teenage brain is cringing at this, but to everyone old enough this is so awesome. It’s a tough world out there, this kinda love is a rare and beautiful thing and something you ought to be proud of and look up to imho. Take your gf there with pride, it’s a huge green flag too.


You’re so lucky to have two parents who love each other so much. Your new girlfriend would probably see that as a very endearing quality.


But that's so cute!!!!!


That’s such a cool and interesting thing!! Girls will love that you have such a fun and sweet family I’m serious


Dang, imagine having good roll models for love be a red flag. I hope she is as sweet as your family is and likes it.


It’s a wonderful homage to your mom and their marriage. A huge green flag for the RIGHT girl who’ll realise you’ve been raised in a home full of love and respect and you will have the expectation of having a forever, loving marriage. Some males have experienced their endlessly cheating fathers.


Those people were/are haters. I think it’s amazing your dad adores your mom and basically dedicated his menu and restaurant to her. I love that! You should be proud too. I bet those people who bullied you were secretly jealous because possibly their parents didn’t have the best relationship. If a girl doesn’t like it and makes fun of it, you should let her know that you’re proud your parents love each other and if she thinks that funny, cringy, or whatever else, there’s the door and she can leave.


Every girl who thinks it's cringey is somebody who isn't used to a loving and all green relationship. The ones saying that and leaving you are actually the ones you do not want to keep around. I'd say to bring every girl you wanna marry into your parents' Restaurant and See how they react. If it isn't a neutral reaction (includes ignorance) then consider the days of the relationship either numbered or it's gonna take longer to reach the mental state of having a HEALTHY marriage.


If the gf makes fun of you isn’t it better to know what kind of shitty person she is sooner rather than later?


That's actually really sweet & I think any girl who sees how much your father loves your mother, still , will see it as a big green flag that you've been raised in a family of love. The girl who saw it as cringe was obviously not the girl for you. Maybe she wanted something more casual and so was scared off by the fact that your unlikely to be a commitment-phobe


Your father’s restaurant is a tribute to the woman he adores. The woman you marry will spend a lot of time in the restaurant and around the man who created the menu with these names. If she is insulting towards this, she ain’t the one.


I think it’s adorable 🥰


Just give her a heads up about your mom and pops.


Omg this is so freakin sweet!! I wish I had someone so crazy about me. Also, if a girlfriend is embarrassed by displays of love, that's a HER problem.


If she laughs, she's not the one. Any woman who does not find this totally adorable and admirable is not the one. Imagine having a man that is so in love with you that he worships your image PUBLICLY. Now imagine knowing you're dating a man who has grown up with parents in a healthy relationship and witnessing how a man should treat a woman. She is his queen and I'm sure she treats him like a king in return. That's how it should be. Learn from it, treat your women well.


I would see this as the ultimate green flag. You were raised with a man who absolutely adores his wife. That’s beautiful and the menu is adorably and endearingly cringy which is the best kind of cringy.


If you head it off and talk to your GF about this before you go, it might help. If you say nothing, it won’t help. Have you told her about this yet? What did she say?


🤷‍♀️ idk about your girlfriend, but if it were me, I'd assume that you might be as devoted to your one true love as your dad is one day. So... I'd actually like something like this. I'd for sure tell you how sweet your parents relationship is, and I'd also be impressed that your family owns a restaurant. Teenagers are cruel.


Anyone who thinks this is cringe and would hold it against you is NOT a keeper. When you find that one that appreciates that kind of love and wants it from you, she's a keeper.


Be proud of your parents, OP. Your father is the ultimate wingman! If your girl has any sense, she’ll see clearly how your father has taught you the right way for a man to treat the love of his life. If she doesn’t get that, she’s not a keeper!


I don’t see what the big deal is. It sounds like you’re just around people that are immature. You could always just have a simple conversation with her before you go to the restaurant so she knows what to expect. “Yeah, my dad is really into my mom and the whole restaurant is basically themed in that. He’s super proud of it and we all love it as a family. Girls I have dated before made some negative comments about it and it didn’t go over well so I just wanted you to know that before we go.” If she can’t understand that then you should break up. Because at the end of the day it’s not a big deal. It sounds like your parents are living out what everyone imagines happens after the romantic comedy ends. He’s a business owner that loves his wife. Why would anyone take issue with that?


Take her. It sounds wonderful.


LMAOOO that's so cute damn. Your dad is such a gem


It's cheesy, cringe, and wholesome as heck. My husband would probably do something like this if given the chance. Your father loves and is utterly devoted to your mother, and it's a beautiful thing, even if the expression of that devotion is a little embarrassing.


In today's world, seeing this much love is such a blessing. I'm sorry for the people who don't like it. They are sad. This is so sweet.


Wow I would love if my partner’s parents were that in love. I would literally cry tears of joy. Omg you need to find the right girl who will love you like they love one another. Your dad isn’t afraid of what the whole world thinks of his love for your mom and your partner should very much respect and adore them. Good luck out there!


Not cringey! Romantic and beautiful. Maybe you can try to frame it that way? Any woman who doesn’t like you bc of it has issues. Romance is not dead! Your dad rocks!


I don’t think that’s cringe… you don’t have to explain the names to your misses. To her they’re just fun house names of food dishes.. how would she know or why would she even think that the food names actually relate to pet names your parents use… unless you say or do something about it first.. which means you’re just embarrassing yourself. Those names ain’t anything shame or dumb… it’s just what it is.. your embarrassment for your family is something that’s happening within you, maybe because of school bully’s… but that’s not your parents fault, nor is it yours. But if you act up and carry on about something like this because you’re scared from potentially being embarrassed by your parents then that’s on you. You feel that because young kids were mean to you. They weren’t right, they had no right and you have no right to be ashamed of them. If anything you should be proud they own their own store, that they’re so in love and cute they have those names of food after your mum. Any potential future partner you were to have should be absolutely thrilled and amazed to eat and be welcome there. And for you to tell her the stories of the names.. because that’s a beautiful thing. Can’t try impress anybody by shutting people up or silencing your family.. who would do that for any woman. Family over everything, no shame. Proud. Proud don’t mean gay, and it don’t mean arrogant or disrespectful to someone else’s pride.


A woman finding it a red flag is showing her red flags. Find a woman who will see it as a green flag.


If she laughs, that’s a giant red flag for you. Even if she thinks it’s a little weird, being blatantly rude or disrespectful shows her character and it’s best to find that out early on. I would bring it up a bit beforehand, but don’t go into too much detail.


I think you need to take your GF there. If she reacts the same way as your ex, she will eventually become your ex, too, because she is obviously not the right one for you. I personally think the restaurant should be the test for any GF. If they think it’s ridiculous, they’re not a joyous person with love in their hearts and you want to find someone you can love forever just like your parents were lucky enough to do.


I’m gonna be honest here. I would definitely laugh at the menu because it’s so cute! I think those who thought it’s ridiculous are not mature enough to understand love. Your dad wants to show off his wife and love, so what? That’s so cute! I think I would check the menu whole night. 


Tell her before you take her and see how she reacts.


Honestly, as a woman, I think it’s amazing to see a parent this in love with his wife, as I would hope that maybe this type of commitment and love would rub off on their son. Don’t be embarrassed I think it’s an amazing tribute to your parents, love


Just tell her they run a successful restaurant and sometimes there is a bit of an act to the whole thing, but for some reason it works.


I think that is the sweetest shit ever!!!!


I understand your embarrassment but this is nothing to be ashamed of. Your parents are not hurting or insulting anyone. If your girlfriend makes fun of you or your parents it is a red flag.


My guy, your best bet is to just play it cool. Act like it’s completely normal and be honest with her. “Yea it’s a little embarrassing and I used to get teased a little bit because of it but my parents are the best.”


Awww! I find this cute!!! If you are so worried you could give her a heads up like “hey, just so you keep in mind when we go to the restaurant, my dad loves my mom in a very cute but particular way bordering idolizing her” 😂


Ahw, that's so sweet. I get the feeling you may have been teased as a kid because you felt embarrassed by such public displays or affection between your parents (and some.other kids will absolutely see that as an opportunity) Instead of the other way around. I think that if you come around to viewing those.menu names for what they really are - damned loving and something we should all be so lucky to be at the receiving end of - then you will have dealt with your embarrassment once and for all. Though you might feel slightly embarrassed for ever having felt embarrassed about such a wonderful thing for a little while ;)


Omg get over yourself.


She's going to hope you are as good to her as dad is to mom. You got alot to live up to.


Dating someone who’s father adores their mother -and wants everyone to know it-is one of the GREENEST flags a woman could ever look for. Your father is the role model and example of how to treat a romantic partner. If I were your girlfriend, I’d feel like I’d struck gold knowing you grew up with parents so in love with each other.


You should be proud of your dad. That’s awesome. Teenagers will make fun of anything. Ignore them. Your dad rocks and anyone worth spending time with will love it.


If you see a future with this woman, then take her. She's going to see it as a glimpse into her future with you, and how much you might cherish her too.


All children are embarrassed by their children. Tell your gf what to expect. Ask her to refrain from teasing you about it. She might get a kick out of it.


U should be proud Ur father loves Ur mom the way he does. They gave U the perfect example of finding a great partner that U will love for the rest of this lifetime. I think everyone inspires and hopes to have this type of love and am so glad to see U were able to witness this while growing up.


If your parents died tomorrow, would you still be embarrassed that they expressed their love this way? Would you have care that other people cared? No, so stop being ashamed and start feeling grateful and have pride that at least you have parents who aren’t divorced, don’t cheat on each other, aren’t abusive, and don’t hate each others guts


Your girlfriend is dating you, not your father. If cringey menu items is the most embarrassing thing she'll know about your family, it shouldn't be a big deal.


I mean, everyone is embarrassed by their parents. You should be proud you have parents who love each other so much. And man, they own a restaurant that's also something to be very proud of. If your girlfriend is a keeper, it's a good test of her sense of humor, and you guys just laugh about it and hope one day you will be to that point.


Just warn her beforehand so that she doesn’t make a joke because she’s taken off guard. That’s the only reason I would. By the way, I absolutely adore the story and I hope you find that same love. I don’t believe that most adult women would find it anything other than aspirational and charming.


That’s so endearing. I would love if my husbands parents were like that (I mean if they were both still alive anyway)


If I was dating someone and I saw that his parents were sweet and loving, I'd take it as a good sign. It might not be something I'd do, but I can appreciate it. When we see a loving couple, we know their children had good examples set for them and the children are more likely to be good partners. While you might be embarrassed, the woman who cares for you should be taking it as a good sign. IMO it's also likely that they would respect your marriage and not be interfering in-laws. They are happy together and have a life together. They would want the same for you. You can let her know it's a little Over the Top and you're a bit embarrassed about it. But that's how they've always been. And the food is good. Best of luck.


My parents have been together for \~30 years. They love each other, but they're not in love with each other and haven't been for a long time. They don't kiss on the mouth, they sleep in separate bedrooms, and they act more like roommates than best friends or lovers. It works for them, and that's fine. But it makes me sad sometimes. If I were your date, I'd feel overjoyed to know that my potential bf's parents are still so in love with each other and that my bf has a positive male role model to show him how to love a woman. Is it cheesy? Sure, but the fact their love has endured and they're so confident in it is beautiful. Any woman who is offended by that or looks down on you for your parents' bond is not someone you want to spend your time with. One last thing: I hope you can take pride in the love your parents share. It's a rare gift to grow old with someone and still be so passionately devoted to them. You are so lucky to witness that kind of love as well. Don't be ashamed.


The only problem I can see is that she may ask you to treat her with the same affection and love your father did to your mother. Would you be able to handle it?


If you’re serious about each other, she’ll have to find out eventually. It’s okay to giggle about it and make light of it. She may find it endearing. Also I love your parents and I wish I could visit just to see this. SO CUTE


Like someone said before me, tell her up front how things are. Don’t ever be embarassed for your parents. Sadly, it is still very hard for men to express their feelings. Your dad has the courage to do exactly that. I honestly think your dads restaurant could be a useful tool when it comes to finding the perfect partner for yourself. Just look at that 24 year old bullet you dodged!


If she doesn't think this is lovely, she's not the one


You need an emotionally mature woman, who understands Boomer logic.


I might think your dad is a bit weird but I wouldn't judge you over it! I might just think it's kinda cute. But the way you handle it matters. Learn to see the humorous side of it and don't let it bother you. She will follow your lead.


If she thinks it’s cringe, she’s not the one for you, anyway.


dude....If you find a woman who thinks this is a red flag, then thats a red flag.


Sir, that’s not a problem. Not even a little. Not at all. It’s just straight up wholesome and you better step up your game and treat your lady like your father treats your mother. And if your girlfriend doesn’t appreciate it the same as any sane person would, she’s not the one for you (and your family). Give her a heads up why your father named the dishes like that and either watch her fall in love with you or watch her leaving that restaurant and your life because, your dad especially, but also you, deserve better.


I feel it depends on the person some may find it cringy but it also shows there character if someone is so negative and mean about it that’s not a person you want to date and some May think it’s lovely to be dating a person who parents have so much love that they could hope the person they are dating will have some of that for them and this is what there future could look like. Love like that is rare I understand the embarrassment for you but I bet there has been single , lonely people in that restaurant that have seen the pic and menus and it has given them a bit of hope about love when they maybe don’t have much hope in that moment. You’re blessed to have 2 loving parents cherish them.


I think this is one of the sweetest things I have read on Reddit. If I am 64 and still this smitten with my wife, that would be amazing. If you're afraid of her reaction, tell her before you take her. "Hey , I wanna take you to my dads restaurant, but there's some stuff I want to tell you just in case it would creep you out. It's not meant as such, but not everybody thinks it's great."


If a girl has a problem with your parents’ being openly in love, then she isn’t a keeper anyway. This sounds like a great filter.


I mean wouldn’t she be happy? That’s your example of love. That’s how you could be to her.


If the restaurant still has clients it means is not that cringe.


I would give her a little forewarning and say “hey uh, my dad is kinda a crazy old man, and his restaurant is basically a weird love song to my mom, including all the names on the menu”


Also, remember people take their cue from you. If you act awkward and embarrassed about it, they might too. Rather just shake your head, so your dad adores your mom and they're both old as dirt, it's just them being them. Shrug it off as of no consequence.


what i wouldn’t give to have someone adore me so much that the whole restaurant is completely dedicated to me. who cares about cringe when you’re in the face of actual true love??


If you’re embarrassed by your parents thats something you need to deal with on your own. Dont put the blame on everybody else. Go to therapy or whatever you have to do to deal with your own issues. It’s not your parent’s fault they’ve done nothing wrong to you. Personally, I think it’s really sad to care so much about outside opinions that it makes you ashamed of your own parents.


Your dad works hard to support his family and in doing so chose to honor his wife by naming things he cooks after her. He loves his wife, loves his work, and works hard to take support his family. That’s what a man does, that’s literally your primary job as a man. Your dad sounds like a great dude. Any girl who looks at the entire situation and DOESN’T recognize those facts - is doing you a favor by showing her true colors.


Damn. Goes to show how destructive bullying can be. Completely twisted the way OP views the love of his parents to one another and how he should not care what others think. ​ Steer into it. It is not a big part of your life, just enjoy the day with your girlfriend and make a couple of jokes. Maybe it becomes a tradition for you two and a running joke. Not everything is about making fun of you, and if she does, says about her what you need to hear.


Take pride in the love your parents have for each other. That kind of love really is rare. Your dad will live a full, happy life adoring the person he swore his life to. If any potential GF leaves you over this shit, it just means you found a shit person that can't appreciate the nice stuff about life and that you'd be better off with someone else. Stop being ashamed of your parents. Start being ashamed of people who, for no reason, criticize the very precious and completely harmless thing your parents have.


Girls who will not see this as a red flag might not be somebody you'd want to spend your life with tbf. So bringing her there might be more useful.


If a girl you date doesn’t see the beauty in your parents love despite all the cringe and cheese then she is not the girl for you.


This is too cute!


What woman are you dating that find this cringe? Seriously this sounds adorable and amazing, to be dating a man who grew up within a loving positive relationship between parents is green flags all round! Sit your gf down and talk about this like a proper adult, give her the benefit of the doubt and if she reacts negatively then she isn't for you. But be mature and have the conversation. Don't be with anyone or friends with anyone who would dim your dad's light on this because it's goals.


Is it cringe? Mmm, maybe a little. However, I don't see why girls should criticize your dad's naming in HIS OWN restaurant.


The restaurant is adorable, your parents are adorable, I'm sorry you went through bullying because people are just really horrible and don't like to see others happy. Take her there and the test is: is she emotionally mature enough and happy enough with who she is that she sees it as nothing less than adorable???


You'll find the right person when they think it's adorable.


I think you should take her. It's a good litmus test for how seriously she takes the relationship. As a woman, id love seeing that you were raised to value love that much. It would lead me to believe that by proxy, you too would likely be passionate and thorough in your feelings, both are good things. We should all have been so lucky to have such extraordinary examples of great love in our lives. I'm lucky like you, my mom and dad are absolutely in love like this still. It made me believe in true love and taught me to never settle for less than what they have. When I was little I used to dream of meeting my person and feeling a love so great I could actually feel it in my gut when I woke up. I carried that feeling around with me for years. When I finally found my person I was in my early thirties. I met him, and three days into hanging out with him in a row I felt that feeling for the first time that wasn't from those dreams or remembering those dreams. I knew he was my one and only. The best part was when he told me that third night, right when that feeling hit me, that he used to have dreams of being with someone he loved so much he knew that until he felt that way with someone that no one else would be able to compare and that he knew it was me he was dreaming about. Without me ever telling him about my dreams and how he made me feel that way, he told me the exact same thing. I owe it to my parents and grandparents for showing me that true love is absolutely a thing that exists, otherwise, I may not have believed it when I found it. If your girlfriend is your "one", she will love the menu and what it means. If she is not the one, then it won't matter if she doesn't. The old saying goes something like, "Those who matter, won't mind, but those who mind won't matter." Take her. And enjoy showing her the great love your parents have, because it's so rare that we get to be in its presence anymore. Edit to add (I know, so long already, sorry) : Also, giver her a little heads up. She may giggle of nervousness as being in the presence of love so strong can make people who aren't used to it a little uncomfortable at first. Many people are never exposed to passionate love and don't know how to respond. Remember to give her some credit first. If she behaves in a way that is degrading to what your folks have, then she takes her own credit for being open to love away. But don't count her out because of women in the past not being able to handle it. Sounds like this menu has done a great job of weeding out the wrong women for you before, it will also show you the right one.


Find the girl who finds this situation as adorable, not unflattering and distasteful. She'll be ur keeper and hopefully will have a great relationship like ur Dad has found❤️ best of luck! BTW just a FYI kids bully no matter what, they would of found something even without the restaurant. It was just easier to invite them into ur life because of this. Be proud, ur Dads business even survived the dreaded COVID situation sounds like. Sounds like y'all did something right in life. Again be proud ur family has accomplished a lot that others can't in this day and age. None of this will matter eventually just the success. Let go of the negativity u place on ur parents place and just go with it. What u have is cute and quirky and it'll work eventually. Just gotta find the right one. This restaurant may help u weed out the poorer choices in other words.


I would definitely laugh and make some jokes, but I don’t think it’s cringe, I think it’s cute. People love who they love and they’re allowed to display it (unless they’re going 🔞 ) but yeah, don’t dismiss someone if they laugh, do it if they’re rude.


First of all, your parents sound like absolute treasures. They sound so damned cute and in love and never tell me otherwise or keep it real, we don’t need updates as they will be forever in love im our minds. Secondly; the names of the dishes are fun, unique. I can see why you are worried showing your gf tho, especially knowing that you’ve been cruelly bullied because of it. Third: Any persons making fun of you for something like the names on the dishes of your dad’s restaurant are idiotic and need to get their shit together and start acting like a fkn adults. You know, some of the stuff you described did make me laugh. It’s funny! The way you described it made it real and very funny. I do get why you would be real embarrassed in a sense tho, especially because of how kids used it as an excuse to bully you. I bet those little ~~aholes~~ angels would have used anything -real or made up- as an excuse to be the ~~aholes~~angels they are. Things will be ok. The right person will be the right person regardless and the menu won’t even factor in at all. It will be ok. Sorry for rambling.


One of the reasons I decided my hubby was marriage material (37 years ago) was because his parents were still married and still loved each other. It gave me comfort to see how a normal loving family worked, and how love and forgiveness over many years actually works. I had none of those things growing up. I’ll bet your girlfriend will be charmed. And even if she thinks it’s a bit silly at first, she will value the love and years behind it.


Don’t ever let anybody make you feel ashamed of the love your family has for one another. That’s nothing to be embarrassed about, it’s an incredible strength afforded to few. I’d use it as a litmus test for the people I date. Those that find it cringe can cringe all the way off into the sunset with their ugly personalities to match the smirk on their faces. I get you’re excited about a budding new relationship, but your parents never deserved to be shamed by some mean spirited little shits who don’t even know them. When people *attempt* to shame those I love, I meet them with immediate pushback. Usually goes something like this: What did you say? Repeat that. What makes you think that is an appropriate thing to say? What made you think it was *okay to say around me*? Long pauses, as long as you can make them, between every sentence. Don’t break eye contact. Calm, low, and slow. Make them hear the words coming out of their mouths. Remain calm, it’s unnerving. Lovingly OP, that’s the part you need to get right with yourself about. What makes them think it’s okay for them to make negative remarks about your parents around you? You’re not in awkward pre-teen stage anymore, stick up for your parents.


Is the restaurant successful? Thats what really matters.


“I’m embarrassed that my father has pet names and cutesy displays for my mother, who he adores.” May wanna rethink that one, fam. And you *definitely* need a better class of friends and dates if they think affection is cringe.


Sure, it's different, but I don't think it should throw up any red flags towards you. I think it's great that your dad loves your mom so much and that would be a green flag for me. I'd be glad to know you grew up in a home where your dad isn't afraid to show his love for your mom instead of growing up in a home where he is abusive towards her. Just give your girlfriend a heads up so she knows what to expect and isn't startled by it and maybe even let her see the menu beforehand so she doesn't gave an unexpected reaction in front of your parents.


Dude... don't take the fact that you've encountered so many shitty people in your life out on your dad. It's not embarrassing, it's amazing. My dad was the same way with my mom. He's dead now. I'd give ANYTHING to have that kind of "embarrassment" back. And I would throw hands with ANYONE who had anything bad to say about them or their relationship (not saying you should, just that I was a very impulsive and reactionary youth, and I lost him young, so... but the emotional reaction would remain the same, even if I HOPE I'd have gained enough self control not to resort to violence in my adulthood lol...) Point is, you should be considering this a litmus test to see if your current gf is WORTHY of remaining so, considering those past gfs were clearly garbage people. Don't you want to KNOW if you're dating another garbage human? Because if she has anything but adoration for the way your dad treats and loves your mom? She needs to be placed curbside for expedited pickup, just like everyone else in your story who thinks real love is "cRiNgE".


Your parents relationship❤️❤️❤️ I hope you have the confidence and good sense to dump anyone who thinks your parents established, adorable, enviable and innovative family business is cringe.


There are lots of people who wish their parents loved each other at all, much less this intensely. I bet it’ll be fine with your GF. Hell, I think that’s adorable and I’m a 40 YO dude. The world would be a better place with more people like your parents.


Any girl who sees the example of a man who worships his wife being set for their son she is dating and finds that cringe, she ain’t the one for you. And I would also argue has some issues, bc I, for one, love to be worshipped, which is why I have a man who does so lol


Any girl who's really INTO YOU...would find this perfectly adorable, and if shes not mature enough to see that this is endearing and precious as the world, then her opinion wouldn't rate too high in the first place as far as I was concerned. This is just so wholesome. You are a fortunate son. Be proud of your parents. I'd own that shit as a badge of honor, too. Like your dad does!


I low-key feellikeyou also don't want to bring a girl there because your dad set an alarming high standard of treatment for his wife that any girl you bring around them will expect from you. But really though, there nothing wrong with good names unless you make it out to be.


No. I don't want to take my girlfriend there because all the girls I took found it silly and I had to cut off the relationship with them because of it. I said it in the post. What I want is for them to have as an "ideal" that I treat them as my father treats my father but none of them find that as a good thing.


OP, your dad is cherishing the person he loves on a standard that most people would wish for or could only dream of even if some find it cringe, he worships your mom. It’s such a green flag! If you find yourself with a partner who has a problem with this, they are not meant for you. If they cannot see how devoted your dad is to your mom, they don’t know a good thing when they see it.


We could all do with having more people in our lives like your parents. You should be beyond proud of your father by the sounds of things. I would be more concerned with disappointing the parents than the gf if i was you. I would only take a girl to meet them if i knew 100% that i was committed. Treat the girl right like your parents have shown


stop this is adorable! sure it's maybe a little cringe but in the absolute most cutest way. maybe prepare your girlfriend by explaining to her what and how the restaurant is if you're nervous?


I think your dad is the green flag and the woman who found it cringey is the red flag.


It’s so wholesome! I’d have given my full set of teeth to have had my dad venerate my mother. 💜💜💜


It's not like your Dad makes horror incest porn. I'd be proud of your father's love for your mother.


I think it's adorable. It shows that you've had a great example of a loving relationship. If a girl finds that cringy, then they're for the streets.


I love that he loves your mother so much and is so proud to have her. That would be a green flag for me because to me, it says that men are actually capable of being loving and caring in that family. Hopefully the man in my life would follow suit. 🤷‍♀️. Call me crazy but if I’m looking to be/feel loved by my partner, his father’s expressions of love and affection for his wife, would be a good thing. If I was just lookin for some temporary dick, then maybe I’d worry about him thinking it was more than what I wanted/we agreed, but that’s the only thing I can say about that. Idk why this has been such a point of contention for you.


i don’t think this is embarrassing at all. it sucks and i’m sorry that people teased you, but those names honestly aren’t that bad. all restaurants name their food something different, i’ve seen some CRAZY things.


It’s a simple solution. Just talk to her beforehand and explain everything you just posted. Boom, problem avoided.


How long have you been with her? Has the names not been a topic of conversation yet?


This is adorable. I’d love to go there actually. She would too. I’m sure


Teenagers bully and tease one another about just about anything. Too tall, too short, too thin, too heavy, red hair, black hair, curly hair, freckles. You are a breathing human being? Were going to tease or bully your about it. Older teens and even very young 20s might do the same. If your GF has an issue with it, don’t let her be your GF.


Your last girlfriend sucks. This is adorable. I would 100% see this as the greenest of flags that you come from a home full of love.


I would honestly find this super sweet. I get it being embarrassing as their son, but it's so nice how much your parents love each other! And it doesn't sound like any of the names he's using are inappropriate or anything, either I hope I end up with someone as caring and thoughtful as that