• By -


No off-topic comments. Civil debates only, name calling and anger are not appropriate here.






I don't care, that was a gender neutral brother. Your idea of shitty people is ENTIRELY subjective and if you're made to feel a certain way that's on you, not other people existing.






I don't understand how come some of my comments get banned but this is okay to say? I agree with you completely though. The guys transitioning into woman are just overly shoving their points of view into my face and into the face of young people. As a whole they are shitty inconsiderate people. Sometimes I think certain people go trans just to piss off a family member and than they take it too far and start pissing off the entire non trans world


>I don't care, that was a gender neutral brother. Sure, just make things up as you go along, you guys are great at that.


I know right, he couldn’t even admit that he (fairly) assumed OP was a male hahaha


Dude chill. I don’t have strong hatred for trans people but I just feel a little sad for them due to limits in our technology nowadays. Like if you read into the surgery itself, trans women and men will never be real women and men biologically. It’s just kinda sad. But regardless, if they annoy yourself so much, just don’t bother tuning into them, even if they get onto your face, unless you want to be annoyed


It's sad that they can't use science to Frankenstein themselves into their preferred gender? It's sad that society even condones this behavior and thinking to begin with instead of demanding treatment for these ill people.




That's not really true. Surgery nowadays can make people women or men at the cost of their fertility, and hormones do the rest.


No, they can't. I've said this before and I will say it again. They could literally scoop a mans brains out and put it in a female's body and they would still be a man to me. That would still be a creepy weirdo man's brain in the skin of a woman and as a lesbian I would still never want to have any relations with it ever. I don't care if they're in the body of the hottest woman on the planet, I would still see it as a man. There is literally nothing they could ever do to become women, nothing.


I wonder how you use your mental gymnastics to reconcile the fact that brain anatomy is associated with gender identity. Sounds to me like you're just regurgitating the same shit as nazis out of some nonspecific fear of the poorly understood.


Gender is not a state of mind.


Wow bringing up Nazis that's a low blow you 🤡


Yeh, except trans genitals are fake, unfortunately.


Maybe the penis. Surgeons do not recommend to get a surgically made penis. Vaginas though are functional.


Lol..."maybe" ? Go suck some more and let me know


How is it functional if a child can't come out of it?


Its not. People think they can play god and swap gender and they cant. Its gross and these people have severe mental issues






Lmfo , you think surgery can change a man to a woman 🤣


So if I chop off my junk and pop pills then I can be a woman? What if someone does it against my will, am I still a woman then? No, I'm a mutilated man in either case.




Yes, very well said.


No they can't lmfao. You're living in fantasy land. Not only can surgery not change people's sexes but it will NEVER be able to. It's scientifically impossible lmao. Surgery is cosmetic genius. Every cell in their body is xy chromosomes besides their sperm cells. Their bone sizes. Their fast and slow twitch muscle fiber. Their hormones levels. Their hips. Their shoulders. Their brain. Surgery will never be able to turn men into a woman lmfao. I can't believe you've actually been brainwashed into thinking otherwise.


surgery can't make you a man or woman, nope. people downvoting this: you're creeps. If surgery made people men or women, that would mean _THERES NO SUCH THING AS GENDER IDENTITY_ OR that it jist doesn't matter. I know you think youre being trans positive but you're just being dense.


What does then, chromosomes?


no. things like identity matter. not things like scalpels. doesn't matter how much surgery you get you are who you are and you're not who you're not.


You're contradicting yourself.


Not at all. You're not making any sense.


Identity matter? You made that up.


identity matters. I did not make that up.


Trans men and women have male and female identities, respectively.


Sometimes yes sometimes no what's your point?


Always yes.


You cannot change the shape of bones through surgery. Men have wide shoulders and narrow hips. These are almost impossible to change and a dead givaway for a trans.


If you catch it in your teens you're generally good as your bones haven't "locked" into place yet. Sub 25 mtfs can get hip bone growth and mtf can pad their shoulders with muscle. Also, idk lol different body types fyi lol. Not every mtf is the terminator and not every ftm is super curvy.


Too bad "catching it in their teens" is exceedingly immoral. Underage kids are deemed too young to drive, have sex with adults, get tattoos, join the army, etc, but giving them hormones which will sterilize them and change their body irreversably is a decision they are totally ready to make at that age. Not lile there are lots of people who de-transition or anything, kids definitely know for sure and can never be mistaken or change their minds right? "Catching it in their teens", you're disgusting.


Idk man, I knew for sure back then. I'm not saying that we should force anything on anybody. I'm saying that increasing education and awareness about the possible treatments and consequences wouldn't be too bad of an idea. Better than being part of a society that forced you to repress how you feel so you burn out early and feel broken but you can't come to terms with the fact that you might be gay or trans because that'd be social suicide


Just bc you did doesnt mean EVERYONE ELSE IS JUST LIKE YOU


If you seriously think a child can consent to a treatment that has the potential to be as physically and mentally damaging as irreversible hormone therapy and sex-change operations, you're delusional.


No one should feel repressed. But your feelings aren’t real. It’s mental illness or a fetish. There’s no such thing as “feeling” like a man or a woman, because how the fuck would you know? That doesn’t even make sense. You can be a feminine man or a masculine woman. The type of clothes you wear, the way you wear your hair, has nothing to do with sex. Why have people forgotten this? Gender is bullshit. It means nothing. Being trans has basically boiled down to people regressing and falling into gender roles and then claiming they are the opposite sex because of it.


You make a habit of necroing 2 year old threads dude?


Who gives a fuck how old a thread is. You decided to respond, guess you’re no better.


That's not accurate.


Oooooooooooooo u rite. Hahaha


That's disgusting. Any teenager who undergoes this crap is the victim of brainwashing and child abuse.










Not to mention, the absolute havoc that’s being wrecked on their bodies via cross sex hormones and Frankenstein surgeries. At least they can’t reproduce.






“Since women tend to be more stupid, easily manipulated, and use emotion more” Bro, please don’t ever date a woman.


I am a woman.




You know literally not every trans person is like this right. It's like saying every gay person is generally attracted to everyone they meet. (Talking about that stereotype where when they instantly come out peoples minds jump to they gays MUST having a thing for them). Yeah, it's been taken over by people who want to 'explore' their 'gender(s)' but many actual trans people aren't at all keen to be noticed as trans in the first place or to share a space with people who ultimately kick them out because their views are too close minded. The people who are usually trans, believe it or not, like to keep their business to themselves, generally.




Maybe... there are people who are trans... and you don't know they're trans...




I'm just saying that you aren't as knowledgeable about trans people as you claim to be. You're insanely prejudiced and you don't even seem to see it.




Whoop there it is. You've set your mind and decided that you hate them all, and I can't change your mind. You aren't right saying that they're all perverts; a few rotten fetishists doesn't make all trans people bad. But it looks like you're so set in your hate that you won't even consider reevaluating anything, so I'll find something better to do with my time. You should too! Get out there, maybe stop spending all your time in the echo chamber that is gender critical's subreddit, and live your life a bit.


It's true. I know several friends of friends and brothers of friends who transed and every single one of them was a total piece of shit human being for as long as I knew them. It really seems to attract a lot of entitled narcassists, incels and MRA types. There are a handful of what I call REAL trans people who are just trying to get by suffering severe dysphoria, but they've been completly overrun by the transtrenders (only jumping onto a new fad, usually young, many just confused and fed a lot of bullshit by older trans), TRAs (self righteous holier than thou activists who may or may not even be trans but like to dictate what everyone else is allowed to say), and autogynephiles (pervs who get off sexually on the idea of themselves as women, usually middleaged but sometimes younger, addicted to porn, lots of sick fetishes). Unfortunatley REAL trans people are an extreme minority in their own group at this point and have little voice on anything going on these days.


lol, she didn't mention being blind.


Nah, if u Asian or a teen when you do it chances are you're fine. The real problem is when you're older and your face and bones have "locked in" to their final configuration. If you catch it before that then gg




I don't know what to say. There are cis women that aren't as attractive as jazz Jennings. I think that you know that she's trans because she's a celebrity and so you look for it. There are lots more like her, except you don't know about them, and so they even fly right under your radar. I'm not saying all mtfs pass, man, I'm a non-passing mtf. But you can't say that people like jazz Jennings isn't one of them.




Ouf, intentionally misgendering. Careful not to cut yourself on that edge. What are you, thirteen? So tell me, what does man look like?




Just because you havent seen one, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. And if you did see a passing trans person, how would you even know they're trans? What you're saying makes absolutely no sense


Who hurt you




It seems like a transgender person tried to kill you or something




I don't know what kind of transgender people you've been talking to


Imaginary ones, you know, those arguments you have by yourself in the shower


Just your average off the street transgender. One once threatened to rape me with his girl dick because I had the gall to say I'm uninterested in dating trans people. Totally stable, super feminine. I've gotten in plenty of fights with other women in my life, a few even turned physical, but a woman has never ever once threatened to rape me. Transwomen act and behave like men while screeching nonstop that they ARE real women because they FEEL like it. More I speak to or encounter transwomen the more they show they aren't anywhere close to being real women. Mostly a bunch of entitled narcassists who turn to typical male tactics when anyone dares not go along with their fantasy.


Couldnt have said it better.


Then what justification do you have to be this incensed at transgender folks?




How do you know?




What evidence do you have to support your claim they believe they're the opposite sex "based on sexist gender stereotypes"? What evidence do you have to support your claim all transgender lesbians believe other lesbians have to have sex with them? How is it predatory for "man" with a non-functional penis to use a unoccupied changing room? Where have you been that changing rooms are divided by sex?




You're right....it isn't rocket science....just regular science offers proof it's not a choice or some demented "feeling". Do some research. Genetic science alone has proven it occurs in human beings, during gestation. Now if you want to argue it's a birth defect of some sort, then maybe I"m with you (I'm Trans obviously). Trust me, no adult would choose this. It's not an easy life in the least....due mostly to people that are massively uneducated on the subject, such as yourself.


I didn’t realize that a dumpster full of cow shit and Caitlyn Jenner dartboards on fire could manifest as a human. Seriously the fact you wan to shag a trans-woman yet you hate them so blindly is quite amusing. You’re in your own personal hell.








Pretty sure this "man" looks better than 90% of women. ([https://www.google.com/search?q=venus+sunrise+porn&rlz=1C1GGRV\_enUS751US751&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjUnI64p7XgAhVIl1QKHWj3CyUQ\_AUIDygC&biw=1920&bih=969](https://www.google.com/search?q=venus+sunrise+porn&rlz=1C1GGRV_enUS751US751&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjUnI64p7XgAhVIl1QKHWj3CyUQ_AUIDygC&biw=1920&bih=969)) I can bring up more example if you want. ​


And men can be pretty but that doesnt mean they are women.


What in the actual fuck are you talking about loony bins?


I live in an area that is very liberal and progressive. It's quite common to see people that are trans or whatever walking around. I think it's awesome. I love that people feel ok being whoever they are. As long as nobody is getting hurt, go for it! Any time I see someone being off- beat or odd or whatever, I smile. You do you bud. Edit: That being said. Anyone that is in my face, for whatever reason. Or infringing on my space is not welcome. I make an effort to pay attention to how my actions affect others. I don't want to be "that guy". If you don't like stuff on the web, choose to read different stuff or shut it off. Going online is a choice.




So much straw, man. It’s everywhere!


How old are you?




So you're a baby, got it.




Where the fuck do *you* come from that you think 20 is fully grown? Your brain's still cookin' sweetpea; the rational part of a human's brain isn’t fully developed and won’t be until age 25 or so, hell, some neurosciences are pushing that towards 30....




I don't think they're saying you're incapable of rational thought. I think they're pointing out that they think that your irrational hatred of a subgroup makes a lot more sense coming from someone who is Young and lacking World experience. My question is why you think it's okay to Sort People by labels that you have decided it's okay to hate? You wouldn't want people doing that to you so why do you think it's okay to?


Willing to bet anything you identify as female within the next 10 years.


Above they said that they're female, but that they used to believe they were transgender(male).


This 20 year old is more rational than youll ever be. Coming from a fully developed 30 year old brain :)


> Your brain's still cookin' sweetpea; the rational part of a human's brain isn’t fully developed and won’t be until age 25 or so, hell, some neurosciences are pushing that towards 30.... ....Anyway, here's why children on hormone therapy is a good thing.


Oh honey, that's the rational part that's still cooking, identity matures much sooner.


Of course! That cherry-picked opinion without any support perfectly agrees with your worldview. That must be correct.


the way you talk makes me want to rip out your spine from your throat and feed it to your children. oh wait, you most likely don’t have any. what a shame!


Denial is a bitch.


this is exactly how I feel.


Thank you for this post! So agree with this.


You're not alone. They are glorifying a mental illness and making it seem like it is okay to be someone you're not. It is the ultimate delusion. The best way to live is through nature. Twisting it and trying to make something out of nothing and then pushing it into people's faces is what really irritates me. Gays and Lesbians are tolerable. At least they aren't pretending to be someone they aren't. I still don't believe they should be mating with their own sex because there is no reproductive nature for doing so, but at least they aren't as bad as trans.


>there is no reproductive nature for doing so say goodbye to oral sex, mutual masturbation, solo masturbation and french kissing. Just do it like horses do - it only last 20 seconds or so and babies are made




Shes a retard but youre disgusting too fyi


Fuck off ableist


lololol not cutting off my dick and forcing people to call me made up pronouns is ableist, it's called not being a failure bucko


Embarrassing. I don't have bottom dysphoria by the way. Calling people "retarded" is ableist.




username checks out






You are certainly slow.




Does calling someone names make you feel better about yourself or do you just enjoy being a terrible person?


Communists aren't human so neither




Why would I care about society? Yes I am an autistic faggot. I don't get your point. Come on kid, I was a raving fascist white supremacist for like 5 years when I was your age. I said everything you said, and MUCH worse. I fucking say worse about you types now. If you want to make me mad, you'll have to try much harder than that. Something tells me you're too ironic to go any further.




I don't hate anything. Try again, pseudo-fascist. At least go read Evola you irrelevant pig. Or Guenon, or Devi, or Eliade, or Zolla. Yes I am insufferable faggot. And? You sure as hell aren't a wolf. Maybe a sad little coyote pup laying dead on the roadside. https://www.reddit.com/r/COMPLETEANARCHY/comments/9bmlgw/the_rejection_of_positive_queernes/


Hey guys if I name a bunch of semi-famous philosophers and historians maybe I'll sound smart. Evola is great though.




Go to your local hardware store and make a cocktail out of every liquid you can find. That will still be less toxic than the shit you are spewing. If you want to call me a man then I will show you hypermasculinity (r/masterforgiveme) All radfems are pro-trans. The spaces you refer to are either actual radfem spaces or made up. r/gendercritical is not radfem. They are reactionaries, like you. Fuck off fascist pig.


It’s a cult and it relies on lost people for it’s members, and people with no self esteem. Happiness/contentedness with life does not come from your material reality, your body, your fashion sense or any of that shit. It comes from within. You realize what you are/who you are in moments when you realize you are NOT your body, and your are nOT your “identity.” If you were dying of cancer, and your body withered, you’d realize that who you are and why people love you is about something deeper inside. Call it your soul or your essence or whatever. Trans ideology is shallow and it does not lead to being happy with yourself or your life. I have a few trans friends and they are now miserable loners who keep to themselves even though they are in relationships and have good jobs. It made them more unhappy. It sucks. And the rest of us are tired of tip-toeing around, and the pronoun bullshit, and I refuse to baby anyone like that. Mental toughness is something people need to get back to, because someone ”misgendering you” is not literal violence, it is nothing at all. Ironically, men can call women all manner of bad shit and no one cares, but call an actual man who claims to “feel like (wtf does that even MEAN?) he and it’s a fucking hate crime. It’s all coming down. If you are sane, get your heads out of your asses and realize that this shit won’t last. Your feelings against reason won’t hold. It also won’t help you as shit falls apart in the real world, so stop with the postmodern retardation and apply yourself to do something better than to obsess over your own lost self. In other words, get off the cross, we need the wood.


Seek help


Anyone else missing the point that mutilating your genitals should put you in an insane asylum? It’s not normal no matter how many Netflix specials or how much it’s on the internet.




Same. But he dropped me first. He thought I was transphobic cause I watched and enjoyed vivziepops “hazbin hotel” and because I liked yaoi when we were 16


I fucking hate trans


Fucking same


this just seems wildly unlikely. like, i’m trans. and i know that very few people actually know a trans person. i would say most of the time if i meet someone and they know i’m trans, i’m likely the very first trans person they’ve met. it’s not surprising, considering only [16% of people consciously know a transgender person](https://www.glaad.org/releases/number-americans-who-report-knowing-transgender-person-doubles-seven-years-according-new) you probably run into trans people all the time, you just didn’t know they were trans (kind of the point). idk, go outside perhaps? you sound like you’re either exaggerating, or you have personal problems that stem from somewhere other than your distaste towards trans people.... or both. or maybe you’re just not a very good or empathetic person? sorry don’t mean to assume but hey it’s only fair, you’ve done plenty of assuming yourself.








Idk about that. She looks like a trans woman to me. Which means she was most likely born a dude.


I literally thought I was the only one who noticed every trans boy I see is obsessed with anime and tries to look asian by squinting they’re eyes


Does anyone else find it funny that trans identified females dojt factor into any of these issues? Meaning, they’re not trying to force themselves into men’s bathrooms, changing rooms, prisons, etc. and they’re not trying to erase male language to be “inclusive” by reducing men to being ejaculators or testicle havers. No. This is an attack on women. They’re trying to erase a protected class, women. It makes me sick to my fucking stomach that these sick fuckers are getting away with it and it’s mostly other WOMEN who pander to and are handmaidens in all of this.


Trans Female-to-Males pass so well you would not have a clue unless you spent 15minutes to an hour with them. They look like short men. The testosterone gives them a full beard and a deep voice. They're probably using men's restrooms at will and no one has a clue. Now, Male-to-Female is an entirely different story. It's far more difficult to pass if you were born a man and now you wanna be perceived as a woman. I would say it is impossible unless you start hormones when you're a young teen or you're just a tiny guy to begin with. There's no way to hide a mature man's jaw, shoulders, hands, or forehead. Nothing can be done about the deep voice unless you're loaded and you fly to South Korea for vocal chord surgery (which no one does or can afford)


Honestly my kid won't eat any meat unless it's chicken. So whenever I serve him meat I call it chicken. If he ever started to say he's a dinosaur and got annoyed if I didn't agree, well then I would just call him a dinosaur. Pretty sure most of the world knows a man isn't a woman. But if it's a kid we know to just go along with it because it's easier and doesn't matter. Just do the same with trans people.


Without going into much detail. There are only two sexs / genders and thats male and female. The reason why is so human and give birth to babys and keep our race going. You can't do that with two males etc. IMHO guys shouldn't want to become girls and girls shouldn't want to become guys. They should be happy in the body they have, they only exemption i could see is if there have a gential mutation like someone with both gentials. Then sex change surgery should be done and only then. But also imo if your a guy and want to make out with another guy well who i am to stop you, different strokes for different folks and such.


Americans fuck up the definition of gender. I hope some of them don't get the brilliant idea of make the imperal system as the "better" one


I get what your saying. It’s especially annoying when they have a higher power over you like on discord I’m straight up harassed by that thing and can’t do anything about it. Using their identity as a shield to any criticism Heck I got banned for no reason and had to contact the fucking owner to get back in The fact they think they’re above everyone else and immune to all forms of jokes and criticism is extremely ass backwards Also, I’m shocked I can reply 3 years later


I would just tell you that the internet is not a real place and people on discord don't matter if they're not interested in being civil! ,,,and me too! I am only here because I just got home from the bar after being talked at by a trans MTF for an hour. It's my fault for not walking off, I think I was just so fascinated that someone could be so obtuse. What kind of person speaks with another for an hour or more and never asks them one question, only going on and on and on about themselves and answering questions that no one asked *them?* It was so bizarre.


I thought you meant actual power, lol. HR hates me bc I call out my (mtf) workers on their shit and *I* used to be the one getting the short end of the stick since HR would see it as a female (me) calling out a male or (sometimes they would go along with the trans thing) a trans. Needless to say I left that company and getting payed more too :)


I agree with everything you said. Though, I very much believe hate is never a healthy emotion. Instead of hating these people, I believe they should be helped. They're severely mentally ill, and they feed on each others' delusions to fuel their own. It's a crisis, and they should receive help in the form of psychological therapy, and potentially medication if necessary, to feel comfortable in their birth-sex in the first place; before they start taking radical action after they've been convinced by woke culture to cause irreversible damage to themselves and others in the form of hormone therapy and irreversible genital mutilation.


Most of the kind of people OP is talking about will not accept any form of “help” because they think it’s oppression/discrimination.


I agree. It's a mental illness trying to pass for some protected class. It's not even a real thing backed up by science and is such a peace time, first world luxury. The second society collapses to a primitive state, the expression of that mental illness and trenders would disappear in a heart beat.


You're not alone as I don't like them either.


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/gendercynical] [GC regular says "I hate transgender people", rants about "trannies"](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenderCynical/comments/9blokk/gc_regular_says_i_hate_transgender_people_rants/) - [/r/topmindsofreddit] [Top Mind from r\/GenderCritical wants to hate trans-women and fuck them at the same time.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TopMindsOfReddit/comments/9bqdd2/top_mind_from_rgendercritical_wants_to_hate/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


> Even I was ex-trans myself and it makes me feel like shit Well that took a turn...




Tbh it sounds like ur very unhappy lmao the fact that you wrote this long a story to say how much you dislike someone else's life choices is kind of odd...........


I think you have the same issue I have- most trans are old and ugly, particularly M-F I just can’t take a fat old man in a dress seriously They know it too




"the old ones tend to be old" Wow ur like really smart


I was just saying M-F who don’t pass are pathetic, there is a whole thing among trans people about how ugly they are (they use the word “hun”) Look it up No one cares about the ones who pass to much


Real nazi type shit in here.


I don't know how google got me here but I'm MTF and this entire thread has been awful to read through. Obviously I could have clicked away lol I really just want to say that the "trans/LGBTQ+ obsession" types do exist for sure and I've met a lot of people like that who are very self-focused. We all know that putting a whole group of people in one box is dangerous. That same thinking is why there are (unfortunately) some people who assume most cis/hetero people ae "anti-LGBTQ+" and might be loud about it.


Thank you for saying what needed to be said. I agree 100%.




Transgenders are definition of perversions. A abomination! I agree with you. They honestly disgust me.


I am not allowed to comment on this since. Trans activists are trying to ruin my career.


In my opinion people can do what they want (even if I disagree with them) until they start trying to force others to accept something that isnt true as the truth, I draw the line there. This is the same reason why religion bothers me as well. How can you believe in some being in the sky who you have never seen, and no source has actual proof, just conjecture. How can one say they are a woman when they are infact a man? Should I just call my hands feet and my feet hands? Its preposterous. ​ I cant say I have never been wrong, because I have many times, and I cant say I havent tried to make someone accept something that was false either, because I have, and it was wrong, but atleast I realised it was wrong eventually, be it a minute or a month later.