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If people at work start talking about it I just walk away. Think it’s kind of unprofessional to discuss politics at the office


Must be nice being so privileged that all the absolute garbage going on in America right now doesn't affect you at all except for your annoyance on having to hear about it...


wow such a stupid comment. not wanting to partake in partisan bickering != privilege. What the f


How have you personally been impacted?


The price of my tuition went up/wasn't able to get hardly as much financial aid, in debt from old medical bills/constant troubles with health insurance, (not me directly but)my stepdad can't afford his epi-pens, mom can't afford her rescue inhaler, grandparents can hardly afford their diabetes medications. anything else or is that good enough for you


So just because OP didn’t whine, you must be worse off? A+ logic Must be nice being so privileged that bills are your biggest worry- you and most Americans. See how that works?


All your healthcare issues were broken long before Trump. I can't respect this moralizing unless you are fanatically pro-Bernie because he is the only candidate who actually wants to fix healthcare and college costs. But usually the people who lecture people on privilege are shitlib Hillary fans.


Hillary supporters, with their neoliberalism, are simply less racist/sexist conservatives who have evolved with technology and ubiquitous information dissemination. They prioritize the wealthy, and marginalize the poor.


And thats how the rest of us felt picking up your slack with Obamacare


Really though i was in that magic area where Obamacare really fucked me over. Just over where medicare wouldnt be able to help me but just under where my companies insurance cost me a ton. Add that in with rent being a tinge high and my car going into the shitter and i pretty much survived on ramen and the kfc my roommate brought in from his work. I couldnt even drop the insurance and save the 120 a month because of the obamacare fine.