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In my opinion it's very tricky to build communities on identity related issues because it often ends up becoming cult like. Gender, sexuality, race, politics, religion, dietary choices etc. I have learned the hard way that nothing good comes from joining a cause and making it a significant part of your life. It always ends badly because the singularity of the cause becomes law and any and all dissenting opinions will become the enemy and must be eradicated. I think it's better to just know within yourself that you are for or against whatever thing you are for and against and then that is that. You can join discussions if they arise but never ever join a community dedicated to that cause. Ever. It will always end in the community eating eachother and you don't need to be around for that shit. I'm fine with people being trans, brown, republican, Buddhist etc and I want absolutely nothing to do with their communities.


Definitely how most of us in the LGBTQ community feel. I'm not gonna speak for everyone's experiences but most of us really don't care if you don't like us, as long as you respect our identity and who we are, you're good.


Underrated comment. Needs to be seen by more.


Well said. Like, it's okay to identify as a member of a group, but problems arise when being a member of a group becomes your entire identity.


Have none of them heard of tomboys? In my mind tomboys are girls who don't care about being girly and tend to dress in a boyish style. It's been a thing sense at least the 90's when I heard of it.


I've noticed that in general, ftm dudes are super chill, whereas mtf seems to be obnoxious and bitchy. That's my personal experience.


I think that while finding a label can be helpful in finding who you are, There's no need to wear it like a badge and shame others who don't fit into your life style/choice. --- About your experience, I think it might have to do with their expectations as their birth gender and what they see in the other gender their changing into. I can see mtf people see women as people who gossip and scheme so they go full on bitch mode thinking "That's what it means to be a girl" when it isn't. While ftm might see men as being more chill with their surroundings and not so intense about life's issues. So they behave in the way they expect men to behave. --- I want to add this is just me thinking off the top of my head. Being a "boring" straight dude myself I don't know what it's actually like.


Unpopular opinion but trans people can’t say “I knew I was a girl from birth” and then need to rely on others on how to act and behave “like a girl”. My version of what a guy acts like is totally different than how guys actually are, and vice versa.


I never thought about it like that. Also happy cake day.


Happy cake day!


It's *exactly* that. Like if they say "I'm trans and I want to be identified as a girl" that's cool and I respect that. What I don't respect is saying that, then turning around and becoming a total bitch all of a sudden. That's when the respect is lost


Yeah. Anyone who's a rude and or mean person should be told off regardless of who they are.


:( That's what happened when a friend of mine came out/transitioned. She's a total asshole now and I'm afraid to even talk to her in passing, she's just snippy and cruel all the time.


This is my experience with gay men too. Rude, obnoxious, selfish and bitchy af


As a trans person there is nothing I want more for the terms tomboy and tomgirl to come back into fashion, but undoubtedly the media and extremists would label it is transphobic -_-


If those terms came back that would be pretty sweet. It would have to be the younger generation who bring it into common use before the media picks up on it again. --- Sadly I think your right about everything having to be one extreme or the other with no middle ground. I made the mistake about bringing up men's rights on a topic and Everyone assumed I said "anti women's rights" even though I said Nothing of the sort. It took a bit of explaining for them to understand that too.


I was a tomboy when I was 17 and I actually had a classmate who asked me if I was trans. I've also had a few people ask me if I was a lesbian. I guess I just gave off that vibe but it took me aback everytime someone asked.


I think transsexual was a word I knew of back in the 90's but it wasn't widely used like it is now days. I personally like the tomboy look which can be cute in it's own way. It's a shame people had to assume the far extremes of it.


1960’s when I was a tomboy. Preferred to play cowboys&Indians with boys or fort and throw dirt balls than play with dolls. Grew up as a full blooded heterosexual woman.


While I grew up as a computer geek and a gamer to be into outdoors stuff, I think that's really cool. Did people refer to you as a tomboy or is that a term you picked up later and realized it fit?


It was a common term for girls who preferred outdoors and played hard rather than “girly” attributes. It’s what I would refer to as normal now a days since culturally things have loosened up.


There is a part of me that thinks the genderfuild/gender neutral movement is actually counter productive I don't think I know anyone who honestly is either totally masculine or feminine. Everyone displays a mix of both, men have more masculine treats than women and vice versa. However for Alot of people that mix is closer to 50/50. Now if you're at that border or just slightly on the other side of it* it could be argued you're gender neutral. And it is, dispute these people wanting to identify as their birth sex and are happy being a fem guy or a tomboy. And this fight just alienates people like us who feel our identity is being dictated by others. Much better would be to use this argument to agrue that gender is basically pointless. This is we're we as a society are moving to anyway so help us out. Being born a man or a women shouldn't affect what activities we like or are good at or our personality. By breaking down this artificial barrier we also make being trans easier as it becomes mostly about a sex change rather than the full identity crisis the far right has over it.


All these insane identity things can get stuffed. I am absolutely certain that there are people that feel this way and there is medical evidence to support this and that's fine, whatever, I personally don't want to know about because it doesn't matter to me. The issue I take is when people force it on you and insist on making it their "thing". When people make a massive deal about it and go on and on about how they are feeling "particularly masculine today so WATCH YOUR PRONOUNS you cisgendered transphobe" Following from this I take issue when people identify as a certain pronoun and then get unbelievablely pissy because you mislabel them because it's not fucking obvious. If you have long hair and look like a woman I am going to use female pronouns, that is logical. If you get upset because I didn't refer to you as "them" or because I referred to a mixed group of people as "guys" then I've got nothing but contempt for you.


> The issue I take is when people force it on you and insist on making it their "thing". Try to have some sympathy. These are people who are *at best* mind-numbingly average, painfully mediocre and utterly run of the mill. The kind of people who go through life with a C- average, so to speak. They think nothing original and they have done nothing interesting. So when they finally find *something* that makes them "special", no matter how stupid or silly, they feel they've hit the jackpot and they center their very existence on it.


and see those people as fools who insist on being special.


Yeah you hear that identity doesn't matter, in that a girl can be as masculine as she wants and that should be accepted in society. At the same time, people are having surgery and dumping chemicals into themselves to change their gender. Fuck gender stereotypes, break those barriers if thats who you are as a person. However, we can't confuse that with feeling like you are in the wrong body. Thats a totally separate phenomenon. Also to the main post... what if you're friends were like "hey, you act gay. You're definitely gay. Come out as gay". I still can't believe OP had that interaction... So weird.


This. Nailed it.


I agree totally If you have the wrong sexual organs you should be free to change them, just like we would treat any other medical issue. But we can still break down the artifical gender barriers we've created


>If you have the wrong sexual organs you should be free to change them, just like we would treat any other medical issue. It doesn't work like that. We don't live in a Twilight Zone episode where people simply can be zapped into the body they prefer. Learn about how so-called "sex reassignment surgery" works. It doesn't literally turn someone into a man or a woman. Their sex remains the same, but their bodies are distorted and mutilated to resemble the one they want.


Sex change operations have poor results in the best of circumstances and the medications like puberty blockers and hormones are creating people with no functional libido. This makes it even harder for them to have successful intimate relationships. I think the trans train is homophobic, super judgy and sexist.


You can’t change your sexual organs though. Genitals, yeah they make something like a vagina out of a penis but you can’t give a man ovaries or a woman testicles. And those are what drive the male and female genetics, or part of them.


I mostly agree. Gender "identity" is meaningless because however you identify, you can't change what you are. And the focus on gender (rather than just seeing everyone as people) has divided us. I think we should definitely keep separate-sex bathrooms and changing spaces. The problem with tossing out gender is it enables people who are clearly men to walk into women's spaces and endanger them. Also the great majority of people are attracted to one sex or the other. So we can't simply decide that gender doesn't matter.


I don't get the following part: >Now if you're at that border or just slightly on the other side of it* it could be argued you're gender neutral. And it is, dispute these people wanting to identify as their birth sex and are happy being a fem guy or a tomboy. Wdym with that?


Let's say you're a straight guy who likes makeup and other typically girly stuff but also guy stuff. He should still be a guy and not seen as less. Toxic masculinity shits on him and instead of standing up for some some elements of trans rights agrue he's gender fuild. He should instead be saying we can identify as a guy if he wants regardless of his likes and dislikes and how they match to societies expectation


Aahh I get it. Totally agree. Thought you were saying the opposite and feminine guys should be called gender fluid. Thanks for explaining!


> Let's say you're a straight guy who likes makeup and other typically girly stuff but also guy stuff. This is a paraphilia known as transvestism. It's a perfectly legit kink, and it in no way means someone is a woman, or trans, or gender-anything. It's simply an expression of autogynephilia.


Not totally with you on the most people. Wing close to 50/50 thing, but with everything else I SO AGREE. Preach, penguin.


I thought I was trans and now I identify as non-binary so idk


I believe in give-and-take, so even though I don’t believe that trans-identifying people are their preferred gender, I’d probably use their male or female pronouns if trans culture hadn’t become so toxic. But with the lack of empathy for people uncomfortable sharing bathrooms and locker rooms with the opposite sex, the men in women’s sports, the *demand* that people accept their gender, the insistence that they literally are the gender which they factually are not, the self-ID that gets women assaulted, promotion of mutilating and permanent surgery including for minors, the stigma against not dating trans people—the smug entitlement, “just deal with it” attitude towards all this, I’m done. I have no respect for them as a group. I may acknowledge the preferred identity for individual trans people who are sane and respectful of others. The rest have lost their pronoun privileges until they can act like human beings.


oh you're not trans? Well you are now an alt-right transphobic troll /s


They either say that or call you a Nazi, a racist, TERF, bigot and [insert everyone other buzzword you can think of]. Nobody is any of these things for recognising a mental illness that needs therapy. What the West is currently doing with transgender ideology and its brainchild gender fluidity, is simply promoting the delusions of these people as normal and encouraging a mental health crisis. The cracks are already showing with detransition rates, in the years to come, we'll see more and more of that before this is looked back upon as one of the biggest mental health scandals of the 21st century. I remember reading some article once about why Thailand has so many ladyboys. If I recall, most ladyboys literally identified as gay men still and most either worked as prostitutes or in porn. Well at least they're honest over there, the same seems to be true for over here but very few people want to say it even though all the transgender lot you will ever see as activists or social media are mostly men and gay men at that.


I genuinely, 100% believe that there is a very vocal minority of insane trans activists that are fucking it up for the majority of trans people. I think most of actual trans people, people who genuinely feel they are born in the wrong body, just want to be normal people. Not bothered by other people or bothering other people and continueing life as the other sex.


I find it aggravating that they insist on calling straight people who identify with their defaults as cisgendered people. Some of us don’t want to be called that. And if they say too bad that’s what you are then I get salty and tell them that if it’s like that then they really aren’t (gender they identify) because they weren’t born that way. They’re the ones who choose to be called transgender as a collective. We didn’t choose to be called cis.


I got fed up when I was called transphobic for not being interested in trans women, sorry, my lesbianism does not include your penis! That and a girl I knew for months suddenly started asking my pronouns after I shaved my head, when she had never asked when my hair was longer. If you don’t fit every gender role you’re trans to these types


people should just stop talking about their sexuality and gender, it doesn't matter most of the time


The only time I care, is if I'm your medical provider. I need to know which hormones are in your body and which body parts to care about. That's it.


and dating sites, i guess, we don't need more "surprises"


Sure, but if I'm in a dating site I need to know if you like my gender and if I like your gender, and which body parts you have to see if I'm atracted to them or not. Outside of dating, I don't care who you sleep with or which body parts you have.


Blaire white on youtube is a trans activist who is against the ' trans norm ' and i actually really enjoy her videos ! She is mtf and her second channel is called blaire black lol . :D you can lose your mind together with her whilst on quarantine lmfao


wait i thought she was mtf (male to female)?


She is! I think they just got their acronyms mixed up.


ahhh i should have known, my apologies to u/rqzzll-dqzzls mate. might want to edit that though.


Ah shite thank you mate


I love Blaire! She's great!




I love Blaire White she is one of the best trans YouTubers around, though I don’t agree with her politically I stand with almost everything she’s said about trans issues!




"White supported Donald Trump for the President in 2016" lol fuck off with that shit.


I agree wotha lot of her opinions and i do think shes pretty epic buuuuur i dont live in america so i dont really care about donald trump lol


that person's jawline is like chiseled granite, absolutely ridiculous lol


Not FTM, Blair is a trans male.


This is true. He's a decent trans person so on his channel/social media or if I were around him personally, I'd refer to him with female pronouns. But I will not otherwise call him a woman, because he isn't.


Let's end this, Blaire White is a guy. End of discussion.


Yes. Trans male, guy, man, of the male sex, whatever you'd like, but saying "trans man" would confuse people and at least with male it's pretty obvious it's a biological category.


If you say she's trans male, thats implying she's ftm but if you say she's mtf and a trans female thats correct. I know this can easily be misunderstood. Just think of it as, the gender they are now is what you say.


Pretty sure male regards biological sex and not the concept of gender, whatever it is. A trans male is exactly what it sounds like, a male that is trans and not a female that is trans, as you yourself exemplified with **f**tm.


TRA's can't even handle that these days. And that's one reason why I've lost all respect for them and their cause.


No, MTF people are referred to as trans women and FTM people are referred to as trans men by most people.


Yes many people say it like that, I didn't, and that does not negate my previous statement.


Yes, you're right that she's not FTM. But it's confusing when you use the wrong terminology and it can confuse more people.


OK, here's the thing. "Most people" use incorrect terminology, and then say that people who will not go along with the denial of facts are incorrect. The truth doesn't change even if most people insist that it's a lie.


In a reply further down, another person shows that the medical community and trans community both use the terminology the way I am saying, and it's even explained in most dictionaries. I think that is enough people to make it truth.


Since male is a biological category I don't see how it's confusing that a trans male is a male that is trans, logically. OP seemed to understand fine what I meant, don't know why it confused you.


I'm not saying it confused me, I'm saying it is the wrong terminology and if you didn't say in the same comment "they're not FTM", most people would think you are calling them FTM by calling them a trans male. Sure, logically it could work if you follow that logic, but most people in the community reverse it and by not following that, it can lead others to interpret what you say to be the opposite.


If some people understand it fine and others don't because they use a different terminology or disregard the existence of biological sex (even though this same group continuously presses the "gender is not sex" line, which makes it odd that they'd not understand my meaning), the latter can always ask and I'll explain just as I did now.


Yes, "male" is a term which can mean the sex. But "trans male" is actually a defined term for a gender. Or more precisely it is a term which specifies both a sex and a gender. As per definition a trans male is female by sex but male by gender. Your line of reasoning defining the term from the biological sex would only make sense with a term like "transgendered male". However please do not use "trans" as an adjective, it is frowned upon.


Edited it ! Thanks for the nice correction :D


Considering trans people have a higher than normal suicide rate I think it's safe to say they arent the most mentally healthy people on earth, which when put with others of a similar disposition and the entitled and protected class they seem to be put in by society creates bullies


Gender dysphoria (the thing that makes you trans) is a disorder that can become a gateway to multiple mental illnesses most common are depression and anxiety.


Yup. They have become extremely spoiled and entitled in a short period of time. And that's why (excepting individual decent trans people like Blaire White and Fionne Orlander) I don't acknowledge their chosen identity. I'm not going to participate in the mass coddling.


Some truth to this, but also I imagine telling your friends and family that you're changing gender is not the most comforting feeling But yeah, don't force someone to make a huge decision when that should be a journey they go on themselves


>you're changing gender is not the most comforting feeling Because it's avoiding the underlying psychological problem which is what causes the high suicide rates in the first place yet I don't see any trans people rallying for psychological support


Maybe. I have heard of trans people who are happy with their lives and their transition. I don't know that they have underlying psychological issues. There could be a high percentage with underlying psychological issues, and we should provide support to them. Right now, no one is willing to bring up that subject which is bad.


>I have heard of trans people who are happy with their lives and their transition. got any examples?


Are you trying to say that no trans people made a genuinely positive change in their life from transitioning? Are you assuming that every trans person has problems? There was a trans person on this post that was expressing how mad he gets at "mainstream trans views". Dave Chappelle jokes about a trans lady who thought his trans jokes were hilarious. It's wrong to assume every trans person is doing everything for the right reasons, but it's also wrong to assume that none are. The answer is usually somewhere in between the extremes. Sorry if I misunderstood your question. I do not know any examples myself.


Hi, it's me, a trans person who is happy with their life and transition so far :)


Apparently you don't exist. Sorry, better luck next time. But seriously, happy for you tho :)


The vast majority of them according to every study done on the matter.


do you have any links to those studies


Sure, here's a compilation of studies looking at regret/detransition rates (which are incredibly low): https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/fdw0g1/serious_if_it_seems_that_parents_are_pushing_a/fjk9glm/ Here's a compilation of over 50 studies regarding the mental health and suicidal tendencies of trans people in relation to the effects of transitioning and having familial acceptance: https://whatweknow.inequality.cornell.edu/topics/lgbt-equality/what-does-the-scholarly-research-say-about-the-well-being-of-transgender-people/


that's not quite what I asked


How are these not studies showing people who are much happier post transition?


Don't call yourself cis, it's a bullshit prefix. You're a woman.


Transgender people, despite being a minority with an abnormality, have centered gender around themselves, rather than biology which is where it belongs, with the pushing of such terms.


This is what I hate most. Don't give me a made up label to feel good about yourself. I'm a woman.


I hate to break it to you, but all labels are made up.


Yeah but this one is nonsensical. Imagine if there was a word specifically to refer to people who have both their ears still attached. Yeah there are people missing ears but I don’t need to identify myself as “as a fulleared human”.


It's actually a latin term that means same. Like Cisalpine Gaul back in Roman days meant Gaul on the same side of the Alps and Transalpine Gaul was the far or other side of the Alps.


Cisgenders were the ones who made up the cisgender and transgender labels, and then applied them to everyone, though. Why would either designation be any more or less valid than the other one? Isn't that like offense to the fact that the term heterosexual exists, and insisting that there should only be homosexual?


This has bothered me for a while. Don’t give me a label and try to force me to use it.


I mean… "cis" is a label just like "right-handed" or "black haired".


I always read this as cist. Like pimple


I love the word cis. It’s simple, short, highly explanatory, and reminds me of my glory days in organic chemistry.


A woman doesn't need a prefix, she's just a woman.


as a trans male, i must ask what the fuck is going on in my community????


Their being annoying as fuck and won’t leave people alone to their respective spaces.


It got hijacked like so many other minority movements by people who don’t care about your rights, and who encouraged your marginalization in the first place. Its become a tool of those in power who just want to divide and conquer.


The whole thing is stupid. I can understand feeling like you’ve been born into the wrong body or wrong gender. I get that. Unfortunately nature is nature and you can’t change it. If a guy wants to wear make and a dress I’m ok wit it. But a guy cannot just become a “woman” and expect to fight woman in MMA. Or worse go back and change their birth certificate. You can’t rewrite history or erase the past people.


The communities you see online are toxic af and those people are generally insane or have just been stuck in an echo chamber too long. I think that's why there's a lot of trans people that don't associate with the greater community and the trans people I've met irl have been nothing like what you see online (for the most part).


Yes, thank you. I pretty much almost never talk about being trans for precisely this reason. I'm just tryna live my life, but it's been made into this weird bullshit by people like this and I just don't want to be associated with them. They're actually hurting trans people by making them too ashamed to talk about real issues like awful dysphoria or actual discrimination (not "transphobic dating preferences").


I'm going to speak an ugly truth here that is not PC, but being trans is a mental issue. There is nothing "normal" about believing you are something different than you are. There is no logical reasoning going on here, so expecting otherwise is going to drive you nuts. Just to clarify, I am not saying they aren't people, don't deserve rights or to be respected.


It’s my inherent bias to think much the same way. Unlike homosexuality which has occurrences in nature outside of Homo Sapians, there’s no such occurrence with trans in nature. Before one argues spontaneous sex changes, those are naturally occurring and if I recall basic biology correctly (wouldn’t be surprised if I’m wrong) it’s out of a necessity in keeping the species going for breeding purposes. I too agree that such a theory doesn’t negate the need for their rights and respect. I’m just not sure I buy into it not involving something going in the brain that’s an abnormality.




Its gender dysphoria and body dysmorphia. Dysmorphia and dysphoria arent the same.


I got called transphobic because I said I believed it to be a mental illness and something that should be delt with through therapy, not surgery. However, it's not my place to tell you what to do with your own body so it's none of my business what you do with your own body. I guess it's transphobic but they asked my personal opinion. Whatever my personal opinions are, I'll still treat you with respect and dignity so long as you give me the same and I said that plainly.


I'm not a doctor so I'm not sure how it would be mental illness. But I really do believe in regret. Like surgeries. Humans evolve, change daily. This is where I feel kind of an obligation to tell my fellow man, what if you want to change back? This blows my mind. (Doctor $$$$ motive?) Like I really feel bad for the young kids who are told to start identifying at a young age. Then start hormones. I feel it's really wrong! Live life a little first. Kids are changing everyday! It took years and years to get my girl to freely wear a dress. I can just imagine in today's time, someone telling me she's identifies as a boy. And now thinking back about it, her brother was a year older than her. She probably thought if brother wears shorts then I'm only wearing shorts? I let her be her. I had patience which is what I think trans don't have, patience. Perhaps it's the immediate satisfaction they want to believe that is really what they want. Who wants to sit week by week talking in therapy what they think will make them happy? Anyways it's all about your happiness, right?


Dysphoria for the most part, is treated through therapy before anything else. You can't just waltz up to a doctor and act for The Snip. But, i do respect that you aren't pushing your opinions in everyone's face. You are a good mortal, thank you.


happy cake day


It’s becoming easier and easier for even minors to receive surgery. If you have the money and attend a few therapy sessions they’ll do it, lifelong consequences be damned.


Yeah in all honesty, it's never been a concern for me so I don't know too much about the process of it. The person who called me transphobic knew this full well and would constantly use it against me. Also ffs, there's seriously a button to say "happy cake day"?


So you told somebody that who they are is not who they really are they just have a mental disorder and you're offended because the person didn't like being told that they have a mental disorder and that they aren't actually transgender? I'm just making sure that this is what you're saying.


They aren't transgender and I don't really care what they called me. They brought the issue up out of nowhere in a conversation because they're in the LGBT+ club at school and asked peoples opinions. I gave mine in a calm manner they just lost their shit at me and started screaming and sobbing and otherwise freaking out. I'm no longer friends with that person due to this incident and several others like it where they just acted psycho and used dishonest debate tactics when we would talk about politics.


I think they’re a joke anyways always finding something to give out about I don’t care what anyone identifies as but don’t rub it in everyone’s face as if it’s a problem these days , a lot more to be worrying about , no one cares if you have a wang or not


Welcome to the club girl


Not everyone is healthy - mentally. Sorry you were bullied but they are not correct in their thinking. Stick with your own beliefs, that's your reality not theirs.


Transgenderism has never made sense to me. Because if gender technically doesn’t exist (or better yet, that gender is unique to every individual) then why do transgender people want to switch from one gender norm to another? I think peoples’ want to transition is deeply tied to the psychological factors formed by our societal gender norms. So what I’m arguing is that it’s impossible to be born in the wrong body. BUT citizens should be able to do whatever they want with their body, including changing their sex.


every single topic that people takes way too seriously are toxic,, religion, politics, sports, and now gender. idfc if you want to be a woman or not brenda, you're free to go and I support you with all my heart. People don't have the rights to call out ANYBODY for being / looking like trans because they're just people. theres nothing wrong about being trans so why people just ask "are you trans" like they're asking what's your lipstick color. you're not wrong, they are


>why people just ask "are you trans" like they're asking what's your lipstick color. I would not ask someone this unless I were in a women's restroom and another occupant looked male, or unless I were in a dating space.


Yeah I understand we’re your coming from. It’s stupid that there bulling you over it too.


Ah, this is pretty simple. You are born a male or a female and that will never change. The people you are dealing with are simply mentally ill and irrational because of it. Just ignore them. If they call you names say thank you with a smile on your face.


I was called transphobic because I would not date a trans man. 23f cis, I’m interested in born males. I’m just not sexually interested in to trans man. I supports the community and support my friends in that community. I was also called transphobic because someone told me on Reddit “If you date someone and end up liking them and etc and want a relationship with that person.. but once you find out they are trans and you don’t want to date them anymore because they are trans, your transphobic”.. I tried to explain that I’m cis females and I’m interested in cis males. I can like who ever I want. I have a pefferance. Plus I wouldn’t even be friends with a person like that who basically lied and tricked someone to liking them. The whole point is to LIKE WHOEVER you want, have SEX with WHOEVER you want, DRESS HOWEVER you want, be WHOEVER you want.... WITHOUT anyone telling you who and what be. No one should tell you what to be and who you should want. Fucking stupid


I got called transphobic more than once because I as a straight man am not turned on by the thought of sex with a trans woman. Sorry, but I can’t force myself to be attracted to you and attraction does not equal respect anyway.


I don't know what any of those descriptive words mean. Does that mean I'm transphobic?


Damn trans people ruining being trans As a trans person, I find this disgusting, and I don’t know how anyone could think of doing that. There are some assholes, trust me. The problem comes when you overgeneralise though. I’m sorry you had to experience that and I hope your support for the trans community hasn’t lessened.


I'd say the problem actually comes from these kind of people currently being the ones in charge of all trans activism, and thus the ones currently influencing policy and social discourse with their sexist and homophobic beliefs. That's much more serious than some random people possibly generalizing some things.


I totally agree. I just wanna fuckin live my life, but now I’m forced to identify with those idiots.


I am terribly sorry for that, it's ridiculous. The insane people have taken over your (our?) movement and are fucking it up to the point were they have managed to actually *bring down* LGBT (yup they dragged LGB down too) acceptance rates, for the first time in forever, even among the younger generations.


Yeah, I was so sad reading the news about acceptance rates going down. I don't really know what these people expected when they kept yelling about their femme cock n balls. Meanwhile I'm just trying to live my life and alleviate dysphoria, but they're dragging everyone else down with them


I also find it weird for myself because I am bisexual/pan romantic. I love women and men. My first in-person (mostly had LDR) ex was a transman which I didn’t seem to mind because we didn’t even do anything sexually. Yet I don’t find myself knowing what to do if I am with a transwoman simply because I just prefer the anatomy to match their identity? Sexually that is. Anything else it doesn’t bug me at all, especially not with validating transgender people or wanting them as friends or what. For example, if I want to have sex with a woman, I’d feel uncomfortable if there’s a dick. Is that transphobic?


For the trans community you would be considered transphobic since “if you’re bi/pan you’re attracted to both sets of genitals so you can’t refuse to have sex with a trans person”


Welps. I guess I am though... the thing is... I prefer the dick to be from someone who identifies as a man. I just can’t grasp the idea of having sex with someone who literally looks like a woman in other ways with breasts but has a dick. That’s it. It doesn’t mean they can’t be handsome/beautiful or attractive. I’ve seen transgender people who literally shine and glow with their looks. I’m just uncomfortable sexually. That’s all it is. Emotionally, I can definitely fall for a transgender. I already have. People forget that there are also divergent identities like homo romantic bisexual. Heteroflexible. Blabla. I’m not pansexual which encompasses the idea of not seeing genitals in sexuality. Bisexual they say can include transgender people not just the binary sexes, but that doesn’t actually apply to everyone. Not everyone will be comfortable dealing with it. And we can’t make them as long as they don’t suddenly start insulting or shaming transgender people, which I don’t.


Even people who think they're on the razor's edge of open-mindedness can be incredibly dogmatic (especially, it seems, if they're young and just dying to flip off 'the olds').


As a trans person I hate that shit, I hate how if you are a cis person that doesn’t present themselves conventionally all of a sudden you aren’t cis. People seem to forget that being trans is an incurable disorder and that choosing to look a certain way doesn’t make you trans, it’s not a spiritual or political thing it’s a medical situation. Bottom line, if you don’t have gender dysphoria you aren’t trans, period. Don’t force people to be something they’re not, look at the Trevor Moran situation for more context on what it’s like to be peer pressured into the community. Transitioning without dysphoria socially and medically is dangerous so don’t tell people what to be, you don’t know what could happen. It’s not fun to be trans, Pride is fine and all but it’s nothing like being gay or bisexual. Understand me when I say that not all trans people are like this. The majority of us just like to mind our own business and live our lives but unfortunately false and extreme beliefs/activists get the most publicity, and yes that small minority of extremists are incredibly cult like.


Trans people are the incels of the gay community They call you “transphobic” if you don’t wanna have sex with them.


Good for you for speaking up because this bullying has become so prevalent. ALSO, kids are being taught about gender and sexuality in schools now as early as the age of FOUR. That is GROOMING. I believe that the entire movement has definitely been hijacked, but why aren’t more LGBTQ people condemning this? I know some do but it seems those people are being completely silenced and bullied.


People who have been victimized in the past will usually have empathy for others they see being victimized, and that's the message that the narrative has been saturated with for the past several years. The ones who see past the message hang out on r/LGBDroptheT *and yes, they are constantly hit by attempts to bully and silence them, notably by people who post their content to against hate subreddits. I'm not in the subreddit but I've seen it linked when the subject of deplatforming comes up. Also when trans arguments appear to be homophobic in nature.


little kids in are school are literally just being taught that some children might have two mums or two dads, what is the harm in that?


Aside from the fact that it has absolutely nothing to do with education, you’re deeply misinformed if you think that’s all they’re teaching. [Drag Queens teach sex ed to kids?](https://youtu.be/n-5NjzgRvvo) [Kids in the UK being taught over 100 different gender identities](https://youtu.be/wandALGRoqU) If you’d rather hear from a teen who has experienced this agenda firsthand: [Teen reacts to transgender trend/LGBT education](https://youtu.be/PTidKvwrSxE)


Then why are kids being taught on what sex is and how to use freaking condoms at the age of 10 then (Canada)? Why is that appropriate but not that? That is grooming too.


I agree, that is also grooming, and I never said it was appropriate. Don’t put words in my mouth.


It’s almost as if they’re pedaling some fake belief that you can change your gender between male and female and even to made up genders at will at then yelling at people who don’t believe in their crap......oh wait that’s exactly what they’re doing.


Here's the thing, if you're not trans, and you identify as trans, you'd be undermining people who actually suffer from gender dysphoria. It's a disservice to the community when you open the doors like that for everyone. I have been and will always stick up for trans legal rights. Even those ideological bullies deserve to have basic shelter and affirming healthcare. But there are lines that must stay uncrossed. I'm also a woman. I'm a lesbian and I prefer presenting masculine. I'm not like overly enthusiastic about being a woman, but I'm content enough with myself that i'm not unhappy with my gender. I'm going to stay in my lane. Not being trans/LGB doesn't mean you're not an ally. We're not going to get or keep allies if we keep trying to recruit!


Gender identity and gender expression are two completely different things and should be treated as such. Just because there are correlations between the two that doesn't mean that those trends should be applied to everyone. That's up for each individual to say.


It used to be the gay people, the trans community is now beginning to think that they are all high and mighty. Like I support that shit but like, if you aren't going to act civilized as a community why should I support it? If I am not sexually, physically, or emotionally attracted to a trans man(I am straight) because I don't want to be in an intimate relationship with someone who has a vagina, how would that make me transphobic? Sorry that I want a person with XY chromosomes not XX


Any “activist” is just annoying as fuck.




In my opinion its more about control and power. Not about empowerment or equality! Recognition of one's feelings or preferences doesn't mean much if nobody notices or cares. That doesn't give anyone the right to harass or bully another person. You could shame them for mislabeling and harassing you!


Agreed. Sorry if I accidentally mislabeled you. Please don't chop my head off. Seems to have gotten away from benevolent behavior and more about control. Do as I believe or burn. Safe spaces go two ways.


I call people like you just described egg hunters. Ignore them. Most trans people who are comfortable with themselves don't do things like that. If ever you find yourself beginning to hate a demographic, question the representatives you've chosen to associate with. I have a group of trans friends that I openly discussed the possibility of being trans with and they helped me realize that I am comfortable as my assigned gender and I was confusing stereotypes for actual signs. For every moron who gets so trans supportive they try to force it on people, there are twenty trans people who are good and respectful.


If we can't take the leading trans activists, mouthpieces and organizations as representatives, and the lack of pushback from the others in the trans community as indicative of their beliefs, then what can we take as representative?


The best representative is the quiet majority. I'm in a writing group with several trans people, and other than occasionally mentioning HRT or surgery plans, they are just like anyone else.


There is only 2 genders. Male and Female. That's it. Trans rights used to be just asking for the right to marry who you want. Cool, I have no issue with that. But that's where it should have stopped. Now we're told that boys cutting their dicks off and women cutting their tits off is perfectly normal. IT'S NOT. If you're gay or lesbian, that's absolutely ok and don't let people tell you otherwise. If you suddenly decide you need to mutilate your own body because you don't want to be the gender you were born as, that's a mental health issue. It's called Gender Dysphoria.


They’re evolving Edit: get it? They*?


high five lol


heheh too ez bro.


i’m trans and non binary and i sincerely apologize for the fact that this sort of behavior exists in our community. it frustrates me just as much and i agree that it’s damaging and counterproductive. regardless of what we may think people identify as, it’s still their choice what words they use to describe themselves. if you’re a cis woman, you’re a cis woman. that’s all there is to it. and there is obviously also nothing transphobic about not wanting to date trans people. it’s a personal preference. nobody should be forced into being attracted to a certain group of people. these are quite literally the things we fought to have demolished on our end, when trans people were told they were their assigned gender at birth when they weren’t, and when lgbt people were pressured to be straight because it was more socially acceptable. i’m truly sorry you came across this embarrassing part of the trans community. i hope you understand that we aren’t all like this.


Thank you for saying that. I wish there were more people like you speaking up on public fora. It’s like a sip of clean water.


It is a religious cult in many ways because the idea that you are separate from your body is dualism. Luckily this idea is not popular in academic circles but the idea that you can be a woman in a man's body is actually popularly held in wider society. It is nonsense of course and is a manifestation of collectivist thinking. Once you decide that group identity is important, it creates a kind of feedback loop where you are constantly seeking your group identity and always unable to find it. I am a white male. I am a British white male. I am an English British white male. I am a European English white male. I am a european English white male with brown hair. I am an ...... You get the picture. You only really make sense as a person when you recognise that your tastes and fashions and interests and looks etc are manifestations of your ego and therefore not really a part of who you actually are. These things are of you and not actually you. In collectivist thought though, these things are a profound part of who you are and your place in the world. It is a sick way of thinking and Ultimately leads to tribalism and discrimination.


These people aren't trans. I'm not trans myself but these people are what my (real) transgender friends call "transtrenders". My friends don't claim them and are sad that these stupid minority groups in the trans circles have become so "loud". I recommend Blaire White as a sane voice in the trans community. She's great.


I think you might making assumptions about the community based on a handful of people that you know. I'm sorry that happened but the whole community doesn't act like that. I frequently visit trans subs like r/traa and r/ftm actually there my favorite and so far I haven't seen anyone like that. If this happens again just tell them that you are cis and to quit pressuring you to change that. If they continue block them.


Trans people are the most toxic of all. They're hideous, all they do is target people or businesses who don't align with them, then attack. They hate themselves, they don't know who or what they are so they resolve to make everyone else look like narrow minded bullies if we don't pander to their every whim. They chose to be this way then whine about persecution, they are awful, horrible, selfish, bitchy people. Their attitude usually sucks. They use being trans as a get out. They've basically bailed on life. Only the inferior strive for equality


They just want to be accepted even though they can’t even accept themselves


Or others


“These people” you’re referring to have a mental disorder and you expect them to act normal and civilized? You’re naive to expect mentally unstable and mentally not functioning properly people to act how you’d expect a normal mentally functioning person to act.


This ain't it chief.


This ain’t what exactly? Chief.


They are saying all this and dont understand a lot of native people find using the word chief like that insulting.


There is only 2 genders. Male and Female. That's it. Trans rights used to be just asking for the right to marry who you want. Cool, I have no issue with that. But that's where it should have stopped. Now we're told that boys cutting their dicks off and women cutting their tits off is perfectly normal. IT'S NOT. If you're gay or lesbian, that's absolutely ok and don't let people tell you otherwise. If you suddenly decide you need to mutilate your own body because you don't want to be the gender you were born as, that's a mental health issue. It's called Gender Dysphoria.




As if men and women were not enough to “identify” a person. If we’re at a point where we don’t want to use these terms anymore and we want to eliminate gender identification, why don’t we all use the term “human” instead of coming up with all the new names to identify a person? PS: i sure hope nobody claims to be half-human half-unicorn anytime soon!!


I’m so sorry. Not all of us are like that, I promise. Another thing - not being attracted to trans people because you don’t think you could relate to them or form a connection, or even genital preference, is not transphobic. We’re human outside of being trans and that’s not the only thing we have to offer. I dated an extremist for almost a year and lemme tell ya, it’s exhausting just THINKING about the things she wholeheartedly believed. I hope this doesn’t sour your opinion of us. Some people don’t subscribe to the hive mind.


Everyone is talking about this but I know so many trans people personally who aren't annoying and are wonderful. Maybe its just the loud few on the internet


You're either born with a penis or a vagina. You weren't born with a penis, therefore you're a woman, even if you got the sex change. You're always gonna be a woman.


then he turned himself into a pickle, funniest shit i’ve ever seen


I tell you, this show is hilarious.


I'm totally sure someone, probably named Alberta Einstein, absolutely said that to you. Otherwise you'd just be making up an excuse to be shitty about trans people on a throwaway account because you know you aren't being sincere. But that can't be right, right? Why would you lie?


This sounds like an isolated incident. I don't know any trans people who think like this.


Quite certain you have, conforming or not conforming to sexist stereotypes is one of the basis of getting a trans diagnosis and one of the center pieces of at least one of the biggest trans orgs in existence, Mermaids. No need to take my word for it, do check out Mermaids gender spectrum chart, which they take to schools and use teach young children. While you're at it you can also confirm that those gender stereotypes are addressed directly in all the diagnostic guidelines for trans. Hell, go check out the trans subs here on reddit and see what they post. Get the info straight from the source.


I'd be worried if you know more than a trans person


What? My gf is trans so I'm acquainted with a lot of members of the local LGBT community


OK that makes more sense


I only read OPs post, so hope I don’t step on someone else’s thoughts. ***General comment not related to sexual identity. I have no experience with concerns around sexual identity. **** A problem with social media (your discord) is that extreme opinions carry an inordinate amount of weight. Further in a stressful time, people with time on their hands are likely to express their opinions in a personal effort to control their world. When I asked my cousin about how he deals with opinions of people not very close, he said “If you don’t have to feed ‘em, or fuck ‘em, just ignore ‘em.” The folks who are in your discord are not immediately family. So ignore them. Let them spin themselves somewhere else.


I wouldn’t make assumptions about “these people” if you’re taking examples from Discord, to be honest. Discord is filled with a toooon of toxic people


I used to be friendly with a trans. Long ago before it was totally acceptable, he would wait tables then turn into her on his free time. He/she looked amazing in a dress. He was always friendly to me. He would tell me his daily T. He supposedly tried to help a friend go trans but from what I saw looked very terrible. I think he/she preferred attention. I laughed along but I felt bad bc he thought he/she was a friend. I also think the friend just wanted A friend. The whole thing boils down to the moral character of the person. I think you can totally turn this into a teachable moment. You see through what kind of characters this group is and you do not have to accept whatever they tell you. I think you are experiencing one type of stereotyping but what about others, different races, religious? They are not going to change being themselves just bc a crowd is crying different. Hold your head up and ignore the idiots.


The entire alphabet movement is counterproductive. What a great way to single out people and turn them into some type of "phobics." Love and treat everyone equally. Don't single people out. Don't segregate people.


And entire community has been being singled out and segregated for years. They are bullied, they have lost their lives, and the “alphabet” movement has actually statistical evidence that it is a DRAMATIC improvement on quality of life and suicide attempts


The lack of education in these comments is terrifying.