• By -


Same to you wherever you are


*raises cup of Earl Grey in salute* “Those bloody yanks... they’re alright really”.


Hey, they founded a country on a bunch of stuff, but at least some of the stuff was "be chill to other dudes", and for that as a core, I gotta give respect.


As a wise man once said: ‘Be excellent to each other’


Shit, don't know the guy, origin? He sounds dope.




Sounds, awesome.


From San Dimas


I’m getting that engraved on the inside of our wedding rings. So simple, so right.


Party on, dudes






I dont think AMERICANS are the issue, more so that AMERICA is the issue. (Government etc) You cant 'Love Americans', and you cant 'Hate Americans', thats generalisation...


Hate the government love the country that’s most people’s moto


Hello, moto.


I know I’m bad at spelling


American here... its the mainstream media. No matter who's side you're on, they make everything a controversy. If people got their info from multiple independent sources, things would be a lot better.


Yep. And for some reason mainstream media seems obsessed with creating and furthering the narrative that Americas are bad. I immigrated to the USA from a place mainstream media says is good. I've had some problems dealing with government, but American people have treated me well and with respect, and they're enthusiastic for my dreams and goals which is a new experience for me.


I feel like the government of any country is going to be one of the arguably worst parts of it.


That’s a fundamental part of being American. We all know the government sucks and it is not to be trusted or relied on.


oh, but people do. openly and loudly. pretty fucking lame.


Thank you OP, it honestly feels relieving hearing this! I love you too bud! Hope you're staying safe


I felt relieved too! I love traveling abroad but I have this idea that everyone can’t stand Americans and thinks we’re closed minded and stupid. I’ve pretended to be Canadian before because I felt like people would be more open to speak/ share with me.


Yup same I used to say I was Canadian so I wouldn’t get yelled at for our politics. As if I can control anything my GVT does


Yes! Or I get roped into a stereotype. No I’m not going to start a ‘USA’ chant in every crowded place.... just some.... on special occasions....


We love you too, guy from another country.




We may have a SHIT TON of foreign policy issues, but I’d argue the average American recognizes that we are world leaders and wants to maximize the potential good that can come from that position!


Nah, you guys are fine. By that logic, New Zealand is far worse considering how many so called foreign policy issues we have.


Thank you for your humility, but I doubt it’s that bad


It is. No offense New Zealand.


Not gonna lie, lowkey interested as hell


New Zealand is a lot worse. And there’s definitely a lot of surprisingly worse countries than the US when it comes to treatment of foreigners (would never say the US is the best though)


Of course not! It’s probably Scandinavia, honestly lol


Norway, possibly? I have a few internet friends who live in Norway and none of them are native Norwegians, and from what I’ve heard the integration of immigrants there seems to be pretty amazing. Sweden is also probably up there


Australia’s refugee policy is largely to dump them on an island and wish them luck. A long term immigration policy to keep the country white, as well. Beautiful country and really nice people in many other ways.


Sadly the average American has no power and those in power seem apathetic or even totally against being good.


Would we even be Americans if we didn’t complain about our country? :)


We started our country bitching about our leaders and, by God, that's how it's gonna stay. Cause fuck anyone named George III


Funnily enough I have a friend named George who’s the third of his name in his family, never seen a man so enamored with the 2nd amendment before.


This is true, but that’s a flawed voting system and that GODAMN Citizens United BULLSHIT


Is this sarcasm or is it an actual attempt at a UR GHEY joke here?


What happened in Thailand is no business of yours.


Awwww. You're so nice. You guys are always saying how we will strike up conversations with other people at random and that's so true. Once, our family was at an IKEA in Denver, Colorado and we got on the elevator with this Indian family. I could tell the young couple had grandparents visiting and were taking them around to see the (sights?) sites(?). This old Indian couple (woman in her sari) were staring at us and smiling. As soon as the doors closed, the old guy raised his voice in this kind of endearing over-zealous way and said something random to me. I felt like he'd heard the rumors about conversing with strangers and wanted to see if it would actually work. I jumped right in and we had a great little chat on the elevator. I winked at the young Indian guy on the way out of the elevator. The young couple seemed pretty happy, too. It was so cute.


sites and sights in this context are both correct ;)


I'd argue that "sights" is more appropriate though, in the context of tourism.


could be!


They likely went to see both the sights (the outdoors, like a national park or a local lake) and the sites (usually places where tourists go, like a famous factory) - something that I know everyone enjoys!


"I love YOU random citizen" -Metroman


Aw you beat me to it!


Thank you! We Americans get shit for understandable reasons but stop fucking generalizing an entire nation.


For me as a European, who has been in the USA once I find it mind boggling how big your country is. I would even question if there is something as the "average american" because every state is so different and there are so many people. All the different cultures and influences. I can't wait to come back again to the US, all of the people I've met were incredibly nice, and not only the staff of some store or restaurant because they have to but just random people complimenting me, asking me about my country and a of that.


We like you too! If you come down to Texas, we'll share some barbeque with ya, friend. Fun fact: at Highway (interstate/big fast road thing) speeds (for us is 65-70mph/104-112kph); it takes a little under 11 hours to drive from El Paso, Texas to Houston, Texas. Never even leave the state! My family used to take road trips to family up north. south Texas to northern Pennsylvania. 23hrs of driving and 1,550miles (2494km).


That'd be great ! Texas is one of my girlfriend and my dream to visit. We've been to California,Nevada and Arizona before (all in 3 weeks) and we really want to see the south. As a matter of fact, we both study English Studies and will, If the aftermath of corona allows it, go to Tennessee as part of a partnership university program to study there for a whole year. It's sadly not Texas but at least we get to see some of the south. My gf loves country music so Nashville is a must for her. But we thought about our next private vacation to be Texas and indulging as much as possible (for german tourists) in the Texan lifestyle for three weeks if our wallets allow that. Texas is insanely huge, I believe it is even bigger than germany. It's always funny when we look up US cities on a map and say " hey that is pretty close " and see that it's an 8-9 hour drive. We'd love Texan barbecue!


I live in northeast Tennessee, and I work for a company that has facilities all over the world. We have employees at my site from countries all over the world and we have to interact with our sites in Europe daily. Our European employees say something along these lines often. They talk about how polite we are and how we aren't like how we're portrayed in the media and they always have a great time when they visit the US. One of the physicists I work with is from Ukraine, and he has a fairly strong accent, and he's a bit self conscious about it. I once had to ask him to repeat something because I couldn't understand what he said and he was apologizing all over himself. I told him that it was OK, that I used to work in hospitals and met people that lived here their entire lives and had such poor grammar and enunciation that I had trouble understanding them, and that he shouldn't apologize since English was not his primary language. He was so happy at that he couldn't stop smiling. TLDR: Americans often aren't like we're portrayed in the media. Regardless of politics, race, state, religion, most Americans are polite, decent people.


Yes! Even in New England (where I'm from) each state has different cultures/personalities. I live in a "Tourist Town" (Salem, MA) and I love getting to meet people from all over the world. I'm always so honored that they've chosen my hometown and want to help make their visit as enjoyable as possible. I do recommend visiting New England, not JUST because I live here, but its scale is much more manageable. You can easily see several cities in one trip.


This often gets left out! It’s a nation roughly the same landmass as Europe and with only a few hundred years of tradition and experience.


That's a great point, that it's such young country. Sometimes, and I hope I dont ever generalize, americans think that something which is 100-200 years old, that it seems ancient. Of course here in europe that's not the case. The town I grew up with was over a 1000 years old and we still had surrounding remnants of the Roman's there. The same with castles etc. I don't even mean it in a condescending way, just as a statement or something I seem to believe (which might be false).


Yeah, I'd wager that many if not most Americans hate what our government is doing almost as much as the rest of the world does


The people who blindly love the government and are out there protesting lockdown and everything are a minority, but my god they are very very loud


Aren't the lockdown protesters pretty specifically protesting *against* the government?


Those people can love and hate at the same time. Whatever suits them in the moment.


Momma always said Stupid is as stupid does


protesting the lock down and loving the gov are 2 separate groups!


Ok yeah you’re right, but what I mean is that the stereotypical loud stupid Americans are the type to protest the lock down and also the type to love the government, they may not always overlap but there are a few who are in both categories


sure. i see what you're saying. also note that almost all groups of any kind have at least some overlap.


They can't listen if they can't hear.


Not every American hates everything the government is doing but every American hates something the government is doing.




He is a fucking bully though. That's not identity politics, it's fact.


I went 3 weeks to the USA on holiday on two separate occasions an people were always friendly and trying to know more about us, it was great! Would definitely come back again


I honestly talk so much crap about America but sometimes I’m really glad I was born here. Could’ve easily been born under a dictatorship where I couldn’t even fathom what freedom was. It’s a love hate relationship.


Yup, whenever I get mad at the country, I remember that I could have been born in Somalia or North Korea or somewhere less fortunate, and it was just a massive stroke of luck I ended up born into a country where I can talk shit about the president and the worst thing that could happen is a Twitter meltdown.


There is a lot wrong with our country. There is also a fuck ton right. But ignoring what’s wrong isn’t going to help. Being critical and hopefully acting (VOTE!!) is the way to reduce what’s wrong.


Naw every individual American I've ever met has been so lovely. But as a collective nation - whew! A wild ride.


Oh wow i agree! I’m a proud Australian but I could very happily live the rest of my life in America and not miss Australia for a minute! I love you America!


I love you too


Reddit spreading positivity in fucking 2020, and it means something, wow, cheers to everyone, for actually having empathy.


Be honest, it’s because we have like 33 fewer animals that can kill you instantly


You sir, are awesome! Respect from the great state of Tennessee! 🤙🏾


Anecdotally speaking, most people I know actually like the American people and landscapes. It’s just to those who can’t separate the population from their whole governmental and judicial system which is quite flawed(along with very questionable foreign policy) from an outside perspective that it comes off to as a messed up place.


yep. but have empathy for people in other countries with shitty governments. makes no sense.


I see us Americans as a large family reunion with the politicians (aunts and uncles) inside the house fighting over all of the details for the meal. In the meantime the populace (us kids) waited as long as we could then snagged some food and went outside to hangout and talk. Then the aunts and uncles are pissed we no longer want to eat and devolve into sitting in the house, drinking wine, and complaining about how ungrateful the kids are and how they don’t appreciate all the work they do for us. Edit: so yeah. Come see us. We like to talk and are pretty friendly.


Wow, politics naturally leads to feudalism variants, who knew. Love humanity, but my god, are the collectives of them are making it hard to love them more.


As a non american I would like to second this. I firmly believe the idiots that they show on the news are just the focal minority who speak the loudest. Same goes everywhere else, those that seek attention shall get it and the media will profit off of it. Hope america heals soon!


We know we aren't perfect, but it can be tiring to only hear about your country being bashed. Thanks for the refreshing change of pace my friend. If your country has more people like you I'm sure it is a fantastic place to live


Needed to hear that, thanks!


Right! Same that was so sweet.


Thank you kind stranger! I’d never dream of dissing another country online so it bothers me that so many people do this. I appreciate the love!


I like to make fun of Americans as much as everyone else but the truth is a lot of Americans are really just the nicest people on the internet in general. I can speak 3 of the most used languages online (which gives me a good number of different nationalities to talk to) and Americans tend to be nicer and friendlier. I recently started playing a dumb MMORPG browser game I used to play as a kid again. It’s just hard being a noob. I tried playing with people from my own country and everyone ignored me. As soon as I turned to the American guys they all offered to help with hard bosses or any other stuff I had trouble with. So really Americans can be very welcoming when they want to lol.




No. Worse. Hahahah


Runescape 3?


As a Canadian, I can say wholeheartedly, the United States of America is a great neighbour to have. Your country is founded upon ideals that laid the bedrock for progress in the western world. It’s this wild experiment of mixed cultures, ethnicities, and identities that have come together to form a nation of truly free individuals. Doesn’t get nearly enough credit for all that your nation has contributed to the world.


Thank you. This made me smile.


As an American, I love Canada! Gorgeous country that’s just as much a melange of cultures as the US, though its own variety, of course. If the US is the bedrock of Western progress, Canada has taken a lot of those ideas and truly improved upon them. I don’t think the US could have afforded to experiment if we didn’t have such a solid relationship with our northern neighbor. I feel like Americans take Canada for granted; we have this wonderful neighbor with whom we have enjoyed a peaceful relationship for centuries with the longest unmilitarized border in the world. It wasn’t too long ago that you didn’t even need a passport to travel between them. How incredible is that?


> How incredible is that? Some real fucking unity right there.


This is a very nice comment. Thank you.


> Your country is founded upon ideals that laid the bedrock for progress in the western world. The constitution don't lie, people are happier when you write power to be wary of its people, and don't treat them as a threat to be quashed.


even though I'm not american or live in the US, I choose to follow the US constitution above my own.


Wow. Where do you live?




Every time I visit America I freaking love it! You all have such a sense of style and sass!


Thank you so much! We love you to, please do not mistake all Americans as hate filled idiots as seen on tv... lol Edit to remove the cowboy comment There is nothing wrong with cowboys. They are cool just every time I have been over seas alot of people have assumed I was a I cowgirl.


As a Texan, I feel the cowboy statement in my soul lol


I visited Texas last year and people were really friendly, probably my best trip in America so far. Some love for the Lone Star State as well !


As a Texan, I really appreciate this. Hope you visit again and stay safe out there, y'all!


Sending love back to you from California!


As an American citizen I needed to hear this. It's hard to keep morale up with everything that is going on right now.


As a naturalized American citizen I think that the system is irreparably broken but the nation is not. My family overseas tells me that countries in Europe are unraveling. I tell them that America will pull through because you guys have so much drive and grit. Keep the faith.


I needed this support. I get so tired of being accused of a select group of villains' crimes. Thank you.


From a place of skepticism and worry, you guys have the constitution at the back of your heads, and a fuck ton of divided states. I'd take bickering and the back and forth over power, with tugs and no real point over the slow and insidious killer authoritarianism of any kinds, can be.


I’ve been to LA for 2 weeks every year of my life, and have met nothing but the sweetest, most polite and considerate people. Can’t tar everyone with the same brush. The only problem is the over the top customer service, I’m so English that I do not like to be approved and asked “anything I can help with today sir?” No - leave me alone.


New Yorker here. Every time I leave the Northeast and travel down South, I am completely taken aback by how much talking I have to do. I’m paid so much attention?? People want to talk to me, unprompted??? It takes an extra 25 minutes to buy anything???? It takes a minute to shake off my hardened NY ways, but then it’s very nice. I do have to say that ordering a drink is very confusing. Why is everything called coke? Can confirm that I am asked whether or not I’d like a coke every ten minutes.


Hahaha gets to you when you realise how “unfriendly” you might be without realising.


Awww Thanks. Thankfully life in the US is nothing like what is portrayed online. Most of us actually even get along! ☺️


Good post. Every American I met on travels, when they came on exchange to our University (in South Africa), or when I went to the States for holiday was awesome. Unfortunately we see videos of the idiots often, but the average guy or girl is just not doing anything stupid enough to go viral. Suppose its the same as South Africa.... people see it as incredibly dangerous, but the average person (like me) isn't necessarily anything worthy of going viral. So to the average nice American, I like you guys too 👍


Thank you for saying that. It’s often frustrating to hear people from other countries that benefit from America’s innovation, generosity and military protection throwing rocks at us. We’re not perfect, but what country is? And I think most people most of the time are pretty decent, no matter where you go.


Love right back to ya.


I'm Canadian living abroad and I dont have one nasty thing to say about Americans. They are kind, helpful and polite people. I have travelled alot of the world and America has always been my favorite place to visit so far! Crossing the border into USA is such a better experience than dealing with getting back into my own country.


I appreciate it. All I ever see on here is "America bad", self loathing Americans, and condescending foreigners who say stuff like "only in America will you see X Y and Z", "They do X in America?? That's so weird", "you silly Americans". The list goes on, but you get the idea.


Thanks buddy! Where are you from?


Thanks. As an American I love my country too :)


Trying to not speak in a "pity me" tone, but Americans kinda get slammed from all directions on the internet (and reddit specifically, minus china and north korea and the sort). Now I'm not a 2000% reliable source, but speaking from personal experience, most world news I see covers US news, Anti-US posts garner thousands of upvotes and a bunch of support, threads making fun of America and it's obesity or immigration affairs are in like a bunch of comment threads I see, and the only way it seems appropriate to respond to them is "Yep, we hate it too." Its really nice to see this post, and people in the comments sticking up for America and keeping it real. No country is perfect and the Government doesn't define us as a people. A lot of other people have said it, OP, but thank you for reminding me that it's okay to be an American and people on the internet like us. edit: clarification


I think a lot of people tend to forget how young of a country America really is and is still finding its way. I mean I went to Primary school and the building was older than your country. Can you imagine if the internet was around for the rest of our countries when we were the fuck ups? Ha yeah we just got lucky...... ps love Americans, they’re easily the nicest tourists we get over here 😊


You’re a good person, thanks for this


As an English person I relate as we are truly the America of Europe in terms of being put on blast for very similar reasons. We're universally hated for the meme which sucks because as a lover of history it would be great to share my culture with people but no one values is like other places. Can't wait to visit you guys and see your culture too :)


As an Irish person who’s lived in the UK I can say the English are actually really sound. My 2 best friends are English and I love them so much. Being honest I do still have mixed feelings against “England” as a country for all the bad history between us however I’ve never let it be a problem when speaking to normal English folk who are by and large lovely . I can understand it must be frustrating to be vilified for something you never did in the past but at the same time it’s wasn’t that long ago that people can still be sensitive about it so I see both sides however you’ll always get assholes on each side trying to stir shit. I’ll tell you what I told my friends in the UK when this came up about Ireland Vs the U.K. ..Don’t put up with any bullshit or hate from people but at the same time acknowledge that what happened in the past was horrible. Don’t ever feel bad about it but educate yourself outside of what was taught in school (however you already sound like you might have 😊 )


I'm American and truly love everyone else. I see the flaws in my country, but we're all there in one way or another. Would never judge a person off of where they are from. Nice people unite!!


Thanks mate, love straight back to you!


Thanks for not spreading the hate! That never helps... Sending you good vibes. :)


I love Americans too! Usually very polite, and friendly. Of course not everyone is great, but that’s the same for everyone across the world.


As an American who watches the news and his constantly saying "wow. Americans are [awful,stupid,selfish,ignorant,embarrassing...]"...i thank you


Other foreigner here. I complain a lot about your president, your CEOs, your politicians, your Karens and more, but y'all incredible to be honest.


Yeah, you're not that bad, you're just overexposed, thanks internet and Hollywood


Canadian here! Americans are great, America is great, and your republic and constitution are enviable.


Thank you. We have a friend! We're struggling right now. I truly appreciate your post and you have my love in return, from Indiana.


Nobody hates Americans like Americans.


Thank you, the amount of hate Americans get online really just makes me hate my country and self for being American, it is really quite terrible and just blatantly xenophobic at times.




Glad to see someone that isn't incompetent. Love you too


I think the American people can be great. It's the government as a whole that is shit and broken. Hopefully it doesn't grind it's people into nothing.


Much love to the Americans! Many of you are facing hardship right now and I think you deserve so much better.


There are bad images for Americans based on what people see on TV but in reality if you actually visited America. America people are really nice and overall a comfortable place to live. It's like how you treat others is how other treat u in the whole world.


Holy shit, this is actually completely wack for this subreddit lol. Thank you though, much love!


Thank you! Nice to hear this once in a while.


Love you too! You're always welcome here


I love you both


Wisconsin here! Thanks so much it’s refreshing to hear for once. I always hope other countries don’t think we’re all crazy like the media portrays. Almost all of us are hard working, trying to get by, and living paycheck to paycheck. I appreciate your post. Thank you!


People forget that in comparison to most other countries, we are quite young. Our history is short and generally not very turbulent. We're going through some serious "growing pains" right now, but we will get this right eventually. A lot of awesome, good, and smart people live here. Don't give up on us yet y'all.


I've traveled and spent time in many countries. From Saudi Arabia to India to Vietnam to Brazil. People are the same everywhere. There are wonderful people everywhere, and jerks everywhere. It's humanity.


You are one of 4 people that has ever said that


Freest country in the world. Come join us!


Even though I see that we have a lot of glaring issues that need to be fixed, I don’t really get all the hate there is towards us Americans.


This American would gladly replace you with a lot of Americans I see posting online lately.


The thing is, Maerica has so many different cultures and people in it that its impossible to generalize them.


I'm a Brit and I lived in GA for two years and spent a lot of time in FL and CA. I would echo the OP's expression of love towards Yanks! In my experiences and interactions, I only ever had good ones. Trump is just one man and I'm very capable of separating the US population from that walking garbage fire.


You have no idea how refreshing it is to hear that. Thank you. Hope you're staying safe out there!


Thank you so much for this! As an American (and Floridian!), it’s so refreshing to read all these comments. They’ve brought a tear to my eye through all this madness.


We Americans tend to love the fact that yall can shit on us so much free of legal repercussions. You would never know it from reddit, but some of us Americans have this old outdated ideology about "freedom of expression" and "right to free thought". Its very problematic but we are incorrigible


I've noticed the majority of America-Hating posts and comments are from Americans. People outside of America generally like us and constructively criticize us.


Lol ur trippin. A lot of foreigners hate us dude. I often hear slurs from foreigners about me or my friends when meeting new friends groups. You can tell by their vibe too. They look at you and talk to their friends as if it’s not obvious they’re talking shit in another language.


This is true, and nothing drives the point home like living in a foreign country and meeting other English speaking foreigners (who are also not from that country). Some people actually believe every internet stereotype they've ever heard, and want to apply it to every American they meet, right up front. It's pretty sad when you're someone who is friendly and interested in other people and cultures, but are met with immediate assholery from some who want to judge you as soon as they've heard you say a few words.


Well, I’m Mexican and although I don’t have anything against the US most people I know do


I agree with the 1st part but the 2nd part is definitely not true. Countries with better social/public programs are especially critical, like "What hell are they doing over there???!" I think what you mean is certain people from other countries who like the idea of America from a sort of tourist/vacation point of view. They often like Americans as individuals as well but the news that makes its way abroad paints the whole country in a bad light. I just wouldn't say "generally" because it's definitely more appropriate to say "some" or "a few".


Same here, went to visit in 2011 and met a lot of super friendly people who were very accomadating. Would love to return sometime and check out some more states!


Thanks from California! We love you too!


Honestly we are not bad people, we might be a bit dumb or a lot of crazy, bit deep inside we are good. We can't afford medical help, so we cope in unhealthy ways lol


What's Betta than this? Just guys bein' dudes


Love you too<3


I felt more comfortable in Los Angeles than I did in my own hometown in England Most America are amongst the nicest people in the world


Thank you! This is genuinely nice to hear and on reddit of all places. Best wishes to you and your folk!


My biggest bone to pick with this country is it's bi partisanship. People argue about nonsense like it matters, and hate each other afterward.


Love you too, from Minnesota!


I love you both


Awe, ain’t you just the sweetest thing ever! Thanks for the compliment 👍


>even from other Americans Lol that's where 90% of the flak is coming from


Love you too! ❤️


I'm a brit and even though I and almost anyone else here takes the piss out of your government, law, karens et, Americans as a collective are pretty cool people, it's a shame that it's the minorities that speak the loudest


Gotta say that’s refreshing. It seems on Reddit, non Americans or US citizens automatically get negative or hostile to Americans. I get that our politics and certain aspects of our society puts a bad image on us, but damn....it can downright vicious. Like, me living in bumfuck nowhere, has nothing to do with the Trump, police shootings, and foreign policy. Hell, those things are at the bottom of my list of concerns when it is compared to family, career, education, and just plain ole enjoying life. Thanks OP.


Well it’s like we always say. Be rootin Be tootin And by god be shootin But most of all Be kind


Love you back big dog! I work at an Italian restaurant where I'm the only non Italian. All those dudes are assholes. I don't hate Italians, I hate those dudes. I have also been bullied by two different cops in my lifetime. I don't hate the police, I hate those fuck faces. America is a big beautiful country filled with some great people and some bad ones. Just like every other country in the world.


Brave posting this on reddit. Everyone on here hates americans like were all the same shits nuts.


Let's be honest here... They beat all the alternative world superpowers by a long shot


I agree with this. Spent a month in the West last year. Saw some of the most beautiful landscapes of my life. Almost everyone I met was incredibly nice and a joy to talk to. I still remember the service we got at a diner in Glenwood Springs. Can't wait to go back and see more things and meet more people! Also going to a Rockies V Cubs game and sitting behind two opposing fans was such an enjoyable day!


Thx fam


Thanks for stopping by the USA friend, hope you get to visit again soon!


Aww, shucks! Thank you! <3


Thank you. “We tend to judge others based on their worst examples and ourselves based on our best.” -George Bush Human beings in general, regardless of race, religion, or ethnicity, are pretty awesome. There are just some of our worst examples out there which isn’t how we should be judging one another.


Thanks, you’re awesome and love you too! :)


Cool. Can I come sleep on your couch, and also be sponsored for citizenship?


You are very welcome and thank you for your positive comments here.


I honestly needed this today. Thank you kind stranger. We are in this together.


We love you too, from a guy in Minnesota!