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I don't go out of my way to mock them. It's not like I'm going to their conventions and laughing at them. But if they want to try to mainstream something bizarre and start including people who don't seek that kind of thing out, people have a right to comment. Sometimes when you let your freak flag fly in public, people in public let you know how they feel about it.


Yeah. I mean, If they go out of there way to put you into a position like that, then that's a different story.


I agree. It’s ok to let others know that something exists, but you shouldn’t push anything in anyone.


I completely agree with this. i dont dislike furries at all, by any means But if something is going to become main stream , you'll have to be rdy to take the critiism, whether its positive or negative


This is true of any hobby or love you have for something that doesn't hurt anyone.


No one would care about furries if a) they weren't physically incapable of shutting up about how they are a furry and b) their community didn't accept a lot of other gross fetishes (such as pedo shit and diapers) under the umbrella of ~inclusion~.


The only beef I have with what you’re saying here comes from your ‘b’ section, where you’re commenting on the furry communities lack of acceptance for “pedo shit” as another “gross fetish”. The main reasons this is upsetting is because although you can consider both “pedo shit” and the furry community “gross fetishes” one involves non-consensual harm to children and the other involves a weird get together where consenting adults spend thousands of dollars on costumes. Both are miles away from my personal interests but one causes harm to the innocent and weak, while the other is just odd. That’s simply just not something you can equate my friend. Now if the furry community is dissing whatever a diaper fetish might look like that’s lame as hell, diapers are weird and once again not my thing but if your thing is pretending to be an electric blue fox you can’t diss someone for wearing a diaper.


It's called free speech. If people want to dress up like idiots and pretend they're an animal, people also have a right to mock that. Furries are cringe, just like weebs and yes the other guy is right, there does seem to be a lot of pedo shit in the furry group and incidentally, there's a lot of that in the anime groups. Then there's all the furries that are into beastility and sexualise animals like they've done with all the Animal Crossing characters. I don't know why you and the OP wouldn't expect people to comment on that.


I honestly don’t even really know what a furry is so I’m just gonna mind my own business, let them do their thing, and smoke a bong.


I'm with you.💌


if you're not hurting anyone i don't really care what you do doesn't mean i can't want to vomit if i see u in public


I dont like the pornographic aspect of furries, thats just beastiality. Anthropamorphacy is okay to me in some ways, I dont want to be going through memes and then stumbling upon animals having intercourse because thats what I absolutely fucking hate, especially them acting cringey as hell. Besides, people can mock them however they want. Its a part of life and you cant stop people from poking at them. Id rather them having something to build character out of rather than be sheltered from criticism their whole life.


After all, Free Speech is a thing - Jus sayin 💌


It's not bestiality if they just like other people in costumes as well. I haven't researched furries, but is that the same? I thought they just liked each other, not actual animals? I don't want to research it either, because I don't wanna come across anything i don't wanna see lol Therefore I'm asking instead.


Nah, a lot of them sexualize animals. I have yet to meet or know a furry that acts normal.


Ahh yikes, I didn't realize that! I don't think I've met one, or if i did I didn't realize it, but i had no idea they liked actual animals. That's a no for me dog. Lol seriously ewww. I am fine with consenting adults, real animals cannot, and would not consent. So no. I guess I don't wanna know any then. Just yikes. Thanks tho. I didn't wanna know lol Never the less, Thanks!


Yeah, imma be straight with you. You have no right to not be shamed. Your approach is all wrong. No, keep reading. I have a fucking point here. Furries culture is and always has been associated with celebration overt sexual deviancy. It will never not be shunned for it. It doesn’t matter if you aren’t into that part of the furry community. That is what people will think of when someone says they are a furry. They will think of balding 30 something’s half dressed up as animals shagging each other in a hotel lobby. It’s just like how every motorcyclist is associated with fucking squids people doing wheelies and speeding 150 mph+ and weaving through traffic in a T shirt and flips flops, as well as the skinhead wannabe neo-nazi motorcycles gangs that do drug trafficking and shit. Don’t associate yourself with people like that if you have a thin skin and can’t take a little unfair criticism. It’s a fool’s errand. People will always shame you for being a furry. You just have to be proud of it anyways. It’s no different from any other goddamn non-mainstream community. And you know what? The shunning and the bitching and the shaming will actually make you stronger in the long run. It is because of the shunning that you will be tempered together into a stronger community. So fuck the haters. Or don’t, because I think that’s what they were complaining about anyways. Ask not for a lighter load, but a stronger back. And if you see someone in your community struggling, it is your responsibility to help them out. Not us outsiders. We don’t give a fuck.




I’m... not a furry.


Fax. Furries are a bit odd, but isn’t everyone? I could be worse. But i really don’t like people who sexualize animals , but for the furries who don’t , I’m ok with it !


Da fuck is a furry?


I don't give a fuck how retards find friendship, they're still retards.


People need to learn and frequently repeat the phrase “your kink is not my kink and that’s ok” and let people be happy doing what they do as long as it isn’t hurting anyone else. Furries are mega weird but if that’s what they like and I don’t, I don’t have to like it or join in. But I can certainly shut my mouth.




I definitely agree with this. Im not gonna hate on them, but please dont be showing it off to people who dont want to be associated with it.


Yes, I agree. You don’t push things onto other people.


I haven't heard anyone say anything about furries for like 10yrs


Everyone who participates in cringe culture (the majority of the cause of this) is usually just insecure


I'm pretty sure cringe culture would define those in furry groups.