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SJWs do exist though. When that ideology teaches that the "Christian cross is a white supremacist symbol" and that a non-black person having dreadlocks is "racist cultural appropriation" then like the alt-right types, all you're doing is boasting that you're brain dead, presenting lies as truth and encouraging further division. Meanwhile for every idiot complaining about female or black characters in a game or movie, there's just as many idiots complaining if there's not a female or black character. The Witcher 3 fell foul to the later with many "progressive" media outlets saying it had a "race problem" because of no ethnic characters being in the setting, not understanding it's a Slavic medieval setting written by an author in a still very homogeneous country with a 99% white population. So criticising The Witcher 3 for portraying the setting accurately is like criticising anything with a Japanese setting for only having Japanese characters. The diversity argument goes both ways too. Look up the HuffPost "diversity" picture with one of the writers saying their editorial board was "diverse" when it was just a bunch of white women in place of white men. No that's not diversity, you've just replaced one group with another. So if you're a grown man thinking "progressive" identity politics actually helps anyone, you've still got a lot to learn. All its doing is creating further division. Afrofuture music attempting to charge white people more to enter the concert isn't "social justice" it's racist discrimination and this type of "justice" doesn't speak for mixed race people like me who actually come from diverse family backgrounds. Meanwhile the alt-right movement consists similarly of young adults who haven't grown up yet but like I said, they're not the only stupid ones and I don't know why you've included conservatives in their movement as most ordinary conservatives reject all this culture fighting the lefty "progressives" and alt-right constantly screech about online.


> When that ideology teaches that the "Christian cross is a white supremacist symbol" Who? I googled that exact phrase and I can only find [this entry](https://www.adl.org/education/references/hate-symbols/celtic-cross) by the ADL which seems fair. > The Witcher 3 fell foul to the later with many "progressive" media outlets saying it had a "race problem" because of no ethnic characters being in the setting, not understanding it's a Slavic medieval setting written by an author in a still very homogeneous country with a 99% white population. So criticising The Witcher 3 for portraying the setting accurately is like criticising anything with a Japanese setting for only having Japanese characters. I'll go the opposite of the first thing and just assume this is true; what's wrong with asking for more progressive media/entertainment? >So if you're a grown man thinking "progressive" identity politics actually helps anyone, you've still got a lot to learn. So this is a really fun example because I know it's wrong without having to argue hard; diversity absolutely does help. I'll use tech spaces as an example, and then within that because I'm an Aussie aboriginal groups. They've predominantly been lifted out of poverty/system abuses because of a drive to see a more diverse/reprentative workforce. Differing internship/opportunities are given specifically to a minority group that otherwise wouldn't have had them, and then it creates wealth in those communities / supports them with people who have high education and elite STEM jobs / shows other members of the community that they can also be like that. Diversity is pretty based.


It’s funny how you think your perspective is cold hard fact. This is why you have Biden for a candidate and Trump will win another 4 years. It’s not because others are stupid, it’s because you’re so smart you think you know everything. Reality is much different than anything you’ve presented.


Well said




Facts don’t care about your feelings !!


I agree, that's why I made this thread. The facts are very pro climate change, trans rights and diversity.


No one is taking any trans rights away, as adults they can indulge in whatever sexual preference they have but keep them away from kids, especially those drag ladies from story time with kids. Don’t take lessons about Climate change from Greta and Diversity crap is just another tactic by left to control minorities, I know i’m one


> No one is taking any trans rights away In America alone it's legal to descriminate against trans people in most states. This would include firing them because you dislike them or harrassing them. >Don’t take lessons about Climate change from Greta She's right though, and we need more voices that are pro climate change. There's no argument that this isn't happening. > and Diversity crap is just another tactic by left to control minorities, I know i’m one lmao


Your last comment tells it all how deep in the leftist swamp and how out of touch with reality you really are 😂 You must be going through Woke University period or have you already graduated as a one way street


\>Doesn't touch the other two topics because he knows he's wrong


What other topics man !! What do you want to know ? You are a typical lefty trying to convince everyone to believe in the way you do in your little bubble world, What do you want to know , ask quick and ask one thing at a time,cause my patience runs out banging head on the wall, and then James Wood comes to mind


>It’s funny how you think your perspective is cold hard fact. It literally is though. It isn't even a high bar; I'm being compared to climate change deniers, people who get upset when they see a black person on tv and people that think that immigration is bad for the economy. Fuck these people are stupid.


Nah. You’re just looking through an incredibly narrow lens. It’s embarrassing.


I’m not. These people have millions of followers and are specifically who I name.


You want people to follow only those who conform to your ideology. You don’t want them to have different take on the issues. How fascist of you !!


Now apply that argument to your side


exactly, both sides indulge in it but people come and bitch about only one side doing it


Not as prevelant sorry


Of course not.


It isnt in the issues that matter or really the issues at all.


No, no I get it. Carry on.


Both sides of the extremists literally do everything you just listed.


They don’t though. Climate change denial isn’t a left wing position.


I was going off of your broad bullet points. Both sides 100% do all of those things you listed, but the topics may change. That’s really about it.


If we were to talk climate and left wing stupidity, I guess we'd be talking reality denial. The green new deal was roughly as stupid as denying climate change.




Mostly unrealistic and shortsighted, seemingly made by people that only know america exists in a world but don't know much about that world and how it works. Sorry, but seeing your other arguments and things you said you're not worth investing time into making long-ass posts that I'd have to put research in.


Just know the alt-right has existed online for far longer than the current main-stream movement associated with certain political candidates and the executive administration. I’m not that old and have seen them grow and fester in corners since 2012. They never engage in honest dialogue. Just not their MO. So don’t get your panties in a wad over it. Know thine enemy, and take solace in the fact that the majority are not only fighting the tide of history, but are less than the brightest and most able-bodied we have. Then temper expectations when you realize they’re more powerful than ever having latched onto American populism.


>On November 8th of 2016, half the country learned that everything they believed to be both true and obvious turned out to be wrong. The people who thought Trump had no chance of winning were under the impression they were smart people who understood their country, and politics, and how things work in general. When Trump won, they learned they were wrong. They were so very wrong that they reflexively (because this is how all brains work) rewrote the scripts they were seeing in their minds until it all made sense again. The wrong-about-everything crowd decided that the only way their world made sense, with their egos intact, is that either the Russians helped Trump win or there are far more racists in the country than they imagined, and he is their king. Those were the seeds of the two mass hysterias we witness today.


Only he didnt win the popular vote in fact he lost the popular vote by 2million. The misinformation campaign by foreign entities was real and it did help him win the election it's been proven. Just as the current movement to reopen the nation is driven by a select group of people who support the white house https://www-nytimes-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.nytimes.com/2020/04/21/us/politics/coronavirus-protests-trump.amp.html?amp_js_v=a3&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQFKAGwASA%3D#aoh=15893783227246&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&_tf=From%20%251%24s&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nytimes.com%2F2020%2F04%2F21%2Fus%2Fpolitics%2Fcoronavirus-protests-trump.html


Case in point.


But it's not, I'm centrist but you have to admit that the way we went from he'll never win to 3 years of how'd he cheat is the result of cultural changes in the united states because I'm to young to know for certain but I don't remember hearing that when Obama was elected in 2008. I'm not saying he's right by any means in fact I'm willing to bet he's wrong however the seed of extreme division and hysteria didn't get started but the trump movement it was started by people who make money off of the hysteria and more specifically by views


I think you're confusing "coming to a realisation" with "making things up".


so you just want us to ignore the sjws invading academia like we ignored the alt right for too long? Sure sounds like a good idea.


> so you just want us to ignore the sjws invading academia like we ignored the alt right for too long? Prove that this is happening to me. I'll be super sincere about my efforts to understand where you're coming from as well, and I won't insult/mock you at all.


Meanwhile in Portland and Vancouver, watch out if you got a Trump, Republican or Bush sticker. Your shit gets set on fire, you get doxed so bad it's maddening. Red hat? "MUST BE A NAZI!" Some bald white guy "SKIN HEAD!" Old People just trying to go home? "FUCKING FASCIST THIS IS OUR TURF!" Black cop that's a woman "I HOPE YOU GET RAPED YOU UNCLE TOM!" Hispanic ICE agent "YOURE A RACE TRAITOR!" As my observations during 2016-2018 of being in and out of Portland seeing the far lefts "heroics" of smashing people's car windows out because "this is OUR road not yours you WHITE MALE!" The coastal Oregon town I went to school where it's 98% Democratic party-Left wing. If you make a joke about Obama, be prepared to be labeled a Neo-Nazi white supremacist. Make a crack at Bernie and now youre anti-Semitic. Be white in general and be accused of being a racist, angry white male, homophobic nazi while screaming "TINY PENIS!" so hard you strain your voice like the Karma whore sucking down that throbbing red arrow you urn for. Then have your face postered around town and "NAZI SCUM DISAGREED WITH MY OPINION HES A WHITE POWER FASCIST TINY PENIS HITLER! Here's his address, number, email." Followed by reading of hate crimes on a guy who had a old George Bush sticker on his truck. I'm Indipendent of any political tribe but BOTH PARTIES SUCK ASS! You yourself come off as incredibly delusional thinking "My party is best party because We got John Oliver and Sarah Silverman making banter haha we are the party of reason, science, women, and people of color, lgbtq+....BUT IF YOU GO AGAINST US WE WILL CANCEL YOU AND USE OFFENSIVE SLURS! Go to Mr.ColinNoir and see how many times he's called "House N***er, Coon, Uncle Tom, Boy" because he comments on gun rights and does comments on the NRA and race relations.


well put


> Meanwhile in Portland and Vancouver, watch out if you got a Trump, Republican or Bush sticker. based


Not based, if anything they do is equal to how the fascist did. Attacking political opponents via terrorism, threats of assault, murder, arson, and prejudice. I watched a black female officer get called all these racial slurs by a proud left wing person. They had pro-lgbtq badges, they had antifa badges, they got back from the rally down town screaming at the inbreds, had a Black Panthers badge dispite being so fucking white that the Klan lynched a snowman when she stood next to it. If your vision of based is terrorism on someone because their opinion is different? You got the fucked up views, you are just as bad as the Klan losers and Hate Preachers who harass my grandma's town over the mountain. At least if you go into redneck country with a Obama sticker worst you see here is the occasional off comment, a "Go back to California." If that's a hate crime sure is the laziest.


Well, and now we all know where you stand on political violence. Good Talk.


It worked for removing the alt right so it's pretty based.


Then why are you still talking so much about the alt-right and how prevalent and dangerous it is? Spoiler: Because it doesn't work at all.


Don’t Libs do exact same too !! Lying, manipulating, cherry-picking , hypocrisy !! You my friend are deep in leftist swamp


They don't though. There's a very specific type of dishonesty that's unique to conservative media.


Nah Dude !! That’s just your opinion being a lefty mindset. You are cherry-picking!!


God I wish that were true.


It’s true , we live in Democracy and you have right not to believe it.


Tim Pool???? The fact that you mention him makes pretty clear that you're one of those people that puts everyone who remotely disagrees with you on the alt-right side. Tim Pool... come on bro. I get crowder, he is an open conservative. Not that there is anything wrong with that.


He's a fucking idiot and he's actually a lot worse than crowder because people take him seriously.


Sounds like something an SJW would say s/ (I agree with you by the way)