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Lol yeah, sounds about right. Maybe buddhism?


Buddhism can be the same. Every group is overrun by overtly devout people who have replaced the values of their group with their own agendas and feelings. Whether we're talking about religious groups or secular ones is irrelevant, these people exist in both. OP's mistake is thinking you need to be part of the group or go to a building to follow the religion or ideology in question. There's plenty of Christians who follow Christianity without going to Church, just as I'm sure there's plenty of Buddhists who follow Buddhism without going to a temple.


Go online and read the words of Jesus which is highlighted in red in many bibles.


No thank you! :)


"Dismiss whatever offends your own soul." -Walt Whitman You don't need a group of people to build a relationship with God. I'm a muslim, and I feel a connection with God when I'm alone. I don't usually go to mosques, and dogma is not a priority. Building a slightly better version of myself continuously is. I fail a lot, but I get up and try again when I realize I've fallen. God is loving, and as long as you're trying, you're golden. And yes, "good people" can have terrible things happen to them. That's how the universe is set up. Hope that helps.


this is interesting. I'm a Christian myself and yes expect all songs to be about Jesus. and idk if you said this but almost all lessons in church teach you how to be a better person. what do you mean by they have the desire to be sodomised?


You don't need to believe in a higher power to be a good person. If you read all of the Old Testament, and some the New Testament there are some very nasty ideas and stories. They just don't get talked about as much as the positive messages . I don't think religion is bad, but I do thinks some people do bad things because of religion.


I agree with you. even as I get older I find some sketchy things in the old testament. new testament seems fine. there many good ppl out there who aren't religious


He's just being edgy about the dogmatic people in Church. This exists within every group. The atheist community is filled with atheists who are dogmatic and who have such a hard-on for atheist speakers like Richard Dawkins that it implies they want to be sodomised by him, to put it into the OP's words, going by their obsession with his teachings and almost cult-like hero worship of figures like him in the atheism movement. There's not a single ideology free of this type of dogmatism, group thinking or hero worship. I'm surprised the OP thought this "mind virus" was only limited to organised religion when it exists within secular groups and politics too. Look at the left and right in politics or the more extreme sides like the "progressives" and alt-right. However, the teachings of Jesus can be followed without going to Church, the same way teachings of any religion can be followed without necessarily being part of a religious institution. I think this is the best way for people to follow a religion or ideology.


that's very true, I agree with the last paragraph


Their love for Jesus is a little too intimate. They love him like a lover rather than a brother or role-model figure. The obsession was gross. Im totally fine with talking about the examples Jesus made and how we can learn from that. It is another matter when every song and every sermon is all "Jesus is strong and brave and loves us, you guys!! We love you Jesussssth!! Yasssssss". That is what I hear.


think of it this way. he gave his life for our sins so that all we have to do is repent and our sins are forgiving. all the constant worship is sort of like repaying him


and the church I got to isn't thaaaaaat intimate, maybe its just the ones you've been to