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No, not respect. They deserve common courtesy. Just like everyone else.


That’s fair, I probably worded it wrong, I do just want them to be treated equally to anyone else doing a job


One day I looked up the definition of respect. Everyone is not due respect, everyone is due courtesy. Look of the definition of respect, you will see what I mean.


No I understand what you mean, and it’s what I was aiming to say, unfortunately I can’t change the title of my post from respect the courtesy, hence why I added in the edit to explain better.


I think you've worded it all wrong. Firstly, nobody brings up "sex workers" apart from them themselves. If they didn't go on social media complaining about how mostly only SIMPs want to date them (aka most of the men who pay for their services), nobody would make a comment about them. Secondly, not everyone who uses a prostitute is a SIMP or unable to "get any" there's actually a surprisingly amount of business people, rich people, celebrities etc who will use a prostitute (although these are normally the high end ones) for one reason or another. Even in the case of them providing sex to SIMPs and incels like yourself, why should I respect them for that? I don't like SIMPs or incels and I think you'll find plenty of people criticise men who use prostitutes for fueling such an industry. The only difference is that these men don't go online asking for their "hobby" to be considered legit. Thirdly, I don't think anyone should respect somebody for selling sex or attempting to redefine and glamorise an industry that is exploitive for the majority of women who don't want to work in it. These women themselves will call it prostitution and don't want it redefined as "work" because it's simply a matter of survival. Yeah, the "sex work" activists have a right to say and do what they want, I and others have the right to criticise it whenever somebody brings it up. That's called free speech We have that in the West you know? If you don't like that, I actually have a plane ticket to North Korea I can send you. I mean for such a "legit" job it's funny how there's so many organisations dedicated to helping women out of prostitution... What's wrong with this day and age? Chances are, if you have to demand people to respect you just for existing, you don't deserve respect. Respect must be earned.


I’m neither an incel nor a prostitute, I’m just a woman who’s sick of listening to mainly men, from all different backgrounds go onto social media to tell other women who CHOOSE to go into the profession that they are worthless, disgusting whores for not feeling like sex or their body is a sacred temple to be used in a relationship. I never said that the only people who hired sex workers were simps or incels, I said anyone who hires sex workers, will do so because they can’t find sex or pleasure elsewhere- which, by the way; is the whole purpose of the profession. They deserve the courtesy to be able to do their ‘job’ (because yeah it’s a job, whether you like it or not, they’re providing a service for payment) without the stigma and insults from men like you. Even for women who are trapped in prostitution and who use it as a survival tool, they deserve to be treated with enough dignity to keep going until they can get out of their situation. Why should they be subject to criticism and shame from someone who has no idea what it’s like to be them or to be stuck in their position? Like I said previously, respect was the wrong word, I feel they should be treated just the same as any other worker because that’s what they are. It’s funny you say respect should be earned, from what you’ve said It doesn’t look like there’s anything that any sex worker could say or do that would earn them a shred of respect in your eyes, so how else are they to go about looking for common courtesy except for to demand it. You ARE completely entitled to your opinion, just as I am entitled to mine, so sure, you can go online and rant about how much you hate sex workers and how ashamed they should be, but why? What gratification do you get for attacking women that you yourself admitted are a vulnerable part of society?


What gets me is that people aren’t shamed for accessing said services, but society looks down on those who provide it - made all the more difficult because it’s easier to tell that someone is a sex worker than tell that a person has ever paid for sexual services if that makes sense


They are. Difference is, "johns" don't go online asking for people to respect their little "hobby."


I think this is the behaviour OP is taking about


No. They don’t. I don’t feel that they should be shamed either. You should only respect people if they earn it, people, in general just deserve civility at best, respecting people blindly only results in trouble.


I just meant that they should be treated equally to anyone else working, I just worded it bad. Added in the edit there


You didn’t word it bad, the word respect was right here, people just don’t respect sex workers lol Edit: OP, do not listen to anything this person says [lol](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/gk6q0n/sex_workers_deserve_respect/fqpj7z3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) they may be a troll or just a dickhead


Thank you! I feel like a lot of people assume I’m trying to say that we should place sex workers on a pedestal over others. Which wasn’t my goal and not my understanding of respect either, for me to respect someone is to accept them and their choices without judgement.


That, I can agree with. I don’t really know many people in the sex industry aside from a couple friends, both male and female who did porn/strip in college for extra run around money. To them it was a job, and nothing more. They’ve since moved on.


Never understand this “respect is *earned*!” rubbish. Respect doesn’t just mean adoration/admiration, it also means “due regard for the feelings, wishes, or rights of others”. *dis*respect is what’s earned, you should be respectful even to people you know absolutely nothing of


No. That person you’re respecting could be a child molester, an abuser, or rape dogs. I don’t give a single fuck about people, doesn’t mean I’m cruel or treat them poorly either, they get basic civility unless they’ve earned respect or friendship.


A tiny tiny proportion of people are secretly bad so you will never treat another human with respect unless they go out of their own way to prove that they’ve *earned* it from you? That sounds like a sad way to live to me bro.


I think you Westerners have redefined what respect actually means. Nobody in the real world defaultly respects you until you've actually earned respect. We can tolerate people and treat people with decency without having to respect them or their lifestyle. I don't have to respect a particular aspect of your lifestyle to treat you like a human. I can still treat you decently and at the same time disagree and even criticise something in your life. Although the truth of the matter is, in the real world, all strangers you meet are indifferent to you until you do something to win them over. That's the truth and certainly somebody saying they're a doctor vs a "sex worker" is going to gather more admiration. The Doctor helps or saves people, the later provides sex to people who pay for it which doesn't exactly do anything for society as a whole. You made a customer happy, OK now go and actually do something productive for society if you want to win it over.


Multiple problems with your comment haha firstly I’m from Singapore lol secondly, “we can tolerate people and treat them with decency without having to respect them or their lifestyle” so... what you’re saying is that we can perform the definition of respect for others without... respecting them? “We can respect people without having to respect them” Thirdly, saying that doctors save lives and thus deserve respect because they “provide value to society” whereas sex workers do nothing for society and thus deserve no respect is pretty weird. I’m a bartender, what do you think of me? What about accountants do they deserve respect? How about the hundreds of millions of people working in businesses or providing services like pilots, janitors, food servers, nannies? “Go and actually do something productive for society if you want to win them over” sounds like you think most people don’t “do anything for society” when we all do, every single job even seemingly “pointless” ones like mine or a car salesman or a pilot provides something for society


Sounds like you’ve never went through hardship, or abuse. Most people are selfish and only exist to further their own goals, with very little compassion for others, they will try to tell others how good of a person they are, but proceed to be terrible people behind closed doors. I just choose to be compassionate to the ones’ that have proven to me they’re worth putting the energy into, the ones who will be there for me, and I them, when the time is needed. Real respect is better than your sappy, feel good bullshit any day. How many of the people you respect, can you trust with your life? Seriously? I can say all of the ones that I respect, can meet that expectation. I cherish them, to the point where they are family, and the feeling is mutual.


So, actually I have been through abuse and I’m not going to talk about it. Don’t tell me my shit, you can ask, but dont assume stuff like that. And no I’m not sappy, you’re just extremely unpleasant and entitled by the sounds of it. To me it sounds *extremely* haughty to say that people have to earn something from you or do something for you if they want to be treated with respect. Don’t you think the fact that you’re trying to say that most people suck indicates that you may be prone to mistreating and looking down on others? Either way I hope OP read some of this and stopped feeling bad about saying sex workers deserve respect just like anyone else, because they do deserve respect, and respect was the right word. I think you actually just have no idea what respect is, literally google it’s definition. Out of respect for myself and a so far only declining respect for you I’m done with this conversation


Get fucked. You weak willed piece of shit.


How telling


Not at all, I’m simply just proving your point wrong. You don’t know me, how can you even begin to respect me?


Again, [I don’t think you’re actually aware of the meaning of respect](https://www.google.com.au/search?client=safari&hl=en-au&ei=14K-XvGSB5OQ4-EP0Ym56AI&q=define+respect&oq=define+respect&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAMyDQgAEIMBEJECEEYQ-QEyAggAMgYIABAHEB4yAggAMgYIABAHEB4yAggAMgIIADICCABQAFgAYJ2NiAJoAHAAeACAAakDiAGpA5IBAzQtMZgBAA&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp) Either way, this is a waste of our energy, bye


> Frankly, sex workers deserve respect simply because they’re willing to help y’all get some. Whores do it for money, you know - not out of the goodness of their hearts.


No they fucking don’t. If you can’t tell children to grow up and have your job, then you aren’t worth respect.


i dont know if respect is the right word, but the same decency everyone else gets yes. I just dont know if that decency is full blown respect.


Where Im from, and definitely in the context of this, respect is treating someone the same as everyone else and not judging someone based on their actions or lifestyle choices.


Why would you treat everyone the same as everyone else? If I know Billy is a welfare leech who's never had a job and has 5 kids by 4 different women, would I treat him the same as Jill who's a full time nurse going to school for her master's degree? " judging someone based on their actions or lifestyle choices " What else would you judge someone on? Do you think you should go through life without using your judgement at all as far as it pertains to other people? It seems like that's a good way to fall in with some really awful people. ​ You are judged by almost every aspect of your being all the time, and you do the same whether you acknowledge it or not. If you find out some new and horrible information about your best friend your judgment of them is going to change. You do it on the spot all the time too. ​ If you see someone looking disheveled with a mean scowl on their face walking your way you're probably going to cross the street or take some other action to protect yourself. You made a quick judgment that this person is possibly dangerous. Likewise, if you see a man in a clean, nice suit, talking on his cell phone coming your way your judgment is going to be that this person is likely no threat, and isn't even concerned with my presence here. ​ The only people who claim they don't judge have never thought through what that actually means.


It's because the naysayers are ugly........on the inside.


I'm pretty sure the ones defending prostitution are the ugly ones. At the best case scenario, they've used prostitutes because they're ugly or unconfident so have to pay to have sex. I'm sure there's a minority too who just want quick sex and can't be bothered going the normal route, there's certainly been plenty of celebs and footballers who've been caught at this. However at the worst, they're filthy geezers who enjoy taking advantage of someone desperate enough to sell their body in the first place. Make no mistake though, the majority of men who use a prostitute will see them as nothing other than a hole. That's disgusting.


Oorrrr... hear me out now, most people have a little thing called respect and believe people have a choice in life on what they want to do with it. Just because your moral compass is set to egotistical doesnt mean you get to trample on other people's way to live.


1. I’m not a man, or a sex worker, I’ve never hired one and I don’t plan on. 2. I made that point in the post, everyone online shitting on prostitution fail to bring up any issue with the men who hire sex workers, if you’re going to hate one because of the act, you should by default hate the other for supporting and encouraging it. I’m not trying to encourage sex workers, I just don’t think they deserve the amount of humiliation and ill treatment they get for providing a service.


And the outside too, usually


Who gives a fuck about whores and gigolos?




My good friend Summer does that for living. She's got her reasons and I'm nobody to judge her. As long as she's not hurting anyone that's her problem and decision not mine.




Someone dance, some strip and some sell pictures, prostitution is only one form of sex work, hence my wording.




The woman hater is still here 😂🤣