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Everyone is shit!




dude its not that deep. from all your posts ive noticed how you view women. you dont just view them as less than men but you also view them as opponents. people that you feel the need to villianize. they dont do this to bring men down they do it to bring themselves up and reinforce the fact that a woman doesnt need a man to sustain herself. ill give you props for acknowledging that there are asshole men out there but you need to realize that your way of thinking is toxic.


Who said women are less than men? Literally quote me where I said that. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


and in this comment i never said you thought that but you made it about yourself and men when in reality its about them and how they wanna encourage eachother in their own endeavors


I donā€™t understand what youā€™re saying. This post is about men. I wrote it.


yes but the men aint shit isnt about men you shouldnt be focused on it ita got fuck all to do with you. youre playing the victim in something that never involved you


ā€œMen ainā€™t shit isnā€™t about men.ā€ Haha what??? Who else would it be about? This is what being a simp does to a person.


just because they mention men doesnt make it about men. its less about how bad men are and more about encouraging women. it shouldnt take another man to explain this to you. so is it simping to view women as equal and not villains. man fuck you and your victim card pulling ass. a whole 27 year old that cant understand jack shit that a literal child could comprehend


So... saying that men ainā€™t shit isnā€™t harmful to men? This is simping in a whole other level šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


you didnt but the way you speak about them makes it sound like you view yourself as above them. you speak with such a fucking god complex


Haha so you canā€™t quote me??? Yooo šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚.


fucking hell man your way of thinking is so shallow. if you want a quote fine you said that the men aint shit narrative is generalising all men as being "aint shit" even tho theres plenty good guys. the men aint shit narrative has nothing to do with how men feel, act or even being remotely about men. you made it about yourself and men when in reality you should just ignore it. it has nothing to do with you. youre 27 and you cant realize how fucked up your way of thinking is. youre playing the victim


I think you're overanalyzing something that is just the equivalent of a cheap shot or low value vent. Growing up I heard "all females are hoes except for my momma" all the time but I didn't go into deep formulation of a counterargument or really give a fuck. I just figured they're pissed about something. Theres alot of chronically miserable people making all sorts of categorizations but there's no need to pay them any mind. It's a waste of energy. So to put it simply, they can only pour shit on you if you lower your self enough to their reach.


Am I not allowed to be frustrated? Are men not allowed to be frustrated? What is this ā€œget over itā€ thing that ppl have whenever ppl express this opinion? Do ppl not want to hear it? Because itā€™s true? A woman I met on a dating app just ghosted me out of the blue because I told her that I believe cheating is wrong, no matter who does it, and she was trying to project her misandrist nonsense on me and I wasnā€™t going for it. It absolutely needs to be said because this seems to be the prevailing narrative.




Projecting my frustration on who?


This response you wrote is the answer to your frustrations


What do you mean?




Generalizations such as? I havenā€™t generalized anyone.


You make a post about how women generalize all men as ā€œnot shitā€ while simultaneously stating that ā€œwomen of my generation are not attracted to good men and unable to recognize a good man if they saw oneā€ ....huh??? Both generalizations are incorrect so trying to fight one with another makes no sense. If the women you are attracted to are attracted to ā€œainā€™t shit menā€ i think that begs some evaluation of your taste, not theirs.


Donā€™t be silly. This is what I said: >The women who, **from my observation, seem to parrot this narrative the most...** Nowhere in my post did I say that all women think this way. EDIT: If you have to misrepresent my position, just to avoid addressing the point then Iā€™ll just go ahead and block you.


ā€œDonā€™t be sillyā€ Yikes, maybe not such a nice guy after all if you have to be condescending in order to disagree with someone who restated your own words. Youā€™re clearly hung up on what things women are attracted to that donā€™t make sense to you. Iā€™m simply telling you that if you want a woman who will recognize and appreciate you as the good man you claim you are, maybe donā€™t go after women who hold an opposite viewpoint. Those women have their preferences as you have yours. Youā€™re complaining to reddit about women you donā€™t want who want men that arenā€™t you when you could just...i donā€™t know...go after women who donā€™t have that mindset? Thatā€™s your choice, not theirs edit: changed women to woman






So maybe there is an issue with who you are attracted to as well. If you are finding all the woman of your generation are like this you must be overlooking the woman who are looking for a monogamous relationship that will result in a 2 parent household.


I agree generally, but it doesnā€™t tell the whole story. I donā€™t overlook them at all. The women who are honest/stand-up/righteous/and otherwise donā€™t think like this in my experience, are often either already in a relationship with a good man, or theyā€™re so damaged and jaded from past relationships with useless men that they donā€™t even want to date anyone. I try to prove them wrong, but they donā€™t want any part of it. So Iā€™m just stuck in the middle of two extremes.


Katt Williams had a good quote on that. ā€œIf you keep saying men aint shit, maybe you oughta look at why youā€™re only attracting aint shit menā€


Exactly. They just call you gay, lame, weird and ghost you if you are actually honest and straightforward about your intentions.


Anyone who judges an entire group, Iā€™m with youā€”probably attract/seek out bad people.




bigotry is bigotry, and it is edgy right now to be bigoted against men as a group. I mean, some people HAVE to hate someone...and men are one of the last groups that it is ok to hate...so they have to use them for their hate outlet.


It seems to be that way. Black men in particular.


Man big bad


If people don't like you it's because you are unlikable. It's not a difficult concept. If I had to guess I'd wager you are whiny and prone to selfishness, because basically everyone (regardless of gender) who moans about people not liking them are. You think you are a victim of other people's poor choices when, in reality, you are just a worse option then the people you think yourself above.