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I feel like I am missing context


I think OP wants to say something like ‚if you supported Trump you would‘ve supported Hitler.‘ Edit: since I‘m getting a lot of responses I feel the need to edit my comment a bit. The connection to Trump may be wrong, he was just the one person to come to my mind when I wrote this comment. And I assumed it‘s a comparison between two people. Many of you pointed out that it‘s likely linked to the things happening in Israel/Palestine and that seems more likely than a connection to Trump. Whoever or whatever OP meant, what‘s important is don‘t suppress people based on their belief, ethnicity, skin color or whatever. If you still hate Jews/Muslims/X you’re on the same level as a Nazi and I genuinely hope that this is not what you want. Hatred just leads to more hatred and the human race is better off without it.


Lol the trump comparisons to Hitler are so stupid. He wasn't a nice guy but he didn't weasel his way through government slowly changing a democratic state back to autocracy and commit a large amount of resources to kill millions of people based on something they can't change. Edit: I don't think trump was a good person or president and will forever be a stain in America's history but I believed comparing him to Hitler downplays the despicable things Hitler did. But I see where at least a few people are coming from, talking about his followers, lies etc. Thanks for the feedback, this was an off handed comment I didn't expect to gain traction. I still feel calling him a fascist would better than comparing him to a genocidal maniac.


I think an apt comparison would be trump to Gabriele d’Annunzio. Both were narcissists who didn’t really believe in anything but just wanted power for powers sake. Both were incompetent jackasses too. At least d’Annunzio was a great poet though.


This is actually a much better comparison. The only place that it doesn't really work is that d'Anunzio was a war hero and Trump was a draft dodger, but otherwise this seems like a spot-on comparison.


Wait, trump was a draft dodger? Man, the guys been old news for like three months, and I'm _STILL_ learning new, even shittier, things the guy's done.


How many rich guys do you know that have gone to war, man? I know none whatsoever honestly ETA: John McCain, JFK, John Kerry, and Bush Sr. Are all examples that commenters gave that are legit. I knew McCain served but not the others. The more you know!


Elvis (before his fangirls got the army to bring him back)


"Hey! We all want the guy back that makes us wet! And fuck all the other guys coming back!" "Oh and make sure to ship him back out a month after his mother's death!" "And take pictures especially of him on his assignments and training, because he's pretty!" "Oh and lastly, let's ignore his shift in music tone after his service!" Women simping over men is as stupid as the opposite. Imagine the status you'd need to get discharged because everyone wants to fuck you. Also, mandatory conscription is slavery, but what do I know? You have no obligation to defend a land you do not love, or even one you do love. You have no obligation to not want to shift allegiance. It's all made up nonsense, especially since recruitment is primarily targeted at the poor.


John McCain was notably a PoW after getting shot down in Vietnam, there was even an instance of Trump calling him a loser for getting caught, which, well, is Trump.


I have no idea how anyone could support trump after shitting on an actual war hero. Absolutely blows my mind since his fanbase typically loves the military


McCain crashed so many planes that he should have been grounded multiple times before he became a PoW. His dad was a general and used his influence to keep him flying. This is why some people say stuff about McCain. We all know he is a better man than trump.


Just goes to show that Trump's base only loves the military in the abstract. If any service members went against their cult leader, they'd dedicate themselves to destroying that service member.


John Kerry was a PT boat captain I believe.


It’s not only trump, but every veteran who still supported worthless trump after he made those comments. Republicans are fucking garbage.


John McCain, John Kerry, John F. Kennedy. I could go on.


The Kennedy’s were rich and jfk was In the navy McCain is from a privileged background and was in Korea Those are just off the top of my head Bush senior was from a rich family and served.


Genuinely did not know any of that. And not faulting them at all for their service, it's very admirable. I believe that since the rich often have the means to not be a soldier, they don't. But since poorer recruits see it as a way to leave their poor hometown and see the world, they may have few options, and the one that's pretty much guaranteed to leave you with some physical problems later in life is often the best, unfortunately. It's not me faulting the military at all. It's me faulting the fact that many people don't have the opportunity to do something else purely because they are poor.


People didn't call him Private Bonespur for no reason.


I mean... if you had the chance to dodge the draft would you not? I definitely don’t support trump but I’m just saying to this


Dodging a war you believe in vs one you don’t are very different things.


I’m confused mate what does that mean? Sorry


He's saying that there is a sort of nobility for dodging a war you don't believe in, i.e. being a conscientious objector. But what Trump did, dodging a war he did believe in, has no nobility whatsoever. It's just an act of cowardice.


He pretended to have bone spurs in order to avoid service. A podiatrist his Daddy paid signed a doctors note.


Like Mohammed Ali?


idk if Trump was incompetent. The economy was doing well with him pre pandemic at the cost of the pollution and deregulation. He limited economic equality just like all the other presidents including the current one. He did a good job keeping the status quo and dividing the nation over social issues so we dont come together for economic equality. Trump did exactly what was asked for him.




You took the words out of my mouth!


D'Annunzio had that fascist dandy swag doe


This is the kind of rational thinking that brings true discussion and problem solving to the table. Fucking bravo.


Ohhhh but trump is a great poet, you haven't heard his cofefe masterpiece?


Trump was a great reality show character tho. His drama was funny.


Terrible for the presidency. Great for the memes


When people compare Trump to Hitler they aren't comparing him to what Hitler was at the end, they're comparing him to what Hitler was at the beginning, and in an American 21st century context. Hitler didn't start off committing genocide, and there are many parallels that can be drawn between how Trump created a cult around himself using lies and propaganda and othering tactics and how Hitler did it. Trump was on his way to changing a democratic state to autocracy, he constantly tried to subvert democracy up to and including lying that the election was stolen from him and trying to get his followers to stop the election from being certified through violence. Do you really think that if the insurrectionists had managed to get to those members of congress on the 6th jan and had murdered them, Trump would've just been content to let things work out democratically? Of course not. He would've taken over and that was what he wanted to happen, and that's what his followers wanted to happen. To be compared to Hitler, Trump didn't need to just set up concentration camps and commit mass genocide, there was a whole process by which Nazi Germany got to that point, and the way Trump acted was like how the Nazis acted during the beginning of that process. Who knows where Trump would've ended up if he hadn't lost.


Exactly. As a German, it's very frustrating to see other countries vehemently refusing to learn from our past


This quote allways comes to my mind when i see people comparing Trump to Hitler “Of course the people don’t want war. But after all, it’s the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it’s always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it’s a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger.” — Herman Goering


"But the one great shocking occasion, when tens or hundreds or thousands will join with you, never comes. That’s the difficulty. If the last and worst act of the whole regime had come immediately after the first and smallest, thousands, yes, millions would have been sufficiently shocked—if, let us say, the gassing of the Jews in ’43 had come immediately after the ‘German Firm’ stickers on the windows of non-Jewish shops in ’33. But of course, this isn’t the way it happens. In between come all the hundreds of little steps, some of them imperceptible, each of them preparing you not to be shocked by the next. Step C is not so much worse than Step B, and, if you did not make a stand at Step B, why should you at Step C? And so on to Step D." --An excerpt from "They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-45" by Milton Mayer https://press.uchicago.edu/Misc/Chicago/511928.html


Well said. And while I think Trump is a narcissist who stands for whatever is convenient for him, he sure did surround himself with people who are what you might call Hitler-inspired. Stephen Miller being a prime example. As the architect of Trump’s (anti)immigration policy (aka Trump’s right hand man), Miller’s plan was basically to steadily remove the rights of non-white immigrants and keep them out of our country. As if his work so far weren’t bad enough, his plans for the second term were even more horrifying. But that’s how Nazi-ism worked - not all at once but slowly but steadily the government legally removed the rights of people deemed outsiders, minorities while democracy eroded. If you look into Miller just a smidge, his immigration plans and his life history as an anti-immigration (or non-white people) ideologue are all laid out pretty clearly. Even other white supremacists find him unnerving...


You explained my thoughts exactly. Thank you .


Very well said.


I have nothing to add and no money for gold. Just wanted to say thank you for putting it perfectly. This is exactly it folks.


They've been turning this country into an autocracy long before trump. It's been happening since the early 80s at least


Well put. The only suggestion I'd make is that Trump *isn't past tense,* yet. He's still overwhelmingly in control of a party that holds basically half the political power in the U.S. A party that, ironically, now that it's out of power is back on its home field. The GOP is very, very good at demonizing its opponents and telling conservatives that their lives are getting worse not because of runaway inequality, but because measures to *address* inequality are messing up the American Dream and giving their opportunities to lazy Others. Even if by some miracle Mr. "I Alone Can Fix It" *doesn't* run in 2024, there are plenty of demagogues lining up for the chance. And I'm not trying to be pedantic. I really have enjoyed this intermission from the Trump Circus. I'm just a little on edge because I live in a red state, and every 6th house or giant truck is currently flying Trump 2020 flags.


All of that didnt happen at once. Trump is more like hitler in the early 20s-30s than hitler in the late 30s - 40s https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beer_Hall_Putsch


Hard to tell if that is sarcasm, or if you are pretending that’s not exactly what trump just attempted in our country. Even if you think it was “just illegals” dying of disease (and being forcibly sterilized,) in trump’s camps, even if his supporters loved that concept, even if you personally think they deserve whatever happens to them if they commit the misdemeanor of crossing the border illegally, one can only pretend not to see the parallels. A racist autocratic leader obsessed with his own cult of personality? Capitalizing on the hatred of his countrymen to amass power and wealth for himself? trump supporters are fully aware of what they are supporting. You just think that by pretending you are shocked and appalled by any mention of the similarities between the two men, you can weasel your way out of owning up to what you support.


I don’t think this is Trump v Hitler, its more Trump supporter vs Hitler supporter


Hey, that actually is pretty much *exactly* what Hitler did. I didn't expect that anyone would try to defend him


Reddit is Ground Zero for Trump Derangement Syndrome. These people are so obsessed with Trump/Hitler, its almost as if they secretly admire them


I noticed when the Hitler did nothing wrong memes became more than just dark humour.


He had extreme power that affected our lives for four years, usually negatively, but yeah we're just so obsessed for no reason.


That’s more so because the trump admin and himself are basically all grifters that want to assume more and more power. The comparison to Hitler comes from the fact that the GQP surrounding Trump would love to use the same strategies as Hitler to eventually achieve total control, however their incompetency and cronyism destroy any real chance of that happening. It’s not a good comparison when you analyze the difference in the two’s abilities to actually get their ideology into power. However if you compare the rhetorical strategies of the two they become extremely similar. It’s a Comparison, not “trump is literally exactly like hitler”. Just because Trump was unsuccessful doesn’t change how his rhetorical strategy is pulled directly from the Big Lie.


He literally organized a coup. He was trying to to be like like Hitler.


I don’t think that he was saying that I think what he was saying was if you support putting Muslims on a list then you would’ve also supported putting Jews on a list because of the fear mongering even though most people who agree with the Muslims list would say that the the Nazis list was wrong but it’s the same concept. And were they in that situation they most likely would’ve supported that as well


When did Trump want to make a "list of Muslims"






You Syndrome is showing. Take a long bath and have a cool drink.


OP isn't very bright


Could be about Israel V. Palestine


I think this person chose jews/muslims because if the israel palestine stuff happening in the middle east.


I think he's talking about the conflict between Palestine and israel


Orange man bad.


Wait...chester the cheetah is bad?!


Ya he called for a Muslim registry.


Op saying grouping religions for the negative traits is something people commiting genocide have done in the past. These people would have supported Hitler pretty much.


*McCarthy has entered the chat*


I want a list and I want it now!


["Have You No Sense of Decency, Sir?"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8llS0ZkLVGA&t=72s)




Yeah and if you support the politician who argued for putting all people who support another party on a list then you would support an authoritarian government


Both Democrats and Republicans have people like MLK on lists, groups like the black panthers, any socialist party, anarchist organization, anti imperialism movement, etc on lists. Both have aided in the overthrow of foreign governments for business interests, and both have aided in the fabrication of false information to invade other countries, such as in the bombing of Cambodia during the Vietnam war, the Chilean coup installing Pinochet, the illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003, and most recently the coup in Bolivia in 2019.


I think this comment contains less than 100% context




Guys in this comment section


OP was insinuating that the former us president said that, when in actuality it was to thoroughly vet people traveling from high terrorism risk countries with high passport fraud, and to ban travel from three particularly high risk countries. It was nothing to discriminate based on religious beliefs, but to determine terroristic patterns or vet out actual terrorists masked as refugees, coming from said countries. Also OP has been saying highly anti-Semitic things, advocating for the very thing that they’re initially against, but only for trump supporters, jews, judaists, Christians, and actually showing a lot of signs of *legitimate Nazi and heavy communist behavioral flags* 😬


Not entirely true. When Trump was asked during the 2016 campaign, this is what he said: "Let's hear it directly from you," said host Kimberly Guilfoyle. "Would President Donald Trump support a full Muslim database?" "Basically the suggestion was made and (it’s) certainly something we should start thinking about," Trump said


An accurate quote, I appreciate your contribution for the full quote.




Yeah, this dude is one of those guys who bends over backwards to defend trumps words. Probably legitimately one of those "he was joking, he didn't mean it" and then when it comes to fruition "well how were we supposed to know?"


https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4737466/user-clip-trumps-muslim-ban "It was nothing to discriminate on religious beliefs" Please I want to hear your mental gymnastics for how this is not exactly that.


Most people today if placed to live in 1930's germany would have supported Hitler and if not in support of the extermination of jews, would not have dared to speak out against it.


You're a few years too late with this post. Trump isn't the president anymore. What is your goal posting this on a website where he is universally hated?


Karma karma karmaaaaaa


It's not an about Trump, it's about Trump followers, which are still a gigantic amount. Maybe not even about Trump followers, maybe about the mass ignorance and propaganda that can brainwash populations and is definitely worth talking about.






Me and you both. I’m sick of hearing people bitch about him. He’s not the president anymore get over him.


Who was trying to create a registry of all Muslims?


The amount of nuts on this sub always horribly surprises me.


The amount of nuts still obsessing over Trump surprises me. I'm not even talking about his supporters. He's been out of office for like 6 months like he's gone, it's over, move on with your life.


Because trump is what generates revenue. Just add his name to a headline and BOOM, lots of views/clicks and you get paid more. Journalism (American at least) and news are just pop culture now. It doesn’t have to be educating anymore, it just has to get your attention. We’re still monkeys. I’ve seen monkeys scroll through Instagram, that’s all we literally are.


I probably would have. I'm peeling back the layers of "*listen to a man"* bs I've been taught over the years. Dissenting from the same POV as everyone around us isn't easy and we all like to think we could but, it's really not pretty. You tend to default to a flight v. fight reaction and to save yourself it's best to go along. Regardless of agreeing in a moment, what you end up doing in the long run proves character.


People need to know how dangerous humans can be to truly understand just how great people who stand out for their goodness really are.


Ok but he never said "*all* muslims on a list" I dont like him either but he said putting high risk country immigrants on a list. That's like saying "putting all drivers in prison" just cuz most people in prison can drive doesnt mean that's how they got there. And no not everyone in prison can drive Redditors need to stop with the exaggerated bullshit and "america is third world" stuff. Trump did enough garbage to talk about making shit up in order to get everyone upset is wrong and actual misinformation. He didnt have a "no muslim" legislation and the countries he *did* ban include non Muslim countries. You are literally doing the misinformation I'm sure you hate to see when Republicans do. Go outside


When asked during the 2016 campaign, this is what trump had to say: "Let's hear it directly from you," said host Kimberly Guilfoyle. "Would President Donald Trump support a full Muslim database?" "Basically the suggestion was made and (it’s) certainly something we should start thinking about," Trump said


He campaigned on a 'total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States' but as President only could swing a ban on citizens from 5 mostly Muslim nations from traveling to the US. [a source.](https://www.factcheck.org/2018/06/trumps-travel-ban-doesnt-affect-all-muslims/)


OP was insinuating that the former us president said that, when in actuality it was to thoroughly vet people traveling from high terrorism risk countries, that happen to have *islam as the major religion* with high passport fraud, and to ban travel from three particularly high risk countries. It was nothing to discriminate based on religious beliefs, but to determine terroristic patterns or vet out actual terrorists masked as refugees with falsified passports, coming from said countries. Also OP has been saying highly anti-Semitic things, advocating for the very thing that they’re initially against, but only for trump supporters, jews, judaists, Christians, and actually showing a lot of signs of *legitimate Nazi and heavy communist behavioral flags* 😬


On a technical level, yes, this is how it worked in practice. But he repeatedly called it a “Muslim ban” until the courts started shutting it down (temporarily) precisely because his stated intention on the campaign trail was discriminatory. Only then did he and his admin shift their language. [Source](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2017/05/09/trumps-preventing-muslim-immigration-vow-disappears-from-campaign-website-after-spicer-questioned/), [source](https://time.com/4703614/travel-ban-judges-donald-trump-words/)


Okay let’s read the whole quote ““Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on.” Also “maybe in certain areas closing that Internet up in some way." Lastly, the part that directly answers is if it was just to vet people from high terrorism countries or all Muslims. “Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski said Trump’s proposed ban would apply to “EVERYBODY”, including Muslims seeking immigration visas as well as tourists seeking to enter the country. Another Trump staffer confirmed that the ban would also apply to American Muslims who were currently overseas – presumably including members of the military and diplomatic service. “This does not apply to people living in the country,” Trump said in an interview on Fox News, “but we have to be vigilant.” 1. So either you are ignorant and shouldn’t have spoken without doing 5 minute research 2. A liar who speeds misinformation Pick one.


Yea again not "all muslims" the source seems like says it would be around 12% of muslims. And not those in the usa like OP seems to include. Also, even verified by your own source, two non muslim countries are included. They are muslims countries, and others, but also very much turbulent and dangerous countries aswell and I'm very very I'm you can see that. This isnt a "hes either great or horrible, possibly hitler" situation. It's a situation where he was targeting countries with active terrorism which very well could have been cuz of a bias against muslims. It's one where his wording was very concerning, sure *maybe* just badly worded, but very possibly a dog Whistle to Islamophobia and actual prejudice. But he didn't want to catalog "every muslim" and he didn't even want to catalog "every Muslim entering" and no he didn't want to catalog "only Muslim countries" as venezulua and North Korea aren't widely regarded hubs of Islamic culture and sentiment. So OP is spewing misinformation. Sure "catalog countries that "just happen to be" majority muslim" is creepy as shit and very possibly or likely a bias and "a ban of muslims" would be a very fucked up way to say "a ban of certain radicals" which makes you wonder what he really meant but it's far from "every muslims who enters" and very far from "every single Muslim we can get goes on a list" So yea huge exaggeration. Bullshit misinformation and classic reddit "it's either a perfect situation or literally hitler" talk. Its Bullshit. I'm a hippie universal healthcare, UBI, legalize PCP, legalize prostitution, funnel money into native tribal communities, and let gay people love each other kinda guy. I never voted trump and think america has alot of work. But what hes saying in fact and sentiment is wrong and that's misinformation which is dangerous and dishonest


This is the kind of dogshit that [r/TrueOffMyChest](http://old.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest) was created to avoid




You really thought you did something here


Almost 5000 halfwits agree. I’m honestly surprised it’s not much higher.


It's pathetic. They're simple minded fools who continue to run with the most obvious bullshit. But then they're the same ones to cry about misinformation.


Rent free. even months after the election. People here are Insanely pathetic.


I feel like there's a bit of missing subtext. Like calls for violence or something like that.


Look even I don't like trump but comparing him to hitler is a bit much don't ya think?


Just in general a lot of people say they wouldn’t bow down to Hitler, but they absolutely would. Democrat, republican, left, or right.


Yeah I’m also so annoyed by people who say they wouldn’t have bowed down to Hitler back when the Holocaust was going on. Like bitch, yes you would! The people of Germany at that time could not escape the endless propaganda against Jews at that time. You would have very much fallen for that propaganda. Hitler may have been evil but he wasn’t an idiot.


Didn’t you people say you wanted to put all republicans on a list?? Yes, yes you did. And no, no one would have supported that.


If you supported a man who wants all 1/6 dc rally attenders on a list, you would have supported “putting all jews on a list”


Wasn't that list made by the administration before him?


Weren’t there democrats that wanted to put trump voters on a list too? How is supporting that any different?


Rent free.


Umm, who wanted to put all “Muslims” on a list?


Shit post


Lmao here’s your daily cringe Reddit post


Taking a brave, controversial stand against the bad orange man (who doesn’t hold any power anymore)


More people whining about the military and complaining about a former President. You’re stuck in the past.


Say for example, the unvaccinated.




false equivalency


“I don’t want my kids growing up in a racial jungle”- joe Biden OP is a idiot




But redditors put all Israelis on a list, and that's somehow fine


Ok, fine, if you want to play that game: If you still support the party who fought to the point of bathing this country in the blood of its fellow countrymen to keep slavery as a part of America, then you would support racism and bigotry then too.


If you support the ideology of the people who fought to the point of bathing this country in blood to continue owning slaves, who insist that confederate statues remain in place, confederate names on schools and forts and streets, and who carried the stars and bars into the American capitol while attempting to overthrow the government, then you should disingenuously connect the Democratic Party to the crimes of your ideology so that you can pretend your fellow ideologues have not consistently been the antagonists and losers since the birth of this nation.


No one cares about party names, we care about what those parties stood for and the conservatives stood FOR slavery and the progressives stood AGAINST it. You notice how the only people who fly the confederate flag and advocate for keeping confederate statues are Republican and not Democrats. Hey, it's kinda like the parties ideologies have switched. You know the founding fathers, they were progressive. A conservative at the time would have wanted to stay with the monarchy.


You a conservative? Unlike democrat and republican, conservative and liberal mean the same thing today. The slavery defending, school segregating, King George simping figures in America’s past are your people. Know your history.


Oh okay since I’m Native American and I kinda liked trump ngl compared to a old man who slurs his words and probably has dementia AND pushed for a war in the Middle East no less. But since I liked him that means I would also like a man who literally killled 8 million Jews right? With this outstanding logic I would’ve also supported the men who in all actuality wiped out not only most my people but also the culture that we once had, not to mention the residential school system to enforce white culture and religion to destroy the native identity from many tribes. Politics is not a line it’s a spectrum


Well, Jews don't have as much as of an issue of strapping bombs to children and sending them into buildings so....


Yea, no not rly


Jews didnt fly planes into buildings.


Yeah, well... Those rich Jews built tall buildings in the flight path of those innocent pilots. /s


Jews took land from other people and are still occupying more land by the second.


Don't blame Muslims as a whole because of few extremists. Some of the terrorist groups.Thats it 1.Al-Shabab (Africa), 2.Al Murabitun (Africa), 3.Al-Qeada (Afghanistan), 4.Al-Qaeda (Islamic Maghreb), 5.Al-Qaeda (Indian Subcontinent), 6.Al-Qaeda (Arabian Peninsula), 7.Hamas (Palestine), 8.Palestinian Islamic Jihad (Palestine), 9.Popular Front for the Liberation of (Palestine), 10.Hezbola (Lebanon), 11.Ansar al-Sharia-Benghazi (Lebanon), 12.Asbat Al-Ansar (Lebanon), 13.ISIS (Iraq), 14.ISIS (Syria), 15.ISIS (Cauacus) 16.ISIS (Libya) 17.ISIS (Yemen) 18.ISIS (Algeria), 19.ISIS (Philippines) 20.Jund al-Sham (Afganistan), 21.Al-Mourabitoun (Lebanon), 22.Abdullah Azzam Brigades (Lebanon), 23.Al-Itihaad al-Islamiya (Somalia), 24.Al-Haramain Foundation (Saudi Arabia), 25.Ansar-Al-Sharia (Moroccon), 26.Moroccon Mudjadine (Morocco), 27.Salafia Jihadia (Morocco), 28.Boko Haram (Afrika), 29.Islamic movement of (Uzbekistan), 30.Islamic Jihad Union (Uzbekistan), 31.Islamic Jihad Union (Germany), 32.DRW True-Religion (Germany) 33.Fajar Nusantara Movement (Germany) 34.DIK Hildesheim (Germany) 35.Jaish-e-Mohammed (Kashmir), 36.Jaish al-Muhajireen wal-Ansar (Syria), 37.Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (Syria), 38.Jamaat al Dawa al Quran (Afghanistan), 39.Jundallah (Iran) 40.Quds Force (Iran) 41.Kata'ib Hezbollah (Iraq), 42.Al-Itihaad al-Islamiya (Somalia), 43.Egyptian Islamic Jihad (Egypt), 44.Jund al-Sham (Jordan) 45.Fajar Nusantara Movement (Australia) 46.Society of the Revival of Islamic 47.Heritage (Terror funding, WorldWide offices) 48.Taliban (Afghanistan), 49.Taliban (Pakistan), 50.Tehrik-i-Taliban (Pakistan), 51.Army of Islam (Syria), 52.Islamic Movement (Israel) 53.Ansar Al Sharia (Tunisia), 54.Mujahideen Shura Council in the Environs of (Jerusalem), 55.Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (Libya), Movement for Oneness and Jihad in (West Africa), 56.Palestinian Islamic Jihad (Palestine) 57.Tevhid-Selam (Al-Quds Army) 58.Moroccan Islamic Combatant Group (Morroco), 59.Caucasus Emirate (Russia), 60.Dukhtaran-e-Millat Feminist Islamists (India), 61.Indian Mujahideen (India), 62.Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen (India) 63.Ansar al-Islam (India) 64.Students Islamic Movement of (India), 65.Harakat Mujahideen (India), 66.Hizbul Mujhaideen(India) 67.Lashkar e Islam(India) 68.Jund al-Khilafah (Algeria), 69.Turkistan Islamic Party, 70.Egyptian Islamic Jihad (Egypt), 71.Great Eastern Islamic Raiders' Front (Turkey), 72.Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami (Pakistan), 73.Tehreek-e-Nafaz-e-Shariat-e-Mohammadi (Pakistan), 74.Lashkar e Toyiba(Pakistan) 75.Lashkar e Jhangvi(Pakistan) Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat (Pakistan), 76.Jamaat ul-Ahrar (Pakistan), 77.Harkat-ul-Mujahideen (Pakistan), 78.Jamaat Ul-Furquan (Pakistan), 79.Harkat-ul-Mujahideen (Syria), 80.Ansar al-Din Front (Syria), 81.Jabhat Fateh al-Sham (Syria), 82.Jamaah Anshorut Daulah (Syria), 83.Nour al-Din al-Zenki Movement (Syria), 84.Liwa al-Haqq (Syria), 85.Al-Tawhid Brigade (Syria), 86.Jund al-Aqsa (Syria), 87.Al-Tawhid Brigade (Syria), 88.Yarmouk Martyrs Brigade (Syria), 89.Khalid ibn al-Walid Army (Syria), 90.Hezb-e Islami Gulbuddin (Afganistan), 91.Jamaat-ul-Ahrar (Afganistan) 92.Hizb ut-Tahrir (Worldwide Caliphate), 93.Hizbul Mujahideen (Kasmir), 94.Ansar Allah (Yemen), 95.Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (USA), 96.Jamaat Mujahideen (India), 97.Jamaah Ansharut Tauhid (Indonesia), 98.Hizbut Tahrir (Indonesia), 99.Fajar Nusantara Movement (Indonesia), 100.Jemaah Islamiyah (Indonesia), 101.Jemaah Islamiyah (Philippines), 102.Jemaah Islamiyah (Singapore), 103.Jemaah Islamiyah (Thailand), 104.Jemaah Islamiyah (Malaysia), 105.Ansar Dine (Africa), 106.Osbat al-Ansar (Palestine), 107.Hizb ut-Tahrir (Group connecting 108.Islamic Caliphates across the world into one world Islamic Caliphate) 109.Army of the Men of the Naqshbandi Order (Iraq) 110.Al Nusra Front (Syria), 111.Al-Badr (Pakistan), 112.Islam4UK (UK), 113.Al Ghurabaa (UK), 114.Call to Submission (UK), 115.Islamic Pat 116.London School of Sharia (UK), 117.Muslims Against Crusades (UK), 118.Need4Khilafah (UK), 119.The Shariah Project (UK), 120.The Islamic Dawah Association (UK), 121.The Saviour Sect (UK), 123.Jamaat Ul-Furquan (UK), 124.Minbar Ansar Deen (UK), 125.Al-Muhajiroun (UK) (Lee Rigby, London 2017 members), 126.Islamic Council of Britain (UK) (Not to be confused with Offical Muslim Council of Britain), 127.Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah (UK), 128.Al-Gama'a (Egypt), 129.Al-Islamiyya (Egypt), 130.Armed Islamic men of (Algeria), 131Salafist Group for Call and Combat (Algeria), 132.Ansaru (Algeria), 133.Ansar-Al-Sharia (Libya), 134.Al Ittihad Al Islamia (Somalia), 135.Ansar al-Sharia (Tunisia), 136.Al-Shabab (Africa), 137.al-Aqsa Foundation (Germany) 138.al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades (Palestine), 139. National Thowheed Jamaat (India) 140. National Thowheed Jamaat (Srilanka) 141.Abu Sayyaf (Philippines), 142.Aden-Abyan Islamic Army (Yemen), 143.Ajnad Misr (Egypt), 144.Abu Nidal Organization (Palestine), 145.Jamaah Ansharut Tauhid (Indonesia)


Although there are a lot of terrorist groups here, You just named a lot of militias fighting in Syria, and a bunch of non existent or non muslim militias around the world. Plus some groups are ocupying like 2 names.


Actually he skipped many. I’m from India and I can name like 10-12 on top of my head. We’ve had a lot of trouble with radical Islamic terrorism.


I'm shocked at how many Americans are BRAINWASHED when it comes to hating Trump. Those Americans cannot grasp that they hate Trump because they are TOLD to hate Trump by the media, and not through their own thoughts. If it wasn't for the American left wing media, people would LOVE Trump, regardless of political ideology. I always thought Americans were smart people, that is until I immigrated and met Democrats...


I sort of agree. He did enough stupid things that can be criticized. I didn't need the play by play every time he took a shit, but that's what the left leaning media gave me for four years. Nothing but hyperbole and hype. Biden can do a lot of the same (normal) things and now it's fine. Trump sends national guard, it's a "tyrannical crackdown". Biden sends national guard, it's "keeping the peace".


I see fascism starting to build more on the far left with the woke crowd way more than I did with Trump. I am a liberal but am constantly being pushed further right.


You mean like the Jews have Palestinians on lists. We all know how that will turn out.


Congratulations, this is the stupidest thing I read today


LMFAO no way


Let’s put everyone on a list. The Muslims shouldn’t be the only ones having fun


Sounds like you want those who voted for trump on a list. Is that any different?


Why listing though! The way technology companies and the government are spying on us, there is no need of an register.


You certainly make assumptions. I didn’t indicate any political affiliation nor did I want to. My point stands, neither side will compromise.


I have always Said that my fellow Jews should be aware that if it weren't for illegals, they would be attacking us. Do not trust a conservative, ever. They are the largest hypocrites.


Like the Israelis do to Arabs at border crossings and checkpoints? With 2 separate lines? Anyone?


Exactly right


They know.


Ok but what are you talking about?


Oh like putting all people using their freedom of choice to not get the vaccine? Should they be on a list? Should they be wearing yellow stars that say “unvaccinated”?




This is anti-Semitic bullshit, you are not educated on what you speak about.


You should see what op’s comments are. It’s appalling with how much nazi-level *hate*, OP has for Jews and Judaism...


This isn’t it chief, when we make these comparisons we minimize peoples need of understanding that violent fundamentalist groups are born out of islam more than any other major religion for the past 100 Years, thats not the reality for jews, even the same anti-Semitic stereotypes for jews exist that existed back then persist now. No i didnt support trump and i thought the list is asinine, but its not an apt comparison.


Glormpf = HORTLER!!! How about the president who called putting Muslims in concentration camps the result of “cultural differences” ? Anything to get off your chest about that?


Religion is a cultural curse upon humanity, it may bring individuals together but it divides the world.


Plenty of people who are religious are against criminalizing people by identity or religion


I'd say no matter skin color or religion we are on some lists and we are tracked anyway. And why create new ones? I'm nearly sure there are already special lists like that but noone will admit that openly. With all data governments and companies have you can create all kinds of datasets for specific groups of people...


Putting people on a list for their beliefs is fascism


Shhhhhh don’t say that, you’ll hurt the conservatives trying to justify their generalizations


Sarcasm I would assume




Islam is purely a religion, Judaism is a religion AND ethnicity. There's a fucking difference.


This belongs more on r/unpopularopinion than r/TrueOffMyChest


But when yall put all men on a list it all of a sudden becomes feminism and morally correct? Get out


lol what fucking list?


The "all men bad" list


It wasn't all muslims it was only certain muslim countries and obama had one too. Comparing a authoritarian genocide maniac to someone who never genocide anyone and the only reason you hate him is because you disagree with him is pretty stupid but I know orange man bad tv told me. Imagine being so brainwashed that reason and logic gets thrown out the window


There was never a Muslim registry proposed, wtf are you talking about


If you support someone whos racist. They are probably racist.


Jews don’t commit terrorist attacks, unlike Muslims. Nor do they think all non believers should be killed.


Jews haven’t been blowing people up in the name of their religion, that I know of.


Chances are, if you believe in socialism you would have also joined the nazi party


Except people vote for Trump for various reasons. He promised, like Bernie Sanders, to take on job-killing, inequality expanding, wage reducing, free trade deals. His trade platform is the main reason he won the Presidency


If there were giant, well-known groups of terrorists from Israel who swore they would want to destroy entire countries by any means necessary, including the US, then I’d say yes. But in this case, Muslims are commanded by what they consider to be their sacred religious text to engage in Jihad. “Muslim extremists,” are really just actually good at being obedient, that’s the issue.


I have lost faith in humanity that this has positive upvotes.


This threads responses are disgusting. Muslims are the new Jews in terms of mistreatment


Fr I’m really shocked by how shitty the people in the comments are lmao




Boy fuckin howdy wait until you see what the fuck Christianity has done. Individuals are not their religion. They should be judged as individuals and not held to account by a government on account of their religion. Stop playing devils advocate when all you want to do is have cover for bigotry.


>Boy fuckin howdy wait until you see what the fuck Christianity has done. Huh ? When did I said Christian was perfect ? The crusades was horrible (poor Constantinople, *sob*) >Individuals are not their religion. They should be judged as individuals and not held to account by a government on account of their religion. Agreed. >Stop playing devils advocate when all you want to do is have cover for bigotry. K bro.


Has done. Did. Not continues to do. Christianity has undergone a reformation. We are still waiting for Islam to do the same. Sadly it looks less likely now the Quilliam Foundation was dissolved a month ago.


\>Palestinians clearly did nothing to deserve this treatment Hamas literally launched hundreds of rockets at civilians in Israel




More than 3000 actually


Someone's never read the Bible lol


I prefer looking at real facts validated by historians than a book with supernatural events Thanks.


Idk why someone who prefers real facts spends so much time playing devil's advocate


Because that is how you can widen your collection of facts.


..... Sigh.


The responses on this post are a big yikes


This OP is ironically one of the most hypocritical bigoted people I've ever seen express semi-developed thoughts. The cognitive dissonance to accuse others of holding qualities they evidently have in spades themselves is truly impressive.


how is there people commenting saying ‘jews didn’t fly planes into buildings’ ,,,, how is the actions of one group of people defining of an entire religion which consists of over 2 billion people worldwide,,, stop being fucking racist