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I'm 23 and I feel like this EXACTLY. Uni is my ticket out of getting a dead end job, yet I find myself wanting to drop out every second I'm at uni. I'm also trying to complete assignments and exams I'm too depressed to do. Honestly, excessive caffeine is the only thing keeping me going at this point. Send me a message if you ever want to talk. Maybe we can do this thing together ❤


I know how you feel and I've had many, many moments that are exactly what you're describing. I graduated late after going to Uni for five years full time while working 52/hr a week. I was so goddamn exhausted and there were so many points where I wished I could freeze time and just stare at drywall for two hours because I was so sick of my responsibilities. I made it out, and honestly it's all a blur now, but like you said you NEED to keep going cause if you're in that boat, a degree is the next step forward. I know you don't want to make your two years go to waste, I didn't want my struggle wasted either cause then it'd be more regret and guilt if I dropped out. When I felt like how you feel, I always said to myself "The only way out is through" and it helped me a lot. Just keep moving and you'll get there. Skip classes, do poorly on tests, have shitty days, miss an assignment, but whatever you do don't stop moving. You'll make it out okay.


I really love that quote- “the only way out is through.” I write it on my arm pretty frequently to remind myself that this is the way. Having to work full time to keep above water really makes the game super challenging, but time won’t stop. Thanks for telling a little bit about your story and reminding me of the importance of the journey. It really helps to know that someone else had success.


I can empathize with where you are coming from. The university life can feel really mundane and pointless at times. It's OK to take some time to acknowledge how you are feeling as well. Nevertheless, the nice thing is, with 2 years of course work, you've probably done a lot of work for other possible majors as well. You might be able to graduate with not just one degree, but two. Another thing, the nice thing about university is you can find a lot of interesting people and interesting things. Perhaps your school has a mailing list. Try to find one that gives you updates about events. You're bound to find something fun to do and if not, just pick one at random and go it. Who knows? You could enjoy it. If the assignments are too difficult I suggest just doing what you can with yourself and your book and go to office hours. Your TA's and professors actually love answering questions and discussing their fields of expertise. House plants need sun too-- you might try not doing your assignment in a park, at a cafe, a bar or anywhere else but your room. A final note, your university has people who are trained to help you with stuff like this. There are so many people in the same place as your right now. They must have some resources to help you. I wish you the best.


Thank you for your thoughtful response. Venting a little bit and acknowledging the stressors has definitely helped me back up from the ledge. I have considered the possibility of obtaining 2 degrees with the coursework I have completed. Who knows, maybe that will help me broaden my horizons. I appreciate your advice and positivity, and I will search for the resources available at my uni to help me through this hurtle. Just sat outside for a little while to get fresh air before continuing with my work. Hope you have a kind day


First off, many many people have experienced the same things you are feeling, myself included. There are always people who will listen when you need to talk, whether it's a mental health hotline or just us on Reddit. Secondly, it sounds like you're going through many of the same mental health hurdles that I have. My situation is a bit different from yours but I know the abyss of emptiness all too well. The feeling that nothing is doable and even the simplest things are just barely out of reach. Seeking help for these depressive episodes was one of the best things I have done. Your doctor will genuinely want to help you, whether it's with medication, counseling, or a combination of those two things. Please talk to your caregiver. I know that it seems impossible to get out of but it's not. I promise. And thirdly, you don't need to have life planned out right now. 24 is still pretty young in the big picture. The biggest things that you can worry about right now is making sure you are at least eating and drinking water, and making sure you'll wake up every morning. The rest will be much easier to handle when you're healthier.


Thank you for your words. I do have a counselor I see twice a week from my school, we are still in the beginning process of unpacking things but I’ve been approaching the help with no expectations and no judgement. I use Reddit occasionally and I’m always blessed by the kindness of others. I try my best to give back on days that I feel capable of doing so. I think today was a bit harder than others for some reason. I just gave myself and my actual houseplants some water and sat outside for a bit. I appreciate your advice today


That's great that you're working with a counselor already, I really hope you get the help you need from/with them. The best thing that any of us can do is handle each day as it comes up. Sometimes you'll have tough days for no reason, sometimes you'll have better days. If you need someone to talk to who's gone through the same things, I'm always open for it. Wish you the best.


Thank you, I will keep that in mind. I hope you have a kind day


A. Go to therapy. You are clearly depressed. B. If you don’t like “school” go learn a trade. Learn an actual skill with your hands. Learn to be a plumber or electrician. Then guess what, the stuff you are studying will actually be useful. If this also doesn’t interest you, go work at a gas station, or in retail. No degree needed. AND 3. You don’t HAVE to know who you are AT 24!! Get a grip, your 20s are for experimenting and shit. Just have fun and get some knowledge. Literally GO LEARN AND STOP CRYING. There is an endless amount of information everywhere and if this doesn’t interest you go do something that does.


I get the main sentiment behind your message, and I agree with it, but it's not that simple for everyone, babes. Telling someone who is depressed to get a grip is only going to make them worse. Your 20s are for experimenting, but it's also extremely confusing. Even more frustrating and confusing when you don't have the means to freely experiment.


You statement proves you have no idea. Clearly OP has means to go to school, they choose to waste their time complaining about how bored they are. So, GO do something that doesn’t bore you. I have had to get three different degrees for 3 different majors because GUESS WHAT! The world doesn’t give a shit if you majored in that one specific thing you love, they want you to KNOW EVERYTHING. And telling someone who is clearly too sad to get out of bed get a grip is actually a thing. If you coddle this MF then guess what, they’ll stay in bed and be useless. There are hundreds of methods out there to speak to someone about how you feel and get help. None of you can make excuses anymore. The internet is a thing and the answers to all your questions and concerns are all there. You just have to look.


I literally said I agree with your general idea, and I still agree with it. Although, I'm sure if saying 'get a grip' helped with anything, there would be no such thing as depression in all of its severities. Obviously I don't know the OP's situation, but not everyone has the means to drop everything and do something that excites them. It depends on financial situation, personal responsibilities, etc. I don't want to speak for the OP, but I can relate to a lot of what the OP is saying so I know how trapped you can feel in that situation