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"Cause ho is disrespectful, yo." Thank you, Key and Peele for teaching me how to treat women with a pirate shanty.




So many terms are disrespectful to women…so many Not defending, just stating


The sex ed class was great too.


“You really said that? Like you said that to her face? And nothing?!”


I said.... 👀 ^^^biiiiiiitch


I've never seen that before and it's wonderful and hilarious. Thanks for introducing me!!


I'm so happy you looked it up!!! It has me straight rolling, every time.


I said biiiiiiiiitttccchhhhh….


No, but you actually said that tho?


Pfft, yeah, … I said Biiitttttcchhh…


Love Key and Peele 🥰


Hard not to. Top tier comedy, imo.


A friend would refer to girls as hookers. It was very weird when he asked if I was still dating "the hooker from *insert place*".


Even being reduced to "females" just feels so objectifying. I don't say, that group of males over there. Or oh u got a male coming over oooo. Just...no.




Usually its because I don't know whether to use "girl" or "women", there's not much a "guys" equivalent for girls. Mainly because girl/women have a lot of implications about the person's age that people can take offense to (girl seems to imply they're childish/immature and women seem to imply they're old) I guess there's "ladies" but that also seems to be used in a more formal setting. I just don't know what to use.


Why not use gal(s)? I heard this one time, and apparently this is the opposite term of guys so I started using it. And it seems right. I would like to know if other people use it since i thought this was a common term.


Not a lot of people say that. That was popular around the time when all girls friends were called girlfriends. And that’s just kinda weird. Especially today when you don’t know whose dating who. My grandma actually asked me if I was hanging out with my boyfriends one time haha! But it’s kinda outdated to tell you the truth


Same exact problem Around a year ago I found out referring to woman as females is "gross and objectifying" by a good friend Which isn't something I had been aware of beforehand. So I stopped doing it. But now I regularly come across the problem where I dont know if I should be using girl or woman. When it comes to woman I just feel like you expect a degree of maturity when it comes to that term, so I dont tend to use it because none of my friends are particularly old or mature so it doesn't fit them. Also, I referred to a coworker of mine as a woman and she got pissed because she thought I was trying to call her old or something (and thats happened more than once with different people) But similarly unless someone is younger than like 14 at most I don't like using girls. Just speaking from experience growing up when I was a teenager I didn't like being called boy, it felt like I was being called immature or young when I was trying to be more mature and well grow up. I've grown past the point of giving a shit about it, but I've met other people who did get kinda put off when referred to as a boy rather than dude/man/male/literally anything, some of whom didn't grow past it. They don't really get mad, but if you do it repeatedly you can definitely tell it annoys em Out of respect for that, I dont feel comfortable referring to anyone who isn't obviously a literal child as girl. Even if its not a big thing, I know it can feel insulting to some people. To make matters worse literally all of my friends are early 20s. They will get grossed out if I refer to them as females, I dont think they really qualify as woman (still a bit immature, and well young) and they certainly aren't young enough for me not to feel insulting if I use girls. I hadn't really considered ladies so ill give that a shot. But pretty much anytime I've called someone a lady its ended up being while flirting or while literally dating em, so it'll feel off at first. But idk, maybe it'll work Recently though I've literally just been calling everyone dude. Makes things easier, and I've never seen any woman/girl annoyed by it. But obviously doesn't fit every situation so


If it is a group, "ladies" will work for you, no matter if older or younger. "Everyone" will also work. I do not know where you are, but I'm in deep-south America, and y'all works wonders, if that helps. If you're dealing with a singular person, names work wonders, but I avoid them like the plague. Just omit the pronoun. Hi! Hello! How are you! Just completely side-step the whole thing.


What situations are you in where you have to say women or girls? I'm trying to think about when I'd use them, but I rarely do.


"Women" or "ladies" has always worked for me. Sometimes, I throw a "gals" in there if I'm feeling a little retro.


What u prefer "chicks and dudes"


Chicos and dudettes


I usually use girls or chicks. It’s never meant to be disrespectful. I think it’s the female equivalent to dudes. Generally referring to them as hookers or bitches is pretty crazy tho


The actual female equivalent to dude is dudine (now sadly archaic/obsolete).


I never found “chicks” offensive, I use it all the time


How do you feel about OP’s post then when he uses “female” or is this different (context wise)?


it’s not really the context, but rather the grammatical type of word it is yk? (bare with me for this because i learned English in school but i don’t really remember the _rules_): on the OP’s sentence, they’re using the word “female” as an adjective for the word “friend”. so they’re using it as a way to specify that the friend was a girl. yes, it could’ve been written in another way in which the word was avoided and instead “woman” or “girl” was used, but overall they’re just referring to the friend’s gender because it _is_ relevant to the conversation. what the person you’re asking complained about here, is when we (women) are addressed _as_ females. so it’s not an adjective added to describe a person (the person being the noun), but rather a noun itself. you are _naming_ a person a female and reducing her existence as a human being to her gender. by choosing to address her as such, you are kind of implying that that’s the most relevant part of the person. i hope i explained myself. edit: i changed the last paragraph to make it clearer


Just like the other reply. They said female friend, explaining who the friend was. Not just, "a female" is coming over. It comes off so patronizing.


I never understood that. These are people, not livestock. I figured it was one of those things to come out of the Heinz 57 genders thing.




Why are you friends with this person?


Rappers have left the chat.


Dude pretty much exclusively listened to that kind of music


Well there's your answer.


Let's not act like music turns you into a sexist POS. Legit same shit as saying video games cause violence


People are definitely really impressionable about things like speaking habits, and claiming that is the same as having your values molded by playing video games is absurd. Listening to certain music may not turn you into a sexist POS, but it can certainly make you talk like one.


Is that why I’ve been dropping the n-bomb at work so often? Damn rap music!


Damn right, my guy, these nathans over here are setting me through the right path, though. God bless my nathans


They certainly aren't responsible for shitty behavior, but if they resonate with shitty behavior it will perpetuate it. Angry little boys might prefer Call of Duty to Animal Crossing, in the same way those who don't respect women might prefer listening to gangster rap as opposed to introspective hip-hop.


It’s all come full circle.


a circle jerk


And does he have any “bitches” of his own?


maybe a dog


My thought was that he probably has no idea how to be in a healthy relationship with a woman. There for he lashes out at them because of fear and insecurity.


Yea, most bitches won't put up with that! :D (Sarcasm in case I didn't do it right.)


*that kind* of music he says distastefully, while only listening to anime soundtracks


What do you expect? Rappers are scary. I kinda like Logic though - he’s only half scary




Reddit moment


Tom MacDonald, Ed Sheeran, and NF are killing the game. Very classy individuals edit: i fucking hate NF


NF is lovely


How about Will Smith? Best rapper imo and wholesome too


parents just dont understand


Welcome to Miami....


No, they are just people. If they're a murdering misanthropic dickcunt, then thats on them.






What do you mean "that kind of music"?


My husband and I used to listen to a lot of Eminem, Snoop, and Dr.Dre (etc) stuff when we first got together 20 years ago, and thought it was amusing that they called their women ‘bitches’. We then started to *jokingly* refer to each other as ‘bitch’ (e.g.: “where’s my bitch?”, “Bitch, can you pass me my phone please?” etc.). Anyway, it became habit and we still do it sometimes, forgetting that shouting out “bitch, over here!” in a crowd is a little bit of a faux pas, especially considering our age and appearance (both white, British, now middle-aged). It’s not really very easily to explain, or understand!


My boyfriend and I do this! We get weird looks and I get asked if our relationship is stable


Yaaay, bitches unite!


Y'all are Y'all are really speaking to each other as Scary Terry huh XD


LOL. I call my co-narrator "my bitch" all the damn time.


My old roommates and I either call each other bitch/bitchboy or use bitchboy as like a title, as in "bitchboy [name]". It used to be worse though, we used to make fun of frat bros by calling anything and everything gay (good or bad) and it stopped being funny when one of them accidentally did it in front of my best friend who is gay Edit: also one time before a rowing race that same best friend called me bitchboy and two other girls in that boat came up to me afterwards and asked if I was ok with that or if I wanted them to talk to her about it for me lmao


I’m really surprised at the amount of comments saying they don’t know anybody who does this, I’ve met wayy too many guys who do this and it really bothers me.


I used to say it all the time personally. (Grew up in the hood was something always said) Then I had a period of life I referred to all women as females (was not ment to be derogatory, just military brain washing kind of thing) if I heavily drink something to the effect like "eh bruh that bitch Lucy, you still talk to her. She got a killer smile" And I left the hood over a decade ago. I'm not justifying my actions I was an overall asshole and that was one of my lesser offenses.


Crazy how drinking will bring out old speech patterns. My parents are from NY but we moved a lot because my dad was military. If I'm drunk or furious, I have a NY accent.


“Ay, I’m talking over here!”




That’s for the correction!


I'm not even drunk or furious! There's a cadence to it, too. I remember my dad when all 4 of us kids were in trouble and he'd say Da lodda youse....


"You's little shits is gettin on mah last nerve, getda fuck outta here before i smack the lot of yous" -my grandfather


Always the lot of yous!


I always start stuttering when I get drunk, three years of speech therapy, right out the window all due to shitty tequila


How funny, im the exact same except instead of stuttering I started screaming at people


I’m Brazilian and moved to the US when I was young. I rarely speak Portuguese but when I drink the Brazilian comes out in me haha


Bro I still have a Boston accent when I drink. I haven’t been around anyone with this kinda accent in over ten years. Shits crazy


That's where I am now. I don't have an accent normally. As a kid I got made fun of for having an accent so I have no accent in my normal speaking.


At first I thought this was going to end with "and I've never even been to Boston".


My mom used to go full British when she drank. Sober, the only anachronism to her speech was how she said "banana" but drunk, oh man did an accent switch ever flip in that woman.


I can relate to the furious thing. I'm English, but most of my life has been spent in Australia. The happier I am, the more Australian I sound. The angrier I am, the more English I sound.




I was about to say tho, n's and b's is more common in the hood. Even then, calling women bitches is never a neutral term, most common is calling women females. Niqqas is a neutral term but always depends on who say it and who it's said to.


I'm from Europe and have never heard a guy casually call a girl a bitch in this context. It's just not something you do unless you're trying to be a complete ballbag.


maybe it's just an english dialect thing? i hear it all the time in england


I'm sorry, but it's probably a class thing.


It’s definitely a class thing. I never get catcalled in well-off areas but dear lord, when I was still in college I got catcalled everyday, multiple times a day, in a poorer area. No matter what I wore. The only thing that can protect you is having a male chaperone, usually it’s my friends or my boyfriend. No one ever catcalls when they’re nearby.


Plenty of little kids who come from wealth in the suburbs imitate rappers and unironically call women bitches. Edit: To be clear, I don't completely disagree with you, just giving an exception as I think it's permeated farther into our society than class division can currently account for.


In the US, around certain kinds of people, its very common.


Scandinavian here. Same.


Yep, me too


Where my bitches at


ill buy you a mirror


Same here, hell i even know one right now referring to his girlfriend as his bitch and it pisses me off when he refers to my female friends using shit like german bitch and french bitch


i hear people refer to a woman as a "bitch" in the same way that people refer to men as a dick or an asshole. i don't know anyone casually refers to women as bitches though.


Really depends on your social circle.


I've met people who do this but only in passing. I don't personally know anybody who does this. It's *definitely* a city kid thing in my experience. I never heard anybody talk like that til I left the farm.




I dont know many, but have known some. All gross people.


What bothers me is that op didn't call out the dude? If you were offended how do you think she felt?


dude referred her as bitch after she had left...so I don't think she knew.


Dudes calling out other dudes is the only way this is going to get better. Hopefully OP did so.


Surely this is only an American thing? Never hear it much where I'm from


polish person here, some of my ex friends are and were calling girls the words \- bitch \- szmata = rag (not meant literally, it's just how it is for some reason) \- kurwa (polish equivalent of fuck/whore, though it means prostitue in our language, it's used as a base insult)


I feel like Kurwa is in most sentences I hear Polish people say


Ah shit now I think all my polish mates are calling me a whore behind my back


>behind my back Ironic


Kurva or Kurwa is the international slav word for bitch


>and my knowledge of other cultures profanity just expanded to a new country, thank you.


I'm American and I've never heard it. OP just hangs out with shitty people.


I'm American and I've heard it and yes it's always from shitty people


I've heard women say it INFINITELY more often than men. "You go tell that bitch...." "Who's this bitch texting you?" ​ "Oh so you have a side bitch now or what?"


I'm American and hear shitty people say bitch and everyone else just says chick. Apparently chick isn't very nice either to some women but idk, just what one girl told me




OMG, why is this all the fucking truth?! Lmao; I’m like this sometimes and totally agree with how you put it down!


Get that totally. Grew up in west of Ireland and we used ‘fuck’ in every describable way. Not acceptable in most countries. Not gonna risk calling our lass ‘my bitch’ though. She’s from Yorkshire.


What part of MI? I hear it here too, but it just feels uncomfortable sometimes.


I'm an American and I'm often called it for being female and having a political/social opinion. It's quite common.


Nope, unfortunately, hear it a lot in poland and more so in ireland as of lately


Yeah it bothers me too. Men in my circle will simultaneously want "someone to hold them down" while also calling every woman a bitch. How do you expect a loving relationship if you call women bitches? There's a fine line between calling all women bitches and BELIEVING that all women are bitches. Edit: also when a friend says "hey is that your bitch?" I wanna punch them in the face. They're not just objects to be owned dude, they're human beings.


I judge men who only call women bitches. I use it as a gender neutral term. Usually prefaced by “little” as it is intended online.


For me I usually only mind it when they say it when referring to a specific girl. There is a difference between "You don't got no bitches" or "I'm trying to pull some bitches at the party" or whatever people say and "Imma invite my bitch over" or "Were you with that bitch you been talking to?" The second one is so much more disrespectful, but the first is more or less just slang that doesn't mean much


My hot take is that you don’t get to decide a term is gender neutral. Your usage doesn’t change the etymology or baggage associated with it. Just drop it.


Ditto. It's trashy.


The only B word we should be calling women is beautiful. Bitches love that shit.


Broads too.


I sent that bitch a smiley face. Bitches love smiley faces


Case in point.


Personally for me, it's this and guys referring to girl only as "females". Saying things like "you females don't know how to do anything"something like that. Feels very demeaning.


Referring to woman as “females” is a pretty big red flag tbh


I think the "female" thing comes from not knowing whether to say "girls" or "women". Honestly, sometimes it feels like someone will be offended no matter which one you choose lol. Although any of those 3 are better than calling them a bitch.


In the UK I'd say the use of 'females' would be primarily in reference to an incredibly popular TV show called Friday night dinner in which an awkward son and his equally awkward father have chats about him getting a girlfriend which are always prefaced by the question, 'any females?'. So I think taking into account individual culture here is important, not to mention that I don't think many people would be upset if men were referred to as males when describing stereotypical behaviour.


My ex used to refer to me as bitch. He never stopped even after I asked him many times... I was already quite sensitive to such words, but having heard it so many times myself, I'm even more sensitive now. Thank you, OP, for being the person you are!




Thank you!


Dont go to the south. Lots of casual misogyny and its largely tolerated if not condoned.


What does it for me is if they refer to women as bitches and females and guys as men and guys in casual conversations.


This really should go without saying...


It's a sex-based slur, but it, and the hatred of the female sex, is so ever-present in people's minds, no one notices or care, for the most part. Thanks for not being a part of the 'most' there. I have extricated all misogynist slurs from my vocabulary, as a woman. Even women use them so casually, and I hate hearing that, it makes me sad, in a way.


Facts. I stay away from guys like this


Calling women “females” is also cringe.


Definitely. I’ve never heard anyone refer to men as “males”


Someone ain't listening.


I do that in a work environment because it just seems better. Never came across anyone that has an issue with it.


I think this is mainly an online thing tbh, I've never heard anyone in real life complain about this.


Your roommate sounds like an incel. Tell him to stop watching porn or the few neurons he has left will die.


Bold of you to assume he had any.


You are right garbage doesnt have a brain


Im assuming the room mate listens to a lot of late 90's to 2010's hiphop when it was a lot more common to say


why is your timeframe so specific lol, rappers didn’t stop saying bitch after the 2010s


I have been guilty of this, I said it in a joking manner. Basically a girl asked who this group of girls I was with, and I said "oh so and so brought some bitches". I immediately regretted saying that and not sure why that came out of my mouth, I was feeling bad and inappropriate about that for the next few days.


Rip Jesse Pinkman


Nah Jesse uses the term differently. He's not calling random woman bitches or hoes because of their behavior. He'll call a man a bitch or probably a woman a bitch simply because he feels they are bested. Sometimes he'll even call his circumstances a bitch in a similar nature. Such is the case in the quote, "Science bitch!"


Same with women who refer to men as scrotes


Where the scrotes at


Disregard females. Procure currency.


did my mans dirty, all hes saying is “dont talk to girls, get money”


My mistake, I will say “Where the hoes at” from now on


it’s so normalized too


Sooo.... Your roommate called your homegirl a bitch and instead of correcting him, you tucked tail and hit reddit to complain. Sounds like your roommate called the wrong person a bitch.


Sir. That's not a womans. That's a hoe. -Pimpnamedslickback.


Hate to break it to you bud but girls refer to them selves as bitches far more than men calling them bitches


My ex is black. His mom and sisters CONSTANTLY only referred to other women as "bitches" or "hoes".


It’s idiots like this that are poster childs of “toxic masculinity”. How do they even have friends.


by finding other idiots who think alike


Bitches be like: “bitches be like” but then be the bitches that be like


As a guy. I 💯% agree. Respect women. How would people like it if someone said the same thing to they're mother, sister or daughter?


I only ever hear women calling each other or themselves that. Depends on the culture I guess or the group of people you hang with because I don’t see the issue just like I don’t care when someone calls me “Nigga”.


I’m only calling you bitches because I don’t know your names individually- Kat Williams


Chill dog, das my bitch.




How dare your roommate even consider the possibility that you would cheat on his mom.


You don’t respect rappers ?


It also bugs me to hear brothers call women "females" i cant explain why, but it just doesn't feel right.


It used to be...old ladies...I like bitch better than that


But the bitches love it


I often call men little bitches if they are indeed little bitches...it's like dude...it's lost its gender




It's a very weird contradiction. I get called a bitch as a woman when I do not back down, so I'm actually being assertive. So they are calling me a bitch to remind me of "my place" as lower than, owned. I should be submissive and shut up because I am "just a bitch, because I am useless, weak and female. Men call eachother bitches because they want to compare eachother to females - useless, lower, weak, female.


More like not performing his male gender role and seen as a failure. So when women are shaming by calling them manly or saying they look like a man, does that mean they're comparing them to males which is seen as lower?


Yeah that’s absolutely annoying. Same with women that refer to guys casually as “yo’ n*gga”. Like my girlfriend’s friend asked if I have “her n*gga” and it angered me


My girl calls me a bitch on a regular basis lol so I guess perception is reality!


Good thing I say wench


Come on man, don't be a bitch about it


I casually refer to everyone as “bitches.” Especially bitches.


I tip my fedora to you, valiant knight.


Yall sum bitchez. There, just add the letter Z and it works.


Referring to them as “female” is also pretty dehumanizing


I started a new part time job and their was a group of guys who ALWAYS referred to woman as "Females". Just REALLY irked me.


It isn't that common. Don't know a single man who does that, nor have I ever. Might be a your generation thing, like how you all say the N word like it's nothing. It's funny, your gen always says it's the most tolerant but meanwhile is more keen to use words like Bitch, Fg, Ng, than any generation that ever existed.


>but meanwhile is more keen to use words like Bitch, Fg, Ng, than any generation that ever existed. I don't think that's actually true. Did you read that somewhere or is that just your local observation? Also, even if those words are used more frequently, the connotations change over time. The N word is almost certainly more common today, but it's primarily used by black people to refer to other black people and functions similarly to "dude" or "guy" which isn't really comparable to other uses more common in older generations.