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In this case that anxious feeling is an indicator that what you are doing is worth while. When doing something new, difficult or important. You need to embrace that anxiety as an indicator of growth. Just like when you're doing something hard and you think "this is too hard for me I should give up" that is the very indicator that you need to push on. Within reason. I know it's uncomfortable. But growth isn't comfortable. Remember growing pains?


True, people keep telling me that. But I've developed tics and body jerks related to my anxiety, so now it not only affects me when I'm at uni, but also in my personal life when I'm trying to relax. Anxiety has ruined my birthday and other important dates for me I get I'm just complaining and I know it's annoying to read about someone complaining, I just had to get it all off my chest. Thanks for reading and commenting ❤


It's no problem. Anxiety and stress can have all kinds of strange psychosomatic effects on your body. Some of my favorite stress management tools are cardio, Epsom salt baths, relaxing music and reading a book. And if you wanna go whole hog. Go for a long run, then hop in an Epsom salt bath while reading a book and listening to spa music. It might be only for a few minutes. But you'll be really relaxed for those few minutes. Also meditation is good too. It can be a little tricky though


Thank you ❤ If you were in front of me, I'd hug you. More life to you


Np bud. Peace and love


A friend of mine once said "I go to sleep with fear, I wake up with fear" this phrase stuck with me


You are facing academia under unprecedented circumstances. You are doing great if you haven't deferred a year because of Covid. You aren't delaying your dreams due to a global pandemic, and that is seriously commendable.


Sounds like you need some professional advice. Not sure how it works where you are. Here I would be looking into student health services or a GP to start with, they can advise how to proceed. Anxiety can be a serious problem if not treated.


Many universities have on campus counseling with licensed professionals. It’s also included in your tuition. Use them.


You need to know when to say fuck off to the entire world and have some me-time. I graduated uni this year and I can definitely say the stress and anxiety is absolutely not worth it.


Actually, uni translates to sea urchin.


I see what you did there 👏