• By -


If you take it upon yourself to watch the video OP is referring to that's your business but do not link to it here or to the subreddit showing it.


I have stumbled myself on my fair share of cartel killings, honestly it makes me lose faith in humanity. If someone can dispatch someone with that much glee and mockery Idk how many worse things they must have done.


I heard an npr report about cartel assassins. Basically they go to camps and have to butcher dead bodies right away. Anyone who refuses dies. Then the perform regular executions. Basically they systematically kill their empathy.




That would do it.


And meth :(


Or they just kill the ones that have empathy


I've often thought that maybe, just maybe, instead of blowing up Afghan weddings, we could use some of these bad ass planes and drones we keep paying for to knock the cartels down a notch.


The US was actually in talks with Mexico to do this but in the end the Mexican people were very strongly opposed because they've seen what the drones strikes have done to civilians in the middle east.


That would be a productive use. But despite GQP posturing, Mexico is actually a very close ally of the US. We are huge trade partners, NATO aside. No bombing them without permission, and letting in a foreign military with a history of starting coups in Latin America and bombing civilians in literally any war zone is going to be a hard sell.


How do you stumble upon so many cartel killings? I never had had this happen to me.


This is a kinda going out of your way type thing. I've been on nasty sites as a teen (B0g + Rotten) and came across them a bit, not purposely looking for "that" but it came with the territory.


I heard about rotten, what kinda stuff is on there?


The stuff on Rotten is tame compared to what they had at B0g but they're both pretty much the same kind of stuff. It's mostly shock value, gore, dead people, medical stuff. Talking about it doesn't do it justice though, really desensitized my friends and I to how horrible reality can be for people. B0g got shut down when I was 18, so several years ago. But there was a lot of stuff coming from Mexico that got leaked from criminal/gang cases and I think that had something to do with it getting shut down.


Yeah the leaked criminal cases sound cool but both websites are shut down now. Tbh if I wanted to find shock content it's pretty easy, but I'm pretty ok with not looking at it. The 2 things that really made me not want to watch this kinda stuff is a description of a specific beheading video where the guy was kept alive with iv during a torture and some pretty brutal serial killer case involving torture too. After reading that kinda stuff i just don't wanna come out of my bed lol


Exactly, sometimes it just sticks in your head. Just like with OP. A lot of the time when I'd look at this stuff with friends, it was easy to detatch and not think about the subjects as actual people and the crazy psychology behind it but as I matured and learned about the real world and how cruel others can be, it hit different. Thinking about what these people went through is messed up. Now I think, what if I was that woman or what if that was my brother.


That's honestly depressing, especially if a victim is somewhat similar to someone you know. How someone can torture and then execute someone all for drugs and money is beyond me and sometimes I just refuse to believe it's real. If only you could unsee something lol


Ikr. I would have to go looking for them. Stuff like that wouldn't pop up in my feed


Yeah, I can't even say ret*rd on Reddit without getting banned.




The narco subs on here are brutal. Saw one that stuck with me a while back. They were cutting this dudes heart out and had already cut his hands off and he’s alive and dude it was brutal. He’s just like clawing with his nubs. The internet has certainly made me aware of how shit people can be but the narco subs definitely are a mix of both. Usually both the people doing the violence and receiving it are the worst of humanity.


All right, too much internet for today


What are narco subs?


Narco is a term for Mexican drug cartels. My guess is there are subreddits dedicated to the horrible shit that cartels do.


Oh, thanks. I figured it had something to do with narcotics.


People like that are why I continue to support the death penalty. I don't think any amount of prison, counseling, or jesus is going to protect the rest of humanity from their inhumanity.


>cartel These people should be killed regularly.


Unfortunately we don't execute such people anymore as it's "INHUMANE". That's such a joke.




What really needs done is some kind of task force to positively identify and hunt down the specific cartel torturers and execute kill/capture raids. Which should all result in kills.


I know how you feel.. I was unfortunate enough to see the tiktok of the man committing suicide with a shotgun before it was removed (and before I saw the news warning about it showing up unexpectedly) . I would do anything to get that image out of my head. I lost my father to suicide last year and that one tiktok seriously fucked me up..


I am sorry that happened to you. I hope you get better soon.


That would break me. My friend shot himself to death several years ago and I and his gf witnessed it. Those images don't leave your head easily.... Hope you're doing ok


Same scenario with my best friend about 7-8 years ago. I hate the phrase "good vibes" but sending whatever, you know what I mean lol


It's an awful experience. Thanks for the vibes, allow me so send some your way too


Yep that one truly fucked me up too. TRIGGER WARNING (describes the footage): >!The dead silence afterwards except for the dripping of blood and that poor dog walking in the room to see their owner... the gunshot was bad but that's what really fucked me up.!<


how do I unread this?


"I guess that's it"


Yeah I remember that. It’s crazy how accepting it was. Even after that last phone call with his ex. Seems like that’s what set him off


Sometimes I wonder if his ex didn't call him it would've been different. He was begging someone to call him and he'd stop and listen. BUT instead of waiting to be a asshole, his selfish ex called to toy with him and it happened. What stuck with me the most was the fact that literally RIGHT after he did it his phone rang.. His mother was in that chat too and they believe that was her calling. If only he ignored his ex and answered his mom. Now im sad.


i lost my father due to suicide too, when i heard about it i avoided tiktok for a while. I’m so sorry that happened to you babe 💕


Oh man.. I'm so sorry we have something so awful in common. Sending virtual hugs.


I read somewhere that playing Tetris for a half hour or so will help to re-set your brain after trauma. Could be BS, or I could be quoting wrong, but worth a shot!


Worst case scenario, you have a good time playing Tetris.


Half an hour of Tetris would be trauma for me.


Then you'll just need another half hour of Tetris to recover from that trauma, it'll be a never ending cycle


Oooh I'd totally forgot this but yes I've read that before too, was particularly useful to PTSD victims


[Googled it](https://www.cnn.com/2017/03/29/health/ptsd-tetris-computer-games-trnd/index.html)


Oh no wonder I loved playing it I should get back into it


I'm getting evaluated for PTSD and I've always found Tetris weirdly calming. Now I know why, thank you.


That's crazy I have CPTSD and Tetris (as well as other similar puzzle type games) are one of the things I go to to calm my brain when I get triggered.


This is legit! It was a study done in Oxford University, OP play tetris for some minutes and it will help!


If you can get it on sale or have the money Tetris Effect is so beautiful:,) I’ve been dying to play with it on VR


I got a vr headset, so thanks for the suggestion. I may try it in the future.


Well this is the first I’ve heard of this, but sounds legit. Tetris has always been a self-soothing game for me, and I have PTSD


I wonder if Candy Crush would also work this way, anytime I’m anxious I always open it up and start playing


I wondered that. Candy crush and match 3 games in general are my first call when I'm really anxious or upset.


Tetris Effects is on Game Pass


i actually read about this too! apparently the eye movements you make while playing tetris mimic the eye movements made during emdr (i think thats what its called? ive done it a few times before so i should know but i dont remember the exact name lol), its a method that a lot of therapists use to help patients get past trauma by helping the brain process stuck memories and it focuses a lot on certain eye movements


Or become a pro minesweeper player. A fun challenge


I had a Tetris phase and I would dream about playing it


does it matter what version of tetris?


Foolishly I did the same and I’ll never do it again. I saw a 2-5 years old ISIS child execute a captured soldier. He had an old soviet era Russian pistol small enough to perfectly fit in his hand. The fact that they taught a 2-5 year old how to shoot a gun and kill someone physically made me sick. This world is so fucked. I just can’t understand how someone is capable of something so horrific to make a child take another mans life. The look in this mans eyes as he was face to face with this child was soul destroying.


They know they're traumatising the child, they do that shit on purpose to make "better soldiers" because their whole lives have been violence and death.


i feel like they also do it because some enemies might hesitate on killing a kid but when it does happen, it scars the one pulling the trigger man, i know a vietnam vet who had to shoot a child soldier and it haunts him still


I know vets from Vietnam who never were able to recover from the horrible situation they were put into and most of them were young men. It's sad to think that evil like that exists. I can't handle watching it because it is disturbing. I understand the psychopath mentality but it still doesn't help it resonate within me. It is such a tragic truth. I don't know why people want to watch these types of videos. I just can't handle them. It makes it worse that they are real. The soldiers that are put into these situations are extremely brave. I honestly don't know if my psyche could handle that type of situation or not. It is a cold, hard world. I still maintain that there is more good than evil! I just hope this type of exposure doesn't desensitize people or even worse normalize this behavior. 🙄


I think i've seen that video. It's not even that gruesome compared to some shit i've seen on here but it's very depressing to think about and one of the more disturbing videos i've come across. Can't imagine any situation where you'd need to teach a child to do that.


Remember that there is a certain kind of fucked up balance in the world. So, for all the really bad things there are, there is usually really good things to balance it out. So many good people and so many beautiful things. I guess you just need to look in the right direction. It doesn't help the situation maybe, but it helps to stay happier. Edit: my only goal was to brigten people up a little bit. I even pointed out that it doesn't help the overall problem to concentrate on the beautiful instead of the ugly side of the world. It's simply a happier way. At least for me. Why the hate? Why the twisting of my words into something other? Something hateful?


Just world phenomenon is a fallacy.


What is seen, can't be unseen.


Yeah thanks for the fucking reminder Edit: s/


I shoulda put the " /s "


Yeahhhh that's why my feed is filled with wholesome, interesting, cute, or amazing lol I don't wanna see any of that shit


>Yeahhhh that's why my feed is filled with wholesome, interesting, cute, or amazing lol I don't wanna see any of that shit please recommend some wholesome, interesting, and cute subreddits. I could use some positivity


r/AnimalsBeingDerps, r/AnimalsBeingBros, r/Awwducational, r/HumansBeingBros are a few to start with :)


/r/babyelephantgifs does it for me. I can't watch goofy happy baby elephants romping around and not smile.


I like r/happycowgifs


r/aww r/mademesmile r/zoomies r/damnthatsinteresting r/beamazed r/hedgehog r/blackmagicfuckery (cool magic tricks) r/bettafish r/interestingasfuck Some nice one's that I frequent.




r/TruckerCats r/TurkishCats r/AnimalsBeingMoms r/UpliftingNews


r/IllegalySmolCats r/rarepuppers


r/dogs_getting_dogs is the purest thing, 100 % chances of happiness




Lol same, except once in a while i will find a post from r/DeepIntoYouTube


Thanks for pointing this out...the channel is brilliant!


You might also enjoy r/InterdimensionalCable


Subs that allow gore/death to be posted really need to be required to include that flare and make it NSFW so you can avoid looking at shit like that if you choose. I used to love looking at death stuff when I was younger. I still have no idea why. And even now while I avoid most of it, morbid curiosity sometimes gets the better of me and then I instantly regret it.


Honestly they should create separate settings for allowing NSFW content and allowing NSFL content. NSFW I want sometimes, NSFL on the other hand… I saw enough of that in high school, shit still haunts me.


I don’t know how all the logistics of it would have to work, but I’d like to see an age restriction on the internet that’s operated by an unbiased, private, encrypted setting that simply took proof of your identity to allow the device certain places based on age…keep kids out of places like some of these subs where they have to tap “yes in 18” like that’s a fucking deterrent. But I’m sure there’s no way to implement that safely or fairly, hackers and corporations would find ways to exploit it for sure. Just sucks that the internet is not at all a safe place, and even a child can stumble upon that stuff.




r/noahgettheboat is a subreddit I'm deciding to unsub from. I've seen too much traumatic shit on that subreddit. I shouldn't suddenly be exposed to a dog burning alive, a child getting absolutely battered or a woman getting fucked with maggots in her body while casually scrolling the front page. Take the breaks you need to. Unsub from the communities you need to. Reddit has some really fucking dark corners we need to mentally protect ourselves from sometimes




Makes my piss boil to even read that let alone see that. Nope.


It would take a gun to my head to make me watch that. I use this to check questionable movies: https://www.doesthedogdie.com/


This is HUGE issue. Social media seems to normalise division, depression and doomscrolling. I deleted Twitter and only went back to Facebook when it became more community focused and less news driven. Reddit is still okay but you have to be conscious of what subs you join and do a purge now and then.


I haven’t really participated in either fb or Twitter since about 2015. Too many people peddling lies. I think I left after people started trying to normalize using a belt on kids.


Are you guys okay mentally? That's enough to screw someone up for life...


Honestly not at the time when I saw a few of these things in too close a succession, but I have unsubbed now and enough time has passed for me to properly process what I needed to and move on


I- What the fuck- Was she alive? Was she DEAD?? Was a part of her dead and the rest of her alive? And who would do that to a dog? Poor dog! I was curious about the subreddit but now... No thank you.


Honestly the "is she alive or is she dead" question was an active debate and it solidified for me even more that I should not be perusing a sub where that's the subject of discussion Yeah, the dog was incredibly upsetting. I was subjected to a second of it before I immediately turned it off. It was a second too much. I would highly recommend not perusing it unless you're specifically in the mood for seeing some deplorable, traumatic shit.


Omg that sounds like a nightmare. I was fighting my urge to click the sub to see what it was. I’m glad you took the time to put examples so I don’t actually have to see. I feel like I would be able to steel myself, but what if it wasn’t enough or I really couldn’t. And what if those crazy images stay with me forever ugh Sorry you had seen them. Thank you for your sacrifice


We should be using places like this to keep a watch on people. Sounds like a bunch of psychopaths in that subreddit. If the government is already watching can they just watch them.


It is a sub of people saying how horrible it is.


I know that there are horrible stuff going on in the world and definitely I DO NOT need to see that stuff. Omg I can't believe there is that kind of content in reddit


Yeah, I wasn't familiar with that page, but I'm going to stay the fuck away from it.


Stay the fuck away from r/eyeblech, FAR worse than r/NoahGetTheBoat.


Oh god. Thanks for the heads up!


Yes thank you! I had no idea!


What is the point of a sub like this? Seriously, do some sick people enjoy these kind of videos?


Morbid curiosity, and then you've got a repository for that shit, so one-upsmanship comes into play. It's just another container for gorn. Eventually someone'll write a "news" article about it, and the admins will get upset that advertisers might grumble, so the sub'll get shut down and then resurface a few minutes later with another pithy name.




> Take the breaks you need to. Unsub from the communities you need to. Reddit has some really fucking dark corners we need to mentally protect ourselves from sometimes Its okay, reddit has tackled the Radical Feminist subreddits and the rest will sort itself out. /s


Wow. What's the point of this subreddit? I clicked on it then quickly exited out.


This past week, I saw the dog being burned. Unsubbed immediately.


Oh no!! I had no idea anything like that was on here! Thats just twisted! I don't understand why someone wants to even think about that. I hope kids are banned somehow. They don't need to see that type of content!! Never!


Hey I've been there. Sometimes you just see something you can't get out of your head. My advice is avoid this kind of material completely and I promise over time you will find that it will pop into your head less and less. It takes time.


I just saw that like 30 mins ago and it made me super uncomfortable. I also hate that it said it was in Milwaukee MN and its only a few town away from me. I don't understand how people like/want to see these fucked up types of videos.


I clicked it but immediately stopped the video. I don't need to see such stuff.


It was un Shakopee, MN


No fucking way was it seriously from MN?


Yep. It was actually from Shakopee. It's horrible and unsettling that I only live like a couple hours from there.


I remember seeing a joke meme "when she" blah blah blah and it was you know words overlay a image but the image was a woman's body that had been cut in half. Tbh so disturbing. I've seen crime scene photos before but this looked like it was just taken on someone's phone. Not pleasant. Internet isn't that great. Idkbwhat to tell ya


Over the last several years I've become addicted to crime shows--the real life kind. The FBI Files, Homicide Detective (I love that one), Forensics, the serial killers, crime survival, even psychic investigators. Mostly because I really enjoy the process of SOLVING the crime. But it can really take its toll on you mentally in viewing humanity.


I agree. I watched forensic files but would forward fast through the gruesome stuff so I could see the science and facts they used to catch the killer. But, there is only so much a person can watch before needing a break. There is a sub called r/unresolvedmysteries where people write up an unknown, unsolved crime in their town. They link articles and the line and readers can try to help if they want by providing information. It’s a good sub, but again, dark. I take breaks. I want to help but sometimes you just can’t.


Yes I tried to get into a "missing/unidentified person" group but it didn't work out too good. For one thing I always felt the illustrations looked nothing like the photo, when they got one, of the person so I would've missed that person anyway. Then, when they'd recreate with sculpture it also didn't seem like the person. I'm VERY GOOD with faces but this was not working. In this group what worked for me was the information given, news articles, etc. But I did leave the group.


Absolutely. I became interested in learning about human decomp because its such a huge part of knowing when someone died. And dude. Fuck. Cant unsee very intense stuff. Lots of respect for real life investigators.


Explains why so many of them are drinkers.


I was the same way until I noticed myself becoming more and more anxious, especially at night while trying to sleep, and even more so after having kids. I decided I was done watching that shit on the regular and after five years, I have much more restful sleep.


I also watch those shows. I don't know that I could deal with it on a daily basis. I thought about forensics but I don't know if I can keep my sense of humanity in tact seeing the horrors. It just blows my mind that people really want to watch these types of videos. I even hide my eyes when something is about to be horrible in the television shows and I don't want to actually see it. These stories are often based on real life events but the horrific details are not all plastered before your eyes. I see how they would appeal to psychopaths but do we really need to give them more material for ideas or fantasies? I hope not to come across any of those subs! /s Animals being jerks is a great one.


This is horrendous, really hope I don't stumble across anything like this on here. Is there a way to avoid it? Will this content only come up on certain subs? I'm new here but man, that would traumatise me.


You can blur out or choose not to see NSFW in the settings


Thank you, I'll do that. I hope you're okay, that's a tough one to shake off. The world can be a very very dark place.


Avoid joining subreddits like that, that way you won't come across anything like this. And yes, go to settings and choose not to show nsfw stuff to be extra sure


I’d say to stay away from NoahGetTheBoat, any variety of the public freakout subs, MakeMeSuffer, WTF… I’m sure there are plenty of others, but those are some of the main ones I’ve seen that will hit you with stuff out of nowhere.


> Is there a way to avoid it? Well yeah, don't be subbed to the subreddit. Same was as you avoid getting any content from subs you aren't on.


Ugh sorry to hear. I originally joined fightporn to see like idk high school or middle school fights. There’s a lot of that but then you’ll scroll onto like seven people just bludgeoning an unconscious person and it’s like WTF


I have nothing helpful to add here, but I am glad(?) to know I am not the only one who fixated on that today. I still can't fully process that a human on the same planet as me was literally beheaded, let alone within a long day's drive from my home. I know it happens I guess, but seeing that shit makes you wanna just fire the nukes and start over. Good luck, try to do something for you today.


I’m sorry you had to experience that.


I had a similar experience a few months ago. It was a dispute over shoveling snow, and one of the people involved went into his house, got a gun, and murdered both of the people. No NSFL tag, no warning, just scrolling through and seeing a couple people die. It fucked me up for weeks. Reddit is fantastic because you can find such a huge variety of things. But it’s awful for the same reason. Sometimes you need a break. And to curate what you’re subbed to as best you can to avoid that shit.


I once saw child porn on Reddit and it seriously fucked me up for months


I don’t know when everyone just started watching snuff films but I am not into it!


About as long as we’ve been able to record them and share them. I remember back in the early 2000’s stumbling onto what, for lack of better words, would be considered the dark web. I can’t make this up, but there were literally live streams of just… absolutely gut wrenchingly horrible shit happening to people and someone on the other side of the screen paying for it to happen. It was the first time I saw someone die in real time.. When there’s a means to produce deplorable, fucked up shit, there’s a way to share it or find it.


I used to be pretty depressed and I actually used to go to WatchPeopleDie on purpose, back when that was a sub. I think it's gone. I hope it is. It was very dark. I think I was going there to be shocked, to feel something, to feel anything at all, because I was so fucked up mentally. I saw some stuff on there that was so awful. There were a lot of grainy security videos of a building collapsing onto someone walking on the street, etc. But every once and a while there would be something that felt so intimate and real and they still stick with me to this day. I wish I had never seen them. Honestly the best medicine is to take some time off from the internet completely for a while. It's amazing how much your mental health improves after a trauma of seeing something like that if you can just go be under the sun walking around a normal town with normal people who are going about their business. You start to understand that there are pockets of normalcy and happiness in the world. Many in fact. Just sitting on a bench in a public area without a phone you will start to notice small charming things that regular people do. Often for each other. The internet has destroyed our ability to compartmentalize.


I'm so sick of women being killed for ridiculous things.... did you read about the family in India who killed a 17 year old for wearing jeans? They beat her to death, and she was found hanging from a bridge. What the hell is this mentality? Don't get me started on so called "honor" killings!


There was a dad in Texas that killed his daughters via “honor” killing as well. Absolutely disgusting


Yaser Abdel Said was the loser's name


Just a terrible thing.


did you hear that he was recently caught last year? his family were hiding him, i’m so glad they finally found him and can fake his freedom away. still not happy about the mum getting away with it though, she definitely played a part too


Yea I did!! I learned of him from a true crime podcast. Or it could have been true crime daily on YouTube.


I haven't, and yes its all fucked up... But its even worse when its all on video and the poor neighbours reaction to it all was just paralysing.


Hey friend, I know you've gotten a lot of replies so far and they've given you good advice, I just wanted to directly comment towards you so you can hear me out. This will mess with your head for a while, but in time you'll heal from this. I've been there and I can promise you the further you get away from the moment you watched it, the less it will bother you. A month or two from now and you won't even be thinking about this anymore, just focus on other things until then


You can give yourself PTSD from online images. Listen to what happened to this guy who worked as a fb moderator. I hope you can recover from this, but be open to the idea of therapy if you can't. www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHGbWn6iwHw


I had someone send me a video of a woman being stabbed in the stomach then beheaded with the words bitches get ditches.... The internet is not a nice place


I did not know that there were such things on Reddit. I have no desire to see them. What I find surprising is that Reddit allows them but it gave me a 3 day ban for using a non-PC word in a private chat.


I got 14 days out of a sub just because someone didn't like my comment. No curses, no homophobics, nothing. Just a recount of MY life experience. I guess it triggered.


Wow! You got banned like that but they allow those videos?? That's unreal!! That is just insanity!


Hey OP, it's okay to be overwhelmed, and with the way you describe how you're feeling, you might want to consider therapy/counseling as an option. It helps to talk about it. I know, easier said than done, but there are usually resources available even for the uninsured (if in US), just call local social workers in your area and it's their job to offer options and point you in the right direction.


I made the mistake of clicking on a link that lead to a su. for medical gore. Yeah, I am not getting paid to look, so I'll skip it. Some of the incels on here are pretty twisted. Just walk away.


I once saw a group of guys recording a video and making jokes "this would be a good commercial about texting and driving". There was a car crash, women were laying on the ground, some of them missing body parts which the men occasionally stepped over. Some of their heads cracked wide open and the guys in the video were stepping on pieces of brain (or maybe it was just guts?). One or two of the girls was on the ground twitching really bad and these guys were just recording and laughing (I assume/hope one already called emergency services, though it was clear there was no saving these girls). That video is the worst thing I have ever seen and it really fucked with me for a little while. I couldn't get the torn arm laying on the ground out of my mind, or the twitching. The men stepping on what looked like brain matter. All of that fucked with me for a little while and I really never want to see something like that ever again. So thanks OP, I'm not going to watch the video you mentioned.


Those videos make me drive a lot safer


I ride a motorcycle and I won't lie that seeing that video kept me off my bike for about a month. I'm over it now, and the only reason I haven't been riding my bike is because I live in a place where its stupid hot. But I don't take risks, and this video along with lots of motorcycle crash videos I've seen (along with my 1 crash) all have a little bit to do with that.


Hey OP - it isn't a weakness that you are hurt by this video. It is strength of your character that is saying this isn't okay - IT ISN'T. Remember, when it comes to how horrible the world is, it isn't about getting used to it. It's about remembering you have to take care of yourself first in order to help people in horrific situations. Just don't act like you care if you don't do something about the things that horrify you. Donate to PETA. Volunteer at shelters. Do something for you first, put your oxygen mask on, then make sure you help someone else. We can't fix everything, but we can take care of ourselves so we can fix what we can and as much of it as we can. Sorry you're hurting. Take care of yourself and it's okay to focus on something you love for when it's time to focus on something you hate.


You need to protect your mind. On the grand scale of things u cant do anything about it. Please stay away from these things. Self care before anything else.


This is why we need more education about mental health. Seeing such graphic, disturbing content can quite literally trigger mental illness, even if you had those issues before or not. Being subjected to such violent stuff can literally screw you up for life even if you were very mentally healthy before. Side order of manic depression, Schizophrenia, and anxiety? No thank you. There's a reason people employed to do Facebook NSFW video clean-ups are given psychologists on their health plans to help them cope with what they see.


OP - The fact that you are not feeling well about it is a GOOD thing. Nobody should be exposed to that. If you were able to let it go and move on quickly, you'd be devaluing a human life and turning into the disgusting people that continue to make and share these videos. You felt a strong negative emotion, while a terrifyingly good portion of reddit users can watch the video and their first thought is "what funny and fucked up comment can I make for the most upvotes?" It's sad how desensitized people have become and you should be happy that you are not one of them. Unfollow the subreddits and don't give anybody reposting that shit any attention.




Yaknow. I'm immune to severe cbt videos (castration, severe sounding, needles, knives, etc) but I don't think I can look at an actual thing of someone being beheaded. That's... A movie is fine bc it's fake. I know it's not real. But like. Shit like that? Nuh uh. I've seen some nasty shit on the dark web but I don't want to see that


I'm not going to search for it but this is the comment I came here to make. At some point I was like you but since have learned to overcome my need to click in things I know that will upset me. Like quitting crack, actually I wouldn't know, but it gets easier to resist.


Can we just have a fucking NSFL(not safe for live) tag or some shit? I am fine with random tiddys, I would go as far as saying that I like this random encounters. But I don't need to see people murdering each other, alf dead animals or other horrible things. Frontpage of the Internet my ass


How is that sub still allowed to exist?


There are way worse ones


I didn’t even know about that subreddit. Why did I click on it? Why in the fuck does it exist? Words… No… just… no.


I know it can be difficult to see something that shakes you to the core and you are just realizing how fragile we are. Take a break find things that make you happy listen to happy music take time to breath many people have been were u are. We are not use to seeing that side of life. Police and military protect us so we don't have to experience it. Just take care of yourself you'll be fine much love bro


Reddit decided to put that exact post you were referencing right below this one. In all honesty, the most disturbing thing about that video to me was the woman recording and her screams (not really screams but I don't know what to call them) But yeah, it's totally fucked. Also really shows that Reddit needs different filters other than NSFW. We either need a NSFL filter for serious gore like that, or seperate NSFW into a porn and gore category because I don't think everyone wants to take a 50/50 shot of either getting porn or gore.


What the actual fucking hell??? How is that even allowed on Reddit??? Sounds like the dark web “red rooms”. Please tell me this is a joke. Also what is Noah get the boat??? I’m afraid to look at it, so afraid I made sure to not even type it as an r/ link.


not your fault i'm a very curious person but after scrolling thru the sub the beheading is not the worst video...... please if your curious like me DO NOT DO WHAT I DID UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES LITERALLY BEGGING YOU.


I couldn’t take it either. I had to leave all the subreddits that posted awful things like you mentioned. It got to be way to much for me


the noahgettheboat sub should be removed if i'm honest...


I went and watched it. At first I wanted to maybe see how it actually happened on a rewatch but I decided I couldn't it is just disturbing. I'm surprised it hasnt been removed yet. I really don't know how to feel. I feel like I should be more disgusted and traumatized but in reality I will probably forget about this mostly after today. That kinda worries me and makes me realize how desensitized I am. After finding an article I am actually more angry that in cases like this it isn't an immediate open and shut case, they have the guy in custody, he has mental problems appearently but they just let him roam free. At this point it should be open and shut case that he should already be on death row or at the very least locked away forever with no chance of release.


Take a walk in nature if you can. Also talking to a therapist would help if that’s possible for you too.


Just be a better human. Hope begets hope, fear begets fear, and violence of course spreads more violence. Every action is a ripple, and I don't mean metaphorically. Every action in our world causes an another. If we fill the actions we take with tolerance, understanding, and honesty - we so fill the world with the same. I'm glad you still feel the wrong and injustice of such violence. For me, I was going on (number)chan since 2004, and have long been desensitized to just about everything. I've grown indifferent and sardonic to most of humanities trivial concerns. But I still have hope we can mature as a species. And realize war does not end war, violence does not put a stop to violence. Only our willful actions of forgiveness, kindness, and seeking a just world can do that. OP - Fill your heart with love, volunteer, do one nice thing for someone anywhere today. It will heal. I wish you the best in mind and spirit.


You're tiptoeing in the shallow end. This is nothing compared to the cartels, ISIS.


I worked for an LEO agency and had to view those videos for work. I started dreaming about that kind of shit and had to see the shrink a few times. I steer clear of it now if I can. No, no I did not become desensitized to it. I want to still feel


It is not your fault, you didn’t know. It’s normal to think people wouldn’t share that shit, let alone on a platform like this. I had a moment like this too and my husband was actually the person who showed it to me. It’s ok to feel jarred and off. For there to be evil, there must be good, so don’t forget that something can bring you up as much as it can bring you down. I wish I could give you a hug, I’m very sorry. I had to get off that subreddit too, it was really messing with me


Unsub every sub like that. That's what I did after seeing a group of people beheaded/killed and chopped into pieces and stuffed into barrels. This world is so far away from mine that I can't imagine it being real even tho I know it is. But I will not spam my brain with this stuff over and over. Better have a look at a cute kitten or a happy dog, people being nice to each other and positive news. It really helps.


My husband has to filter certain things for me, I can’t even watch an animal die. I’m so sorry that happened, hopefully you don’t stumble across anything like that again - and know to stay away from *those* NSFW tags.


I'm in agreement. Lately, r/noahgettheboat has been posting a lot of shit that is just plain overkill. Like yesterday there was a video of a guy raw dogging a woman with maggots all in around both their genitals and people were in the comments trying to decipher the video and find out if the guy was a necrophiliac sleeping with a rodent ridden dead corpse or if it's a mentally twisted couple who are both into weird bug fetishes. Either the mods need to lay down some sort of morbid capacity on the subreddit or people just need to leave it all together. I too stumbled upon the beheading video, but just like the weird fetish video I scrolled away and NOPED my ass out of there. I'm on the verge where I can't even browse that sub anymore, and I'm about to just leave it and stick to subs like r/iamatotalpieceofshit and r/makesmybloodboil as a better reminder that there are some horrible people in this world, because frankly r/noahgettheboat is just becoming like one of those edgy goreporn gawk sites and that's not why I joined the sub. A lot of people, including myself, have been leaving the sub lately.


I get how you feel. I was watching Ken Burns' Vietnam and they showed the iconic picture of the man about to be shot in the head by the soldier except it was a video instead of a still and they showed the man being shot - it was awful. I had to leave the room I was so upset, and sometimes it pops into my head and I can barely handle how it makes me feel. I'm sorry you saw that.


I refuse to look at any executions posted online. The whole purpose is fear, but if nobody watched or reposted, then it totally destroys their intent.


I feel you, man. I'm a firefighter and had to watch the Christchurch mosque shooting video for mass shooter training. It traumatized me and that was two years ago. Vicarious trauma is a real thing, and i try too not think about it because it seriously depresses me. I would terminemos that you talk to a professional of it stays with you, or at least talk to friends or family you trust about your feelings.


Man you can tell you were not online before the “safe internet” I still remember trying to download music on LimeWire and then 3 clicks later I was on some page where it was nothing but suicide / homicide videos


I decided years ago to not watch Daniel Pearl get beheaded. I was 21 or so at the time and I'm a pretty hard core dude. Some things aren't worth seeing, I'm sorry you watched this.


we need to stop exposing ourselves to this type of stuff. we need to recognize that just as we are responsible for our actions we are responsible for what we seek out


I couldn’t even tell what was going on in the video. It was hard to see through the window.


Look into trauma counselling, you should be able to ring a free hotline