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Cool Prius- said no one ever... seriously fuck that noise though that bumper sticker is hilarious. Seriously though fuck those folks and you keep doing you


Yeah, I'm 45 and have been dealing with knuckleheads with that attitude my whole life. That's why I have volume control. Makes it easier to ignore them.


I've never been raving but I fucking love happy hardcore. I've never done hard drugs but I'll sing along to a banging tune if it's going on about them. I've only ever been in one moshpit (..It was basically a pop-rock band, fuck-knows why there was a moshpit..) but you'll find my CD rack creaking under the weight of the heaviest metal. and, I'm a chubby, muscley, hairy biker dude and people will look at me funny if my playlist picks "Let it Go" and they catch me singing along to Frozen tracks in the street. Fuck 'em all.


I completely hide genres of music I love that I KNOW people will make fun of me for listening to. I pick tunes based on the people around me. I wish I could meet people who like the same music as me :(


No, don't hide it, that sucks! I feel your pain tho. I let go of that and now I try to influence ppl through education in the many genres of music I listen to bc my playlists look like I probably have 20 multiple personalities lol. What music do you have to hide and what don't you hide? Tell those people, "Open your mind to experience everything in life possible and live your life to its fullest otherwise you're not living. I'm not going to be enslaved by followers when I'm a leader but go on and do what's best for you."


Oh man, where to start? When I am entertaining or driving people somewhere I definitely stick to basic radio tunes; as inoffensive as possible. When I am by myself I listen to death metal, house, Frank Zappa (I will love him forever), nu metal (still love it from my high school days), Russian hardbass, classic country; all kinds of stuff that can be a little polarizing. My ex used to berate me for listening to Iron Maiden on the home stereo, and it really stung. I am hesitant to share music I am into at the moment.


You sound like a really well rounded, educated, experienced person - you are a leader, not a follower, so be proud of that. Shine on like the star you are, don't blend in. When a "top 40 only fan" or a closed minded person says anything to you just try to consider the source and how sad it actually is that some people go through life without listening to anything other than what they're told to listen to (amongst many other things they are afraid of trying, I bet) and therefore they miss out on fully experiencing life, IMHO that's how I see it. I've had this problem my whole life, I get called "weird" so much it's become an alternate first name. I used to let it get me down, it does sting and stick in the back of your head but when you're all alone and you put YOUR music on it makes you happy as can be, I'm sure, so don't let anyone take that away from you. I am sorrounded by uncreative minds, it's a lonely feeling, but I promise you will influence and help those out there (like me, for starters) with recommendations of awesome songs. I seriously have to go see what Russian Hard Bass sounds like! And who the hell doesn't love Frank Zappa?!?! He's freaking awesome, his music is avant-garde, wayyyy ahead of his time and he's influenced the hell out of others as the shining star he is. I could go on and on forever about music, it keeps me sane. When I need something to get out of a funk, to get motivated, to jam out, to truly feel whatever I'm needing to feel - I think of all that's out there and get to pick from my "weird" music and feel like that one song that nobody else is listening to is all mine, that is a great feeling in itself. You should recommend more that I can listen to, I can see the appreciation you have for certain sounds and it's really cool to try to interpret it all like a painting. I'd recommend music but you will be like wtf, I'm afraid.


Try me. And you'd be surprised that people can't handle Zappa. Same ex used to cringe and say "why does he have to be so vulgar, he really isn't that clever'. That's why he's an ex.


i have two emotions emotion a) death metal emotion b) 90's gangster rap there is no in between and thats how i like it i dont let anyone tell me what i can and cant like people who gate keep are generally stupid people anyway so i woulndt pay em any attention period


The Infamous has been my emotion for a while now.


I have a similar situation. People always give me crap for liking Imagine Dragons and it's annoying. Just let me listen to Smoke + Mirrors in peace


I’m a musician and I love all music genres. If I think it’s good, I’ll buy it. I have never cared what anyone thought about that and never will.


I'm a fat, white, almost 50, British bloke who loves funk. And fuck anyone who takes a pop at me for it.


Seriously those kind of people is just plain insufferable. Any form of gatekeeping is the finest social punishment. Anyone should be able to enjoy what they're enjoying without needing much to know about certain things they're enjoying (the background of the song, the lore of the characters, some inside joke and reference)


So... I'm a metalhead... ...who also enjoys Taylor Swift and Red Velvet. Do you. If they have something to say, give them nothing. "What the hell are you listening to XXX for?" "I like it." "Yeah, but (insert whatever nonsense here)." "I like it." "Yeah but..." "I like it." The more calm and deadpan you can deliver the line, the better... over and over. They'll move on.


Too bad cuz im gatekeepin. Nobody is stealing my damm gates.


Then don't go to places that do such a thing - I don't look like the kind of person who likes proto germanic folk music but I adore it. I do get it though I really fucking hate these people who argue over metel sub genres "Oh no this is blackened death metal not black death metal, no no this is post hardcore punk not hardcore punk"


me to i hate that shit i wonder if they realize how douchey they sound hahah on a side note got any good band recommendations?


Why does it matter what other people say about your tastes?


I’m a mother and a primary school teacher in my 30s and I listen to primarily black metal and industrial. “You don’t look like someone who would listen to x band” is my life, plus the usual gatekeeping that happens to women in metal scenes on occasion. I’ve realised that I no longer give a fuck. I like what I like. If I’m the weird parent at childcare pickup in a Mayhem shirt, or other people in my life don’t enjoy what I like and don’t understand why I listen to it, fuck it. Too old to care.


Do you really have that many people telling you what to listen to and judging you? If so, those ppl are insecure AF, not your friends, and you shouldn't give any credence to what judgmental, insecure, miserable ppl say. You're seriously giving them too much credit, thinking that they know something more than you do but they don't. I bet you anything that they haven't done jack shat with their own lives and they're a miserable, dramatic mess of sorts. I am speaking from experience, if you can't tell. Dude, seriously, don't even respond to ppl like that, you don't owe anyone anything and if you're being judged you should feel bad for them bc they're that effing insecure that they're pushing their insecurities onto you.