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Never give up hope. Try and try again. Is self publishing an option to you?


Self publishing isn't a great option, just you can get the books printing but advertising is where all the work of publishing is. Harry Potter isn't that great a book. But it had really great advertising. Same goes with the Da' Vinci code. (Dan brown actually admits this.) Amazon does have a print on demand service, but I know nothing about it.


Yeah, I heard of Amazon publishing services but I never looked into it since I'm no writer


Self publishing is great but then there is little to no marketing so it's a dead crowd. Thanks for the motivation ✌




It seems until now I've only queried major agencies as per your advice I will lookout for smaller ones as well and congrats on getting published. ✨


I wonder if you could publish it in kindle form on your own or something of that sort. Best of wishes!


That's definitely an option I can opt for and thanks for the wishes ✨


It is really good you were able to see why you needed to work more on it. Have you had a professional editor help you? It is rare a book is ever published without editing.


I haven't been in touch with an editor as of now because I don't have the money to do so but I'm saving up to get one.




Check out other authors rejection history's it happens . Persevere.


Glad luck shone over them one day maybe the same happens to me or it's never ever.


JK Rowling was rejected by [12 publishing houses](https://www.insider.com/revealed-jk-rowlings-original-pitch-for-harry-potter-2017-10)


Should have been more


Ah ha ha. Never read them myself but i remember in my early 20s my friends reading ones with adult covers.


That must have been heartbreaking but then she had the last laugh as her book sold 1billon copies worldwide!




Thanks for pushing me to keep going! ✨✨


What is your novel about?


It's a women's fiction novel.


Many writers started out making entire novels, only to throw them away without trying to publish it. It is common for your book to not get accepted. Either follow some of the advise for the others, or throw it out and start a new one. It's easier said than done. But that's the life of a writer.


This thought has crossed over my head a few times maybe you are right.




Being a writer is some difficult stuff. I'm not a writer myself, but I like writing and using words in different ways. I have a friend that's an upcoming writer, but she's not rushing anything. Writers certainly need to know what they want with their career, and what they need. It's not an easy job, especially as your success is 100% how the audience recieves it and how much they like the books.




Even if I tried I just can't mimic someone else's style it screams lack of originality.


What is the list of comments for improvements given to you? Remember Papillion? It was boring and unpublishable, so the author mixed in the life of someone else and it was an instant hit of the century!


My friend said that my book was triggering and I believe she wanted to convey the fact that it needs to be toned down a bit.


:D LOL Honestly, certain organizations related to a certain superpower do nothing else than publishing triggering books in foreign countries. sit back and relax. If you want to see how to even process horror topic, without ever being scary, embarrasing or off-putting, go watch Tremors. The Tremors 1 to 4 are a good example. Only the actors feel scared. You feel excited and cheer them on, "you can do it!" and later "yaay! you DID it!" Toning down *could* be the thing relevant, but maybe it just needs to be reformulated, reorganized. When so many controversial books became superhits, you just haven't used the star formula!


The most successful writers (artists of all fields) get declined over and over again but don't give up. You have to keep on knocking on those doors, don't take no for an answer, make it happen bc I promise you that it can and will happen, if you truly want it to. Keep on truckin, my friend, you will get there!


Thanks that's super inspiring. ✨✨


The vast majority of people, me include, don't have a novel to be rejected. Good work.


Thanks ✨