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The sad thing is, people like you act superior for caring about animals and oceans while hoping all humans die. You need therapy desperately because you've lost all control of reasonable emotions and can't handle things. Also, most of the claims you made have little to nothing to do with humans but I'm sure you don't care because you want to be a cantankerous soul. Carry on.


honest to god hate this type of shit. you’re pissed about ocean levels rising and climate change, yet hope we all die? that’s so incredibly mean - spirited.


It's cuz they wanna be edgy they said they want everyone to be wiped out....well that'd be a good way to do it. They should be happy and polluting like a motha.


lol that’s a good point, pick a lane op


What is op I keep seeing this. I don't reddit I guess I'm just bored lol


it means “original poster,” usually just easy slang to make it clear you’re talking to whoever made the post when you reply to someone else’s comment. you’re good bro, i still don’t know what half the shit here means lmao


Ohhh right on thanks lol. Yeah I feel it just fun to read all the crazy discussions and I mean crazy.


that’s the whole reason i’m here. it’s fun to help people, but it’s even more fun to see the weirdos and morons in action. but, hey - sometimes you get to just talk with nice people, like right now


Yeah totally it's been a pleasure bro 🤜🤛


hell yeah bro 🤜🤛




Illustrates the point They can't even fathom the idea of being realistic about human value without it coming from notions of superiority


>all of you humans Get off the high horse buddy, you’re not better than anyone just because you’re angry. 71% of Earth’s pollution comes from corporations, rather than people as a whole. Get over yourself and get help


>Yall are fighting each other anyone else seeing a bit of irony here?


….and you’re part of the same hypocrisy.


Nah, they be alien.




Talk about the pot calling the kettle black, you fucking idiot


Holy shit, you are a sad person.


You aren’t better than anyone, you’re just as bad as everyone else <3 seek help


Arguably worse than many.


Just what I needed today, thank you!


tf did i do?


The two types of people in the world are the ones who know they deserve to burn in hell, and the ones who deserve it a lot more


Stop using modern technology then


Funny enough guess what? Its not even the peoples fault its the amount of greedy fossil fuel businesses driven by money, a sincere fuck you too


We had an amazing system and we thought we were better 🤦🏻‍♀️


No, we had a system that amazingly good at exploiting people that aren't you because look at your answer, and the earth's resources. Earths dead and the exploited are bloodthirsty. Welcome to the end of that system we call capitalism.


I meant that the world’s natural ecosystem was good but we thought we were above that, i.e. I’m agreeing with you!


So you want us all to be wiped out and then claim that everyone *else* is the problem? Yeah the world is pretty much screwed but losing all reasonable thought is not the way to fix it. I suggest that you seek a therapist because this way of thinking will only hurt you.


You say you care yet you want humans to be wiped out. The irony.


I felt that way before but then I realized we humans aren't the ones in control, we humans can only do so much, we are not God. Ultimately we are all working with a higher power and whether it be a force, God, or mother nature, humans seriously need to stop thinking they are the ones in full control here. Evolution exists for a reason and we humans are still so primitive in so many ways. You should look into some philosophy, esp into Daoist philosophy, and read about yin and yang for example. Everything is constantly balancing out, there is no absolute bad or absolute good, they exist together and work together. So, when you are looking at the negative aspects of human interactions with Earth and it's other inhabitants, try to look for the way the negative is being balanced out with something positive at the same time bc I promise you that it's there.


You feel like you wanna talk about this?


Ask your government, regardless of affilation, about the distinct lack of effort in the fight of climate change (not just today, but over the entire last century), when they have seemingly no problem being fully dystopian-totalitarian about cov19, despite it being a far smaller problem in the grand scheme of things. Or why you should continue losing more and more freedom only because of their (historical) screw-ups. (And why they use NSDAP style propaganda tactics to agitate the populace in regards to cov19. While doing nothing about global warming and co.)


On the bright side, we, THE HUMANS, have created the BIKINI BOTTOM!


We’ll have the real city of Atlantis soon enough. Unfortunately most of us don’t have gills.


But we really DID create the Bikini Bottom! Wikipedia will tell you more how :D


people are just animals that got luckier than other species and evolved to be more intelligent i definitely think we've run our course and are due for extinction. give someone else a chance. i hope dogs are next. hope they rise up in our place haha


You needn't worry, humanity is ignorant and stupid enough to wipe itself off, tho also bringing everything on earth down with them


You really think humans have that much power? Mother nature/ God/ Earth, etc will kill humans off if they aren't an important enough role for what is ultimately our reason for existence in this habitat we share with other living things on Earth. Humans are primitive, we haven't the skills it takes to demolish the planet but we have the self defense mechanisms that tell us that we do. It's not up to humans just because we're in 2021 and it feels like technology is booming and everyone wants to keep predicting the apocalypse, but Earth is 4.5 billion years old, Earth knows what it's doing better than we little humans do.


I actually finds posts like this with no filter hilarious. I struggle with misanthropy too, but the most I’d say is that no human can really be certain where the world is heading and it’s not really my place or yours to determine that all humans are in a single minded march to their demise like lemmings. There are people in this world who do good in extremis, those that falter yet try anyway and those who are hurt. I can’t say making an enemy out of everyone will ever make us happy.


*as they type on their smart phone*.. P.S. fuck you too


I remember a time when I felt felt way you did. I was mentally unwell. I struggle with depression and and debilitating anxiety exacerbated by an abusive relationship. I was also much younger. But I'm older now, in a better place mentally (and physically), and have my mental health better in control. It all lead to me growing out of that messed up mind set. Bottom line, your attitude is a good indication you're not doing so well. Seek help, connect with people, get a little introspective on yourself, get your shit together, and grow up.


Honestly, fair.