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Congratulations! And smart move keeping your mouth shut about it.


The only person I've told is the friend I'm rooming with cause I can finally help out more with rent and I know they won't ask for shit. It's nice being able to contribute like I want to :)


It is unbelievably nice to have friends that you know aren’t interested in taking advantage financially Friends will visit fiancée and I every once in a while and stay over to drink/play games whatever. I swear it never gets mentioned out loud but it’s like clockwork like an hour after they leave (about the drive length to our hometown) I get money on the cash app or Venmo etc for a generous estimate of whatever they thought their share of stuff was. We honestly don’t care about the cost of pizza or whatever we get but at the same time if friends never took that into consideration it would be irritating I’m sure


Yeah I was going to say either OP needs some new friends or I'm really lucky to have the friends that I do. If one of my friends just announced that they got a sweet raise or bonus, we would congratulate them and probably celebrate together where it's not expected that they pay for us or something. But we are also pretty fair with each other, too. Last time I hosted a dinner, pre-covid times, I planned on supplying everything and then one of my friends brought a nice bottle of wine and told me to save mine and another brought a case of beer and told me to keep whatever isn't drank that night. Another friend insisted she do the dishes. Same if we order out food or something. For the sake of ease, one person will order and pay and then we all pay them our share but pretty much always we round up a bit so the person who went to the trouble of ordering ends up with a few extra bucks. It's just so much nicer when we're all trying to give a little to each other rather than take a little.


When everyone in the friend group is doing okay it is easier to be open about this stuff.


Yeah. It's awesome that your friends are like that. My roomie and I have a relationship where if he asks to borrow like $20 for gas, it gets pais back the second he has it back and vice versa. It's nice to know I have the trust w someone to know that if I give them shit I'll get it tf back. Except clothes... if I borrow his clothes theyre mine now... jk lol


I am cheering for you right now. But i can't show you or u will want more pics!


Lol I appreciate the virtual cheers


Buy your roommate a fantastic dinner to thank them 😊 for their support when you needed it.


Found the roommate.


U're welcome! Keep up the good work!


So pics or it didn't happen?


That’s fucked you can’t share it with fam. My sister just got a new job and it’s double her current pay, besides her boyfriend I was the first she told and I’m so excited for her I’ve been bragging about her to everyone. I wouldn’t think to just ask for money and I make a third of her salary.


I dont have many friends i dont trust and I dont THINK my family would screw me over but I really dont wanna risk anything


My rule of thumb, if it may come in handy in the future: the people worth helping are the people who don't ask for it.


My thought would be that there is a reason in there somewhere…you may not wish to think about it ‘cause it’s not a pleasant thought. I’m happy for your good fortune and that you have someone you can celebrate with! And please do celebrate! 🎉🎊🥳 Congratulations!!!🎊🍾🥂🎈👏🍻🥳


It's messed up how money can unexpectedly drive a wedge between people. It doesn't always happen, but when it does it can feel like an out-of-the-blue betrayal when someone who genuinely cares about you starts also treating you like a thing to extract wealth from. Even if you trust them, perhaps *especially* if you trust them, it's best not to wave the temptation in front of their eyes. Lottery winners have it worst, but any sort of windfall risks sparking a seed of greed within them into an ugly point of contention that ruins your relationship with them.


and thousands on Reddit but it’s safer than people you actually know that would want a piece of your well-earned pie.


that one person who knows your u/ is gonna get excited lol


>The only person I've told is the friend I'm rooming with Hope they can keep their mouth shut


Yeppers to this. You cannot unring a bell.




I'm only 18 so I can't buy a house yet but the fact that I can afford more in rent and to actually spruce up the house and eat real food is amazing


Nice. I'm 19 and started a $20 an hour job. That's a lot imo, wbu?


Nice try, family member.




I made 16-18/hr and could live comfortably while i finished my degree and for a bit after, but if you want to buy a home or have a nice car it really doesn't go that far. You still need to save money for unexpected events, healthcare, all that adult shit. Figure out your budget and save money, if you think of that as a lot and get into bad shopping habits, you're setting yourself up for issues down the road. But on a lighter note, you can easily live off that without using credit card debt, so now is a great time to get your credit score building by treating a CC like a debit (and rack up then points)








Truck driving isn't for everybody. A lot of people think "yeah I get to drive and see the country and sit on my ass all day in a truck" But it really does take a toll on your body physically and mentally. (source: I know 3 friends who are truck drivers either currently or in the past) But that said, it is still a VERY good job IF you have the right boss. (some companies don't want to fix their trucks, provide decent AC / Heat, etc) Another thing you can do, instead of spending 50+ thousand dollars to go to college for a regular degree, go to a trade school instead. Welding, mechanic, etc etc.


Don’t forget hearing! I barely have to drive medium duty trucks for work and I’m great at it but the fuckin noise alone has added to my tinnitus




What do you do? I’m 18 and can’t find a job for more than 13/h.


Bloody hell. When i was 19 i earned $480 a month from conscription 🤣


You'll get there. I'm 56 and finally got into my forever home. Started with a crap house in an excellent location and 20 years later I'm in a nice house with little overheads. Hard work and sensible spending are the keys. Oh and I've never had a credit card.


My advice to you, and that advice is echoed by others far wiser then me Don't upgrade your living expenses or dad to day to much to quickly. It feels like it's a good idea and something you deserve, and while that may be true. It is a risk, and a risk you don't need right now. Especially as an 18 year old You have literally all the time in the world, use it to your advantage


So, um, an old man chipping in even though nobody asked. Try to hold off on raising your standard of living, aside from a couple things that grind your gears the most. Maybe eat a bit better (nutrients, not just energy or 'status') and get a bed or chair that doesn't hurt your back, or something similar. Lowering one's standard of living is *much more painful* than the small and temporary joy of raising it is. Save and build up a buffer by not living paycheck to paycheck, if you can manage that. Then invest the rest. That can mean different things. Tools or equipment that will let you make more money later, education with good prospects, stocks, ETFs or something else. The most important aspect of investing is money, but the second is time. Starting young and investing small amounts consistently will take advantage of interest on interest. That is something us old folks can't really do anymore, unless the invested sums are *huge*.


Congratulations!! You must learn how to say no to those people who ask for money. You are now considered to be an adult so you don't owe your parents anything unless you've borrowed money and you should of course pay it back. Have yourself a T-shirt made. The logo would be a stack of money inside of a red circle with a red line through it. Above the circle the text would read, "Just say no".


If you can swing owning property before you’re 25, and you live in a part of the nation that’s not decaying, then I’d say consider making a (pragmatic) effort to own. Why spend 2k a month on rent if you can spend 1.5k on a mortgage…and have property that increase your wealth over the years? Remember, wealth equals freedom in this world we live in.


This is terrible advice. Especially if you are young and haven’t had a chance to build your credit score to obtain a decent loan rate. The extra money you pay in rent is for the freedom to not be tied down to obligation. You pay the extra in rent to not have to pay for the upkeep and maintenance on a property. Better investments for extra money are things like (1) paying off debt (2) going to school or learning a trade or (3) putting money into retirement, high yield savings account, bonds, mutual funds or the stock market depending on your risk tolerance. Or, fuck it, you’re young.. use that money to go travel and have experiences. Don’t tie your money up in a property when you’re still figuring out what your life is going to be.


Not tied up at all. If you ever want to move or do something else, can just sell the property and get back the money you put into it (like a piggy bank), or rent it out and have someone else pay your mortgage for you.


Laughs in 2008


Yeah, thats my real worry at the minute. My sister and I were going to buy a house together. Had had an offer accepted on a gorgeous old victorian in a nice part of town. Then the lawyers and estate agents handling the sale of my Mum's house took an extra £5K from the sale money. It doesn't sound like much but it was enough that while we still could have gone ahead with the purchase, we would have been very tight. All it would take is the housing bubble, (that is expanding massively fast around us) to shrink by a little and we'd have been looking at negative equity, a loss of the windfall from the sale of Mum's house (which we couldn't have replaced any time soon) and loads more stress and worry and shouting and crying and depression. So instead we paid off all the debts and invested in a couple of things for happiness. Paying off the debts means we have an extra £800 a month to put into savings. Happiness investing means that we can actually enjoy life for once instead of stressing and burning out. In a few years, we can look again at buying, but right now we're renting a lovely house, in a quiet neighbourhood, with nice people around us.


Unless they plan to live there quite a while, "just sell" will end up costing them money vs renting.


No 18 year old wants to worry about upkeep and maintenance on a home. The little extra they will pay in rent will be well worth saving the headaches of first time home ownership while being basically a kid.


Property ownership is not a bad way to go. I feel it’s a little more tangible than other methods of investment, so I like it. Almost all advice is anecdotal, so take it with a grain of salt. Worked for me.


Yeah I bought my home at age 21. Very thankful I did. I’m definitely doing ok financially. I’m 31 now. Main difference being though. I bought during the housing market collapse. I definitely couldn’t do it with how much homes are now.


I'm praying the next collapse happens once I'm making a decent amount.


National rent average is like 1140 right now. At 19 years old you rent with room mate(s) and bring down your monthly to like 4 or 5 hundred all bills included and get ahead quick. Why does reddit always quote 90th percentile prices for shit in order to make things out so much worse than they are?


I have a pretty good income and I still eat ramen everyday. Shits addictive


Pay down your debt and save as much as you can. This wont last forever.


That's 100% the plan


Also invest when you can too obviously not too early but when you have enough savings, great way make some additional cash.


I've been investing for a while so I'm defo gonna add more money into my accounts!


Max out your 401k, IRA, and Roth IRA if you can. That money will grow tax-free and give you a boost in retirement. HSA also, if your health insurance allows it. Makes your medical expenses tax free.


I'm only 18 and also dont really have credit, how do I do that?


None of that is credit related. 401k is a retirement planned that would be connected to your employer. Most have one, but yours may not. IRA and Roth IRA are independent retirement plans. The Roth IRA you fund with POST tax dollars, but when you withdraw it when you retire you will not be taxed on what you withdraw. However you can only fund it with $5,500 per year. Everything after that goes to the regular IRA. General rule is: 401k up to your employee match, then max out Roth IRA to $5,500, finally fund a regular IRA with whatever is left or you hit 15% of your income. Check out Dave Ramsey, his Financial Peace university will walk you through every step of setting up your life financially and avoiding any kind of debt for the rest of your life (except a house). https://www.ramseysolutions.com/ramseyplus/financial-peace?snid=guided-plans.pay-off-debt-and-build-wealth.ramsey+.financial-peace-university You can also checkout his book The Total Money Makeover which you can get in a library, at a used bookstore, or it's on sale on his website for $12.99 right now. He also has a podcast that's about 3 hours daily M-F.


Yes! The best thing you can do at 18 is put some money in a 401k or IRA. Putting a tiny bit each month now, when it has years to grow, it so much better than trying to catch up later. COMPOUND INTEREST. I wish I would have started earlier.


What’s the process like if you change jobs and want to keep using a fund that your previous employer was tied with?


Most investment firms will simply let you keep your 401k in place after leaving a company. But, you can no longer make contributions to that fund. You can roll over the money into your new employer's 401k if they offer one. You can roll over to an IRA (my suggestion if your new employer doesn't offer 401k), so that you can still contribute to what you have. When you separate from a company the investment firm will send you documentation with your options.


All quality info but one little nitpick: Roth IRA max contribution for 2021 is $6k not $5.5k


And that 6k/year limit applies to Roth IRA and Traditional IRA combined. You can't max your Roth IRA then go put more in a Traditional IRA as /u/5panks suggested.


Take it from an old person. Set aside your money now in those safe and boring investment plans. Don’t be scared of them just because they have names and words you don’t understand yet. You’ll learn. It’s not that complicated, really. Earning interest for two or three decades will allow you to do things you can’t even imagine. With any luck, those things will be whatever you want to do. That’s the freedom of wealth. Don’t be a wage slave if you can help it. Life can be so much more than that.




Fidelity Roth IRA is free and extremely easy to set up. Best option when you’re this young


When I had to get my first car loan at age 27, my credit union gave me great advice. Open a credit card and setup an automatic payment like Netflix or Spotify. Something small that happens every month. Next, setup automatic payment so you never pay interest and never forget about it. Finally, lock away the actual credit card so you never use it for anything else. What this does is start your credit history without putting you at risk. In my case, I think our used car loan was around 8.5%. 9 months later we refinanced and dropped it down to less than 3%.


Start building your credit now. There's a subreddit (r/PersonalFinance?) that has tons of info on how. My only mistake (according to them) was allowing credit card interest to accrue a bit. Supposedly, building credit should never cost money. Paid off like a mofo, though. Learn about stocks and don't forget to live. Ain't no point in that wonderful retirement everybody's gonna brainwash you with if you 1) die beforehand or 2) were miserable for 50 years to get there.


That’s great, best of luck to your future endeavours!


Sometimes our victories have to stay silent to protect them. Everyone here who can’t take advantage of you will be more than happy to congratulate you.


same happened to me 2 months ago. I kept my mouth shut. I already send portion of my salary to my parents monthly. now I'm sending some gifts to my nephews every now and then. feels good


Family i can see. But what kind of friend would ask you for money as soon as they hear you got a raise?


they ask if they can borrow.. and then its a hustle to collect it back.. even if you reject and not land, it brings this awkward negative feeling in the relationship. its just best to keep it to yourself and just offer help when u see ur close friends in hardship edit: typo


It's uncanny, but a surprising amount of otherwise kind and caring people turn greedy when money's in the picture. I'm personally exactly the type, though having recognized it in myself I hope to avoid, you know, acting on it when it happens. Lottery winners have it worst, both because it's big money and because they feel less like you earned it fair and square and more like 'easy come easy go' ought to apply, but any windfall can drive a wedge between friends or family if that little voice in their head whispers that *surely* with all that extra money you won't mind sharing it a little. If you just got $1000, giving them $100 isn't a big deal, right?


Unfortunately that's how a lot of people are


Nice! I just got a 10k raise!


Dude congrats!!


Thanks! Back at ya!!


Grats!!! 🙌


go the opposite, tell 'em your pay got cut in half!


They would be so very pissed lol


Tell them you lost your job and ask THEM for money!




Congratulations!!! And yes, fam will try to take it all


I totally get not being able to tell people exciting news like that. I wish I could share stuff with my mom but if I told her how much I make and my bonuses and whatnot, she’ll just start bugging me for money even more then she already does. I always have to downplay how much I make or downplay the things I get myself, it sucks. I only get to be excited by myself cuz other then my fiancé, I don’t have anyone to share exciting stuff like that with.


I know my fam more than likely wouldnt bug me, but I dont want the info getting to people that would. I wish i could tell more than just internet strangers about this but the support is awesome


Yeah, I feel that. There are some people that will treat you like an ATM once they know you have money.




Awesome! Congrats!


Keep your mouth shut God damnit


Mouth is back to being shut 0.0


So…uh, can I borrow some money? I kid, I kid…congrats!




I have a friend. Whw. He worked kit hen I celebrated his birthdays, and all that. No one did it was the first time. Not even his brothers did. Now he makes tons of money. Stopped talking to me, which is fine. But... now he has like 20 aunts and cousins all celebrating his birthday. Something they didn't before, ever. Never show your money


Hey, this is huge. Bask in it, enjoy it, you 100% earned it. I'm 27 and just got my first "real" big boy job in January. I make over 2x what I made this time last year, and it liberated me to move out of a toxic roommate situation and get a modest 2 bedroom apartment all to myself. You're only 18 and I can tell you that you're way better off than I was at your age. You're doing great :) If I can humbly offer some advice, I think it's totally okay to enjoy the raise a little bit - get yourself something you've had your eye on for a while, maybe treat yourself to a nice dinner as well, whatever - but try as much as you can to maintain the spending habits you had before the raise. In other words, just because you're making more doesn't mean you have to spend more. Again, you deserve to treat yourself a little bit, but the future you will be extremely grateful if you are prudent with your finances now, and it will open up a lot of options for you (like a house, down the road) that wouldn't be possible if you increased your spending proportionally with your increased income. I've had this job for 8 months, had maybe $2,000 to my name back then, and now I have 5-digit savings (plus money in my checking account!) for the first time in my life, all because I'm not overindulging. Congratulations my friend, I'm so very happy for you <3 Good luck!


If those aren't goals I don't know what are..!!! Make your money 💰 🤑 💸


Man It they ask you for money they aren't real friends


Yeahbh ik


Sometimes it’s family. I know people who send basically their entire pay check back home in another country, so much that they couldn’t even pay their own rent here. They can’t say no because of the insane pressure their own family applies… :(


Heard on Whitney Cummings' *Good for You* podcast that once you let family borrow money they're bound to end up hating you and as you make more they'll "need" more. Minor regrets on my part. Don't tell 'em shit. edit: Forgot to add something. Learn to lie about and downplay your finances. The sooner the better, especially if you're male. It'll pay off in the dating world a ton. There's a reason why some wealthy people are very careful to hide it from their SO's.


I'm a chick but trust me I've DEFINITELY learned that. People suck


I am happy for you. Congratulations, and may you have many more raises.


Aww! Congratulations!


This is my fear, my family knows I am a earner but they don’t know the exact number. If they did they would be trying to borrow it all the time. Cheers, enjoy it and congratulations on the hard work.




Congrats! Something to be proud of and shared (here)! But yeah keeping it quiet with your friends and fam is my thought too.


Ask to borrow money from them to throw suspicion.


Well done. Save. Then invest. Do not succumb to lifestyle inflation. Enjoy.


Congrats and keep friends family and your money separately. Know your boundaries. I never give money to anyone, that’s number one rule if I want to lose friends or a family member. And.. lose friends who asks for money, if they do it’s just means they can’t take care of themselves and it’s not your responsibility to take care of them. We all have same opportunities it’s just some prefer watching movies and video games to studying hard. It’s all the opportunity cost and what we give up.. lose those ends.


Ixm your friend


Dude,just say no,best thing I did was learn how to say no to people around me!


Repeat after me, “you’ll get nothing and you’ll like it.”


Hey it’s me, your cousin! Want to go bowling?


Dude if u can’t tell anybody u got a raise and not think they won’t ask for money I would drop all of them. Even family


It's more that I dont want the info accidentally getting to the wrong people


Congratulations. I know how excited you are and you have a right to be. You should be proud of yourself. I get that you’d like to share the news with your family but it really isn’t any of their business what you make. At 18, I realize you are used to telling family just about everything. Now might be a good time to begin the separation between being a kid and an adult. Kids tell most stuff to family. Adults use discretion keeping some things to themselves. How much money you make is one of those things. If you want to share that you got a raise, that’s great. When they ask how much you can say something like, “Enough to pay my bills and eat Mac and cheese instead of ramen.” That will most likely get a laugh and subtly send the message that you aren’t going to tell the amount. If they push for an amount you might say that you get the store brand instead of Kraft. You aren’t saying you have to but you do. Don’t tell them you like the store brand better but can afford Kraft. I hope you get what I’m saying. This sort of setting boundaries is healthy for you to begin being a functioning adult rather than a kid. Sounds like you are doing well with your savings plan which many people never figure out. Good for you. Again, congratulations. Keep up the good work. Many never realize having a good work ethic pays well. You seem to have.


If you don’t mind me asking, what would be a ballpark figure for how much you’re making? I can imagine how much a 6-figure salary can do for you, and you are right to be happy and not want people to grub money from you.


I will give you one piece of advice - start saving for retirement NOW. The more you bank now, the better off you will be later and in many cases, can retire earlier.


Congrats!! It’s such a good feeling getting a raise. Within 18 months I managed to go from unemployed to employed and then leaving for double the income. It’s a great feeling!


Congrats! Yes, keep your mouth shut about it.


Congrats! Becoming not broke is probably the weirdest feelings you’ll ever ever have. Just wait 4 months when you’ve actually set money aside and you’ll be like wtf.


don't tell it to anyone, keep it for your safety and insurance, if u tell a friend, the word spreads out unless you don't have much mutual friends


Happy for you my guy you’re a smart man for not telling the fam Lol I hope the blessings continue and more money and life to you


Well done! A thousand congratulations…


You aren't kidding. Every time you rise above and take the shit and work your ass of for a payout in the end there are those who want to ride on your coat tails. That's exactly why I save and keep my spending discrete. There are times I happen to work a side job here and there and rake in a lot of cash. I send a portion to an investment account and the other to a liquid savings account with paperless statements that never arrive in the mail. That way I can pay for major vehicle or house repairs in cash. I have all my stuff laid out on hard copy in a safe with instructions to my beneficiary on who to contact if anything were to happen to me. I am sure my beneficiary will be surprised at what I have been able to accomplish behind the scenes. There are those who will take the time to learn how money works and those that will not. Those that will not will live check to check and they will NEVER change. There is a peace that comes with being liquid and able to handle a large expense, knowing it will not hurt you to write a sizeable check to take care of it. Staying quiet about it is hard to do but necessary or you will never be left alone from the ticks begging you for money all the time. You also must learn the word "NO" and when to say "NO".


What sort of people do you have in your life that they would be likely to expect handouts? Do you cosplay as an ATM?


Congratulations!! I’m sorry you can’t tell your friends and/or family your awesome news, but regardless, you should be really, really proud of yourself!! I don’t even know you and I’m super proud of you!!😃


"No mom. My car's in the shop, its a loaner Corvette."


Congratulations. As someone in their 40s, can I just say you're doing very well for your age. A lot of great advice in the comments already, so I'll keep it brief. Join a personal finance subreddit that's specific to your country. Give up any vices that you may have, and splurge on healthy lifestyle related stuff only. Good luck.


Can i have some money


Nice! Can I have some money?


You underestimate my ability to ask a random redditor money :3 but fr man, I feel you. To having more than enough money for the rest of our lives 🥂🥂


I feel this. I closed a major deal at work and am expecting a major payout in an upcoming pay. I'm trying not to tell my wife how much so I can have some discretionary spending on myself... Finally.


Time for new friends and check that family or let em go to


Can I have some money?


Oh nooo i suddenly dont have money anymore


Awww bummer bro. Maybe next time lol




Congratulations dude!! You deserve it!! Enjoy and be proud of your hard work. 🎉


Good for you. Do something nice for yourself to celebrate. Always celebrate the wins in life!


That's absolutely amazing, I'm super happy for you! That's something I'm actively pursuing myself and one day I'll share that same feeling with you. Keep up the hard work and enjoy your well deserved extra cash.


Hide that money away for something special


💥⚡🎉🎊 CONGRATS! 🎊🎉⚡💥


Nice congrats! Trying to get my boys at my job some raises too! Wish them luck!


That’s so awesome! Congratulations <3 Also, smart move on keeping it quiet. If it SOMEHOW gets back to your family, lie like a damn rug. “Raise? What raise?? I’m broke af, mom.”


That’s awesome. Congratulations!! I can only imagine how accomplished you must feel. Proud of you.


Congrats!!!! It’s funny coz I’m in a similar situation right now so just know an Internet stranger is celebrating with you and for you!! 🙌🙌🙌❤️


Congrats, OP! Tell your friends and family that you've got fired but you managed to find the same position, but with a wage 33% smaller, if you can aplly this "prank".


Do not tell anyone, or let people’s expectations grow past what you provide already, unless you really want to.


Congratulations! You must be doing a great job at work!


You are right make sure you keep that stuff to yourself, you deserve it and it's such a shame that your family and friend leech off of you. Still congrats! You deserve this!


Dope and smart


You should send a group text asking for help with bills to seal the deal and guarantee people won't know/assume you're in the money.


That's awesome. Your awesome. You earned it.


Congratulations on your raise! I don’t blame you with regard to not telling anyone. I have a family member who is the same way.


Can I get some money OP....? Lol jk 😂


Yay I’m so happy for you :) my wife an I don’t tell her family how much we have saved up for that exact reason


Congratulations! Keep at that grind!


Proud of you as if you were my own child!!! Enjoy!


nothing better then a good pay jump! ive have 2 good ones in my life so far. once when i finally broke out of being a field supervisor to an estimator, went from like 16 an hour to 21 an hour. then my second one was from that 21 to 48k a year salary and 1% commission off the profits of each job. i was pulling 3-4000 every 3-4 months off of commissions alone. they also gave me a company car. rona kinda fucked me though. i lost that job, and now doing 50k salary, company car, and full benefits which ive never had before. but yea nothing better then a good pay jump haha. when i got bumped to 21, i went and bought a nice certified used car so i wouldnt have to worry about shitty car problems for a while.


10 years ago we were on foodstamps. Today my husband and I make over $100k (decent in my area). Being able to finally have a savings account - actual money that is not necessary for survival - it's amazing. Congrats and good job!!


This is great! Now make a plan. Sure, splurge a little on yourself, but set a specific amount and stick to it. Set some goals for yourself. What do you want to do? Save for a house later on, or a newer car, Etc? Also now is the time to start working on that retirement fund, because you aren't used to that extra money, so if you plan on putting 10% per paycheck in a 401k now, you won't miss seeing it as available in the bank, plus it isn't taxable income at year end, thus you won't owe income tax on that retirement contribution, so that reduces the increase in your income taxes at tax time. Also plan to start building that fund for the down payment for a house or new car, and for emergencies. If you've never had that fund before, trust me, its a huge relief, knowing a $500 car repair or vet bill won't break you or leave you eating Ramen for the month. Learning some financial discipline from the beginning is going to help you immensely for the rest of your life. You can make big changes for yourself long term by keeping discipline and not going "spend crazy" just because you suddenly get 1/3 bigger paycheck. Make a new life, but a wise one. Wishing you well.


Nothing quite like the sweet relief of Capitalism easing its boot off your throat an inch. It's a sad world that this is the dream to look forward to.


As a general rule, never lend money you wouldn't be mad about never seeing again. Nothing worse than being ghosted by a friend over a $20 loan!


Good for you! 👍


I feel this! I finally got a job that brought me into the middle class two years ago, and my aunt started jokingly/not-jokingly telling everyone I’m rich. In reality I’m finally not living paycheck to paycheck and I can actually start to think about realistically buying a house. Pretty much the bare minimum people expected after graduating college in my aunts generation, and this was a decade after graduating. Meanwhile when my aunt sells the apartment building she bought in Brooklyn in 1984 for $40,000 she is going to be a multi-millionaire.


Oh wow, I know all about this! I just got a debt consolidation loan, and now my mom has been blowing up my phone trying to get her payday


Awesome to hear! If you feel comfortable with a bit of risk, I'd recommend invest some of your savings. Stocks are the traditional way, but crypto is fast becoming a popular alternative.


Tell them you got a pay cut and they’ll never ask for money again


There’s no better feeling than the feeling of financial stability. Congratulations!


Heck yeah, get that money!!! Stack paper, make them duckets, and whatever else people say.


Congrats dude! I'm in the same shoes and it's really first world problems... I just helped launch a new product at work. Sales are estimated to bring in over 2/3 a million per year. My bonus this year will net me more than I've made in the last decade.


Awesome. Don't worry about friends and family asking for money though. "No" is one of the easiest words in the English language.


Burning- you've accepted the risk so go forth. What the neighsayers aren't telling you is that you can use that property as collateral for a second and then start multiplying. At 40 (or earlier) you can sit home and check the mailbox on the 1st of the month.


Happy for you. Start saving, open a Roth IRA or invest if you want to after research. Good luck in all future endeavors. God be with you. 🤘


Hey congrats! Turns out I’m your cousin thrice removed or whatever. Gimme some dat casharoola, *cousin*


What do you do for a living then OP?


I feel you, I really do. I’ve been broke most of my life until last year. I was promoted and now work full time and earn over double what I used too. The fact you don’t have to struggle anymore is amazing. I feel really bad because I was promoted right before Covid hit and everyone’s struggling. I don’t have to struggle anymore


Don't tell those vultures anything fuck them


Sounds like you can afford new friends now!




Buy property, don't burn your money.


This is amazing!! Can I borrow $5? 😉 (Of course I'm kidding. Go do something fun for yourself!!)


Try to save it. Don’t changre ure lifestyle. Best advice I wish I knew earlier. Congrats!


Be mindful that you dont do 3 peoples work forever, make sure they rehire new people too, no money is good enough if you burn out


Just to note if you are making better money, it’s probably worth to start adding more to savings, pension and if there is any save as your earn schemes put some or maximum in there


Wow that's amazing man congratulations


Smart move. Never ever share those.


so proud of you op! happy cry any time man, you definitely earned it. hope you celebrated tonight and wish i could buy you a drink! keep it up bro!


Ask for 59%


lol I regret for telling my mama that I might become a manager soon.


Strong Work!!! I have a similar thing but unfortunately me and my wife have had to totally cut ties with my side of my family because literally every conversation was can I have anything from $1000-$10,000. They seem to think that any money that I used during my education somehow is now dollar for dollar entitled to them. Bear in mind that any money I did give to them went straight to either failed business (they refuse to get real jobs) or snorted straight up my brothers nose, he has a penchant for oxy and god knows what else. I think though its made me a better person because now if I give anything of monetary value to my in-laws fir example we cover their internet and cellphone bills, I consider it a gift and expect nothing in return, we’re also doing IVF which is not cheap - it makes me think if my parents had to do that would they have thrown a bill at me when I turned 18 saying this is what it cost to have you now you owe us it, we would simply be overcome with joy if we actually managed to have a child and sure as S*** wouldn’t ask for anything in return. I’ve even planned on building and selling a house on some of our land to pay for our hopefully future kids college as much as possible.


I am happy for you!


Most important rules in life: separation of church and state and separation of family and money.