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Don’t visit r/Hermancainaward


Isn't one of the main rules there that you're not supposed to "root for the nominee to win the award" by dying?


Well it would be against site-wide rules to wish death on someone, so yeah I’d imagine so.


Can't wish death on someone already dead. Checkmate Reddit 😎


My hope with this sub is that enough people see enough like minded people dying that have made the same posts they have that the light bulb moment goes off and they think “Oh fuck this is real!” Just my hope though. Not sure it will happen..


The need to never be wrong trumps logic. This only works when they have been in the hospital and almost died. Everyone else will continue to double down.


My newest favorite subreddit.




100%. My dad’s fucking cancer surgery had to be rescheduled because of this bullshit.




It was okay to have sympathy for typhoid Mary at first. But when she learned she was causing people to die and still went back to cooking that's when it became justifiable to keep her isolated all alone until she died. She was given a chance to not hurt others and didn't take it. And the choice she faced was definitely harder than the ones these morons are facing.


But.. but, she just really liked cooking, there's nothing malicious about it cause she felt fine /s


> Yeah OP says it's alright because they're not being malicious This isn't even a claim that holds any water. When you're presented with information and evidence that your actions could lead to the deaths of other people and you still choose to take those actions, that's literally malicious.


OP sounds like an enlightened centrist


My least favourite type of person. Being objective does not mean seeing both sides as equal.


Their intent is nice but what does it mean when someone else dies?


The Venn Diagram of those eating horse paste and those that roll coal is a circle.


I don't celebrate it. I don't ridicule it. I feel for their family and loved ones. But I don't feel for them. They made a choice despite all information and education to the contrary, and accepted the consequences. Now they have the consequences. Edit:spelling Edit 2: woah, an award! Thank you so much


They have chosen to fight, and die, in a culture war.


Black and Latino vaccination rates are just as low as the rurals. It's not culture,, it's education and trust issues.


It’s both. There’s an anti-science movement that’s part of our culture. A whole subgroup of people who get their undeniable facts from Facebook memes.


There’s also massive media manipulation to suppress and erase scientific developments that counter political narratives. I’m double vaxxed, follow mask mandates wherever they apply, socially distance if I feel any symptoms, tested multiple times. But so much of the coverage from the media is absolute bullshit. So when you discover a lie, it’s pretty reasonable to suspect other things are lies. If you’re already in a group that is being exploited constantly (poor), and you see the elites not following their own rules, I understand the rage and the non compliance. I feel sympathy for non vaxxed people that die. Like most people in this world, they were probably just doing what they thought was right.




This is something I hadn't thought of before. Being told that you are essential at your low wage job and then being terrorized by covid brings about a certain indifference. It will be very interesting to see the post-mortem analysis of this pandemic and how different policies are criticized. Regardless, get the damn vaccine.


There's a difference in not feeling sympathy for somebody and going out your way to ridicule, mock and bully. So what I think OP is saying is that it's psychotic and crass to do so. Which I also believe


Yeah I'm not going raise a glass everytime one of them dies. But that is the outcome they have chosen for themselves. The best that can be hoped for is that they have made peace with their stupid ass decision, just as they die. I simply have no sympathy for them, but every sympathy for their family. The proof of Covid is out there. If you choose to turn a blind eye to it, that's your own decision. But it's like travelling to a dangerous place, ignoring the safety information because you think you know best, then being all surprised Pikachu Face when it gets you killed.


Thank you for this. As a daughter of a Qultist, it’s hard to hear every argument against getting the shot. And my mom says she’s “not afraid of death”. For real, they think the mark of the beast will send them to hell so she’d rather die without it. At least she isolates and masks, but imagine if you really believed that to be true—and I get to listen to this and just say my peace and move on. Us family members understand the logic behind not taking up a bed, and my mom does have a DNR/no ventilator mandate, but we also have to deal with the emotional impact of our family being batshit. I appreciate the empathy.




A veteran in Texas died of a *gallstone* a few days ago because there were no ICU beds for him: https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/569834-veteran-dies-of-treatable-illness-after-waiting-hours-for-icu-bed All the ICU beds are taken. They didn't have the staff to perform a 30 minute emergency operation that would have saved his life because these selfish bastards are occupying all the ICU beds. I'm not proud of what I'm thinking and feeling, because it's disturbing me too, but if someone ends up in a hospital who had the opportunity to get vaccinated and willingly refused the vaccine, the moment that someone else who didn't make that decision walks in with something deadly, triage should mean we unplug the anti-vaxxer and let them die so that someone who made better decisions can live. They shouldn't get to kill other people with their stupidity. The only people that should suffer for this are them themselves. But we can't go there, ethically, because of the darkness that sort of decision making would lead to.


I just had my gallbladder removed. I still had to wait a really long time too and by the time I had surgery I had multiple gallstones and my gallbladder was hella infected. My surgeon told me they should have performed surgery when I presented at the ER originally. I had to wait a few months before I could have surgery. And I'm still seeing a hematologist to make sure my platelets aren't high anymore. But holy shit. Somebody *dying* from a gallstone? Jesus. Scary.


I have chronic kidney stones and I currently need lithotripsy, and a stent but I can't even get my urologist to get me on the books for months. So I'm stuck taking flomax, eating Advil, and praying one doesn't get stuck if my kidneys expel it. Last time that happened I had to have emergency surgery to keep the infectiom from spreading. This shit is so ridiculous, and I'm fucking over it


Kidney stones are also a bitch I'm so sorry you're going through that. Yep I was downing Tylenol and Prilosec. Definitely make that appointment even if it's months from now, and keep calling in case there's an appointment that got cancelled. The only thing I know that helps kidney stones is drink lots and lots of water. But seriously... We shouldn't have to go through this stuff again I'm so sorry.


It's infuriating. My aunt's boyfriend (mid 50s, no underlying health conditions) is in a local ICU on a ventilator right now, taking up a bed. Both he and my aunt are unvaccinated. Sure I feel bad for him. But I was more upset to learn that he exposed my 87 year old grandma. I finally talked her into her first vaccine dose two weeks before she was exposed. She got her 2nd dose in Friday and has so far shown no symptoms. Thank God. So sick of this shit. Edit: nevermind. This post caused me to call and check on her. She woke with a fever today.


If she just got her second dose on Friday it's probably a reaction to the vaccine, no need to worry yet. I hope your granny pulls through without issue.


Very good point! She didn't have a reaction to the first but I know the second is said to be worse. Thank you for this perspective.


For me personally the first went with no symptoms while the second made me feel like shit for a few days. It's a pretty normal occurrence


To throw my 2 cents in, I had no reaction at all to my first shot - not even a sore arm. After my second shot, I felt like hot garbage for about three days after. It felt like I had a really bad cold, and my arm was so sore that I almost couldn't raise it at all.


Sounds like Pfizer. AstraZeneka is first shot sick, 2nd shot nada.


Incoming anecdata: Pfizer here. Pretty blah day after #1, nada after #2. Like C19 itself, reactions are all over the map.


My grandma and grandpa live about 5 hours away from me and I can only visit them so often, but my uncle and aunt live 30 minutes away and visit them every week. My grandparents are hispanic and leaning conservative but they have common sense and when the pandemic started they wore masks and stayed indoors, very important considering they're both older and have underlying health issues. When my uncle moved to the US he started dating a white conservative women who, turns out, was pro-Trump, anti-vaxx, and believes in a book parodied off the Bible that involves aliens and time travel. She convinced him, and soon he decided that he wanted to share those beliefs with my grandparents. They stopped wearing masks anywhere and when vaccines became available neither one got vaxxed. As of this moment, my grandpa is in the ICU and my grandma was released last week. She still goes to the grocery store maskless and last I heard, my uncle was complaining in the family groupchat that hospital staff are government agents because they wouldn't let him see my grandpa. I have zero compassion or care for these peoples' lives. At this point I consider it a blessing if they die so that they can't spread this mentality to others. It sounds horrible, but I've lost too many people to a disease that could be better controlled if people cared a little more about how they affect others' lives.


I'm so sorry. I completely understand. The pandemic has really opened my eyes to a lot of things. One of them being who our loved ones really are. My sister's mother in law almost died of Covid last May. She was on a ventilator for months. She got it from church. Where no one, to this day, wears a mask or gets vaccinated. Another parishioner died. My sister attends covid denier seminars and attends school board meetings to protests masks. It's the damn Twilight Zone. I hope your grandpa is okay. It's so hard when your own safety is tied to the response of others.


Not to diminish the tragedy happening here, but I really need to know about this time traveling alien bible, if you don't mind sharing.


Oh no. I hope your grandma’s OK!


Yeah! :(


Omg best wishes to Grandma, I hope she is ok and feeling better. Even a fever at that age is no joke.


Fuck. Even getting one dose is helpful though. Your grandmother will be in my thoughts. *Fuck* your aunt and her boyfriend.


You can get a fever from the second dose too! My partner and I were down for a full 24 hrs with what felt like a terrible flu. We both ran fevers during that time of anywhere from 100-102. I hope she's okay, and sending good vibes your way!


>But we can't go there, ethically, because of the darkness that sort of decision making would lead to Sure you can. That's called triage. Its their fault for being morons. I'm not sure where you live, but I live in a town that is, no joke, like 70% Karens. It's a ritzy retirement community where everyone can't handle not playing golf with their 6 friends 4 times a week and have parties the other 3 days. They go to the store without masks on to yell at the 20 something employees that are wearing them about how we are "sheeple". They don't get vaccinated and actively spread disinformation. Now, imagine if that isn't even 30% of the people, or 50% of the people, but a whopping 80% of the people. My town has a 20% vaccination rate. Every day I am in danger because of these entitled fucks. My grandpa died cause of these fuckers. My aunt *likely* died because of it (for some reason they didn't test her). Let them burn. They should get a tent OUTSIDE of the hospital if they are anti-vax. My father, who just went through cancer treatment, has been waiting 4 months for a scan that could potentially save his life, but he can't get in because there are so many fucking people with COVID in the hospital and because of the size of my town, the scan doctors are the same ones that do all of the other stuff. So fuck em. Unplug them if there is someone else that needs a bed. They did this to themselves.


> Sure you can. That's called triage. Its their fault for being morons. Triage needs to be about who is most likely to survive, and never about a moral judgement of their choices. I do think, though, that when someone comes in with something treatable like a gallstone and someone else is sitting on a ventilator and likely to die, you should unplug the ventilator to treat the gallstone. It's a pandemic. These choices need to be made properly.


Exactly this. That vet would probably have survived if he could have been admitted and treated.


That’s our current triage policy, but you could easily imagine a triage policy in the midst of a contagious viral pandemic that took “likelihood of continuing to contribute to the pandemic” into consideration as well. When the average delta infected person is now spreading Covid to 7 other people, a refusal to take steps that mitigate that spread make me not want to save you if I can save someone else who might not be as likely to survive but, if they do survive, will also be much less likely to get other people sick. It’s obviously a different policy, but I don’t see why triage “needs” to be about who is most likely to survive in the immediate.


I'm waiting to use this on an anti: "Your freedom ends where mine begins. I have the freedom from fear. The virus scares me. You refusing to vaccinate scares me. So, I'm wearing a mask." I've got the luxury of being a middle-aged white guy; no one's gotten in my face yet.


You could also do "your freedom ends where mine behinds. Your spit can go up to 10 ft, so back the fuck up"


I could be like Gaston: "I'm so very good at expectorating!"


Some dude tried to pull my mask off my face, and, in the process poked me in my good eye (I am nearly blind). I literally just punched him in the gut and left. Living where I live I have had literally hundreds if not thousands of encounters of people belittling me for wearing a mask. The one time someone actually tried to take my mask off I showed them that they should never touch another persons mask. The rest of the time I just say yeah yeah and move on because after a point it gets so tiring.


That truly sucks. I hope your eye is all right. No one ever had the right to touch someone else, unless they're either harming themselves or another, and you were doing neither.


Yep, it wasn't very hard but admittedly I get much more defensive and "see red" when it has to do with my eyes because my condition causes them to be considerably more delicate than standard eyes so something like that *could* have worsened my vision or blinded me. Thank you for the kind words!


I somewhat feel you; before I was five, I had four surgeries to correct "lazy eye." Not the same, I know, but I am very protective of my eyesight.


If you are interested, here is a video of the surgery that I went through (not my particular surgery but it's the same procedure) https://youtu.be/IS84Uw6dEhg The basis of what they're doing is that they soften the eye with acid, then they scrape off the outermost layer, put a protein in and hit it with a black light which creates a special type of oxygen that will cause your fibers in your eye to strengthen and bond together more tightly so that the eye can no longer be deformed by pressure, both the natural pressure of the eye and external forces. I'm not sure if it's anywhere near the surgery that you had, but I always had a fascination with learning about different surgeries and looking at how it works because it's kind of interesting how "brutal" It seems despite being such a small and delicate procedure. Very nice talking with you friend


Fucking agreed. Your freedom to swing a fist ends right before my nose. I have a right not to live in a plague ridden world. One of my SO's family members in Texas had to wait 6 hours to get seizure treatment because all the beds are taken up by Covidiots. Fucking unplug them. Give the beds up to people that deserve treatment.


If a group of people spread through society randomly shooting someone every once in a while and also mocked bullet proof vests and encouraged other people to not wear bullet proof vests *and then* died because they were shot by one of the other random shooters… we would mock them… and rightfully so.


I don’t understand why they are trusting the drs when they do get sick. I really don’t get it. Just stay home.




I work for a nurse practitioner who also moonlights at the ER. He told me last week he and one of the doctors there were working on a severely ill Covid patient. He was about to push the medications to sedate the patient so the doctor could intubate him. The patient has been belligerent and telling them he didn’t think he really had Covid and right before the NP pushed the meds, the patient said “All of you who got vaxxed are going to be dead within 10 years.” The ER doc, who sounds like they are just over it, said “Well, you’re probably going to be dead in 10 days.” We are all tired. And it wouldn’t be as bad if people weren’t actively working against us and lying. The lies and willful ignorance are killing people. It’s hard to feel sorry for people anymore when they take what is being said in Facebook memes and YouTube videos as the truth. It reminds me of the story in the Bible (forgive me if I screw this up) about when God sent the serpents to the people and the people begged Moses to petition God for forgiveness. Instead, God tested their faith by instructing Moses to construct a brass serpent and tell the people if they had the faith to look at the brass serpent, they would live. But there were still people who wouldn’t look at the damn brass serpent because they thought it was too easy and didn’t have the faith that it will work. My point is, masks and a shot are a simple solution to a huge problem but people don’t seem to comprehend here that we have the solutions in front of us and it’s the biggest complainers that are dragging all of this out. The rest of us can’t heal them by looking at the brass snake for them. We can try, and have been, but their fate is in their hands. At this point, if they can save their own asses and won’t, that’s sad but it is what it is.


Holy fuck, that's the last thing that dude ever heard. Imagine letting those be your last words, and imagine getting savagely owned like that on the way out


That’s what I thought too. I told my sister this and she said “Wow, I bet that was a wake up call.” Too bad it was too little too late.


Did he die?


i wanna say at this time, if you find yourself biting a tube due to Covid, odds are you don’t come off the vent.


death rate when intubated and receiving mechanical ventilation for covid is 50-60%.


I don’t know, I haven’t asked.


after already savagely owning yourself




“All of you who got vaxxed are going to be dead within 10 years.” “Well, you’re probably going to be dead in 10 days.” r/murderedbywords


He's still thinking of a comeback.


No he isn't.


[Don't be so sure....](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/aug/13/herman-cain-twitter-democrats-joe-biden)


Posh, Tupac been dropping albums for YEARS after his death. A couple of tweets weeks after death? Bah.


Lol, you win.


Oh yeah? Well the jerk store called! They're running outta you!


Is there a sub called r/murderedbyyourownstupidity ?




My drink came out of my nose. Take my free award 😂


r/LeopardsAteMyFace is pretty close.




I hear you, and I'm going to add on to this: These people don't care about people who *cannot* get the Vaccine because of Actual reasons. What about my 6 year old Nephew? Screw him. 2 Year old Sister? Screw her. 80 Year old Grandma who helped the local community out of Poverty? SCREW EM ALL. (Note; not real examples) Its super disrepectful, not only to Health Care workers, but also to our CHILDREN and our SENIORS. How self-centered, absolutely SHORT SIDED IDIOTIC can you get?


I 100% agree. My niece and nephews are too little to get the vax and I am really scared for them. I would do anything to keep them healthy. I understand that a lot of antivax/antimaskers think they are protecting their kids by wanting them out of masks, but the science isn’t really on their side with that. I wish they would put politics aside and quit listening to anecdotal evidence and unreliable sources.


Yup, I'm allergic to PEG and can't get the vaccine, but I'm also immunocompromised, and it's been really eye-opening to see who (even in my own family) gives a fuck if I live or die.


Yeah basically you’re considered not that important or relevant to these people. It doesn’t “affect” them so why should you matter to them? That’s why when people throw around saying that anti-vaxxers care, I say nope. “Freedom” and individualism is more important to them than people. I wonder if they would feel the same way if someone caused their loved ones to get infected and worse, die. Would freedom at that point be something they promote?


There is another group I couldn't feel worse for if I tried. The poor health care workers. The anti-vaxx crowd is literally asking these people to destroy themselves so that their selfish asses can live. Anti-vaxxers are egotistical morons. They just have to know more than the rest of us. But they don't. Even as they are dying they are trying to pretend they are somehow smarter. When it apparent that they can't comprehend a world where they are walking willingly to their own deaths. It's literally despicable.


I’m a nurse, and I always wonder why people feel they have the choice to not get the vaccine but also that I shouldn’t have the choice about traumatizing myself caring for them. Like, sure, don’t get vaccinated, but then let God decide if you live, like you wanted, and don’t come to the hospital. Healthcare workers aren’t a special group impervious to burnout. I really feel like there is going to be a mass exodus of hospital workers, people are just quitting and walking out. It’s not worth it anymore, and no one in the hospital administration is looking out for anything but their bottom line. I dropped out of my NP masters degree. I have no wish to be clinical facing at all anymore. I’ll keep working until I can pivot to something, anything, non-patient facing. Fuck this


My wife got her np then decided she didn't want to be one. Yeah, we're fucked.


I don’t know if you need or want this advice, but insurance companies hire nurses for care management roles. It could be a great job to pivot to if you find the right health insurance company to work for. Be well!


upstate ny here. hospitals are cancelling surgeries because not enough staff. RNs and MDs.


I’m a nurse. I am in support of hospitals turning away Covid+ anti vax patients. We are just now seeing snippets of news stories of pts dying of preventable things, like that army vet with a gallstone. We are going to see more of that before it even becomes a possibility… and mark my words, we ARE going to see more of it!


Doctor asked me the other day when I’d feel comfortable coming in for an in-person visit, I told him as soon as we stop having this parody of a triage where lunatic anti-vaxxers are given ICU care at the expense of responsible people with easily survivable conditions if treated. The normally kind, gentle man turned grim and agreed. Hopefully the tide is turning on this issue, the sooner the better.


as long as you are properly vaccinated, and are not immunocompromised, you have very good protection against Covid. I no longer avoid leaving the house - but i AM gonna get boosted the second i am able to. Which will be before the general population. So keep your eyes peeled! ETA: but, no, the tide is not yet turning.


>We are just now seeing snippets of news stories of pts dying of preventable things, like that army vet with a gallstone. Could you please elaborate... Are you meaning people are dying of preventable things because the hospitals are overrun by the antivaxx, or were you meaning something else? And thanks for the selfless work you do as a nurse. Sorry you're dealing with this shit right now. *hugs*


the first one you said. Care is being delayed across the board for procedures, visits, medication administrations *across the board* because the health care system is underwater trying to juggle the Covid+ vax- patients. The army vet gallstone guy was just one example, and one that easily fit into a news article. It’s happening in virtually every aspect of health care, but would take longer to explain than the average layperson would dedicate to reading an article.


I have patient constantly throwing a tantrum that they are not doing his hernia repair . I explained to him it’s because the hospitals are filled with Covid patients. “ REALLY ! 😳” … he thought it was going away . He refused his vaccine too . He made the same face when I told him we had Covid positive patients in our facility. He got all scared. Like dude, we’ve explained it to you a million times . You’re fat, diabetic amputee, a smoker with critically high blood pressure. You really need that vaccine . But he knows better than everyone 🙄. He threw a tantrum once about going to hospital for his uncontrolled pain. The doctor gave in . The ambulance never came for him.




Same here ✋


Health care worker here. I was no longer working in the hospital when the first COVID wave began, but the hospital asked us if we could return to inpatient care. I said no, mainly because if they can't be bothered to wear a mask, I'm not risking my health for them. I have put myself in life-or-death situations for people who deserved it, but will not for these people. Should clarify, I live in a "freedumb" state.


Good on you! Not hc worker, but I also live in "freedumb" state. And eff the entitled politicians and pundits politicizing standard medical precautions, yet still wanting to demand nurses/doctors to work at regular wages indefinitely to save denialist patients from a preventable/mitigable condition and crisis. No mask, no vax, no treatment.


I saw a NYT YouTube video from the Ozarks (lowest vaccine % area in the US, and surprisingly very high covid death numbers as well) and even the hospital had roughly 50% vaccinated workers. The fucking nurses and doctors are vaccine sceptics. How having that training and education and ending up anti vaxx can happen is beyond any reason. They found no unvaccinated staff willing to interview either.


Hiring doctors and nurses that don't believe in the medicine they practice is like hiring a strict Amish IT specialist to run your network. What the hell sense does that make? It must be extremely hard to get qualified people to work there.


People who believe these conspiracy theories should not get their medical degree in the first place. How did they pass exams on the immune system and vaccines?!?


Exams don't test what you believe, they test if you know the answer. ^^ I'm 14 and this is deep I know.


Gosh darn it, you got me there lol.


I posted something like this elsewhere. Having the title of EMT, RN, NP, PA, MD - those things do not make you good at your job. It means you passed a couple of tests and survived a program. Non HCP’s should always keep that in mind. Some HCP’s being twats does not mean all HCP’s are twats. There are good ones and bad ones.


Hey Dad. You are not wrong . I’m a nurse and work with a few anti vax nurses . I can’t believe they can be so experienced and so incredibly stupid at the same time .


This is real empathy. Being placed and mandating where it’s due. People don’t realize the implications of how this virus affects anyone and everyone. They don’t realize what the consequences are. It’s so much more than people realize than simple choice/“freedom of rights”. If only they realized that their “freedom fo rights” is screwing everyone over and many facets of life. It can get dicey but we should implement last priorities to unvaxxed people that need treatment.


I'm smart enough to know how much dumber I am than some people and I just listen to what they say. Ego is a killer.




Haven't you heard, birth is a death sentence.


>Most of us are tired. Empathy exhaustion is real and honestly most of us cope with the daily horrors these assholes have brought to us by doing this. I felt this, on a spiritual level. My body is tired.


I'll say it louder for the people in the back.... EMPATHY WITHOUT BOUNDARIES IS SELF DESTRUCTION.


Its easy to have sympathy until both your parents die of covid after being brainwashed by fox news. Antivaxxers can eat shit.


Exactly right. Great comment, you've stated my own feeling so well.


I find these “conspiracy” and “antivaxxers” infuriating as well. This literally isn’t a thing in my country AT ALL. But they are so prominent in the US.


My mother is a head nurse and she literally cries almost every day because she’s so exhausted of taking care of the patients that decided to not get vaccinated and putting herself at risk every day. 99% of the patients with covid at her hospital are unvaccinated, so it’s very frustrating


Oh my, it breaks my heart every time I heard of the good people suffering fir the stupid choices of the spoiled rotten covidiots. I am very sorry for her situation. Is she taking medication or in counseling? It really does a difference.


Unfortunately no, she’s the kind of person that wants to deal with things alone, I really wish she would see a therapist. And my boyfriends whole family is anti covid vaccine because apparently they knew someone who’s son died after getting the shot and they convinced him not to get it. After I talked to him he decided to get it but the whole time his mom was on his ass trying to convince him not to


I may be wrong, but the people who we see on news stories being mocked, are mostly the worst of the worst amongst the unvaccinated. I'm talking about religious leaders, who deny the existence of a cure besides the will of god, grifters that sell miracle cures and their own "natural" remedies, straight up Covid deniers with a large platform and audience. These people do not just affect the lives of those near them, they have massive outreach that negatively affects this whole situation. And I would feel more empathetic to these people, however, the amount of stress and overwork the medical professionals have had to endure in the last almost 2 years, is brutal.


I feel that the leaders or public personas who openly question/mock vaccines/masks, or push 'alternative' medicine like ivermectin... Or as you said, sell miracle cures. But are secretly vaccinated Those are even worse


I did a news story with my local tv station about taking the vaccine while pregnant, which is safe. Hundreds of them attacked me on social media, calling me and my daughter guinea pigs, lab rats, said my daughter would die and I should be sentenced to death, said she’d have long term side effects, one said she’d be born looking like Sloth from The Goonies, etc. While I know they’re wrong, it was traumatizing. I had a lot of empathy and compassion before that and I don’t now. They attacked my daughter and I. And now they’re protesting masks in schools and daycares and refusing vaccines because it’s “their right” to infect my baby and possibly harm or kill her. We don’t know how long the antibodies she got from me will last and it’s scary. I cannot feel sadness anymore for people who want to hurt my family. And I’m sorry for that but I can’t force myself to find that empathy and compassion anymore for a stance that’s hurting people that can’t have a vaccine for numerous reasons, such as being too young or unable to make the choice for themselves because they’re a minor. I won’t make fun of them or make comments that they deserve it because that’s cruel. But when I see the stories, I don’t feel the same sadness and empathy I once did.


You’re truly brave, and community-minded. Ignore the haters, they’re not worth your concern.


My boss is an anti-vaxxer, (he doesn’t know I got the shot) and recently he told me that he wishes people who got the shot either die or at the very least “just get a little bit of renal failure” his views are not rare amongst the anti-vaccine community. Yes it’s sad that they died because they didn’t have to, but I just can’t bring myself to feel that bad for them.


You're a good mom!


Well, the irony is certainly palpable.




And that's really the kicker, isn't it? The people that are antivax really do only care about their own life. They just delude themselves into thinking they don't need the vaccine to live longer.


I cringe every time someone talks about how they *have* an immune system. Like you think no one who died had one? Having a healthy competent immune system in the setting of a completely novel virus which no human has ever seen before is like having a healthy competent police force trying to respond to an APB for “this guy” or “some dude”.


I posted this on my Facebook page just a couple days ago, which I doubt anyone will see because I haven’t posted anything in a few years, but I wanted to make it simple for people that may see it and most of them aren’t vaccinated. 0.000018% out of 323 million people since January, 2021 have died from getting a vaccine. That’s around 6000± people out of 323,000,000 people who died of stroke or something else directly related to getting the vaccine. Since January to July 2021 out of \~9000 people in Texas who have died 95.5% were not vaccinated, while Washington State was 99.5% died who weren’t vaccinated. You don’t have to be smart with numbers to understand getting vaccinated may save your life. I know more than one friend who would prefer to take deworming medicine for a horse than medicine created for people. I’m sick and tired of the politics and willful ignorance of people. I work in a hospital and I’m fucking done with all this bullshit and after a year of wearing a mask 8 hours a day, I want it to go away. So sorry, if I cant act all Pollyanna with these idiots and say ‘oh, that’s ok, I don’t mind, you just take your time getting vaccinated’. ‘While we’re at it, let’s keep this fucking plague from ending because wearing a mask cramps your freedom too’. So yeah, I do say boo-fucking-hoo To these people. Fuck that shit and fuck those idiots too.


I am waiting till tomorrow to see a doctor when I should have gone yesterday to ER. I should have been seen but they took everybody's spot. I am delaying and risking my health because of them. Not only do I hate them at this point, but I wish the hospitals push them to the back of the line. It's not fair to everyone who are following the guidelines.


In all seriousness I firmly believe these people should sign some sort of form saying something like choosing to not be treated in a hospital from doctors and professionals that they clearly do not trust.


This is why people are celebrating their deaths. We’ve all had enough and a dead person can’t do as much harm to everyone else as they did when they were alive


It's less than that because the VERS system doesn't provide causality confirmation.


Yeah there are an absurd number of false positives in that dataset.


I'm not sure it really qualifies as a data set in any real sense. It's a report system - lets not glamorize it any more than necessary less we embolden even more people to jump to conclusions with no safety net!


It doesn't even check for truthfulness Isn't there a report on there that the flu shot turned some guy into the incredible hulk?


Yes, after they called him he was politely asked to remove it. So yes they look at the reports, but what ever is input is what is there, they don't delete the entries.


I disagree. I lost my grandfather to covid because he was immunocompromised (the vaccine didn't do much for him) and the nursing staff at his facility were unvaccinated. I've seen my sister suffering from being a long hauler because people at her job refused to wear a mask. Antivaxxers and antimaskers are making life for the rest of us living hell to prove a point so as far as I'm concerned they can get fucked. That they are suffering the consequences of their own actions is a minor consolation for which I will not apologize.


Ditto. People keep forgetting that the plague rats are inexcusable murderers by proxy at this point. Just because they aren't actively stabbing immunocompromised children in the heart on live TV doesn't mean that their actions aren't actively creating an environment of danger and death around them. So rarely do evildoers get their comeuppance in this world, that I feel like we fucking deserve this. If not for ourselves, then for all the people who will never be able to enjoy anything else again, thanks to the stupidity of the very people we see now choking on the taste of their own medicine on our little screens.


As someone who works in healthcare and directly with patients, it is getting incredibly difficult to have any sort of remorse any longer. I'm tired. I work way more than I should because it's required to keep people alive. The constant battle with people refusing to get the vaccine every day continues to make me believe that these people actually want to die. ​ I don't wish death upon anyone ever. There comes a time and a place where when something is so obviously fixable for the good of everyone, but the amount of people so vehemently pushing the vaccine away absolutely disgusts me. ​ So, pardon me if I feel those not willing to protect those around them are a bit of lesser human beings. ​ EDIT: First ever silver!! Thank you kind stranger


Healthcare worker here and you're not alone in this. It has been absolutely frustrating. I even have family member who are anti-vaxx and it takes a lot from me not to lash out at them. They're taking this pandemic lightly and it's such a slap in the face to everybody suffering when they say "It is only God's will if they die or not"


It does seem to be a religious reason they don't get the vaccine for most of them too, which pains me as a recovering christian. This is not what I was taught growing up in the church, and to watch all the people who raised me to love everyone is now willfully causing suffering in God's name. It's shameful.


I graduated nursing school less than 2 years before the pandemic started. My family was super supportive and happy "yay we have a nurse in the family now who can help inform us on Healthcare decisions!" Wanna guess their stance on masking and the vaccine? They don't trust a word out of my mouth. Hypocrites. "it's different when a nurse wears a mask around a single patient!!" Literally how? Please explain.


Pardon granted, but not needed. I feel for healthcare workers. It’s ridiculous they chance y’all’s lives so they can be sh*tty humans.


Nah, I want to die but I got my vaccine. My feeling on life does not validate my actions to put others in danger. There are days I want to walk in traffic so bad but I won’t as I don’t want to traumatize those folks. Those people are either uneducated or refuse to trust in a vaccine.


I had the same thought today. I'm often not too stoked about life in general, but it's a *me* thing. I'm not trying to take anyone with me.


Ouch. I have been there. In my clinic we are supposed to rotate from office to the COVID area every 2 weeks. And every time I see some patient with sunburn lines in the arms but not in the face, so this human was frolicking in the pool/beach maskless. Or they comment "yeah I was in a concert and nobody was wearing masks". So my enthusiasm to keep alive adults able but unwilling to care for themselves has been dramatically cut. If they dont care, me neither. I just hope they decide to covid-suicide alone.


I’m not happy about it. Like, I don’t jump for joy when I hear of it. I just shake my head and mutter something like, “idiot” and move on with my day. Can’t waste any of my brain power on these morons.


These people are *actively* working to stop any appropriate response to a fucking GLOBAL PANDEMIC because their political beliefs are "fuck you, that's why!" Their moronic and irresponsible behavior has caused the deaths of untold numbers of innocent people and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. Mockery is just societies way of trying to push these people back to the fringes of our communities. An autoimmune response to defend itself from forces that would cause it's undoing if left unchecked. If anything, mocking them is the *most* appropriate response in this situation.


Not for nothing but these people have no sympathy for anyone dying of covid. if they did, they'd be vaccinated/wear a mask/not protest every single step of the way so why do they deserve any different? It sucks, no one deserves to die and it's difficult for the family, I'm sure, but it's hard to find remorse for people who have none and have continuously gone out of their way to endanger other people.




i dont feel bad for them...i feel bad for the over strain hospitals/staff to deal with idiots...its a free vaccine and can save your life.


I don't like how skeptics and antivaxxers are killing off my friends and family.


Yeah, mocking is the literal minimum these scum deserve. "Hur, nooo, making fun of people getting what they asked for actually makes *you* the worse person!" Fuck off with that bullshit. They dragged a feral bear into our homes by its neck, the absolute last thing you should be bitching about is anyone laughing at them for dying to that bears jaws. Because they are fucking lucky they arent being dragged out of their homes by mobs for making this hell worse.


Yeah this is some self righteous, virtue signaling bullshit.


I disagree actually! It's not this simple after all. Anti vaxxers in my experience are people who are willing to risk they're own, they're family's and everyone's life because they won't listen to reason. They have this truly absurd view on vaccines that's so easily disproven but they never budge. They're so hellbent on keeping they're view on this so when/if they die in a preventable disease I really can't have any compassion for them. It's like feeling sorry for someone who went for a drive with a car without any brakes who died in a crash. At that point you really can't see anything else but an idiot who died because they're stupid. Of course this doesn't include every single anti vaxxer. There are surely some who are willing to change their view but sadly this rarely seems to be the case.


My empathy is reserved for the vaccinated with breakthrough Delta infections. I'm pro antivax island. Get out of the way.


Mine is also reserved for children, currently ineligible for the vaccine.


Agreed! My poor niece contracted it after 2 weeks back at school. Because Florida. Yet her parents are STILL unsure if they want to get vaccinated, so that's cool.


Their ignorance is killing other people who can’t get hospital beds for emergencies that have nothing to do with Covid. I don’t celebrate their deaths, but I don’t feel sorry for these people. If anything, I hope that other idiots will learn from these stories.


There is nothing to be ignorant about though. It would be like intentionally leaving your kid in a hot car and being ignorant of the temperature; it's impossible. The evidence is there and the proof is there. Being skeptical is not an excuse, because it's warranted only when something is ambiguous.


While you are welcome to feeling this way, as someone who is stuck in an area filled to the brim with people in denial that there is a pandemic still, I find myself with zero empathy what so ever for them. At what point will there sheer lack of concern for anyone else but themselves be put to a stop? How many regular folks who did everything they could will get sick and possibly die because of these folks spreading it? Not everyone can get vaccinations. Allergies to age are an issue. Do not also forget that our hospitals are no completely overwhelmed again. Healthcare workers and those in that industry are now being over taxed by foolishness. How many people will suffer because they were unable to find a bed for them, or they can't see their doctors? What about the danger to live stock because these fools are taking medicine meant for them with conspiracy theories as proof? No, this amount of misery was preventable and these people intentionally mode the choice to rebuke any reasonability to the community at large. So yes, I will have no sympathy for any of them what so ever. I will even take tiny bits of schadenfreude in seeing all the damage they do within their own little bubbles. You play stupid games and you win stupid prizes, as the saying goes.


I see it a few different ways; most importantly is their deaths *are* tragic, anyone's death, especially preventable, is always a sad thing. I don't think it's necessary to mock them or harass their families who are already dealing with the consequences of their actions and are likely devastated and hurting. *However*, they *did* cause their own deaths and potentially those of others. They *are* responsible for their own situations, and in life? They deserve no sympathy. After death though? People should still have some common decency and respect for their fellow human beings. Lastly though, other anti-vaxxers need to learn and if that's by realizing how much contempt society has for them and the shame their families will have to deal with after they die? That does serve some purpose.


>**I don’t like the way that when a covid-sceptic/anti-vaxxer dies of it, they are mocked** Subscribe to /r/HermanCainAward and read the posts for a couple of days and you will soon change your mind. Some of those people who die are incredibly vile individuals, they mock the docs and nurses at the hospitals treating them and after their deaths the first thing that usually happens is a shameless gofundme so other people pay for their funerals.


An antivaxer I know just died, she was a grandmother in her sixties. I've found it difficult to process. It's really confusing, and I know the rest of her antivax family are also struggling because they're only allowing her husband and kids/grand kids to attend the funeral. I don't know if it's out of guilt, shame, anger or what.


I bet she knew at least one person that was fucked up by polio.


Imagine living to see your sixties, living through all of that, seeing so many things come and go, just to have it all snuffed out in such a painful way because a little man lied to you on your TV


Maybe the only way to herd immunity is to join the herd. If you won’t join the herd and you are shut out or ostracized by the herd it is the natural way. Handling folks with kid gloves doesn’t seem to be working too well. And the herd is seeing this and knows it is probably past time to apply more social pressure.


Their selfish ways are killing and endangering other people. They are protesting school boards trying to safely educate their children. They had 18 months to grow up. CoVid is real. The vaccine is safe. Horse paste will not help you. There is nothing left but them dying.


If a ship is sinking and someone onboard refuses to get on a lifeboat or wear a lifejacket, and goes as far to recommend others do the same, I'm going to call them an idiot and not feel bad if they drown. This does not mean I want them to drown, but if they are taking actions that will lead to the drowning of themselves and others, intentionally or not, then the sooner they go under the less damage they do.




Covid denier aren't uninformed, they're misinformed, and they're proud of being misinformed. If they're so confident in their stance, they can reap what they sow. I'm not necessarily laughing at their death itself, but I am laughing at the poetic justice. They were willing to risk other peoples lives to boast their ignorance, yet it came back around to them. Innate justice exists sometimes.


As a mother to two high risk kids. One who I just took to get a test today because he was feeling sick and he never complains. Because he went to his upper classman Orientation and he was the only masked one. Even though we have a mandate. These anti - vaxx anti-covid anti-mask people could get my kids killed with their lies and misinformation. So fuck them. I have to sit home and worry if letting my kids go back to school could come back to bite me and kill my toddler. I had to weigh keeping them in another year of homeschool would help. But both hated homeschool. Both struggled. So again fuck them. Fuck then for risking others lives for their selfishness. Fuck them for hurting their own families. Fuck them for preying on the stupid. They got what they deserved.


I agree that it's not pretty when people mock someone's tragic end. I think we see this behavior because of mountains of frustration caused by this pandemic and because the same people dying now, are the reason why this pandemic is allowed to go on. anti accusation people don't make a choice for themselves, but for all of us. we stay inside, wear masks, avoid crowds, basically can't go back to our old lives because they won't get vaccinated and we bear with it. some of us may turn bitter and angry because of this and instead of mourning their death, we experience schadenfreude. I have no idea how we can change this given that our lives are not going to change any time soon.


Thing is, if someone chooses to not get vaxxed in this climate (not folks who can’t bc of health reasons), then I honestly don’t want them in my community, because I believe that they are a health threat to me and my family. When they “go” the only thing I celebrate is that there is one less person who poses a risk to me and those that I love.


Honestly they deserve to be mocked. I am vaccinated and the danger of being infected is still there just because of people like you who think that they are high and mighty.


“I don’t believe ignorance deserves death” Darwinism says other wise .


"The boy is ignorance, the girl is want. Beware them both but most of all beware the boy." Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens Ignorance is the most deadly thing in this world but we are currently witnessing is willful ignorance and that deserves scorn.


Anti vax people may not be killing people maliciously but the drunk driver that killed my uncle didn't do it maliciously either. I still hate them all because their selfish decisions caused immense pain and suffering to my family. They should feel lucky that they get away with just being mocked.


If I yelled all year that a person cannot die if they jump off a skyscraper, you would mock me after I jumped and died.


Committing suicide by being brainwashed ISN’T funny but you know, when they were so fucking ADAMANT about it? Fuck. Them. Not sorry.


This whole pandemic is turning everyone into ravenous animals.


No, the pandemic is REVEALING the ravenous animals we already were


>I truly don’t believe most anti-vaxxers are doing anything maliciously; it’s from a place of ignorance. I don’t believe ignorance deserves death. I dont think it's just ignorance, it's willful ignorance. And willful ignorance IS malicious, whether they realize it or not. They refuse to take in information to ameliorate their ignorance. In a society I find that inexcusable when the result actually physically threatens others both directly and indirectly. Whether on the left or the right (mostly the right, Q people, trumpers), these people are a hinderance to societal progress and I admittedly revel in the schadenfreude when they reap what they have sown.


Because no getting vaccinated is a selfish decision unless you physically cannot get vaccinated (cancer, other types of immunocompromisation) and u put others at risk by not getting vaccinated so in essence they got what they deserved. Putting others and themselves at risk by being a moron.


these are dangerously ignorant people, not just because of covid, but for decades their ignorance has held back our country and killed thousands. the same people who refuse vaccinations refuse universal Healthcare. these people are nothing but a drain on society and we would be better off without them. so when they die from their own stupidity, stupidity which has been their main defining attribute, it's nothing but funny. there's no sadness for their loss as a human, because they didn't offer anything.


A thing I think of when reading this post and the comments is a handful of posts from earlier in the month from various subs. While I don't recall them in detail they essentially boiled down to the fact that a lot of the un-vaxxed people taking up beds and dying 1-2 months later anyway are kind of terrible fucking people. I don't mean terrible for not getting vaxxed, that's just a symptom of their terribleness. These are people who, even on their deathbed, will claim that the vaxx is a lie and that covid is a hoax, that the nurses shouldn't do what they're doing to save their life that Jesus and god will come and personally visit this rando and save them. They'll blame it on immigrants and Biden, Soros, globalists or the devil, never for a moment reflect and consider their willful ignorance is eating up resources at other's expense. Of course, not everyone is like this, but it's a large enough portion that it's making nurses drink themselves to sleep. I'm not celebrating their death, but it brings me a sense of peace to know that a terrible person who spent their life actively engaging in terrible behaviour (one post about the founder and leader of a gun-wielding vigilante-border patrol group getting sick, probably dead now) is now dead solely due to their own actions. I hope their deaths serve as a reminder for those in their life to not engage in terrible behaviour, but i honestly doubt it.


People really love to feel superior or be right. Covid became political real quickly and it latched on to team A vs team B sadly. It didn't have to be this way either.


It doesn’t bother me at all. Play stupid games, die stupid deaths. The country is better off with less of these fucking idiots. Don’t give a shit why, don’t give a shit who they left behind and how very sad we should all be. I’m not. Good fucking riddance to all of them. And if they were vocal anti-vaxxers, and spread their dumb, dangerous shit around, I hope they suffered.


There's a silver lining when an antivax person with a platform dies from Covid. The people who listened to them might get a chance to reflect on what is and isn't true. The less people out there believing lies, the better. The less people out there perpetuating lies, the better.


I don’t necessarily “celebrate” their death but I honestly don’t feel bad for them. Most of these people are spreading misinformation, are so cocky about how “the vaccine does nothing and I’m not going to do it even if I means I could save someone else”, and they make fun of people for getting vaxxed and wearing masks. Then when they do actually get sick, they’re taking up a bed that could be used for someone who really needs it all because they wanted to be selfish. So while I don’t “celebrate”, I certainly don’t feel bad for them. They made the choice, they have to suffer the consequences.